MORTIMER WEST END PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the Meeting of the Council Date: Wednesday 8th June 2016 Time: 7.35pm Place: Mortimer West End Village Hall Present: Cllr Robertson (Chair) Cllr Thurlow (Vice Chair) Cllr Brown In Attendance: Christine McGarvie (Clerk) 0 members of the public Aimee Scott- Molloy – PCSO Cllr Marilyn Tucker (Borough) Cllr Keith Chapman (County) Apologies: Cllr Gardiner (Borough) Action 1 Apologies for Absence None. 2 Declarations of Interest None. 3 Minutes of the Last Parish Council Meeting and the AGM 3.1 It was unanimously agreed that the minutes of the meeting held 27th April 2016 were a true and accurate record. It was unanimously agreed that the minutes of the AGM meeting held 17th May 2016 were a true and accurate record. The minutes were signed by the Chairman. Minutes of the APM to be signed at the next meeting. 3.2 Matters arising None 4 Open Forum 4.1 The Chairman invited questions and comments from those present. Aimee Scott-Molloy, the Police Community Support Officer gave a report on policing in the parish. The main problem they are dealing with is motorbikes Clerk on the Englefield estate which is cross border ie. West Berkshire and Hampshire. There has recently been a fire in the forest which is suspected to be arson. In May there were 2 incidents of motorbikes on the estate and there have been upwards of 15 reports in other months. There were 2 burglaries in May, one was a non-dwelling shed on Park Lane and second was a burglary on Simms Lane where a significant amount of jewellery was stolen. They are hoping to replace PC Dean Stickland, who recently retired, in the next few weeks and then they will be able to start speed enforcement again. Cllr Robertson asked about Parish meetings with the police which used to take place and why they stopped. Aimee to find out and let us know. There is currently a recruitment drive in the police and they are hoping to get another PC in Tadley. Cllrs. asked about the parish crime reports which they used to receive but no longer do. Clerk to send contact details to Ms Scott-Molloy so that we can be added back on to the distribution list. 5 Planning & Development 5.1 New Applications 16/01711/FUL – Tree Tops Pamber Road Silchester RG7 2NU 2016-06-08_Mortimer Page 1 of 7 8th June 2016 WE_PC_Minutes final Action Erection of replacement dwelling Cllr Robertson to speak with the immediate neighbours but we have no Cllr objections at this point. Robertson/Clerk 16/01516/HSE – Courtlands Pamber Road Silchester. RG7 2NU Erection of two storey side extension and associated works following demolition of existing garage Cllr Robertson to speak to neighbours and report back any comments. 16/01802/OOBC - The Round Oak Reading Road Padworth Common Reading Berkshire RG7 4QG Erection of new stable block. West Berkshire Council requesting consultation response from B&D. No comment on this as out of area. 16/00415/FUL - APP/H1705/W/16/3148220 1 The Bridges Mortimer West End Reading Hampshire RG7 2JB Erection of new dwelling and associated works Comments on the appeal by 6th July. 16/00612/FUL - APP/H1705/W/16/3149714 Land At No.1 The Bridges Mortimer West End Hampshire Erection of 2 bedroom bungalow and associated works Comments on the appeal by 6th July. Clerk to check whether comments were originally sent on these 2 applications for 1 the Bridges as the appeal document states that there were no objections received from the parish council. 5.2 Approvals/Refusals – no recent approvals or refusals. 2 applications awaiting Clerk decisions (appendix A). Cllr Tucker reported that 15/03893/HSE - The Laurels Soke Road Silchester is currently being reconsidered and may be approved. Clerk to contact Rob Simms in planning office to outline Councillors concerns because of size of garage it might that it is to be used for business purposes and request that a condition be added so that it is not used for this purpose. The council consider that the entrance is onto the road and is not suitable for a large number of turning vehicles. 6 Highways & Footpaths issues 6.1 New issues – Litter on road verges. – A concern was raised at the APM about the Clerk amount of litter along the road and in ditches. Clerk to contact Basingstoke and Deane about litter collection. Also to contact Pamber Clerk about joining the Lengthsman scheme. 6.2 Outstanding issues – Clerk Cllr Tucker raised the issue of subsidence of edge of road on Wall Lane. Cllr Chapman has asked highways to look at potholes along Wall Lane. Cllr Chapman reported that there aren’t the resources to do these repairs at the moment. It was agreed that the clerk should report the deterioration of the sides of the road in Wall Lane to highways. 6.3 Speed Limit Reminder sign update – The last email that previous clerk received stated that “The post alterations will be included within the next batch of work issued to our Clerk 2016-06-08_Mortimer Page 2 of 7 8th June 2016 WE_PC_Minutes final Action signs contractor in May. I am hopeful we can fund the post alterations The three locations are: Church Rd – new post opposite village hall. Church Rd – new post in front of telegraph post just north of Church Soke Rd – Repeater sign post location nr/opp ‘Heatherstone’ facing s/b traffic We will undertake the first deployment during June so that it is within term time as requested.” New clerk has sent another email requesting an update but he is out of office until 9th June 7 Reports 7.1 Clerk’s Report a. Website update – New clerk has spoken to Vision ICT and reviewed the new site. Some additional documents have been sent to them which they have Cllr Brown/ All uploaded and they have also added a news section for us. There are a few outstanding items before the site can go live, mainly pictures for the banner and the auditor’s report. Cllr Brown to send clerk photos to be forwarded to web designer. There was some discussion about how the website would be publicised but Clerk this will be finalised once the web site is ready to launch. Clerk to look into the Digital Transparency Fund to cover the cost of the website. b. Clerk’s contract and training – New clerk’s contract was agreed and signed at Clerk the meeting. Clerk requested to attend some introductory clerks training which will cost £75 +VAT run by HALC. Also future training being run by HALC Local Council Finance £75 + VAT; 24th November. Basic Planning for local councils £35 Winchester; 29th September. Minute taking £35 + VAT, 4th October. Total Cost of all training proposed would be £220 plus vat and this was unanimously approved. Clerk to book training. c. Joint Chairs and Parish Clerks Meeting (BDAPTC) New clerk attended the meeting on 8th June. Latest update on devolution proposals from leader of the council, Clive Sanders. He gave some history of proposals that have been made by various authorities. Currently waiting for government response to a bid by Heart of Hampshire. Research being carried out by PWC, results expected in October. Mel Barrett gave a projects update including the approved local plan and developments such as Manydown. Also leisure park improvements and Basing View. He talked about the possibility of a second housing list being created for people looking for affordable homes to buy. Inspector Paul Pressley talked about Community Speedwatch and there was lots of discussion about what was working and what wasn’t. Slide pack available if anyone wishes to have copy. Clerk met the new chair of Silchester Parish Council Simon Mahaffey who is keen to make links with neighbouring parishes. He asked whether he could be invited to our next meeting and all agreed that he should be invited. 7.2 Reports from PC representatives None. 7.3 Borough Councillor Report – Clerk 2016-06-08_Mortimer Page 3 of 7 8th June 2016 WE_PC_Minutes final Action Cllr Tucker reported that the local plan has been adopted and that parish councils can apply to the borough for a free copy . Clerk to request a copy. County Councillor report – Cllr Chapman gave further updates on the devolution plans . The County Council preferred option is to maintain a 2 tier system of local government. Deloitte were commissioned to provide a report on the various options. They determined that a Unitary authority would be the cheapest option. HCC are going to consult the whole of Hampshire (in a similar way to the library consultation. 8 Parish Environment 8.1 Update on Broadband – Cllr Robertson Cllr Robertson received letter saying that he is going to get faster rate from Sky but the general feeling was that this may not actually be available in this area. Cllr Robertson will report back on this. 8.2 Burnt common landscaping Cllr Robertson Cllr Robertson to speak with Michael Hatch at Relief in Need to find out what Hansons are doing as regards landscaping of Burnt Common 9 Consultation Documents requiring consideration None 10 Finance 10.1 Payments and Reconciliation Approval – see appendix B. The clerk outlined the payments and reconciliation for April. She noted the following: Payment due to MWECC for recreation ground maintenance. All other payments are as expected. It was unanimously agreed to approve the payments for June – Clerk to process. Clerk suggested that it would be helpful to have online access to bank accounts so a more accurate picture of current finances can be given.
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