Adjournment thereof, which sliall happen next after Thomas Rogers, formerly of Tleet-market, in the Parish of St* THIRTY Bride, London, late of St. John-street Clerkenwell, in the Days from the FIRST Publication - County of Middlesex, Glocer. 'of the under-mentioned Names, viz. Thomas Snead, formerly of the Parish of St. Peter, in the City of Hereford, Joiner and Cabinet-rriaker> late of die Pa­ ' Prisoners in the KING's BENCH Rrifon-, rish of St, George, in the Borough of Southwark, Victualler. in the County of Surry. John Smith, late of -St. George's Hanover-square, in the County of Middlesex, Taylor and Victualler.' First Notice. Matthew Thompson, late of Snow's Fields,"" in tie Parilh of St. Mary Magdalen Bermondsey, in the County of Surry William Henry Shute, late of Cornhill, London,_ Sword Ca'rpenter and Shopkeeper. Cutler and Hatter. # . Ludovicus Hislop, late of Cambridge-street in the Parish of St. Henry Rivers, formerly of Worcester, late of Liverpool, in James, in the County cf Middlesex, Gentleman. thc County of Lancaster, Yeoman. Joseph Dand, late of Piccadilly in the Parish of St. James in Thames Andrews, late of Wych-street, in the Parish of St. the County of Middlesex, Stocking-maker and Hosier. St. Clement Danes, Hat-maker. William Knight, kte of Guildsord- in the County of Surry, Francis lic.ll, late of the Parish ofRedburn, in the County Butcher. os Hertford, Innholder. Samuel Monk, formerly of Comb-mill, in the Parish of Ilford, William Chilton, late of Great Windmill-street, in the Pa­ ' late.of Milton-hill-farm,-in.the Pariih of Milton, both in rish of St. James Westminster, Saddle-tree Riviter. the County of Wilts, Farmer. Oliver Farmer, late of Dean-street St. Ann's Soho, West­ Richard Sandland, late of Bridge-street, in the Parish bf St. minster, Cheesemonger, Margaret Westminster, Haberdasher. Thcmas Simons, formerly of Gravel-lane Houndfditch, in the City of London, late of Whitechapel in the County of Middlesex, Victualler, Taylor and Chapman. Piisoners in tbe MARSH ALSE A .Prison, Nathaniel Townshend, formerly of Milksham, lateofTrow- in the County of Surry. bridze, both in the County of Wilts, Breeches-maker and Glover. First Notice. John Carter, formerly of Abridge in the Parish of Lambourn, Thomas Lovejoy, formerly of the Parish of St.Mary Newing­ Essex, Baker, late of Gravel-lane in the Parish of Christ ton, in the County of Surry,. late of the Paristi <5f St.James Church, Surry, Victualler. Clerkenwell, in the County of Middlesex, Glass-gutter. Thomas I.'evvton, sormeriy pf Edmonton, late of Old-street in the Parilh of St. Luke, Middlesex, Watch-maker and Vic­ William Edridge, sormeriy o£ thc Parish of Clerkenwell, late tualler. of die Parish of St. Andrew Holbourn, both in the County of Middlesex, Butcher. John Dolby, formerly of thc Chequer Inn Dowgate-hill, late - cf RustU-street St." Martin in the Fields, Green Grocer, Thomas Hodgson, formerly os die Pariih of Stockton, in the Dealer and Chapman. County of Durham, late os die Parisii of St. Ann Soho, John Gav.ory, lormcrlf of White-church near Ulsburgh in in the County- of Middlesex, Breeches-maker. the Ccunty of Buck;", late of Clare-market, Middlesex, Joseph Wager, formerly of Compton-street, late of Allen- B.k'-r. street, both in the Parish of St. James Clerkenwell, Butcher. Willian. H'-'.'iciy, lute cf Tco:inj i.i the County of Surry, Thomas Green, late of the Parish of St. Leonard Shoreditch, Dealer r.ni C^pn-ian. in thc County of Middlesex, Oilman. Thomai Ii0..k!:ii, sor./.erly of the Pari.Ti of St. Leonard East-, Robert Waters, late of the Parish of St. Martin in the Fields, cheep. Leiden, late of the Parilh of St. George the Martyr, in thc County of Middlesex, Brush-maker. " in South war!:, in trie County of Surry, Tinman. Luke Gibbons, late of St. James's Market, in the County of John Turner, foimerly of the Parisli of St. Mary Newington, Middlesex, Butcher. Ostler, law of the Parish of St. George rhe Martyr, both in Mary Brown, formerly of the Parish os Clerkenwell, late of the County of Surry, Victualler. the Parish of St. Clement Danes, in die County of Middlesex, . Arnold Turner, formerly of the Parish of St. Mary Magdalen Widow. 7 Benr.ondsey, late of the Parish of St. George the Martyr, Edward Podmore Davis, sormeriy of Newport in Shropshire, both in the County os Surry, Tobacconist. Maltster, late of Bermondsey, in die County of Surry, Vic­ Joshua Beezley, formerly of the Parisii of St. Saviour South­ tualler. ward, late of the Parish of St. George the Martyr, both Joseph Nisbett, late of the Parish of St. Andrew Holbourn^ in the County of Surry, Fear-nothing-maker. in the County of Middlesex, Peruke-maker. John Hitchins, formerly of thc Parish of St. Mary Lambeth, Richard Stone, formerly of St. Margaret's Westminster, lato late of the Parish of St. George the Martyr, both in the of St. Martin's in the Fields, both in the County of Mid­ •County cf Surry, Milkman. dlesex, Gentleman. Rcchael Walmeliy, forme-Jy of Rotherhithe in the County of Sarah Turner, formerly of the ParjsJi of St. Mary Lambeth, Surry, late ot" Shad-.* e^l in the County of Middlesex, Dealer in the County of Surry, late of die Parish of St. Andrew end Chapwoman. Holbourn, in die County of Middlesex, Victualler. Tbcmas Fort, late of Minchingham in the County of Glou- Martha Belfour, formerly of St. Mary's Lambeth, in the Coun­ - cester, C'oth'tr. ty of Surry, Jate of St. James's in the County of Middlesex, lliotca; Webb, formerly of the Parish of St. Giles Cripple- Spinster. gute in theCii.- of London, late of St. George tlie Martyr in Martha Cooper, arrested by the Name of Martha Munday, the Borough of SVahw. rk, Surry, Victualler. formerly of the Town of Derby, late Of the Parilh of St. John Pliiliips. formerly of St. Mary Whitechapplg, late of Paul Covent Garden, Spinster. • - St. John Hackney, both in the County of Middlesex, Cheese­ Mary Craven, formerly of Mary le Bon, late of Bloomsbury monger. Square, both in the County of Middlesex, Widow. James Richardson, formerly of the Parish of St. Olave in Thomas Hornby, formerly of the Parish of St. Mary le Strand, the Borough of Southwark, late of the Parish of St. Saviour Middlesex) late of the Parish of St. Sepulchre, London, iu the said Borough of Southwark, both in the County of Stay-maker. Surry, Cheesemonger. John Phipps, formerly of the Parisii of St.Bridget otherwise St. Ralph Middleton, formerly of St. Olave, late os St. George Bride, London, Jate of the Pariih of St. John the Evance-ist, the-Martyr, both in Southwark in the County of Surry, Westminster, Chandler. _ , Wire-drawer. Daniel Alexander, formerly of Glasgow in Scotland, late of Prisoner in the TOWER Goal, St. Dunstan in die WeS, London, Gentleman. John Choate, formerly of Maiden, late of Rumford, both in First Notice, the County of Essex, Baker. David Ross, formerly of Rosemary-lane, Whitechapel Parisli, Aaron Lamejio, formerly of Bray-wick, in the County of late of East Smithfield, in the Parisli of Aidgate, Ceft- Berks, late of Chamber-street in Goodmans Fields^ in the tieman. Parisii of St. Mary Matfellon otherwise Whitechapel, in the County of Middlesex, Gentleman. Jacob Lopez Diaz, formerly of lliington, in the County of Prisoners in His Majesty's' Prison of the Middlesex, late of Baker's Buildings in Bisliopsgate-street, FLEET. * London, Merchant. » Samuel Landoh, late of Norton Falgate, in the County of First Notice. Middlesex, Weaver. William Evans, late of Southampton Buildings, -in die Pa'iifri John Atkins, late of Chipping Campdon, in the County of of St. Andrew Holbourn, in die Coimty of Middlesex, Gloucester, Mason aud Shopkeeper. Taylor. Jchn Ali'ept, late o. Plymouth, in the County of Devon,- Joseph M'lnes, late ofthe Coal-yard, in thc Parisli of $t, Shopkeeper. - Giles in die Fields, in the County of Middlesex, Victualler. John Dewdney, formerly of St. Mary Magdalen's Bermond­ Ma'thew Thome, late of Bridgewater,. in> die County of So* sey, in the County of Surry, late of Cole-stairs Shadwell, in merfet, Tanner. the County of Middlesex, Victualler and Taylor. Thomas Downes, late of Beer-lane, in she Parish of Afl« Frederick Miller, otherwise Fried Miller, late of Sherard- hallows Barkin, London, Ticket Porter. • ftreet, in the Parish of St.' James Westminster, in the Coun- Minty Hannam, formerly x>f Peckham Rye, iri the Parisli of os Middlesex, Cabinet-maker. Camberwell, late of St. George's Southward bo"& ist the William Willcox late of Litde Peter Street; in die Pari/h of County of Surry, Dealer in Rags. St. John die Evangelist, in the Liberty of Westminster, in James Wilson, formerly of die Parish of St.- Paul J>eptfohf, HHrW tliz County os Middlesex, Ironmonger and Locksmith, in the Co-jnty of Kent, h;e »f. the Psriih of St. George Southwark, Victuallerc "No. 10090. 8 Joh« .
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