E1338 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 18, 2013 100% disability in 1998 and he took up art and legal assistance on matters affecting essential PERSONAL EXPLANATION portrait painting. Four years ago, he and his needs of low-income and other vulnerable wife Delphine moved to Texas. people in our community. In the past ten HON. ALLYSON Y. SCHWARTZ When his daughter Bobby was 16 in 1998, years, Legal Services of New Jersey has pro- OF PENNSYLVANIA she asked Martinson for his dog tags. She ad- vided services for 42,873 low-income constitu- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES mired her warrior father and wanted the tags ents in the area. Their services seek to help Wednesday, September 18, 2013 to wear to show he was part of the rare breed individuals maintain safe and affordable hous- of Vietnam fighters. Martinson looked in his ing, gain suitable incomes, access quality Ms. SCHWARTZ. Mr. Speaker, on rollcall ‘‘war chest’’ and was surprised that they were health care and secure family stability. The or- No. 460, I was unable to be present for the not there. He surmised that the dog tag on the ganization has attorneys and administrators vote on H.R. 3092. Had I been present, I boot had been destroyed and the other tag working in Hunterdon, Morris, Somerset, Sus- would have voted ‘‘yes.’’ was left behind on the battlefield. His guess sex and Warren counties. f had been right. It remained on that same bat- Legal Services of Northwest Jersey is dedi- HONORING LEAH LAUDICK tlefield for 43 years, until Naismith found it. cated to the cause of equal justice and each On August 20, 2013, Naismith and some of year prioritizes their work and mission to serve the other searchers got on motorcycles, left different needs of the low-income community. HON. LUKE MESSER California and headed east—to Sugarland Recently, the organization has focused on dis- OF INDIANA Texas. They took L.P. Martinson’s dog tag aster legal assistance, access to health care IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES with them. Three days later—45 years after and assistance for those affected by HIV/ Wednesday, September 18, 2013 Martinson was wounded in battle—Martinson AIDS. In these areas, the organization has Mr. MESSER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to and Naismith met for the first time at helped those affected by Superstorm Sandy honor the memory of a young constituent, Martinson’s home. The day after they met, a as well as those seeking legal advice on ac- Leah Elizabeth Laudick of Greensburg, Indi- special ceremony was held in Missouri City, cessing benefits of the Affordable Care Act ana. Texas, in honor of Sergeant Lanny P. and Medicare/Medicaid. In order to provide Leah was a beautiful young girl who en- Martinson, United States Marine Corps. More these services, as a public-private partnership, joyed collecting rocks, chasing butterflies, and than 100 people attended the event, including the Legal Services of Northwest Jersey is picking flowers. Leah loved being with her motorcycle club members, Vietnam vets, citi- funded by federal, state and county govern- family whether it was playing basketball with zens, and City Councilmember Danny ments. Most notably, the U.S. Department of her brothers or caring for her younger siblings. Ngyuen—who was a young child living in Justice, Office of Violence Against Women, Leah’s parents, Andy and Shelly Laudick, South Vietnam during the war. Naismith pre- the Merck Foundation and the County Bar As- were both good friends of mine, and Leah’s sented Martinson the dog tag that had been sociations provide support for the organization. dad, Andy, was a fellow member of the left behind. In addition, the organization received a Greensburg Pirates’ varsity football team. The Australian teacher and the U.S. Ma- $20,000 grant from the State of New Jersey in We mourn a life that ended too soon and rine—now friends—plan to travel to Vietnam October 2012, specifically to provide legal ac- pray for understanding and comfort for family together. They will visit the battlefield of Khe cess to those constituents affected by HIV/ members and those in our community who Sanh where Martinson and his buddies val- AIDS. knew and loved Leah. While in times of tur- iantly fought, where he was wounded, and To highlight one of their own, William F. moil we struggle to understand the where a dog tag . was left behind. Matrician, Esq., a veteran, has served as an unexplainable, may we find peace and joy in Lanny Martinson intends to bequeath his attorney with the Legal Aid Society of Morris our religious faith and the memories of time dog tag to his daughter. County since 1971. He was instrumental in shared with those we love. And that’s just the way it is. helping the organization grow into the well-rec- I ask the citizens of the 6th Congressional f ognized and respected non-profit law firm that District to join me in keeping Andy and Shelly, their sons Brayden, Luke, Reid and Nicholas, OUR UNCONSCIONABLE NATIONAL it is today. His colleague, Joel A. Murphy, daughters, Lauren and Adalyn and the entire DEBT Esq., describes Bill as ‘‘a great attorney with a very big heart’’. Bill’s character and dedi- extended Laudick family in our thoughts and cated service to those less-fortunate in his prayers. HON. MIKE COFFMAN community is indicative of all those who de- f OF COLORADO vote their work and time to the Legal Services HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DR. QUENTIN IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of Northwest Jersey’s mission. YOUNG Wednesday, September 18, 2013 In recent news, the Legal Services of North- Mr. COFFMAN. Mr. Speaker, on January west Jersey has made available its MENTOR HON. JANICE D. SCHAKOWSKY 20, 2009, the day President Obama took of- (Meeting Education Needs Through Represen- tation) program to low-income constituents. OF ILLINOIS fice, the national debt was IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES $10,626,877,048,913.08. The Daily Record, highlighted and explained Today, it is $16,738,492,645,235.04. We’ve the mission of the program that seeks to meet Wednesday, September 18, 2013 added $6,111,615,596,321.96 to our debt in 4 the education needs of its client families Ms. SCHAKOWSKY. Mr. Speaker, I rise years. This is $6 trillion in debt our nation, our through representation over a broad range of today to honor my friend and hero, Dr. Quen- economy, and our children could have avoided educational areas, including special education, tin Young, and to wish him a very happy 90th with a balanced budget amendment. school attendance and registration, homeless- birthday. Quentin Young is the most cheerful, ness, educational access and school discipli- f indefatigable, self-confident, unrelenting and nary proceedings. Through the MENTOR and optimistic warrior for justice that I have ever HONORING THE 10TH ANNIVER- similar programs, the Legal Services of North- known. He is a tireless activist for health care SARY OF THE LEGAL SERVICES west Jersey provides constituents with help in justice, social justice, and equality. OF NORTHWEST NEW JERSEY obtaining their basic rights as citizens, in this My physician (until he retired without my case, access to a quality education. permission) and friend, Quentin has been the HON. RODNEY P. FRELINGHUYSEN Recently, the Legal Services of Northwest nationally recognized, erudite and silver- OF NEW JERSEY Jersey has struggled to provide the civil legal tongued spokesperson and irrepressible services needed by their constituents due to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES cheerleader for a single-payer national health fewer resources. Despite such obstacles, the care system for the last many decades. He Wednesday, September 18, 2013 organization has continued to provide the coined the phrase’’ Everybody in, Nobody Mr. FRELINGHUYSEN. Mr. Speaker, I rise most comprehensive and helpful legal advice out.’’ today to honor the Legal Services of North- it can to low-income constituents of northwest Literally ‘‘walking the walk’’, Quentin Young west Jersey, serving five counties of northwest New Jersey. walked the state of Illinois advocating for uni- New Jersey, which is celebrating its 10th Anni- Mr. Speaker, I ask you and my colleagues versal health care with now Governor Pat versary. to join me in congratulating the Legal Services Quinn. He was doctor, friend and advisor to As a non-profit law firm, the Legal Services of Northwest Jersey as they celebrate their Mayor Harold Washington, and personal phy- of Northwest Jersey seeks to provide free 10th Anniversary. sician to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. during his VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:47 Sep 19, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A18SE8.026 E18SEPT1 rfrederick on DSK6VPTVN1PROD with REMARKS September 18, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1339 visits to Chicago. Quentin never missed a who was sworn in this afternoon as the State Each of these six countries, to one degree chance to weigh in on what is now known as Department’s Assistant Secretary for Europe or another, has made clear their interest in Obamacare. and Eurasia. Assistant Secretary Nuland, a closer relations with the European Union and Dr. Young is Chairman of Health and Medi- career member of the Senior Foreign Service, has chosen—again voluntarily—to participate cine Policy Research Group, a group that he has served with distinction under Democratic in the Eastern Partnership. founded in 1980 to promote social justice and and Republican Presidents, most recently as challenge inequities in health and health care. State Department Spokesperson, as U.S. Am- Three of the Eastern Partnership coun- He is also the national coordinator of Physi- bassador to NATO, and as the former Vice tries—Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine—are cians for a National Health Program.
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