Scientific Excellence· Resource Protection & Conservation· Benefits for Canadians Excellence scientifique • Protection et conservation des ressources • Benefices aux Canadiens Protocols for Research Vessel Cruises within the Gulf Region (Demersal Fish) (1970-1987) Edited by: Thomas Hurlbut and Douglas Clay Marine and Anadromous Fish Division Gulf Fisheries Center Department of Fisheries and Oceans P.O. Box 5030, Moncton, ew Brunswick, CANADA E1C 9B6 April 1990 Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences No. 2082 Fisheries PEkhes and Oceans et Oceans Canada Canadian lanuscript Report of f isherie and quatic Science ntnhut alltl ,lnJ lanu lflpt report <lr rrodu~ed reglOlhill\ but re numb r d 11,ltlOnall\ Rt:41l I for Illdl Idu,1! rtp)[t \ III hI: fllkd h Ih I UIIl..' I: t, bll hm nt II t d In Ih frolll o\er and title paue. Out-I)I- toe r pon \\ III be llpphcd lor a Icc b~ )111 Il1crctaI agent Rapport manuscrit canadien de sciences halieutiques et aquatiques Lt: rappor! UJ dt g Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences No. 2082 April 1990 Protocols for Research Vessel Cruises within the Gulf Region (Demersal Fish) (1970-1987) edited by: Thomas Hurlbut and Douglas Clay Marine and Anadromous Fish Division Gulf Fisheries Center Department of Fisheries and Oceans P.O. Box 5030 Moncton, New Brunswick CANADA EIC 9B6 (c) Minister of Supply and Services Canada 1990 Cat. No. Fs 97-4/2082E ISSN 0706-6473 DFO/2082 correct citation for this pUblication: Hurlbut,T. and D.Clay (eds) 1990. Protocols for Research Vessel Cruises within the Gulf Region (Demersal Fish) (1970-1987). Can. MS Rep. Fish. Aquat. Sci. No. 2082: 143p. Protocols for Gulf Region RV Cruises TABLE of CON1ENTS SUMMARY / RESUME v ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS / DISCLAIMER . vi I.. INTRODUCTION................................................................... 1 ..... 1 A.. Genera1.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1-1 Be Pre-19 8 3 Surveys e e $ e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e 1-1 C. Post-1982 Surveys............................... 1-2 I I. CRUISE PREPARATION 2-1 A. station Selection and Sampling Requirements .... 2-1 1. Pre-1983 Surveys............................. 2-1 2. Post-1982 Surveys............................ 2-3 B. Cruise Program 2-3 C. Check-List of Cruise Supplies 2-4 D. Going Aboard the Vessel......................... 2-6 1. Checking the Specifications of the Survey Trawl and Notes on Procedures to Evaluate Gear Damage.................................................................... 2- 6 2. Checking Supplies and Preparing for Work..... 2-7 3. Pre-cruise Briefing.......................... 2-7 II I. SURVEY PROCEDURES.................................. 3-1 A. Bridge Personnel................................ 3-1 B. Fish Sampling...................................................................... 3-3 1. Supervising Haulback......................... 3-4 2.. Sorting........................................................................... 3-4 3. Mixing and Subsampling....................... 3-4 Note on Sampling Unusual Individuals in a Large Catch..................................... 3-4 Table of random numbers.................... 3-5 Note on Size of Subsamples................. 3-6 4. Weighing Techniques and Maintenance of Scales . 3-6 5. Detailed Biological Sampling . 3-6 a. Length and Weight Measurements . 3-7 b. Sex and Maturity . 3-7 c. Otolith Collection . 3-9 d. Special Observations and Collections . 3-10 11 Protocols for Gulf Region RV Cruises TABLE of CONTENTS con't IV. COMPLETING THE DATA RECORDING SHEETS............... 4-1 1. Deck data sheet.............................. 4-1 2. Station data sheet........................... 4-1 3. Catch data sheet............................. 4 1 4. Length Frequency Tally data sheet............ 4-2 5 0 Length data sheet 0 e e e 0 e e e e e e e e e • e e eo e e e • •• • • • 4 -- 2 Table of Fish Sampling Requirements (prior to 1983)............................ 4-3 Table of Fish Sampling Requirements (subsequent to 1982)....................... 4-4 5. Fish (Biological) data sheet................. 4-5 Notes on Paper Work......................... 4-5 APPENDIX 4.1 Pre 1986 data forms . 4-7 APPENDIX 4.2 Post 1985 data forms . 4-13 APPENDIX 4.3 Glossary of data variables . 4-26 V. HyDROGRAPHy........................................ 5-1 A. General......................................... 5-1 B. Data Sheets..................................... 5-1 1. MEDS Bathythermograph Data Summary data sheet II ••••••• 5-1 2. MEDS Data Summary data sheet................. 5-2 3. MEDS Deck data sheet......................... 5-2 4. MEDS Bridge Log data sheet................... 5-2 5. Bathythermograph/Salinity data sheet......... 5-2 Time. .. •..••.....•.•....... ..•.•.... ... 5-2 C. Hydrographic Procedures......................... 5-2 APPENDIX 5.1 MEDS coding forms.................. 5-5 APPENDIX 5.2 MEDS coding instructions........... 5-12 VI . POST-CRUISE WORK.................................. 6-1 A. Clean-up........................................ 6-1 B. Processing Cruise Data and Material............. 6-1 1. Dispensing Cruise Records and Samples........ 6-1 2. Cruise Report................................ 6-1 3. Visual Checking, Coding and Keypunching...... 6-1 Deck data sheet....................... 6-1 station data sheet.................... 6-1 Catch data sheet...................... 6-2 Length data sheet..................... 6-2 Fish (Biological) data sheet.......... 6-2 4. Computer Editing and Checking................ 6-3 C. Preparing cruise Reports........................ 6-3 ill Protocols for Gulf Region RV Cruises TABLE ofCONlENTS con't VII. ANALySIS........................................... 7-1 -A.Ove+:Yiew•••••••••••••••••• elll •••••••••••••••••• lIJ. 7=1 B. Components" so •• 7-1 VIII. REFERENCES. 8-1 APPENDICES APPENDIX I MAPS OF SURVEY AREA A. D.F.O. statistical unit areas within the southern Gulf of st. Lawrence.... App - 1 B. Bathymetry of the southern Gulf of st. Lawrence......................... App - 2 c. stratification scheme used for demersal fish surveys of the southern Gulf of st. Lawrence App - 3 D. Bottom Types (Sediments) of the southern Gulf of st. Lawrence....... App - 4 APPENDIX II MAILING LISTS A. cruise permit (Research Permit) . App - 5 B. cruise Program . App - 7 C. cruise Report . App - 7 APPENDIX III SPECIES LISTS/CODES A. Complete list of aquatic plants, animals and other matter with their respective codes (SORTED BY SCIENTIFIC NAME) App - 10 B. Partial list of aquatic plants, animals and other material with the respective codes (SORTED BY CODE) . App - 31 APPENDIX IV CHARACTERISTICS OF SOME COMMONLY MISIDENTIFIED FISH SPECIES App - 48 APPENDIX V CRABS OF THE GULF OF ST. LAWRENCE, SCOTIAN SHELF AND BAY OF FUNDy App - 50 IV Protocols for Gulf Region RV Cruises SUMMARY Hurlbut,T. and D.Clay (eds) 1990. Protocols for Research Vessel Cruises within the Gulf Region (Demersal Fish) (1970-1987). Can. MS Rep. Fish. Aquat. Sci. No. 2082: 143 p. Canadian governmentresearch surveys for demersal fish species have been conducted since the mid-1950's in the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence. Standardized, stratified random inventory surveys were initiated in September 1970 in the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence using the RV E.E. Prince. Like other surveys in the Atlantic zone, this was designed to provide indices of abundance to monitor demersal fIsh stocks of the northwest Atlantic. This survey was conducted annually with the same vessel and gear until the mid 1980's. In 1985 the RV Lady Hammond replaced the RV E.E. Prince for the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence survey. The introduction of standardized surveys in 1970 was accompanied by a complete revision of recording formats, introduction of at-sea standing orders or protocols, and a revision of computer methods and formats. These methods, protocols and formats were applied to all demersal fIsh cruises including special purpose cruises conducted by the Department of Fisheries and Oceans. There have been signifIcant changes in many of the details of data collection, recording and storage. These have have continued to evolve in recent years. These changes have been due in part to a Departmental reorganization in 1982 which coincided with the rapid evolution of microcomputers and their application in the new Gulf Region. Although many changes have occurred the basic aims and fIeld protocols of the surveys have not changed. This manual updates an earlier version (Koeller, MS 1981) used by Marine Fish Division, Resource Branch, Maritimes Region. The present manual is a composite of the earlier version and others and is meant to outline standard demersal fIsh research sampling protocols, coding, and data defInitions used within the Marine and Anadromous Fisheries Division, Science Branch, Gulf Region from 1983 to 1987 (it also includes the protocols used prior to 1983). This manual is designed as an historical guide to the random stratified surveys of 1970 to 1983 and the fIxed station surveys of 1984 to 1987. The random stratified surveys conducted since 1988 are similar in design and protocols but this guide does not attempt to address these recent surveys. RESUME Hurlbut,T. and D.Clay (eds) 1990. Protocols for Research Vessel Cruises within the Gulf Region (Demersal Fish) (1970-1987). Can. MS Rep. Fish. Aquat. Sci. No. 2082: 143 p. Le gouvernement canadien effectue Ie recensement des especes de poissons demersaux du sud du golfe du Saint-Laurent
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