Relações coleção coleção Internacionais BRICS Studies and Documents MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS Minister of State Aloysio Nunes Ferreira Secretary General Ambassador Marcos Bezerra Abbott Galvão ALEXANDRE DE GUSMÃO FOUNDATION President Ambassador Sérgio Eduardo Moreira Lima Institute of Research on International Relations Director Minister Paulo Roberto de Almeida Center for Diplomatic History and Documentation Deputy Director Ambassador Gelson Fonseca Junior Editorial Board of the Alexandre de Gusmão Foundation President Ambassador Sérgio Eduardo Moreira Lima Members Ambassador Ronaldo Mota Sardenberg Ambassador Jorio Dauster Magalhães e Silva Ambassador Gelson Fonseca Junior Ambassador José Estanislau do Amaral Souza Minister Paulo Roberto de Almeida Minister Luís Felipe Silvério Fortuna Minister Mauricio Carvalho Lyrio Professor Francisco Fernando Monteoliva Doratioto Professor José Flávio Sombra Saraiva Professor Eiiti Sato The Alexandre de Gusmão Foundation (FUNAG) was established in 1971 as a public foundation linked to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs with a goal to provide civil society with information concerning global issues and the Brazilian diplomatic agenda. The mission of the Foundation is to foster awareness of domestic public opinion regarding international relations issues and Brazilian foreign policy. Renato Baumann Flávio Damico Adriana Erthal Abdenur Maiara Folly Carlos Márcio Cozendey Renato G. Flôres Jr. BRICS Studies and Documents Brasília – 2017 Publishing rights reserved to the Alexandre de Gusmão Foundation Ministry of Foreign Affairs Esplanada dos Ministérios, Bloco H Anexo II, Térreo 70170-900 Brasília–DF Phone: (61) 2030-6033/6034 Fax: (61) 2030-9125 Website: www.funag.gov.br E-mail: [email protected] Technical Staff: Eliane Miranda Paiva Fernanda Antunes Siqueira Gabriela Del Rio de Rezende André Luiz Ventura Ferreira Luiz Antônio Gusmão Printed in Brazil Originally published as BRICS - Estudos e Documentos ©Fundação Alexandre de Gusmão, 2017 Translation: Pangea Idiomas Revision: Paul Sekscenski Graphic Design: Daniela Barbosa Visual Planning and Layout: Gráfica e Editora Ideal Printed in Brazil 2017 B849 BRICS : studies and documents / Renato Baumann ... [et al.]. – Brasília : FUNAG, 2017. 350 p. ‑ (Coleção relações internacionais) ISBN 978‑85.7631.666‑4 1. Agrupamento Brasil‑Rússia‑Índia‑China‑África do Sul (BRICS). 2. Relações internacionais. 3. Bloco econômico. 4. Cooperação econômica internacional. 5. Novo Banco de Desenvolvimento (NBD). 6. Arranjo Contingente de Reservas (ACR). 7. Cúpula do BRICS (6. , 2014, Fortaleza, CE). I. Baumann, Renato. II. Série. CDU 339.92(1‑773) Depósito Legal na Fundação Biblioteca Nacional conforme Lei n° 10.994, de 14/12/2004. FOREWORD TO THE ENGLISH EDITION The Alexandre de Gusmão Foundation has been organizing projects to contribute to the research and debate on topics related to the international agenda of Brazil. One of these topics concerns the grouping of countries known as the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa). The Foundation’s research on this association has thus far resulted in publications such as: Brazil, BRICS and the International Agenda, and Debating BRICS. These 2013 publications arose from round-table discussions, seminars, and articles written by scholars, businessmen, diplomats, and opinion makers from Brazil and the other member-countries in the group. Debating BRICS started the compilation of the joint statements of the annual BRICS summits that began after the ministerial meeting in Yekaterinburg, Russia, in 2008. Its goal was to facilitate a more thorough study of the subject. In 2011, FUNAG edited the BRICS Bibliographical Catalog, an unpublished work in Portuguese and English that presents a set of core readings to understand the five countries that compose the intergovernmental grouping. The Sixth BRICS Summit, held in July 2014, in Fortaleza, Brazil, raised so much interest that a decision was made to edit a new book in order to update the analysis of the BRICS with material stemming from the latest milestone in its history: the agreements to establish the New Development Bank (NDB) and the Contingent Reserve Arrangement (CRA). These instruments are of historical importance, as they represent the very first institutions with their legal personalities created through the association’s own initiative. Given these results, the coordinated diplomatic action of the BRICS gained greater visibility and credibility, enhanced by the consistency and scope of the economic and financial instruments that were established. The dynamics of this evolution and the prospects that unfolded resulted in a need to update some of the Foundation’s previous publications, although they will always retain their value as sources of knowledge on the historical formation of the group and on the discussions that accompanied the proceedings. The demand for more recent analyses has been partially met by the article “VI Cúpula do BRICS: Perspectivas e Resultados” (The Sixth BRICS Summit: Perspectives and Results), written by Ambassador José Alfredo Graça Lima, which opens the first issue of Cadernos de Política Exterior (Foreign Policy Journals)1, a bi-annual publication released in 2015 by the Institute for Research on International Relations. It can be consulted and downloaded for free from FUNAG’s website.2 Nevertheless, the importance and complexity of the topic required an even broader editorial effort. The result is this new 1 The articleBRICS: de Fortaleza a Goa, published in volume IV of the same Journals, in the issue for the second semester of 2016, written by Minister Kenneth Félix Haczynski da Nóbrega’s, has updated and enriched the narrative on the BRICS. 2 GRAÇA LIMA, José Alfredo. VI Cúpula do BRICS: Perspectivas e Resultados. Cadernos de Política Exterior. FUNAG: Brasília, v. 1, n. 1, p. 11-26, 2015. (for a free digital download of this and other FUNAG publications, please go to: <http://www.funag.gov.br/loja/>). collection of articles that seeks to meet the demand for information, while supplying current and comprehensive perceptions on items of strategic interest to the international agenda of Brazil, with a special emphasis on global governance. In addition to the thematic essays, the reader will find a consolidated compilation of all joint BRICS communiqués, including the Fortaleza Summit, which will meet the expectations of scholars and researchers, as well as the general public. In March 2014, FUNAG collaborated with the Institute of Applied Economic Research (IPEA), in Rio de Janeiro, on the organization of the BRICS’ Think Tanks Council, as well as the Academic Forum.3 Together with IPEA, FUNAG co-edited The Sixth BRICS Academic Forum, which collected the texts discussed during the meetings of think tanks, research centers and academic representatives from the five member countries in Rio. This publication in English can also be downloaded for free from FUNAG’s Digital Library. In April 2014, in the midst of preparations for the Sixth BRICS Summit, FUNAG and the Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Affairs held a seminar, in partnership with the University of Fortaleza, called “BRICS Expectations for the Sixth Summit.” It was an initiative with broad impact that included the participation of Ambassadors from Russia, India, China, and South Africa. The event contributed to an understanding of the historical importance of the summit to be held in July of that year, in Fortaleza, by the heads of state and government of countries that represented 42% of the world’s population. This and other socio-economic indexes reinforced the perception of the degree of representativeness and legitimacy of actions taken by the BRICS, as well as their potential influence on 3 The Academic Forum stemmed from a proposal made by Brazil on April 15, 2010 during the summit of what was then called the BRICs countries (the capital “S” was added to the acronym in 2011 with the formal accession of South Africa to the group). The 2010 summit was held in Brasília. humanity’s destiny. For all of these reasons, the BRICS countries are seen as necessary partners when discussing global issues of high importance. With the same principle of disseminating Brazilian foreign policy and helping to shape a public opinion sensitive to the problems of international co-existence, FUNAG, together with the Armando Alvares Penteado Foundation and the Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, held a seminar entitled “An Evaluation of the Sixth BRICS Summit: Results and Expectations” in Sao Paulo, in October 2014. At that seminar, discussions co-chaired by the then president of the China-Brazil Business Council, Ambassador Sergio Amaral, took place, with the participation of diplomatic negotiators, scholars, experts and opinion-makers. In addition to institutional and financial issues – such as those surrounding the New Development Bank, and the Contingent Reserve Arrangement – political issues were also discussed, including such topics as: intra-BRICS coordination; areas of cooperation; outreach with South American countries; interpersonal contacts within the Academic and Business Forums; and matters related to inclusive growth and sustainable solutions. The Fortaleza Summit consolidated the understanding that the BRICS form a center of diplomatic articulation capable of creating social and economic structural changes that affect the international system. The results of the meeting have shown the complexity of the dialogue, mutual trust, and the ability to act together. In
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