Math. Res. Lett. c 2014 International Press Volume 21, Number 06, 1263–1275, 2014 Sutured Khovanov homology distinguishes braids from other tangles J. Elisenda Grigsby and Yi Ni We show that the sutured Khovanov homology of a balanced tangle in the product sutured manifold D × I hasrank1ifandonlyif the tangle is isotopic to a braid. 1. Introduction In [11], Khovanov constructed a categorification of the Jones polynomial that assigns a bigraded abelian group to each link in S3. Sutured Khovanov homology is a variant of Khovanov’s construction that assigns • to each link L in the product sutured manifold A × I (see Section 2.1) a triply-graded vector space SKh(L)overF := Z/2Z [1, 19], where A = S1 × [0, 1] and I =[0, 1]; and • to each balanced, admissible tangle T in the product sutured manifold D × I (see Section 2.2) a bigraded vector space SKh(T )overF [6, 13], where D = D2. Khovanov homology detects the unknot [14] and unlinks [3, 8], and the sutured annular Khovanov homology of braid closures detects the trivial braid [2]. In this note, we prove that the sutured Khovanov homology of balanced tangles distinguishes braids from other tangles. Theorem 1.1. Let T ⊂ D × I be a balanced, admissible tangle. (See Sec- ∼ tion 2.2 for the definition.) Then SKh(T ) = F if and only if T is isotopic to a braid in D × I. Theorem 1.1 is one of many results about the connection between Floer homology and Khovanov homology, starting with the work of Ozsv´ath and Szab´o [18]. This theorem is an analog of the fact that sutured Floer homology detects product sutured manifolds [10, 17], which is also an ingredient in our proof. Other ingredients include a spectral sequence relating sutured 1263 1264 J. Elisenda Grigsby and Yi Ni Khovanov homology and sutured Floer homology [6], Meeks–Scott’s theorem on finite group actions on product manifolds [15], and Kronheimer–Mrowka’s theorem that Khovanov homology is an unknot detector [14]. Given a link L ⊂ A × I,thewrapping number of L is the minimal geo- metric intersection number of all links isotopic to L with the meridional disk of A × I. Theorem 1.1 combined with the observations in [5] (see Proposi- tion 2.4) imply: Corollary 1.2. Let L ⊂ A × I be a link with wrapping number ω, then the group SKh(L; ω)= SKhi(L; j, ω) i,j is isomorphic to F if and only if L is isotopic to a closed braid in A × I. This corollary is an analog of the fact that knot Floer homology detects fibered knots. 2. Preliminaries In this section, we will review the basics about sutured manifolds [4] and sutured Khovanov homology [1, 5, 6, 19]. Definition 2.1. A sutured manifold (M,γ) is a compact, oriented 3-manifold M,asetγ ⊂ ∂M, and a choice of orientation on each component of R(γ)=∂M \ int(γ) such that: • γ consists of pairwise disjoint annuli A(γ)andtoriT (γ) • if we define R+(γ) (resp., R−(γ)) to be the union of those compo- nents of R(γ) whose normal vectors point out of (resp., into) M,then each component of A(γ) is adjacent to a component of R+(γ)anda component of R−(γ). As an example, let S be a compact oriented surface, M = S × I, γ = (∂S) × I, R−(γ)=S ×{0},R+(γ)=S ×{1},then(M,γ) is a sutured man- ifold. In this case, we say that (M,γ)isaproduct sutured manifold. Definition 2.2. [9, Definition 2.2] A balanced sutured manifold is a sutured manifold (M,γ) satisfying (1) M has no closed components. Sutured Khovanov homology distinguishes braids from other tangles 1265 (2) T (γ)=∅. (3) Every component of ∂M intersects γ nontrivially. (4) χ(R+(γ)) = χ(R−(γ)). If (M,γ) is a balanced, sutured manifold, then SFH(M,γ) will denote its sutured Floer homology, as defined by Juh´asz in [9]. Whenever γ is implicit (e.g., when M is a product), we shall omit it from the notation. We will be interested in Khovanov-type invariants for certain links and tangles in product sutured manifolds. 2.1. Sutured Khovanov homology of links in A × I Sutured annular Khovanov homology, originally defined in [1, 19] (see also [5]) associates with an oriented link L in the product sutured manifold A × I a triply-graded vector space SKh(L)= SKhi(L; j, k), i,j,k which is an invariant of the oriented isotopy class of L ⊂ A × I. 1 To define it, one chooses a diagram DL of L on A × 2 . By filling in 1 one boundary component of A ×{2 } with a disk marked with a basepoint X at its center and the other boundary component with a disk marked with a basepoint at its center, one obtains a diagram on S2 −{X, O}. Ignoring the X basepoint yields a diagram on R2 = S2 −{O} from which the ordinary bigraded Khovanov chain complex i CKh(DL):= CKh (DL; j) i,j can be constructed from a cube of resolutions. Here, i and j are the homo- logical and quantum gradings, respectively. The basepoint X gives rise to a filtrationonCKh(DL), and SKh(L) is the homology of the associated graded object. To define this filtration, choose an oriented arc from X to O missing all crossings of DL. As described in [7, Section 4.2], the generators of CKh(DL) are in one-to-one correspondence with oriented resolutions, where the coun- terclockwise orientation on each circle corresponds to the generator v+.The “k” grading of an oriented resolution is defined to be the algebraic intersec- tion number of this resolution with our oriented arc. Roberts proves ([19, 1266 J. Elisenda Grigsby and Yi Ni Lemmma 1]) that the Khovanov differential does not increase this extra grading. One therefore obtains a bounded filtration, 0 ⊆···⊆Fn−1(DL) ⊆Fn(DL) ⊆Fn+1(DL) ⊆···⊆CKh(DL), where Fn(DL) is the subcomplex of CKh(DL) generated by oriented resolu- tions with k grading at most n.Let i Fn(DL; j)=Fn(DL) ∩ CKh (DL; j). i The sutured annular Khovanov homology groups of L are defined to be Fk(DL; j) SKhi(L; j, k):=Hi . Fk−1(DL; j) It is an immediate consequence of the definitions that if L has wrapping i ∼ number ω,thenSKh(L; j, k) = 0fork ∈{−ω, −(ω − 2),...,ω− 2,ω}. We shall denote by Σ(A × I,L) the sutured manifold obtained as the double cover of A × I branched along L (cf. [5, Remark 2.6]), where γ is the cover of (∂A) × I,andR+ (resp., R−)isthecoverofA ×{1} (resp., A ×{0}). 2.2. Sutured Khovanov homology of balanced tangles in D × I A tangle T in the product sutured manifold (D × I,γ) is said to be admis- sible if ∂T ∩ γ = ∅,andbalanced if |T ∩ (D ×{0})| = |T ∩ (D ×{1})|.To make sense of tangle composition (stacking), we will fix an identification of D with the standard unit disk in C and assume that ∂T intersects both D ×{0} and D ×{1} along the real axis. The sutured Khovanov homology of an admissible, balanced tangle in D × I was defined by Khovanov in [13, Section 5] in the course of con- structing a categorification of the reduced n–colored Jones polynomial. An elaboration of Khovanov’s construction is given in [6, Section 5], where it is also related to sutured Floer homology. We briefly recall the main points of the construction here. Let T ⊂ D × I be a balanced, admissible tangle and choose a diagram DT of T on [−1, 1] × I. Then the sutured Khovanov homology of T , Sutured Khovanov homology distinguishes braids from other tangles 1267 i SKh(T )= i,j SKh (T ; j), is obtained as the homology of the complex, i CKh(DT ):= CKh (DT ; j) i,j obtained as follows. Number the c crossings, and construct a Khovanov-type cube of reso- lutions whose vertices are in one-to-one correspondence with elements of c c {0, 1} . Associated with each such I∈{0, 1} is a complete resolution RI a T ,...,T b with I closed components (circles) 1 aI and I non-closed compo- T ,...,T R nents (arcs) aI +1 aI +bI .Wesaythat I backtracks if the boundary of at least one of its non-closed components is contained in [−1, 1] ×{1}. We now assign to the corresponding vertex in the cube of resolutions the vector space 0ifRI backtracks V R ( I ):= ∗ Λ (Z(RI )) otherwise, where { T ,..., T } SpanF [ 1] [ aI +bI ] Z(RI ):= T ,..., T SpanF([ aI +1] [ aI +bI ]) is the vector space formally generated by the closed components of RI ,which for convenience we realize as a quotient space of the vector space formally generated by all components of RI . As in ordinary Khovanov homology, if I is an immediate successor of I in the language of [18, Section 4] and [6, Section 4], then one obtains RI from RI by either merging two components Ti and Tj of RI to form a component T of RI or splitting a single component T of RI into two components Ti and Tj of RI , and in both cases leaving all other components unchanged. With the above understood, we now associate a map F V R → V R RI →RI : ( I ) ( I ) to every pair of immediate successors as follows. R R F If at least one of I , I backtracks, we define RI →RI := 0.
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