2H - MANCHKSTKH HKKALI) Wednt.sduy, Dec 12. 19K4 MANCHESTER FOCUS SPORTS WEATHER Park opening likely Band is ‘in’ subject I I East Catholic skaters 11 Cloudy tonight with on Memorial Day at Bennet and llling I I too much for Enfield 11 rain likely Friday ... page 3 r . ... page 11 page 15 page 2 iHanrKatfr M m l h ^ _ - i r-v _ _ Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charrp Thursday, Dec. 13. 1984 - Single copy Students hail treatment center Ex-Iran head at former school says nation By Sarah E. Hall Herald Reporter "W h en I wu.s in .sehool in V ernon. 1 ju st d id n 't go to school. 1 missed half the.vear, " sa.vs one teenager who part of plot ^lYATMORlARTir^ is a student at Manehesler's new day trealment center. m ^ m Her classmate, another l.'i-year-old. says he always By United Press International A U S spokesman s.11(1 their wisli lor went to class. "Hut 1 always gol suspended, fortelling pri\ 0( \ was being respeiied .mil no GIFT^____ the teachers off and telling the prineipids off." he Two Atiienemi.s hetileii mid tortured slolemeiit oboul llieiii would be issued says. by A n d ) gunm en lo r .six (toys on o liy the U S CoiiMilole m l''rmikliirl FROM SCARS* The two are among IH teenagers Irom Miinchester hijoeked mrlmer m Tehroii were All Am erie.m soiiee s.iid I he I wo men. PURCHASE and Vernon who ;ire students at the center, which is releosed from o I'.S, Army hospilol iii ■ I hou.sed in the Highland I’tirk Sehool building. Both Krmikfurt. West (lermoiiy. todoy mid who were beoleii mid burned will) ANYUNOOU^cwl eigorelles b> llie hijoekers belore spoke freely about their problems to a visitor look ofi for Ihe Uniled .Stoles BEFORE OWSTH(». Wednesday, whde about 41) teachers and sehool staff As they Hew home, exiled lormer Ironion seeurilN men slormed Ibe ■t|— > 1>.I Kiiwml .\ir« ays plane Simdo.t. were m members from both towns driink punch and ;ite Ironion President Abolhossoii Boni cookies at tin open house. Sodr sold he hod evideiiee Ihol two ol solisloelorv eoiidilion and in good spirits Both teens claimed the eetiler — which .students Ihe hijoekers of the Kiiwoiti oirlm er to have re-named the "Porter Street Sehool" — is Tehron hod portieipoted in Ihe hijoek- III line with llirir wish lo go home os 2 84 COUGARS 6 83 MARQUIS helping them beat their problems. It opened in ing of on A ir KroiU'e jel lo Iron eorlier soon os possible lbe> were releosed September, after a controversial decision to tlo.se th is yeor. Irom the ll.S Army's ii7lli Uoiierol 8 84 TOPAZS Highland I’ark as an elementary .school In on interview wMli Uiiiled Press llospil.il III I'l'.iiikliirl. where llu-y CHOICE OF COLORS CHOICE OF COLORS "The teachers tre;it us like humiuts." the girl said Internotioiiol. Boni-Sodr soul Ins evi orrn ed eorly VVeiliiesdoy I rom Kuwoil Auto, AC, AM/FM, Cruise, CHOICE OF COLORS "They don't Jtisl l)oss us around. The teachers care, dence hocked ll.S ehorges the Iromoii Tile bodies ol the Iwo A m e rie o n s Auto, AC, AM/FM, 4 Drs, Cruise and most of the kids care about each other, too. " governmeni eneouroged Ihe lour gun­ killed by Ibe lour men who sei,.ed the men who hijoeked the Kuwoil Airwoys lil.ilie » illi 155 passengers III on efiorl lo Auto, AC, AM/FM, SHE SAID SHF” S Cil.AI) she e;m come and go at the jet Dee. 4 ond killed two Amerieon seeiire Ibe rele.ise ol 17 prisoners ln‘ld Free (fn i‘ )<’ar treatment center without lots ol other kids watching possengers. Kuwoil, were llmiii lo .Andrews Air il’ .CWO M ilf FrRR O ne Yemr 111 U arrantv I2UW0 M ite •She used to feel em harassed when she h;id to attend a The freed Amerieons ond Ihe B rilisli I'oree Hose early Wednesdov They Cruise, Nice Cars Wmrrmnty special eUiss th;it was part ol a regular sehool. she pilot of Ihe hijoeked plone hove sold were ( holies llegiio and VViHiom I. ' *9680 *7085 exp lain ed s L they hod no evidence Iron helped Ihe .Sl.iidord. bolli All) employees The hoy, whose last "school " was actually a four hijoekers. ollhough releosed Po- B.iiii .Sodr sold Ihe Telir.iii oiilliori hospital, said he thought the center was going to be kistoiii possengers sold the hijoekers lies never releosed Ihe Klenlily ol the 8 83 LYNXS Free On^ Yrar 4 84 MARQUIS "another institution or something " when he first ;;V received weoponsonde(|uipment while sky pi roles III Ibe .Inly 21 hijoekilig ol on heard about it. the A-;t0() Airhiis w;is on Ihe ground ol Air Kr.Aiiee jel nor piiiiliely mode CHOICE OF COLORS CHOICE OF COLORS "But here, it's more like we have a relationship with Tehron's Mehrohod oii'iiort known llieir late lo Ihol ease. Ihe *7295 the teachers." he said UPl photo .John Coslo. 50. 0 husinessmon Irom hijoekers surrendered lo tromoii ,iii Auto, AG, AM/FM, 4 Drs & 2 Auto, AC, AM/FM, 4 Drs, Cruise The center is the first town-run program for New York ond Chorles Koptir on Iborilios oiler bhiwing op Ibe < (lekpil emotionally disturbed teomigers. The Bentley Da> Reindeer get rest oudilor for Ihe US. Agency lor Bom Sodr ,smd be liod evideinc the Treatment Center on Hollister Street serves .vounger Internolionol Development kept Iheir some hijoekers were used by the students. This 20th century Santa Claus, 31-year-old Lance Read, braves Irovel pious .seerel hut l-'ronkfiirl Ir.iiiimi government iii llie Kuwoil Free One Yenr F re e Ome Yemr Three classrooms in the Highland Park building oil-port offieiols smd they left on Poo - $5395 12.000 Mile Airways bijoeking n jO O O M ile house about six students apiece. In one. an indoor the highways of southern California Wednesday while on his If arranly Wmrrmnty A m flig h t 007 Ihot w as sche d uled lo "Ix‘l Ihe Ironion governmeni deny *8980 garden is under eonstruelion. winter scenes are modern-day sleigh enroute to his seasonal job at San Diego’s arrive in New York this ofternoon Ibis il lliey eon. " be said "They sim ply painted on the window and a lank containing Grossmont Shopping Center. Read is one of the thousands of The two men. who survived Ihe hove lo release pbologroplis and the 83 TO YO TA chameleons sits in a corner. looK-alike Santa’s that work the shopping malls during the hijacking told US offieiols they idem it y ol the A ir l•'rollel■ hijoekers m id 76 OLDS 81 MERCURY 83 MERCURY 83 LINCOLN wonted no publicity mid they mode no the some iiilorm olion oboiil the hi 83 BUICK Please turn to page 10 Christmas season. CUTLASS S/W CAPRI CRESSIDA CAPRI TOWN CAR public slolem eiits on leaving joi'kers ol llie Kiiw oili plane 44K Miles, Nice Large Wagon 4 spd , sun roof, sporty car. Metallic Blue, Loaded, Car, 4 5 Spd, AC, Cassette, Low Miles Blue, All The Options, Gor­ RESAl Dr. Low Miles 4 Dr, AC, AM/FM, 4 Dr. $2495 geous Car *5,195 $11,750 $7295 $13,595 *7480 Pharmaceutical firm pleads no contest in Selacryn case 82 CADILLAC ALLENTOWN, Pa. (I'PI) - pharmaceutical firm has been 82 HONDA 82 BUICK 81 MAZDA 76 DODGE Ralph Myerson. 65, group direc­ "It's a company that tries to do advocate group in Washiiiglon, injuries relaled lo use ol Ibe DeVILLE 83 DATSUN SinithKIine Beckman Corp. charged with violating reporting ACCORD RIVIERA GLC S /W COLT tor of medical affairs; and r ig h t . " D.C. said a $.'14,000 fine would d ru g . Low Miles. Loaded, Super Nice SENTRA pleaded guilty to charges of 5 Spd, AM/FM, Low Miles, Loaded, Moon Roof, White, A/C, 5 Spd, Low Miles, Really Auto, AM/FM, No Rust. Econ­ requirements for new drugs that Theodore Selby. 58. form er asso­ The executives each could be amount lo a "slap on Ihe wrist. " Lux Car 5 spd., AM/FM failure to disclose lethal side Sim lhKline withdrew .Selacryn Sporty Car Purely Gorgeous! Clean omical are specified by the federal Food ciate director of m edical affairs, jailed for up to a year and fined effects of the blood pressure "For a company with HIH.'I eiglil monlhs alter il wtis on Hie and Drug Act, said Assistant all pleaded no contest to failure $1,(100 on e a c h co u n t. S m ith K Iin e drug, S e la cry n . in the first ca.se profits of $400 m illion, a $,'14,000 iiiiirket ill .liim uiry ItIHO. lollow I'.S. Attorney Peter Smith. to inform charges. could be fined up lo $.')4,(K)0 $13,780 $6995 of its kind against a p h a rm ace u t­ penally. Ihe maximum amount ing reporls ol liver dtiiiiage and $11,900 $5495 $6980 $1595 Sm ithKIine pleaded guilty to 14 As part of a plea bargain following its guilty pleas to all S4 ic a l firm . of money Judge Calm can order, dealbs iiiiiong its estimated counts of failing to inform agreement, mislabeling charges counts, Smith said.
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