THE EFFECT OF TOTAL SYMPATHECTOMY ON THE OCCURRENCE OF SHOCK FROM HEMORRHAGE N. E. Freeman, … , H. E. Holling, N. E. Marean J Clin Invest. 1938;17(3):359-368. https://doi.org/10.1172/JCI100960. Research Article Find the latest version: https://jci.me/100960/pdf THE EFFECT OF TOTAL SYMPATHECTOMY ON THE OCCURRENCE OF SHOCK FROM HEMORRHAGE By N. E. FREEMAN, S. A. SHAFFER, A. E. SCHECTER AND H. E. HOLLINGi WITH THE TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE OF N. E. MAREAN (From the Harrison Department of Surgical Research, School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia) (Received for publication January 20, 1938) Shock has been differentiated from hemor- shock in the experimental animal. This apparent rhage on the basis of hemoconcentration, nega- paradox was attributed to a reduction in the tive reaction to blood transfusions, and pathologi- volume flow of blood to the peripheral tissues cal changes in the tissues (1). In hemorrhage, produced by constriction of the arterioles. The dilution of the blood occurs while concentration hypothesis was advanced that vasoconstriction takes place in shock. After simple loss of blood, enabled the organism to adjust to the immediate prompt recovery follows transfusion, whereas in crisis. If this reaction were so intense and pro- severe shock, the administration of blood is fre- tracted, however, as to reduce the nutrient flow quently unavailing. It has been held that the to the tissues, shock would be produced. tissues are anemic after hemorrhage while the The reaction of normal dogs to hemorrhage pathological picture of shock is that of " dilatation was, therefore, compared with that of completely and engorgement of capillaries and vessels " (2). sympathectomized dogs. Particular attention was Blalock, however, in a convincing series of ex- paid to the function of vasoconstriction in main- periments (3), showed that the classical picture taining blood pressure, and at the same time in of shock with hemoconcentration, negative reac- restricting the flow of blood to the peripheral tis- tion to transfusion, and pathological changes in sues. Arterial blood pressure was correlated with the tissues, could be produced by hemorrhage the volume flow of blood through the paw. alone. In his experiments on dogs under local Death or recovery of the dog was used as the anesthesia, the blood pressure was maintained at ultimate criterion of shock. Concentration of a low level for several hours by means of hemor- rhage. At the end of this time, in spite of the the peripheral blood, alterations in the oxygen fact that all the blood which had been removed and carbon dioxide contents of the arterial and was reinjected, the blood pressure continued to venous blood, and the reactions of the dogs to fall and the animal died. The present experi- transfusions were noted. At the end of the ex- ments were performed to investigate further the periments various tissues were examined histo- mechanism through which shock was produced by logically. hemorrhage. It is recognized that vasoconstriction takes place METHODS after hemorrhage and this reaction has been de- Dogs were used which weighed between 11 and 22 scribed as protective (4). By means of con- kilograms. Under aseptic precautions, cannulae were traction of the vessels in the presence of hemor- inserted into the carotid artery and the jugular vein, or the femoral artery and vein. Pain was prevented by the rhage, the blood pressure is maintained at a level use of novocain in the operative wounds. The blood compatible with life. After removal of the vaso- pressure was determined by means of a Hurtle manom- constrictors by complete sympathectomy, cats eter, calibrated with a mercury manometer. Blood was under anesthesia are unable to tolerate as great obtained for analysis of the oxygen content and capacity a loss of blood as normal animals (5). In a and carbon dioxide content from the carotid artery and former communication (6), it was shown, on the from the right heart. The blood was taken under oil, other hand, that intense and prolonged vasocon- chilled, and analyzed at the conclusion of the experi- striction caused a reduction in blood volume and ment. The oxygen content and capacity, and the carbon dioxide content were determined by the method of Van 1 Travelling Fellow of the British Medical Research Slyke and Neill (7). In certain of the experiments the Council. plasma volume was determined by the method of Greger- 359 360 N. E. FREEMAN, S. A. SHAFFER, A. E. SCHECTER AND H. E. HOLLING TABLE I Data compiled from all the experiments on hemorrhage in the normal and sympathectomized dogs Hemoglobin Average after hemorrhage* After transfusion Per Time Dog Plasma Initial cent of Total Amount num- Weight vol- bleed- of initial hemor- trans- Mai- Concen- Result ber ume ing body bleed- rhage fused mum tration Blood Blood Dura- Blood Blood weigt i g .tata dliiu- after presure flow tion presure flow tion dilution cc. PCr cc. per 100 cc. 100 cc. kilos cc. cc. hours cc. cc. per cent per cent per cent mm. Hg paw so- hours mm. Hg paso o- umie per use per mninute minute NORMAL DOGW-DIND 25 14.2 766 5.4 3.6 766 830 106 94 117 67 0.9 6.6 60 0 Died 16 18.8 1010 814 4.3 1.4 889 845 78 64 83 70 1.5 2.1 50 1.0 Died 751 13.6 742 1000 7.3 1.9 1153 820 115 68 95 60 0.4 4.6 85 0.8 Died during rein- jection 767 17.4 800 907 5.2 1.9 1032 173 110 80 62 0.9 2.4 50 Acute cardiac failure 570 14.7 718 553 3.8 2.8 708 680 100 88 92 49 0.1 3.6 40 0 Died 2 14.7 1098 7.5 1.4 1055 465 42 0.1 2.0 30 Died duing rein- jection 546 22.0 1000 4.5 1.4 1000 1030 38 1.6 3.5 42 2.5 Died NORMAL DOGS-UCOYBURD 546 22.0 980 4.5 1.8 1217 900 86 62 69 2.9 2.2 130 20.4 Recovered 641 11.6 800 686 5.9 1.5 860 845 103 61 63 2.1 6.0 96 12.2 Recovered-sacrificed BYMATH5CTOMIUD DOGS 385 14.7 870 512 3.5 1.5 644 436 75 56 65 52 1.2 3.9 120 9.6 Recovered-acrificed 418 14.0 950 488 3.5 1.0 684 560 82 65 55 1.9 5.6 120 16.2 Recovered-living 14 14.0 504 3.6 1.0 581 513 50 0.8 4.7 168 38.0 Recovered-living * The average blood pressure and blood flow, after hemorrhage was calculated with a planimeter. sen (8).2 Hemoglobin estimations were made by the Blood, which had been removed under aseptic pre- Sahli method on blood taken from the ear. The volume cautions from donor dogs, was also injected in two of flow of blood through the hind paw was determined by the experiments so that the total amount of blood which the plethysmographic method previously described (9). these animals received after hemorrhage was larger than The temperature of the water bath in which the paw the amount which was removed during the experiment. was immersed was kept between 36° and 390 C. Complete sympathectomy was performed by removal The dogs were bled from the carotid or femoral ar- of the paravertebral sympathetic ganglia in three stages teries into a sterile container which contained 2.5 per as described by Cannon (10). The sympathectomized cent sodium citrate solution. The final dilution of ci- dogs had fully recovered from the effects of the opera- trate in blood was 0.25 per cent. tive procedures at the time they were used in the ex- After control observations on blood pressure and blood periments. flow were made, the dogs were bled at frequent intervals until the blood pressure and blood flow were reduced to RESULTS low levels from which rapid recovery did not occur. This period of hemorrhage is considered in Table I to In the normal dog, after the blood pressure be the time of initial bleeding. It varied from 1.4 to and blood flow had been reduced for a period 3.6 hours in the normal dogs and 1.0 to 1.5 hours in of hours by hemorrhage, shock was produced. the sympathectomized dogs. After this period of initial This condition was characterized by concentra- bleeding, the dogs were allowed to continue with a low tion of the peripheral blood, negative reaction to blood pressure and diminished blood flow as long as possible. If the blood pressure or blood flow started to blood transfusion, and failure to recover. Figure rise, blood was again withdrawn. When the blood 1 illustrates this reaction. In spite of the fact pressure started to decline spontaneously or if the dog that the blood pressure at no time fell below 60 showed signs of loss of consciousness, small amounts of mm. Hg the blood flow was reduced to a low blood were reinjected. level. At the end of three and one-half hours, 2 The blue dye T-1824 was obtained through the kind- the blood pressure failed to rise and the blood flow ness of Doctor Gregersen. started to fall spontaneously. Blood was then PREVENTION OF SHOCK BY SYMPATHECTOMY 361 FIG. 1. EFFECT OF HEMORRHAGE, FOLLOWED BY TRANSFUSION, ON THE VOLUME FLOW oF BLOOD THROUGH THE HIND PAW, THE BLOOD PRESSURE, AND THE HEMOGLOBIN CONTENT OF THE VENOUS BLOOD IN A NORMAL DOG.
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