United StatesDepartment of the Interior FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE CentralWashington Field Office 215 Melody Lane, Suite I l9 In ReplyRefer To: Wenatchee,Washington 98801 CWFO:13260-2006-P-0010 Phone:(509) 665-3508 FAX: (509)665-3509 HUC:1702001I August37,2006 MEMORANDUM To: Project Leader, LeavenworthNational Fish Hatchery Complex Leavenworth,Washington From: Supervisor,Central Washington Field Office Wenatchee,'Washington Subject: Biological Opinion for the LeavenworthNational Fish HatcheryOperation and Maintenance This correspondencetransmits the EcologicalServices (ES) Division of the U. S. Fish andWildlife Service's(Service) biological opinion (Opinion),which is basedupon our review of the LeavenworthNational Fish Hatchery Operationsand Maintenance Biological Assessment,for the LeavenworthNational Fish Hatchery(Project), located along Icicle Creek in Chelan County, Washington. The attachedOpinion and documentationof informal consultationdescribes the effects of the Project on the bull trout (Salvelinusconfluentius) and other listed speciesin accordancewith Section 7 of the EndangeredSpecies Act (Act) of 7973,as amended (16 U.S.C. l53l et seq.). In the last biological assessment(BA) datedJuly 10,2006,you requestedconcurrence with your determinationsof "no effect" from hatchery operationsand maintenance activitiesfor the following species:gray wolf (Canis lupus),Canada lynx (Lynx canadensis),gizzly bear (Ursus arctos horribilis), Pacific fisher (Martespennanti), northern spottedowl (Srrrx occidentalis caurina), marbled murrelet (Brachyramphus marmoratus),yellow-billed cuckoo(Coccyzus americanus occidentalis), Wenatchee Mountainschecker-mallow (Sidalcea oregana var. calva),Ute ladies' tresses(Spiranthes diluvialis), and showy stickseed(Hackeliavenusta) in accordancewith section1(a)(2) of the Act, You also requestedconcuffence with your determinationof "not likely to adverselyaffect" bald eagle(Haliaeetus I euco cephalus). Concurrencefor "no effect" determinationsis not required from ES, but we appreciate you notiffing us of your determinations. Basedon the information provided, ES agrees that no impacts will occur as a result of the proposedaction to marbled murrelet, 2 yellow-billed cuckoo,Wenatchee Mountains checker-mallow, Ute ladies' tresses,and showy stickseed(Hackelia venusta). \Me do not concur with your "no effect" determination for gray wolf, Canadalynx, gizzly bear,Pacific fisher,and northernspotted owl. EcologicalService's opinion is that the Project "may affect but is not likely to adversely affect" gray wolf, Canadalynx, gnzzly bear,northem spottedowl, andbald eagle. ES concludesthat project implementation"will not jeopardizethe continuedexistence" of the Pacifìcfisher. Since the fisher is proposedfor listing; your responsibilityto "conference"is complete. In the enclosedOpinion, ES has determinedthat the proposedProject, as described, is "likely to adverselyaffect" the bull trout; however, the level of anticipatedtake is not likely to resultin'Jeopardy" to the species.Critical habitatfor the bull trout doesnot occurwithin the actionarea; therefore, the Projectwill not destroyor adverselymodifz proposedcritical habitat for bull trout. ES acknowledgesand appreciatesthe patience and participation of the Leavenworth National Fish Hatchery,Fisheries Resource Office, YakamaNation, andregional ofhce personnelin completing this consultation. Thank you all for providing technical information and coopèrationneeded to completethis consultation. If you havequestions about this Opinion or your responsibilitiesunder the Endangered SpeciesAct, pleasecontact David Morgan of the Central.WashingtonFish andWildlife Office in Wenatcheeat (509) 665-3508x24 or via e-mail at david [email protected]. Attachment Cc Sentby Email to: Brian Cates,Mid-Columbia FisheriesResource Off,rce, Leavenworth, WA JanaGrote, Fisheries Resources, Pacihc RegionalOffice, Portland,OR Mariel Combs,Office of the RegionalSolicitor, Portland, OR Dale Bambrick,National Marine FisheriesService, Ellensburg, WA CourtneyTaylor, U.S. Departmentof Justice,Washington, DC Kurt Beardslee,Washington Trout, Duvall, WA Biological Opinion For the Operation and Maintenanceof LeavenworthNational Fish llatchery through 2011 FWS ReferenceNumb er 7326A-2006-P-0010 U.S.Fish and Wildlife Service UpporColumbia Fish andWildlife Office, Spokane,Washington CONSULTATIONIIISTORY ........,..4 INFORMAL CONSULTATION ........5 BTOLOGICALOPTNION ......... .........7 B. CurrentStatus and Conservation Needs........... ..............15 H. Genetic A. WenatcheeRiver Core Area - Abundanceand Distribution................ ....................21 B. FactorsAffecting the Bull Trout's CurrentCondition in the Vy'enatcheeRiver Core Area.... .......28 C. Summaryof Bull Trout Statusin theWenatchee River CoreArea..... ..........,..........32 D. Bull TroutStatus in theAction Area ................................: .....,...........33 E. Bull TroutDistribution and Abundance in theAction Area............. .......,................36 F. Role of the Action Area in the Persistenceof the WenatcheeRiver CoreArea Populationof the Bull Trout....39 G. FactorsAffecting the Species'Environment in theAction Area............. ................40 H. Summaryof EnvironmentalBaseline .......50 D. Historic I. Release J. Bull TroutPrey Base in theHistoric Channel .................6l K. Hatchery/WildInteraction Effects on Bull TroutPrey Base............. .......................62 INCIDENTALTAKE STATEMENT........... ......................66 II. AnticipatedAmount or Extent of Take of Bull Trout........... .............66 IV. Reasonableand Prudent Measures ..........67 CONSERVATIONRECOMMENDATIONS,........... .........72 RE-INITIATION NOTICE ..............75 LITERATURECIT8D.............. ......,76 ATTACHMENTA.............. ..............86 Figures and Tables Figure 1: Map of LNFH andvicinity Figure 2: 2004leicle Creek hydrog¡aph upstreamfrom all diversions Figure 3: Map summarizing effects of the proposedaction on bull trout passage Table 1: Diversion rates from lower Icicle Creek in cfs ' TabIe2: Average monthly flows in Icicle Creek INTRODUCTION This documenttransmits the Fish andWildlife Service's(Service or USFWS) biological opinion (Opinion) basedon our review of the proposedoperations and maintenanceof the Leavenworth National Fish Hatchery (LNFH or Project) located in Chelan County, Washington, and its effects on the threatenedbull trout (Salvelinusconfluenhts). This intra-serviceconsultation was conductedin accordancewith section7 of the EndangeredSpecies Act (ESA) of 1973,as amended(16 U.S.C. 1531et seq.). Your July 10, 2006,request for formal consultationand the fìnal biological assessment(BA; USFWS 2006a)were receivedthat day. This biological opinion is basedon informationprovided in: the BA and four draft BAs; numerouse-mails and meeting notes about the Projectcompiled since 2003; National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) documentspertaining to LNFH; published literature and unpublishedreports; the proposedand final rules for listing of the bull trout; the draft Bull Trout RecoveryPlan (especiallythe chapteron the upper Columbia River recovery unit); the proposed and final designationsof critical habitat for the bull trout; local watershedanalysis and field surveysprepared by the U.S. ForestService; State of Washingtonlimiting habitatfactors analysis;Upper Columbia SalmonRecovery Plan and associatedanalyses; watershed planning documents;and field visits to the project site. A completeadministrative record of this consultationis on file at the Service'sCentral Washington Field Offìce (CWFO) in Wenatchee, 'Washington. LeavenworthNFH Complexwas authorizedby the GrandCoulee Fish MaintenanceProject in 7937 andreauthorized by the Mitchell Act of 1938. The hatcheryis one of threemid-Columbia stations(Leavenworth, Entiat, and Winthrop NFHs) constructedby the Bureau of Reclamation (BOR) as fish mitigation facilitiesfor the GrandCoulee Dam, ColumbiaBasin Project. Constructionbegan in 7939,and funding was providedthrough a transferof funds from the BOR to the Serviceuntil 1945. From 1945to 7993,the Servicehad funding,management, and operationresponsibilities for the complexof 3 hatcheries.Beginning in FiscalYear (FY) 1994 the BOR assumedfunding responsibilityfor the complexwhile the Servicecontinued to manage and operatethe three facilities. In FY 2004 the direct funding agreementbetween BOR and Servicefor O&M at the Complexwas approximately$3.9 million. Annual funding is projected to average$4.4 million per year for FY07-09 (BPA 2006). CONSULTATION HISTORY March 1999:The MosesLake Field Offrce issueda memorandumto the LNFH concurringthat operationsand maintenanceof the hatcherymay effect, but was not likely to adverselyaffect bull trout. April 2003: The Service'sEcological Service's program (ES), LNFH, andthe mid-Columbia FisheriesResource Office (MCFRO) met to discussnew or updatedconsultations for several activitiesthat would be neededat LNFH over the next few years,including Icicle Creek RestorationProject Phase II, andthe IntakeRehabilitation Project. ES advisedLNFH to initiate formal consultationon operationsand maintenance(O&M) at LNFH becauseadverse affects on bull trout were occurrine due to O&M at LNFH. June2005: LNFH advisedES that it would begin developinga BA for O&M at LNFH. November 2005: LNFH submitted a draft BA for O&M to ES; ES reviewed draft and requested additional information. January2006: LNFH submitted a seconddraft BA for O&M to ES; ES reviewed draft and requestedadditional information. March 2006 LNFH submittedthe
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