Mrs. Whitney's Miss C. Delafield, PERSONAL INTELLIGENCE. MISS STEVENS OF CASTLE POINT GEN. COWANS, BRITISH LOST AND FOUND. DIED. MOW YOHK. WAR LEADER, IS DEAD Wearing Apparel. : .i-RRACH.Bradford, at April 1#. in the :«y»»rEii,z^b't«V»S' Fit Shown Leader in Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Aator, who re¬ ENGAGED TO EDWARD B. CONDON LOOT.About 10 A. M. Saturdav. Apr!! IB neral eerV.ce* a.t Trinity C*»rcli,^'..,?*Vtz£E.lza- Politics, as on *t SculptureSy turned last week from Bermuda, are at Served Quartermaster-Gen¬ uetwe«n 1«7 East 80th at. aod Lexington beth. Mouday afternoon. AprU 1#. ?heir Rhlnobeck house. eral in World Conflict. av. arid 7*th at., large skunk collar, with 4 o'clock. in to Wed limn* partly ripped out. Reward If returned Paris, Praised Engaged !o above addi>m« Gen. Horace Porter, who celebrate^ Mintonc, France, April 16..Gen. Sir his will LOS'I Sealskin nee kplece, near the Mai! eighty-fourth birthday Friday, John Steven Cowans. 58 years old, a Frid*>': rew,irJ* FLAOg! i{o to Greenwich, Conn., In June for the member of the British Army Council r&.-v^^VTw5^,v. on Monday. April 18, at 8 F. M. Luxembourg Curator PJaces Sewetary to Aldermanic Presi¬ summer. 145*'\vr*M(thark' Ed*erl>. Oscar M. during the European war, died hero to¬ tats, Dogi, Ac. day. FLOYD.-On April 15. a*.> 7« Hor in First Bank of Amer¬ dent to Become Bride of It. n-ral ^orf".Morrttt Btarlia .*« Mr. an1 Mrs. Charles L. Riker are Gen. Cowans made a lifelong caret r at Chapel Stephen few at LOST.- rnK. Belgian police, female, Pip. Co.. Ifil Mil *v.. «/r«*»r MA Artists. iiasj-Ing a days their house of the army, which he entered in XSbl, Irr® L. i anrWers tQ name of 2 o'clock. ican Me Marsh. name on collar. Glen at., Bunday, Curdy »-enbrlsht, X. J. winning successive to m. Cradle; owner* Tci promotions Cov.- ttx8. Reward. on 15. In 1908 and i FLYNN..George H.. April v,Iss Annie B. will to her brigadier-generalship loved husband of the late Jennings go lieutenant-generalship in 1915. lie at¬ LOST.Pomeranian, very small. blue, 82d*"^T~ (rife 8mlth>. Funeral from his lata ran- Paris, April 16..An exhibition of Miss iCharlotte Delafield, one of the house in Fairfield. Conn., May 1, where " '">e!'al inward. Apt. t. Schuy- BTfJ£ Mrs. tained the rank of general In 1919. He detvce, Bergenfleld, N. J-. sculpture by Gertrude Vanderbllt few women tif New York society whose she will renu'in until July 15, when #he served in India several before the 3-'j'-,va> ADrt! 18 at 10 A M., thence to.on_AfChurch fit of New York In has won years * Whitney o"pened to-day activity In politics public will go to Europe. war, but returned to before LOST..Boston bull, golden brown! whlTe Ht. John the Evan«eUst. the Galerle Georges Petit under the aus¬ will become the bride of Mr. England marking*: neighborhood E. 27t.h reward mass « ill be celebrated forwh^the repoae ff recognition, hostilities broke out, and was at the of Bt. John . pices of Leonce Benedite, curator of the Robert MoCurdy >lar«h of this city. Mrs. Whltelaw Reid will arrive at Mr*. LEWIS. Hotel Senton, 27th. Madison av i>!s soul Member* Council. and War Office as quartermaster-genei al of K of of Duniont. N. J.. *nd Luxembourg Rodin museums. Their engagement was announced yes- Ophir Hal!, White Plains, X. Y., from the forces from 1912 to 1919. LOST..Bulldog, Boston brlndle, male: scar of Holv Name Society are respectfully In M. Benedite, in a critical analysis of terday by her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Cal'fornia In May. left shoulder,* Sunday, reward. kincs vlled to attend funeral. Interment »t Mrs. Whitney's art. writes: "Her will, Lewis Livingston Delafield of 20 West bridge 3237. Calvary Cemetery. Went 8hore R. n. perseverance arid talent have resulted Fifty-eighth street. The wedding will Mrs. Walter S. Gurnee and Miss Pell JOH\ FREDERICK BECKER. LOST.WRLitfl TERRIER; REGARD L trains leave Weehawken at 9:15 A. M. finally In placing her in the first ranks take pla< e in the near future. B. Gurnee have gone to France. John Frederick Becker, 72, of 6 8 .> W. NOEL, 130 BABT 8UTH ST. FRANK. Suddenly. on April J«. "pnry. In nr that valiant an<i interesting group REWARD..I,oat. Apit! 12, between f2 hl« With year, father of Mrs. 8. II. Com®. iSoon after her introduction to .society Bushwick avenue, Brooklyn, treasurer ISO a Bertha. Chtude" 1 I'. M . <iurnian dog, maje, fou- rrie. Fr«d, Murray of American sculptors, a thriving school Delafield to take the Mr. Hairy Payne Whitney is enter, of the William l.'lmer died nnd police K«l»*Fd til* "«i that has artists." in 1910 Miss began brewery, nor.ths ota, iich: gray, on East fith at., near Frsnk. Funeral from -iala produced exceptional matters that won her a tsining a party of friends at his house in a sanitarium at no rwidcuco, Pfl Harrison av.. Baldmn. The exhibition Interest In civic Friday Wernersville, av J., or thereabout*; quewtiona. Kindlv comprises twenty-seven place among the resourceful young wom¬ In Westbury, L. I., over Sunday. Pa., where he had been undergoing return POSNER. 10!8 East 9lh st.. near av Monday, April 18. at 11 A. or of which M. Benedito Phone At id wood r.27!». ment Rt Machpelah Cemetery. 12M.tojWr-noon. pieces groups, en of this city. She progressed success¬ treatment. Mr. Becker was born in J. Brooklyn. particularly praises "An Aztec Foun¬ Charles will start OL'EDALIA.-NaUianI«I Edgar, at fully through college, society, suffrage, Mrs. Cary Rumsey Germany. He entered the brewing Hospital. In his 41ft year,beloved ion M tain," "The Titanic Spirit of the Red and In France for London by the Olympic next Wednes¬ business after his and welfare work in this city marriage to Kath- BIRTHS. Aaron and EllzabetU Guedalla «»«*.»* Cross" "Paganism." the war and politics until last De¬ day to join Mr. Rumsey there for the erlne Ulmer, daughter of the late Will¬ brother of Jacob A Services at Mrs. the wife of Mr. during Fun ral Lenox av.. Mjjf" Whitney is Harry cember, when she was appointed private polo. iam Ulnier. He leaves a widow, two Mrs. Herbert Cohn (nee Parlor. 223 Sunday. Payne Whitney. She arrived in Paris C°HN.-Mr.,,nnd,15®8 Rogers av.. announce April 17. 10 A. M. Havana. Cuba, and secretary to F. II. La Guardia, President pons. William U. and Frederick IV. ».« .. i* Gibraltar early this month, and intends to exhibit Miss Katlierine Wilks, who J>the birth of a daughter. Rhoda. Acrll li. papers please copy. of the Board of Aldermen. l^angdon Becker, and two daughters, Mr?. on Friday. 8. at her works in London after the Paris cx- was a of her sister, Mrs. Byam and Mra. David Herman, HAMILTON..Mary, April hlDltion. In announcing the appointment Mr. guest Berthoid Fallert and Miss Martha, W. Hl^^V-Mr.1-10 Watervlew place. Far Ro.-ka.way, 40 Chrlstnnher st. fit. Louts and wee K. Stevens, has returned to her home Becker. the a eon haw ken papers please copy. Da Gnardla said he had made the selec¬ Ixiiijg 1-dand, announce birth of , tion because Miss Delafield was an ex¬ in Gait, Ont. on Tueeday, April 12. 1921. HERZIG..Suddenly, George W. Herslg. In¬ ENGAGED TO P. X. OLMSTED. the DR MA DEL..Mr. an/! Jlw. I rving Nadel an¬ terment Sunday. April 17. Private. pert In municipal affairs. During I.EO J. J. COMMISKEY. In his 16..Mr. and that sent Mr. Da Guardia into Mr. and Mrs. William Sloane and their nounce the birth of a daughter, April 13 IMBRIE..On April 15, Henry T. Worcester Mass., April campaign Miss Dr. Lao John «t 41 Prospect Pari; S. W., Brooklyn.' filth rear. Funeral private. Please omit Mrs. Aldus Chapiti Higgina of Worcester local public office Miss Delafield was daughter. Margaret Douglas Joseph Commlskey, 42, flowers. district £lcane, have returned from a tour of of 189 Sixth avenue, Brooklyn, gyne¬ announce the engagement of their tin* youngest of the Assembly | RIESENBURGER.-Mr. and Mm. Irving KELLY..Suddenly, on April 14. at Southern the Fifteenth Dis¬ Xew England by automobile. cologist and obstetrician, died Friday at (nee A in. daughter, Miss Elizabeth Brosius Hlg- leaders. Hers was the Rlesenburger Eva Ik of 4fl pros¬ Pines. N. C.. Coluniban J. Kelly, age 7* gins, to Mr. Frederick Nelson Olmsted, trict, of which she was a leader until King* County Hospital, where he pect av.. Flushing, announce the birth years, dearly beloved father of Francis who was one of the of a son. Adeline A. son of Rev. I)r. and Mrs. W. B. Olm¬ recently, when she resigned because of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur H. Masten, visiting surgeons. Death X. Kelly. Mary T. Hughes. work. She has continued as have 'been passing a fortnight in Ber¬ followed an operation for appendicitis. ROSE7CBT2RG..On April 11, to Mr. and Mr*. Kelly. Katherine A. Sheridan. sted of Pomfret, Conn. Miss Higgins official G®?n!°*T1r;'. of Women have returned to Xew York. Dr. was born in I .manual \\\ Rosenberg (nee Muriel T Howard and the late James II. Keilj made iher debut last winter. Mr. Olmsted a member of th" League muda. Commlskey Brooklyn a Funeral from residence of hi" daughter. she and was a of the fcoloxnon), born, eoai, Arnold E.
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