September 13, 2018 Volume 99 Number 04 THE DUQUESNE DUKE www.duqsm.com PROUDLY SERVING OUR CAMPUS SINCE 1925 Residents Flight 93 victims remembered stuck in and honored by nation on 9/11 Brottier Hallie Lauer features editor elevators SHANKSVILLE – One hour and 17 minutes after the first plane Gabriella DiPietro hit the North Tower of the World news editor Trade Center, Flight 93, carry- ing 33 passengers and seven crew Elevators can be useful – almost members, crashed into a field in essential – when buildings have Shanksville, Pennsylvania, at 580 numerous floors and endless miles per hour. staircases. But, in order to utilize “Hero is one of the most over- their convenience, they have to used words in any language. The actually work. people of Flight 93, the 40, are Shortly after 9 p.m. on Monday, heroes,” Gov. Tom Wolf said in Sept. 3, one of the three elevators his observance speech on Sept. 11. in Brottier Hall, an apartment- “They did not know who they were style residence hall on Duquesne saving, they only knew their fellow University’s campus, broke down, Americans were at risk.” trapping seven residents inside On Sunday Sept. 9, the new- for roughly 40 minutes. est addition to the memorial was In May, Brottier Hall was dedicated. The Tower of Voices acquired by Radnor Property Group is a 93 foot tall tower made of (Radnor) and Harrison Street Real 40 separate windchimes. Each of Estate Capital (Harrison Street). the 40 chimes, representing the The building’s operations have 40 lives on board Flight 93, play been managed by Capstone On- a different note, further symbol- Campus Management since Aug. 1, izing the different backgrounds they came from. as a result of a partnership formed Hallie Lauer/Features Editor see ELEVATOR — page 3 President Donald Trump gave a speech at the Flight 93 Memorial in Shanksville, Pennsylvania, on Sept. 11, honoring and see VICTIMS — page 2 remembering the individuals who sacrificed their lives to save fellow Americans after their plane was hijacked 17 years ago. Duquesne professor explains hunt for anonymous writer Raymond Arke author. He is also the founder editor-in-chief of Juola and Associates, a firm specializing in forensic text analysis for legal cases. The nationwide hunt is on The recent op-ed in the New for the anonymous Trump York Times, titled, “I Am Part administration official who of the Resistance Inside the wrote the Sept. 5 New York Trump Administration,” has Times anonymous op-ed led to great speculation over critical of the president. One which administration member Duquesne professor, with plenty wrote it and a great number of experience in finding true of denials from officials. Juola authors’ identities, discussed is not working on finding the how the process works. culprit this time, as he is too busy Patrick Juola, a computer with other projects, however science professor, has discovered he offered some of his initial anonymous writers before. In impressions. 2013, he received international “It’s not Mike Pence,” he said, attention for identifying J.K. disputing a common claim that Rowling, of Harry Potter fame, the vice president was behind as the author of The Cuckoo’s the op-ed. “The use of ‘lodestar’ Calling, a detective novel. [a word commonly used by Pence Last year, he participated in and included in the op-ed] is a an effort to unmask the true Duke Archive Photo blind,” meant to point the finger author behind the works of Patrick Juola, a Duquesne University computer science professor, has past experience debunking author’s aliases, Elena Ferrante, a beloved Italian such as J.K. Rowling and Elena Ferrante. However, he’s not sure who wrote the recent op-ed in the New York Times. see OP-ED — page 2 opinions features sports a & e Follow us on... Op-ed raises Local farmer’s Le’Veon still Remembering questions market absent Mac Miller Loyalty within Trump’s Shopping local is Steelers, RB The Duke talks to inner circle is put to good for wellbeing remain divided on local rappers about the test... and economy... negotiations... the artist’s legacy... @theduquesneduke PAGE 5 PAGE 6 PAGE 7 PAGE 9 2 THEDUQUESNEDUKE bluff briefs Trump visits Flight 93 Memorial in Shanksville Fall Career Expo! promising to never flinch in the those killed on Sept. 11, 2001. Students looking for face of evil and to do whatever it “A message to the world,” Presi- internships, jobs or graduate takes to keep America safe,” Presi- dent Trump said. “America will school opportunities are urged dent Trump said. never submit to tyranny. Free to attend the Center for Career Gordon Felt, the president of people are never at the mercy of Development’s largest career Families of Flight 93 and a brother evil people, because our destiny is expo of the year. of one of the passengers, also spoke always in our hands.” The expo will take place of the courage and loss of those pas- For some spectators, it wasn’t as on Wednesday, Sept. 19 from sengers and their families. He also, much a look at the future but, rather, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the A.J. however, looked to the future. a recollection of where they were on Palumbo Center. “We have to choose to actively the day that would forever remain in Interested students should remember. We have to choose to America’s history books. bring their Duquesne University ID card and multiple copies of rise up and be better, as our loved “I was at work,” said veteran their resume. ones did. If we choose to forget the and spectator Jerry Waltz. “It was The Center for Career lessons of 9/11 … we will become like the world stood still.” Development encourages each less honorable, less heroic, less The reflections on the past, and student to share their skills free,” Felt said. the marvelling toward the future, and interests with potential Many of the speakers comment- came together in Gov. Schweiker’s employers and discuss graduate ed on how now, there are students call to action for what we must do programs with a variety of college learning about the 9/11 terror attacks presently. and university representatives. Hallie Lauer/Features Editor as a historical event, and not some- “The threats remain real, so we For more information about thing from their lifetime. A com- must remain vigilant and we must the Fall Career Expo, visit www. Veterans, officials, family, friends and those who wished to honor the Flight 93 victims gathered at the memorial site on the morning of Tuesday, Sept. 11. mon theme was the idea of looking prepare a new generation of lead- duq.edu/fall-career-expo or forward, of carrying on the legacy of ers,” Schweiker said. contact Jen Liedl at liedlj@duq. edu or 412-396-5605. VICTIMS — from page 1 hijackers and the passengers en- sued, the plane then crashed into Flight 93 went down in Shanks- an open field. ville, Pennsylvania, 125 miles “It was here that freedom took its and a mere 18-minute flight from dramatic stand,” former Pennsylva- POLICE briefs Washington, D.C., the original nia Gov. Mark Schweiker said. target for the hijacked plane. The The families of those killed in This past week was plagued passengers and crew, once they the crash were seated at the front with rain, flooding and miserable realized what had happened at the of the observance area. Each walks to class, but fortunately, the Twin Towers, the Pentagon and speaker addressed them — specifi- police reports were slim! Never- now on their own plane, held a cally thanking them for the cour- theless, PB&J never fails to in- vote to fight back. age of their family members, but form students of the latest drama. One of the audio clips from also offering support. those fateful moments is from “Today, all of America wraps up On Sept. 4, a resident student re- flight attendant Sandy Bradshaw. and joins together. We close our ported that her vehicle was dam- In the clip, she is on the phone arms to help you shoulder your pain aged while parked in the Locust Garage. with her husband, telling him that and to carry your great, great sor- they were boiling water to throw row,” President Trump said. “Your On Sept. 8, an underage DU stu- on the hijackers. tears are not shed alone for they are dent was found intoxicated in Six minutes after that phone shared grief with an entire nation.” Towers. The student was referred call, during which, according to “And here, in this Pennsylvania Hallie Lauer/Features Editor to the Office of Student Conduct. audio clips, a struggle between the field — we honor their sacrifice by After each of the Flight 93 victims’ names were read during the observance, bells were rung. JOIN THE DUKE! Op-ed stumps many Writing for The Duke is a Hurricane approaches great way to get involved with AP — Hurricane Florence dangerous hurricane. everything going down on language professionals put a corridor of more than 10 “Do you want to get hit with a campus. Whether you like to million people in the crosshairs train or do you want to get hit with write, draw, take photos, play OP-ED — from page 1 Wednesday as the monster a cement truck?” said Jeff Byard, video games, listen to music or Graphical Authorship Attribution are just looking for a new way to Pence, Juola said. Program (JGAAP). JGAAP uses storm closed in on the Carolinas, an administrator with the Federal to make friends, The Duke is a Juola said that it would be samples of a person’s writings uncertainty over its projected path Emergency Management Agency.
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