t F A G AVERAGE DAILT CIBCIILA’nON for tbe Month of November, 1038 THE WEATHER Foreraat of C. S. Weather Bureau 6,193 Hartford Member of tbe Aodit Oocaaloaal rain and warmer to- Bureau of CIrenIsttonB ila n d iP B tP r lE npitiim SfpralJi alght; Tuesday partly doody, eolder by night. MANOIESTER — A (TTY OF VIILAOE ( HARM V O L .L V I I L , N O . 55 (Claaatfled Advarttatag tm Paga U) M A N C H E S T E R , C O N N „ M O N D A Y , D E C E M B E R 5, 1938 (bXMJKTEEN P A (;E S ) PRICE THREE CENT8 ih^nee (Governor O o ss Dem onstrates K iss a-nu PROPOSES HIGH flieat LABOR BOARD HELD - Bui llsie. TAX TO BLOCK ASSERTS FRANCE HAS Bnafi EXCEEDING POWER He TRADE TIEUPS NO INTENT OF CEDING BY HIGH TRIBUNAL Would Be Levied Against prospi issUlV SANTA GLAUS SURPLUS Those Calling Strikes, power (ii?en Broad Regulatory Au- IS LATEST PROBLEM •even ANY PART TERRITORY consti thority Oyer Industrial St. Louts, Dec. 5— (A P )—A ■ Voluntarily Taking Ma- ( Santa Claus surplus is this city’s : 074.00 latest unemployment problem, f chmery Out Of Production N. Y. Glamour Queen | Daladier PersiHially Answers Ass Concerns, But Can’t Break Twelve roly-poly, jovial gen- FASCIST PRESS •I pn Uemen Hated with the Red Cross ineom Guest at (Cotillon He —which acta aa a Saint Nick ex- Italian Chmor For Corsi- Bargaining Agreements. Washington. Dec. 5— (A P )— An •R-- tnu#: change— thus far have been un- SEEKS REDRESS The able to obtain Jobs. Industrialist proposed to the Senate ca And Timisia; Urges Bh hft aal Profit-Sharing CJommittee today aumh Washington. Dec. 5.— (A P ) — that government levy a high tax on opinlo jThe Supreme Ckmrt gave the Na- IN TERRITORIES those who call strikes and those who habitants To Remain Moi gonal Labor Relations Board broad Koose voluntarily take Industrial machin- bling _ ilatory authority over indus- MORGAN AVERS ery out of production. Cahn; Plans Visit T e Iward. trlli^concerns today but held that Mentions Tunisia, Corsica C. W. Hazlelett, president of the invest it had exceeded Its powers In or- Hnzelett Metal Company o f New and t dering the abrogation of collective TVA WILL LOSE York, told the Committee that such And Djibouti As Areas Two Regions Next Yetr. h in U bargaining contracta between the taxes. If accompanied by lower Consolidated Ekliaon Company of taxes for those who maintain a high rate of employment of their pro- That Might Be Ceded To TM New Tork, Inc., and an affiliate of 3M1LU0NYEAR Paris. Dec. S— (A P )— Premier ductvie facilities, would solve the the American Federation of Labor. Daladier flatly asserted today that unemployment problem. In a decision by C3ilef Justice Italy To Right Matters. France had‘ no IntenUon o f giving Hazelett, author of a book on In- Ka M Hughes the tribunal held that the with beauteous Sheila Kerry advertising model, aa hla subject Ousted Chairman Charges centive taxation, argued that tax up any part of her territory, per- begin! board had supervision over compan- Gov. WUbur L. Cross participated In a "demonstration of osculation’* ies like Consolidated Edison which laws should be geared to the produc- sonally answering Italian clamor for at an exhibit at New York city last week. BIXLETIN! prefer operate In only one state, but tion of ’’tremendous” profits, which French Ooreiea and Tunisia. Also That Yardstick Rates he said can come only from “great Rome, Deo. ft.— (AP)—Vlr- nMttb which sell their product to other Daladier, in a communique, an- ilf concerns engaged in Interstate employment of money, men and gtnlo Oayda, who frequently Is eanflie property.” apokeeman for Premier Mnsao- nounced his intention ot TWttng agree! commerce. Do Not Represent True Handing the Labor Board Its "W e must make it so profitable Unl, Indicated today that Italy the two regions shortly aftsr tha TM first o f the year. first partial defeat In litigation de- for all these things to be in a high FORD’S PATENTS POUCY would make demands on LUMal rate of production and so expensive France at some future date. Ha urged inhabitante, who have tM . cided by the high tribunal, the court Cost Of Generating Power for them to be in a low rate of pro- Tlie anthorltatlve Faaclat edi- been demonetratlng rlotouely thus 8 ruled that the Board had failed to duction that no class, be It labor or tor, however, did not disci one against the Italian campaign, to re- tmti give the Federation affiliate notice main calm. that validity of the contracta was capital, can afford to be Idle," be IS AID TO COMPETITION precisely wliat the demands Brenda Frmsie* Washington, Dec. 5— (A P )— Dr. said.” "Thera la no need to state In dispute In the litigation. would be or when they would to SMI Arthur E. Morgan, ousted chairman “Too Expensive To Strike” be made. these manlfsstaUoBS (in Italy) w ill Oiui*t Invalidate Contracts. Baltimore, Dec. 8.— (A P )—With In tun of the Tenneaaee Valley Authority, Under his plan, he added, "obvi- mast strong opposition agalnat ths It added that tbe NatlomU Labor a swloh of hoop alclrta reminiscent cession o f any territory over which ously It will be too expensive for Rome, Dec. 5— (A P )—Italy clam- Pi*’ Relations act "gives no express au- estimated today that T V A ’s power Licenses Those It Owns And WARSHIPS the national flag floata,” tha p n - either labor or capitol to strike.” of the past with w)Uch it is Usd in Alaakan thority to the board to invalidate sales would result In an annual loss ored through tbe Fascist press to- mler declared. contracta with Independent labor " I f labor is made Idle by a strike, deep tradition, tha famed bachelors' of $3,157,000 If present rates are day for redress of "wrongs” attrib- Been Donbly liiralflnant organizations." those responsible for the strike cotiUon comes off tonight and soma continued when the proposed sys- must support those made Idle there- uted to France In the post, and statemsat was n g a v M as The collective bargaining con- 78 debutantes wUl make their "com- tem of dams Is completed. by. In any case, the responsibility SHQl fAKHOI doubly algniflcaat in view at prep- tracta were entered Into by tbe com- mentioned ’Tunisia, Corsica and ing out" bows to society. arations hare to recalva Jeachtfli pany with the International Broth- Testifying before the Congres- for supporting Idle people Is upon Djibouti as territories that might be A s their predecessors kavs sinos Von Rlbbentrop, Qermaa forsigh erhood o f Electrical Workers. sional committee Investigating the those who make them Idle, and ta- ceded to Italy to right matters. 1798, the debutantes will corns out minister, who is coming to Paris Tha Board bad taken Its action agency. Morgan also charged: bor has no fear of the lack of a Job vices, Company Head Says IN NEW MOVE Tbe Press stressed moral claims In formal fashion’s latest, and to sign a Ftench-Oarmaa ao-wflr on a complaint by the United Elec- 1. ’That the "yardstick rates” of or of support.” to African ’Tunisia and tha Mediter- strong hint of the gay ’M's, say ^ He argued that the right to accord. trical and Radio Workers of Amer- communities buying power from ranean Island, Corsica, and argued those who have peeked at the prepa- strike had not Improved the condi- rations, wiU mark this year’s cotil- Daladisr dM not limit Ua re- ica, a do affiliate. T V A did not represent the true cost Washington, Dec. 5.— (A P ) — that Djibouti would be valuable as Hence today's action, some attor- tion of labor because a strike re- Invasion Of Kwangsi Prov- lon. marks to Italy's newty-raisad Ap. of generating the power and In some a natural port for a great part of mandz. " neys said, represented at least a duces production ’’and therefore Bdsel Ford told the Federal Monop- Thera wUl ba hoop skirts, and Instances Involved hidden suboidies. Ethiopia. victory In part for the A F L over real wage^ ” and becauM eapital oly Committee today that the Ford feathery headdreosea and gowns cut Ha also dselarod Francsli roeole- (Ohe of the purposea In creating ince Expected By Giinese **Th$ port Is oompUtaly uselsos In the ______ also may atrlke in retaUaUon. ^ o to r Company's policy ol encour- In deooUets styls. UoB to demand rsapaet for “ tha ah- TVA was to c^hUsh a yardstick French hands,” tha newspaper soittto integ rity” of all m n e h tartt- Oonteads State ReguliUeit with which the government could "The fact, that capital can UVe In addition to ths BslUmora much longer on its occumulatlm »eing Inventors to manufacture Popolo D1 Roma said, "In view of daughters, mors than a score wiU bs tonr by " e m y ~t — r“ Oonsoltdated Edison contended In measure tbe fairness o f rates charg- their own Inventions tended to en- In Attempt By Nipponese ths fact that Italy can create a new arguments before tbe court It was than labor,” he said, "makes tbe presented from other cities, among , ®“ th Rrenoi and Oermana agroa ed by private.poTver companies.) courage competition. port and divert through It all not subject to tbe Federal act be- strike of the latter absolutely fu- them Mias Brenda Diana Duff Fra- thstt tha war-remmclation pMt.
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