, -. .... - -.IJI'~ . o· . - ... ~ ___ Reds Win A.gain Generally Fair '1 IOWA-(;eDenllJ lalr toda,,: 10- Cincinnati Keeps Second Place _row tDueulaa' coludln-. fol- With 13-lnnlnK Victory lowed b,. ahowert In een~1 and See ~tory pare 5 ..-. I t ail» .0_" -J y , ~, I 0 ICI GI C If 0 , ra i JI , N Ie II I 'I •" • • • • • • • FIVE CENTS The AJlsoclaled Press IOWA CITY, IOWA TUESDAY, JUNE 21, 1938 " VOLUME xxxvn NUMBER 315 • 04 .• :..•• v. S. Relations A fter Montana Train Plunge Sleeper With Victims Itho~ Wit h Germany ho~ae. " Lack Cordiality Y~II'U Slips Back Into Creek; (oUtle. Nazi Officials Decline t," To Answer Hull's I..,'i \II Communications 31, Dead, 18 Missing WASHINGTON, June 20 (AP) --Relations betwer~1 the United Slates and Germany are as bad as at any lime since the Worid war Roosevelt Signs 36 Bills but Vetoes 7; Cr, .w Recover - :1 6nd are giving cause for concern • r! .. on both sides of the water. Fails to A.pprove Veteran's Measures M B de A , :: '! Public speeches o[ mutual re­ ore 0 Ie criminatJon, a series of sharp dip­ HYDE PARK, N. Y., June 20 would have increased from $30 to , lomatic notes and a pronounced (AP)-President Rooseveit, invig­ $40 the monthly allowance for IEATS lack of cooperation Indicate the orated hy salt all' and sun, waded. permanentty and totally disabled Flood Sub ides tenseness between the two na­ today Into work piled UP since veterans wbose ailments were not tions. the last days of congress. attributable to their military serv­ The United States has address­ The result by iate afternoon was jce. It lIlso would have liberalhed Olympian Wreck Worst ed four diplomatic communica­ 36 bills signed and seven vetoed.. to some extent the Ciefinition tor In America For ~ions to Germany in less than Amoni'C those signed WBII one In­ total and permanent but non-serv­ two months. Germany's resent­ creasing the 1939 wheat acrea,e ict' connected disablement. Ten Year Olent is expressed by the fact s lJotmer. Is under this year's farm The second veterans bill disap­ that she has answered none. IIct from 42,000,000 to 55,000,000. PI'oved would have trcated some MrLES CITY, Mont.. June 20 , Another measure approved was 15,000 Spanish war vete.ran.s who , . 1. - Auslrla's Debts (APl- A tourist 51 l'pt'r that rail­ Three of the communicatioDl\ .I bill authorizing the construction remained In the PhiUEfplne islands road officials estimated contained (If 52 rivers and harbors projects, past April 11, 1899, as It they had dealt With Austria's debts. There 12 more unrecov('rro victims of estimated to COllt $37,105,850, and been discharged at that time and was a note April 6, an "aide me­ the worst American rallro d moire" May 16 and a note June the survey by army engineers of sent home at governml!rtt expense. 9. But America's demand for a 116 more projects, the surveys to The pr:-sldent said he had estJ­ wreck in a dec d slipped down ,I , tonight into the mucky bed of quick answer has, up to now, been cost not more than $500,000. mates from the war department Custer creck nnd balked r!'Covery ~ ' il/nored. The president vetoed two bills that the total cost of paying the .- travel i\llowances of the group of or th bodies for several hours. , - On May 11 the United States affecting war veterans. One of these, on which the first year's \'cteran! would have been be­ ubmerred 36 Hour · . fent a note to Berlin protesting I Eighteen persons were named 5. [,gainst the enforced registration cost estimated was $5,182,000, tween $6,000,000 and $8,000,000. still missing and un ccounted of the ploperty of American Jews for. !n Germ1Jny. This registration de­ The sleeper was submerged lor cree was widely interpreted as ~., . nearty 36 hours aCter the Mi 1- -· ~4;ci 180 State DeMolays See Eleven '- . a prelimilJary to expropriation. waukee railroad's crack "Olym­ · . Senl Communloations ,,4.'.., ...... ~ ..>:t.t; ." ..... I pian" Iraln plunged through a The tee ling of Secretary Hull This aerial picture shows wreck- Milwaukee. and st. Paul and pa-, Miles City, Mint., wit h heavy IWash., the train crashed through Boys Receive Degrees of Order flood weakened bridge arly Sun· loward Germany can be seen in age of the Olympian, crack pas-/ cWc railroad, which plunged into loss of Ute. En route from Chi- a bridge, weakened by a severe day Bnd plied up In Custer the very fact that three communi­ senger train of the Chicago, Custer creek 25 mil e s east of cago to Seattle and Tacoma, cloudburst. cr ck 's roaring flood torrent 20 cations were sent on the subject of -------------------------- Orgal1ization' Conclave feet deep. Austrian debts. Austria'" obliga­ To Continue Until The sic per, being jacked up tions to the United States govern­ Quarrel on blocks in th 8111 - coverl'd ment and American cit i zen s 12th Annual Child Conference to Open Wednesday stream bed exposed when the ~mount to only $64,000,000, a How Should Bank Be "flash flood" subsided, sUd 100 e comparatlvely small sum, and of(----------------- --- Examined? By NYLE JONI:S latc tonlaht and sank back Into tills total, more than half has been ;--___________~ Vanguard of an expected 400 the mucky creek bottom. bought baCk by Austrians. PLAYIN' KEEPS? Iowa DeMo lays, more than 180 Nurse Dies But Secretary Hull is seeking After Hitler Charge 18 With President'Will WASHINGTON, June 20 (AP) boys had registered by ]0 p.m. yes­ A 24 - year - old South Dakota to drive home a principle. The No Indiiln Giving In - A fundamental quarreL on the terday for the three-day session o! nurse died tonight In Miles City'. American note empIJasized that, Self-Exiled Liberal In proper way to examine banks led the 15th annual state conclave at Holy Rosary hospital after 12 ad­ under International law, a nation Spy Activities Love, Judge Rules Gr e e t Visitors the treasury tonight to serve a 80rt the MasonIc temple, Don Graham, ditional bodies were taken from which absorbs another should Princeton Po.st 01 ultimatum on the federal re­ local master councilor, announced. the wreck's twisted debris. lake thtl burdens with the bene- .,........... [n Examination CHICAGO, June 20 (AP) - 1£ serve board. More than 100 members of the Railroad offlclals reported a girl is lUcky enough to get an' anford Bates Will Give Henry Morgenthau Jr., secretary Washington, Davenport, C e dar shortly after 12 p,m, (CST) 31 fits. PRINCETON, N. J., June 20 engagement ring on her finger, of the treasury, announced that If Rapids and otber neiahboring known dead and 22 of these Iden­ . Germany ~lso ~as me?tioned or (APl _ Appointment of Thomas Two Lectures On - NEW YORK, June 20 (AP)- Judge Thomas Green ruled today, the board did not endorse within chapters drove to Iowa City to at­ U!Led. ~ ncluded by Implication 10 two re- Mann, self-exiled German Nobel The government's !irst intensive It's hers for keeps whether she 48 hours a program of examina­ ('ent statl! department pronounce- prize winner as a lecturer in hu­ Child Problem tend the state oLficers' banquet in The bodies of two unidentified spy Investigation since the World marries the contributor or not. tion approved by him and other the Masonic temple and the co]or­ women, recovered {rom the tour­ ments--Sectetary Hull's admoni- menities at 'Princeton university He explained this theory to government agencies, the program lion to Germany and Czechoslo- was announced tonight by the uni­ war was climaxed today with the The 12th annual conference 00 !ul degree ceremonies before re­ jst sleeper before it sUJ)PCd back Bernard Berg, 29, who had filed would be sent to the White House turning home last night. down into the creek bc<l, were "skis !hat they were signatories versity's board of trustees at its naming of 18 persons, including a $400 damage suit against Mrs. child developmenb and parent ¥J. tOI" approval Ilnyway. Against a natural outdoor back­ brought to Miles City lat tonight. of the Kellogg peace pact, and' commencement meeting. several German ofticinls, in three Udelle Saunders, 23, to whom he education will open on the Uni­ ~ This emphuslzed a conrilct of ground and ami d flickering These victims raised the list of IJndersenetal'Y Ickes' denuncia- The naming of the 63-year-old indictments charging conspiracy gave the ring in MarCh, 1937, versity of Jowa campus this opinion between Morgenthau and did lion of :terial bombing in Spain. I liberal author to the faculty brings torches, 11 candidates, includlng known dead to 3l. and espion<tge. when she was sti 11 Miss Udelle morning for a three-day series Marriner S. Eccles, chaLrman of nine !rom Iowa City, received the The nurse, Miss Lucile Stum­ ~ to the campus of this colonial Rickles. Later she married an- rl,tI) the federal reserve board. Eccles Initiatory find DeMolay degree . ley ot Keldron, S. D., was the American university another noted Lamar Hardy, federal district other man. of meetings. wants a far-reaching "Uberaliza­ HII Company Seeks German who chose exile from his attorney, in a statement describing _____. _______ _ Beginning with an address of Those from here were Russell Hlrt, Lirst of the wreck's victims to die tion" of bank examination meth­ David Armbruster, George Miller, In a hospital. t.
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