*## MORNING "* WWAY. (ABC) Wilmington <Q TV WECT, (NBC) Wilmington SATURDAY <99? L.^t.oq Inc Ft Worth. TX NOVEMBER 28 LU WBTW (CBS) Florence WTVD (ABC) Durham 6 AM 6:30 D WUNJ (PBS) Wilmington 7 AM 7:30 8 AM 8:30 9 AM 9:30 10 AM 10:30 11 AM 11:30 U1 CD WJKA, TmT (05) Mow My UndeicOTW Yt I XKK ¦An* Elizabeth tie Quean B tlam In Move Hostte Takeover 0 rtdmer A BEACON (CBS) Wilmington 0 Mrream Shakespearean rnrfd m*ir*re<l U -ill CBN, Family, Va Beach England. Queen Etoabeth Sanies her low lor power accountant snaps and takes his oWce hostage ^ D<"*yB'e<ik U 111 FOX. Fox Broadcasting Correspond DayBreak MM News/The HealthWorks ShowBiz Style Saence F'!m nW a B HBO, (Pay) New York CtoseUp B*g Story Moneywcek a 211 ARTS, A&E. New York ESPN (3 30) Col Thor.ougft SoortsCenter ESPN Out F«stwV Hole INbmate F«sh Video Walkers HunbnQ J Houston Great Out a _«j F£PN Mow YO,'r- a cd Football bredd fioest doors Strategy doors QotogiGameOay m (4 bed Uwle NICK, (Children's TV). NY X) improvctTien; belt Improvement buoe tvwy oouy "¦WJ UVMI ¦ « ui TBS. (Ind.). Atlanta Knows rsa° Kris Crxjrl MAX, (Pay), Cinemax. NY Cm Bits Eueekas Lasse Doug IRugrats Moppet y<v Can I on TV on TV SHOW, (Pay), Showtime Castle Babes w jCan Q WGN, (Ind.), Chicago Goner Pyle [Between thet |(OS)Gimmoke (051 Bonanza (051 WCW Power Hou (05) National Geognphc Explore* ia TMC, (Pay). Movies, NY Lines CD WWOR (Ind ). New York 5TT Backyard |Jo»o» Aleeiv Craft ICointry Expl Amer IGang On CNN. (Ind.), News. Atlanta America | Gardening Kitchen | Way LIFE, lifetime. New York I' <01 IMov* Sauti si he Ka |( 45) Move On Mm Law B Jam Hm the West Was Won Move A Listings U in DISN Calif. Outlaws Grande fl Jones K (Pay), Disney, Douglas ¦ Atlantic Telephone Co. Cable ta ed TNN.The Nashville Network USA Paid Program Pwi IHollywoodI Jus! the Ten |Cartoon Express LI Vision Cable ot N.C. 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Tx wr World pwnshK) College Football Golf 12 PM 12:30 1 PM 1:30 2 PM Jr 2:30 3 PM 3:30 4 PM Busmess IEconomics Economics World of Abnormal 4:30 5 PM 5:30 File Sooolopcal TSoaoiogeal Victory Almanac Frugal IWoodwnght IThe Old AY Varied USA USA Psychology Imagination | Irnagretion Garden Gourmet House American Gladiators Designing R Pe»ty To Be Announced Women Sports Saturday Days of Our Lives Another World MonlH WiBiams Oprah Winfrey Peoples INews GAT 'Vaior Lea< ; Wrest wcw ProWtsftng Athletes r, |Ctub Gort John Fox Anglers n 10th Frame Paid IHighlander WBTW Court 1% ling Motion Action Program VarKxJ Vaned Varied Air (A1 ART5 Combat Brute force The History of World at War Movie Gain' South J Mctafcan A spinster mames a Carohne s Comedy Hoi* WTVD M UJJ (D; Oprah Winfrey Peoples INews VtrQmian Rifleman Court Big VaUey Gunsmoke Bonanza Young Riders WUNJ IVaned Vaned IS Vaned One Sesame Street NewsDay Evans and NewsDay Newsmkr HealthWorks I Novak Style News/On iNews/Ycu News/ News/Future lEartyPnme I Newsmkr WJKA Vaned Sat the Menu | Money CtoseUp Watch I Sat CD 3 Vaned Vaned (11 X) School Sport College Basketball College [World Cup Skiing College Football TNT Vaned £3 ©CD Fruga1 Shoo Til Supermariiet Bom Lucky LA Law Unsolved Bare Essence 1 Gourmet You Drop Sweep Mysteries Movie (PI of 2) G Ftancis NICK Dennis the Dennis the Flipper Bevwx) Snow WMc Nick News Get the Welcome I Salute Y(x* EVENING *" Menace Menace Belief Pictue Freshmen I Shorts THURSDAY NOVEMBER 2fi (05) Movie Firewakert Gossefl Jr Soldiers o( (OS) Mow- King Sotann's Mines S Granger (05) Movie AJUn Ouatermaln and tie Lost City of (D I fortune help a woman search lor Indian treasure Gold Ft Qanbertan 6 PM elinq IGreat Outdrs Champttfiship Podco &g Bass INHRA Today Cup NASCAR Racing Beat 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 |Remode'»X) |Wnston ICountry (1100) Mow A Movie Band of the WW»Y Room for Homefront GanfigM River J Stewart A former outlaw Movie T Power IHondo PM) Two PnmeTime Live News Arser*o Hall At Doughs t"ids lis wagon tram inder siege by an old comrade ECT Movie Toik Avenger M Cohen A weaklug is Mow Tortc Avenger. 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Frog S Duvall IMow: Rodgers My Mystery* Naked Hollywood EastEnders EastEnders Quarter M Dcugta5 T»5 ArmA Warren (4 00j NFL Football Ent iHa'd Mow Toolsie D Hattnun A desperate New York Movie CoKsion Course P Mono ( 451 Movie All American Summer M Landes Tomgh: Copy Mow E T Tb® Extra-Terresftial H rhamas An alien strsided on Pad Srfk Stalk I 5 u- lands a |Ob alter as a woman iLiteSlones Earth is befriended a 10 old Evenng dressing by year boy Shade Prjg'arr inqs Mow BMed K Saved by j Throb Love Boat Matin by In UfM MctMnt |Mowe Young Einstein Y. 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