Volume 85. Number 84$1.00 WEDNESDAY, MOUNT PROSPECT JULY 8, 2015 ECRLOT 0013A"C071 MT PROSPECT PUBLIC LIBRARY 0000085 10 S EMERSON ST STE 1 MT PROSPECT, IL 60056-3295 1,11.,11...11,...1.1,.11,...11...1.11.1...1.1....1111 11.1 Fireworks light up the sky over Chicago PH, Friends Executive Air- Locals port Friday, July 3 for the Pull Off Wm* first time as part of a new event between Successful Come the airport, Prospect Heights and Show At Wheeling. Thru For (Photo by Sta- cey Greenhill) Airport By the end of the day last Friday, an estimated 20,000 Legion people had made their way to Location: Ellinwood Street "Rock 'n' Run the Runway" Will Donate By the Des Plaines Library festivities at Chicago Executive (Between Pearson & Lee Streets) Airport (CEA). Funds To Post Fridays "It was just an incredible For Marching 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. success," said Prospect Heights June 19th to October 16th Mayor Nick Helmer. Band Appearance A 5K run in the morning on Seordilsr asIN FICON11011: Cifel IN Mass farmers Marro CEA's runways and the arrival By RICHARD MAYER of food trucks and live music Assistant Managing Editor in the afternoon were capped by a fireworks display over A longtime Mount Pros- the airport grounds later that pect business is footing the night. bill for American Legion It was a first-time event for members who had to pay CEA and its owners, Prospect Township High School Heights and the village of Dist. 214 almost $1,000 for Wheeling. the Prospect High School The mayor gave credit to or- MarchingBand to perform ganizers from both towns who in the recent MemorialDay started making plans for the parade. bash in January. "That group After reading an article in did one heck of a job." the July 1 Mount Prospect Only one problem was re- Journal about how Mount ported to Helmer throughout Prospect Legion Post 525 the day, which he only classi- received a bill from Dist. fied as a misunderstanding with 214 for $932.35 for band an attendee. students to be transported to Plenty of parking remained the parade, Mark and Chad as did space. Helmer said the Busse of Busse Automotive airport grounds could prob- contacted post members Bill ably fit 40,000 people for next Starr and Dutch DeGroot. year's show. The Busse's informed Eight food trucks kept event - Starr and DeGroot they goers' bellies satisfied. The would write a check to re- Girl Scout Troop 40505 members were all smiles Saturday as they wave to hundreds of local residents mayor, exaggerating, said "we imburse the local veterans lining the annual Fourth of July parade route in Mount Prospect. See more photos on page 5A. (Photo by Mike Zarnek) probably could've used 28." (Continued on page 2A) TUESDAYS,. JULY Play slots or table games to earn entries from July 1-28. On Tuesdays, 10 guests each hour will be called to choose canisters containing Fla.: Reward Play or a shot at the Grand Prize-a motorcycle package valued at $25,000! DRAWING DATES AND TIMES: Tuesdays. July 7,19,21 & 28 at 6, 7 & 8 p.m. co Lc) Visit paysbig.com/RevltUp for complete details. O O WIN A HOTEl &CAS; 1/5 MEATtab bier IALVOME WI 11231. 1 infOleal6 POSSE CS . HARLEY-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLE PACKAGE *VP inflst 21 Tf otaM10AfiIEREErfl'S11Le MEMBEReVelbeer lefeereSee IS ma WIPERS kflereegiF Re etvzs MANCEefle '004E, All bfr, CANtel; Mfg 94, CALI 7bO5A .15.5 OR I:KC RFANARD PLAY CAM ftiliS COMITY eniViteetallart I Page 2A NitiantAdiiii, I The Journal www.journal-topics.com Restaurant Fined For Overserving Alcohol By RICHARD MAYER been overserved alcohol, kickedinfluence of alcohol, was iden-place that says when one serverserving intoxicated patrons. Assistant Managing Editor out of the restaurant and weretified as Geoffrey Massey, 50,or bartender takes over for an- As part of the agreement, the believed to be entering theirof the 900 block of Brush Hillother, the one coming on shiftBASSET training certificate on Moretti's Restaurant was or-vehicles to drive away. Lane, Lake Zurich. will be cognizant of all open tabsfile was dismissed since one was dered during a Mount Prospect Approximately 10 minutes Ernie Bloomquist, the attor- and how much alcohol has beentendered to the village. Serving liquor license hearing yesterday later, police, on scene or closelyney for Moretti's told Juracekserved to customers. intoxicated individuals was also (Tuesday) to pay $1,500 in finesarriving, received anotherhis client is "embarrassed and Charges facing the establish-dismissed. Moretti's has 30 days and update its policy when itcall that one of the allegedlymortified" of the alleged oc-ment included no Beverageto pay all fines and include store comes to serving patrons. overserved individuals got intocurrence and ensured JuracekAlcohol Sellers and Serversmanager Natalie Carson's name Mayor Arlene Juracek, whotheir vehicle and drove into ait won't happen again. The es- Education and Training (BAS-on the liquor license on file with also serves as liquor commis-creekbed on the east side of thetablishment has a new policy in SET) certification on file andthe village. sioner, presided over the hearing Moretti's parking lot, 1799 S. at village hall. Busse Rd. According to police Crime "We observed a vehicle trying Prevention Officer Greg Sill, to drive out of the creekbed, butEarly Look At New Grocery Store officers at approximately 8:45the tires were spinning in the p.m. Mar. 31 received a call from mud," Sill said. an employee of the establish- That individual in the car, later ment that two individuals hadcharged with driving under the Local Business Gives Check To Legion (Continued from page 1A) he recently mailed the Legion organization. the check. Artists rendering of proposed Mariano's food store that may be built possibly next year. The property is "It is an organization that we District officials said last located at the northeast corner of Golf and Mount Prospect roads in Des Plaines and across from south- believe in and affects the livesweek the charge was due to ern Mount Prospect. A bus repair company operated out of the existing building at that corner for many years before leaving for newer quarters about two years ago. The land is also next to Blackhawk Park to of so many people," Marktransportation costs and part the west. Ald. Dick Sayad (4th) will host a ward meeting on Aug. 6 at Golf Road Baptist Church where the Busse said. He has owned theof a contract with private bus grocery store proposal will be discussed beginning at 7 p.m. car shop off Prospect Avenuecompany First Student. since 1980. "And on top of it, The district charged the Prospect High School shouldvillage of Mount Prospect be part of the parade -- it's so$2,000 for the Prospect natural -- and we don't wantMarching Knights to perform to see the Legion or schoolthis past weekend in the Do You Have separate." Fourth of July Parade. The band bill cut the Le- Neighboring Maine Town- Balance Problem? gion's annual budget in half.ship High School Dist. 207 Tired of being off -balance, dizzy, fear The donation will bringdoes not charge municipali- of falling or limited mobility? Post 525's budget back up to tiesor local organizations for If so, Progressive Physical Therapy is now offering a breakthrough where members might be abletheir schools to participate in treatment called Vestibular Rehabilitation. This amazing treatment to provide other communityparades. Instead, it is part of works by retraining the balance system as a whole, so that instability, events later this year. their annual budget. dizziness, fear of falling or vertigo becomes things of the past. "When they called me, they Starr said he was glad to said they read the article andsee Dist. 207 does not charge Covered by Medicare and just wanted to help and do theveterans or other groups to be most insurance plans right thing," DeGroot said. "Ipart of community events. He Know if you are at risk was astounded." added maybe Dist. 214 would of falling "It is most appreciative,"follow suit. Regain your balance Starr added. "I don't believe the parade Build your confidence "We were not looking forwould be as exciting without recognition, we just wanted toProspect High School," Starr Maintain independence help out," Busse said, addingsaid. Put the stability back in your life r.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-. 1 e Get back to doing the things you love "I am now balanced when walking, and turning my head while limIt TUCKPOINTING & REMODELING 0MARK'S walking. I am more steady. I have become more secure with walking." - Thank you, M. V.D. c Tuckpointing-Brickwork All Types of Roofing , il I 1: Masonry Repair Sheet Metal Gutters For the next 7 days only, call to get I1 pi, Lintel Replacement Cement Steps & Walks % II:, Parapet Wall Rebuilding Siding, Soffit, Windows ; .. 61 Caulking & Waterproofing Porches & Decks % 11.4tE % balance and fall risk assessnitint. I with this coupon. Int ('all for FltEE Estimates % We will do a detailed balance evaluation 4 computetheittflifi risk IEl . assessment to determine the source of your balance problem ::: then receive an analysis of your repammended treaVnent option. 1 -77: V774-0444 ..._: :.; Fully To book your Appointment 1: 111171 Insured & Member of Better Business Bureau - 1.1,1 Licensed6402 W. Raven St., Chgo, IL 60631 1=11.: Cal! 847-758-1100 WIAIIIMmemMillumnimM.A.M.Mm...m...m.m.....111=11..m..M=M.M=MAIA.M=M=M.Mml www.journal-topics.com The Journal I Wednesday, July 8,.2015 I Page 3A DUIArrests By Town/2014 Rank Municipality DUI Arrests Sworn Officers DUI Arrest Rate 15 Arlington Heights 221 106 2.08 18 Schiller Park 196 37 5.30 Arlington, 32 Buffalo Grove 151 63 2.40 34 Hoffman Estates 145 93 1.56 35 Niles 144 54 2.67 Schiller, BG 35 Palatine 144 109 1.32 38 Rosemont 134 79 1.70 42 Mount Prospect 127 83 1.53 59 Wheeling 96 62 1.55 Top Area 63 Glenview 92 70 1.31 78 Des Plaines 69 97 0.71 85 Prospect Heights 59 25 2.36 89 Rolling Meadows 55 49 1.12 DUI Arrest 90 Elk Grove Village 54 95 0.57 90 Lincolnshire 54 23 2.35 95 Park Ridge 49 54 0.91 121 Kildeer 22 8 2.75 Rankings Source: AAIM The Alliance Against Intoxicated Motorists (AAIM) The 'Decatur Police Dept.
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