NICHOLS: Jessie Nichols, formerly Of Ingersoll and a resident of the Peopl~ Care Centre, Tavlstock, died ANN 0 UN CEMENTS December 30, 1~80 at the age of 86. DEATHS Born in 'Dumfries, Scot­ land, she was a member of St. Paul's Presbyterian PIRIE·HAY ANNEPlRIE, Church, Ingersoll, and a· formerly of Ingersoll, Ont- · member of the Order of the ario, and Eldon Hay of _GARTON: Elmer Garton, 6 Eastern Star Avalon Chap" Raglan Street, Ingersoll, Sackville, N.R, were mar­ ler 120. died at his home December She was precteceased by ried by the Rev. Lance 18, 1000. He was in his her husband George in Woods at Dundas Street sixty-eighth year. 1951. Centre United Church in Born in South Dorchester Mrs. Nichols is sW'vived London, Ontario on SatilI'­ Township, he was a fore­ by her son Emerson of R .R. man at the Borden Com­ day, December 20, 1980. 1 Lakeside, her brother ' pany. He was a member of James D. Wilson of Fort Trinity Uni ted Church, the Lauderd~lIe, Florida and Samaritan Lodge l00F and r \\)~ ):=.. WSCYL 1_ \" .. \~ :'E. r- her sister Mrs. Isa Riddick King Hiram Lodge 37 A.F. of London. and A.M. Rev. Deane Cassidy of­ \Jec..e.~~~\ -3C'~ \ \'\~C) He is survived by his ficiated the January 3, 1981 wife, the former Dorothy funeral serviceat McBeath Shackleton; his sons Don­ Funeral Home. Interment ald 'of Verner and Gary of is Ingersoll Rural Cemet­ RR 2 Ingersoll~ his dau­ ery, ghters Mrs. Ray (Marg­ DEATHS aret) Pogue of Buckhorn IDDDLE: Mabel Riddle, and Mrs. Brian (Marlene) R.R. 2 Ingersoll, died Dec­ Tra vis of London ~ his sister ember 28, 1000, whi Ie a Mrs. Myrtle Shivley of patient in London's Victor­ Windsor and 10 grandchild­ ia Hospital. &le was 71· SMiTH: Harriet Smith, ren. years~old. fonnerlyof 176 King Hiram Rev. Carmen Holbrough Born in London Town­ . Street, Ingersoll, died at " officiated the December 20, ship, she was a member of the age of 83 December 17, 1980 funeral service at West Oxford United 1000, while a patient at McBeath Funeral Home. Church . She was also a Alexandra Hospital. Interment is Dorchester member of the Daughters Rev. Carmen Holhroogh Cemetery. of the Nile and the West oWcia ted the December 19, Pallbearers were Gordon Oxford United Church Wo­ 1000 fu nera 1 service at Travis, George Powell, men. McBeath Funeral Home, John Lockhart, Roy Knott, She was predeceased by Interment is I~ersoll Rur­ Carman Chambers and her husband ~cil in May al Cemetery. Jack COle. 1979. Mrs. Riddle is sW'vived Mrs. Smith was pre­ ~TOAKLEY : Gordon by her sons Donald of deCeased by her husband toakley I a resident of the Wilfred and by her son Oxford Regional Centre in Markham and Clark of Harold in 1975. Woodstock, died at Wood­ R.R. 4 Embro; her daught­ She was a member of stock General Hospital, er Mrs. Allan (Carol) Cow­ Trinity United Church . December 28, 1980. He was ell of RR. 2 lngersol1, her 56-years-old. brothers John and Harold Surviving are her sons . Clark, both of London, and Ivan and Clifford, both of Born in Dereham .Town­ ship to rvtrs. Phillis Stoak­ seven grandchildren. Ingersoll; her brothers, A special service was ~ . Rev. Eli RiddoUs of Brant­ leyof Ml Elgin and the late Charles Stoakley. he was a held December 30, : 1980 by ..j ford, Roy and Holward the Order of the Eastern . Riddolls, both of Listowel; : member of the United Church. Star, under the auspices of her sisters Mrs. ' Hibbert Avalon OIapter 220, (Laura) Carleton of Sarnia : He is survived by his mother, his brother Law­ Rev .. Glen MacPherson and Mrs, Ellwood (Olive) oHieia ted the December 31, Morden of Granton. rence of RR. 1 Mt. Elgin and his sister Mrs. Ariel 1980 funeral service at . Also swviving.are seven '. Oliver of Woodstock. McBeath Funeral Home . grandchildren and seven , Rev. Austin Snyder and Inlennent is Ingersoll : great grandchildren. Rev. Mmiel Carder offic­ RW'al Cemetery. _ Pallbeaters were Cle­ iated the December 30, 1980 ijonorary pallbearers in­ worth Witty, Ken Witty, funeral service at McBeath cluded Hugh Gordon, Clair : Win Cooper, Harold Clare, Funeral Home. Interment Minier, Jim . McDonald, Don Patience and Olarles is the Mt. Elgin Cemetery. Gordon Clark, Bob Clark, . Patience. Bob Duffin, Ron Wier and Elmer Duffin. --j . ··:i¥/.' "; ,, , ANNdtJ:NCEMENTS . '\";" " :.' , Ii :i) DEATHS ARMSTRONG: JOliN -aTnu':""Fiiin are pJeased to annam~ ~ tM safe arrival of lherr third' child, a baby JACOn E. JA CKSO~ brother ' fot · 'Sherry , and Jacob E. Jackson, for­ HAYCOCK: Maurice Hay­ Jeremiab. Born at Victoria merly of 142 Rolph St., HospltaJ.ih·Londoo. at 8:23 cock, 178 Earl Street, Ing­ . Tillsonburg, passed away at a.m. on .'Friday. January~, ersoll, died at Alexandra Maple Manor\Nursing Home HospitaJ, December 24, 1981 Jo'ttaU13.n MacKenZie on Friday, Janl,lary 2, 1981, wmb ' ...~e.lghed in at 7 , 1000, at the age of 55. in his 90th year: nh Born in Dereham Town­ po~~~t~ ounces. ~roud Born in Bayham Town­ gra!\dparents are Wtlliam ship, he was the son of Mr. ship, March 18, 1891, he was and Mrs. Ernest Haycock. and;. ~.rgaf¢t Arm~tr.ong a son of the late Joseph of V{rldtOyle a nd William He was a farmer. Jackson and the former Mr. Haycock is stn"vived and Ooreen Somers of Ing­ Emma Wisemer. He was a ersoll: ! Special thanks to by his wife, the former retired farmer. His wife, the Mabel Davey; his daughter Dr. ·ML. Robinson, Dr. l'C'former .... · MYra- A, "-Trtbc~"" Natalie arid Dr. D. Reid all Mrs. Monty (Donna) Dick­ predeceased him November: son of Woodstock; brother of London and also Dr. 25, 1976. J .B.l,r. Dalton, or Ingersoll. Murray of R.R. 1 Saltord Survi ving are two sons, and sister Evelyn Hutch­ John Russell Jackson of ison of. Woodstock. Also 1I0WARD: AT ALEXAN­ Tillsonburg and Max A. surviving is one grand­ dra Hospi ral on December child. Jackson of Ingersoll; four , 15 1980at7:55 p.m: to Allen Rev. Harry MacPherson grandchildren; 14 great­ a~d Debbie Howard, 21 officia ted the December 26, grandchildren; two sisters, Queen Street, Beachville, a 1980 funeral service at Mrs. Ethel Roberts of daughter Jennifa- Ellen, McBeath Funeral Home. Dundas and Mrs. Hazel weighing 7 poUllds, 1 out1qe. Interment is the Harris Hughes of TiHsonburg; one Proud .. grandparents are brother, Clayton Jackson of Stre~t Cemetery. Mr. :atro, Mrs. H.W. Mus­ Straffordville; and several grave,' '''Ingersoll, and M~. liRAND j John Brand, 128 nieces and nephews. and Mrs. James A. Howard, Beachville. King Hiram Street, died at He was predeceased by a the age of 50, December 22, sister, Mrs. Mabel DeLos 1980, while a patient at (}NGXAL; AT ALEXAN­ Ford in 1972, and by three dra HQspital on December , Alexandra Hospital. brothers, Charles Jackson in 'Born in Holland, he was 14 1980 at 8:47 a.m. to 1961, Elton Jackson in 1973 J~dith and Donald Angyal, employed at Beachvilime and Robert Jackson in 1978. , Quarry. Ingersoll, a son Craig Curt­ Mr. Brand is survived by Rested at the Ostrander's is weighing . 6 pounds, 12 his wife, the former Betty Funeral Home, Till sonburg, o~nce!t. 'Proud grand­ Ruyssen; his father Hugo where the complete service parents ' are Mr. and Mrs. .. Brand of Holland; his dau­ was held Monday, January 5, Ted Gr'E~em;ide, Port Stan­ ghters Trudy and Linda, at at 2 p.m. conducted by Rev. ley, 3rxfMr·. and Mrs. Steve " home, and brothers and Merrill James of Sl. Pauls Angy~~ ..~ , trathroy. , sisters in Holland. United Chw-ch, Tillsonburg. PAUL wklWY AND' PAT· A cremation service was Interment in Tillsonburg . held shortly after his death. ricl !iYJlY~n were mar­ Cemetery, ried ,:, by ' e, Rev. S.H . Fiildle'y in Simcoe, on Sat­ urday,' December 27, 1980. I\\) C; ~ ~ SD \..... 1_ I. \\) C::, .t,. ~ S C,.) \-. L :s-C'-'"v..~" ~ 'l \ \l\\\\~S.') \~ , \~ b\ . BIRTHS: KlWll.:.i AT. ALEXANDRA lJOsprm on January 24, 1981, to Mitch and Karen Kirby, 179 Earl Street, Ingersoll, a son Max Ken­ neth. WAYMOUTH: AT ALEX­ anam Hospital, on January 24, 1~1 , to Bruce and Wendy Waymouth, 7 Pam­ ela Cotrrt, Thamesford, a daughter, Krista Lee. GARDINER: AT ALEX­ an3 ~a l1 ~prt aI, on January 24, 1981 to Gregory and Linda Gardiner, 73A Char­ les Street West, Ingersoll, a daughter Andrea Yvonne. CH~R ER~ : AT ALEX- an ospItal on January 21,1981 to Tom and Valerie Chambers, 80 Catherine Street, Ingersoll, a daught­ er Ca therine Audrey. PORCHe!: DAVID AND ~ery i nee -Mudge) ate pleased to announce the safe arrival of their son Darryl James, born Jan- I uary 12,. 1981 at Tillsonburg District Memorial Hos- 'pital. Weighing 8 lbs., 9 . oz. Proud grandparents are Mr. aoo Mrs. Jack Mudge of Tillsonburg and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Porehak, of Inger­ soll. Special thanks to Dr. Growse and the nurses of the maternity flOOT. lIUMPHRIES: . WORD ' was recetved from Belfast, lreland, of the death of her brother, Frederick Hum p­ hries, 'who passed away January. 22, 1981 a~ hos­ pital. Mr. Hwnphnes is survived by his sister Pat­ ricia Stevens of Ingersoll. DEATHS DEATHS BIRTHS He was a member of Hydepark R.A.P.C.L.O.L. 1067; member of Hydepark R.B.P. 1&> and also a BUTT: AT ALEXANDRA member of Bellevue Tem­ Moyer of 25 .Raglan Stree~, worked at the former Wil­ .'Hospital, on January 30, perance Branch of the Ap­ Ingersoll, died January 31 liam Stone and Sons, now 1981 to Linda and Clarence prentice Boys of Derry.
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