I rN r tq. N R UFEES t t I .E t f,,.i.'''.$ INDIA I I I I 210655 '4FDryI qR-rlq qrlld WEST BENGAL 30Ats SPECIFIED AGREEMENT I o,-, tne (t- THI SP CIFI D RE ME is made Q\ I SRI day of April, 2O19 (Two Thousand Ninctecn) BETWEEN Sri Atul Krishna MALAY NATH (PAN NO. AEAPN2605L) son of- Business' by nationality- 5 Nath, by faith- Hindu, by occupation- - Panchpota' P'S'- Sonarpur' I Indian, residing at- Dhalua, P O WNDR Kolkata- 7OO152, hereinafter referred to as the AND t (which term or expression shall unless excluded by or B repugnant to the subject' context or meaning thcreof be deemed I I to mcan atld irtcludc his hcirs' succcssors, cxccutors, presentat ivcs assigns) oI the FIRST E administrarors.lcgal re ' PART SP CONSTRUCTION F elvfu-ttT tfttt4-uv l'' LP a'*?tb I ^1'" I (r- SP CONSTRUCTION H irlu tr.nl$J, iz<ta"':ol- $r,taa^L- patlnet- /,(r+aA- I ,^x^et.rrvrr! rrr! r().\-r()..z(,t6 wlln fhc l)e\/el.rn.'r h.,rcin fnr dr.rrelnnm--r nf .s$ \'^t:$" 0tb e.r,1o,J;|fff" i-.1 : rf ,i E13 'rr : ;r.rr:r-A. L) S. il ., Kol.- l 2 AND S. P. CONSTRUC TION (PAN No. ADlFS6473Q) a Partnership Firm having its officc at - 6lO, East Tentulberia' PO'- Panchpota, P.S,- Sonarpur. Kolkata- 700152 and represented by tts Pzrrtners namely (11 sRI SUXANTA KUMAR MONDAL, (PAN NO AHBPMI094Q) son of Sri of Subir Mondal, 12) SRI SUBRATA NASKAR {PAN NO ACKPN6SSOH) son Sri Santosh Naskar, both by faith - Hindu, by occupation- Business' residing at Dhalua, P.S.- Sonarpur, Kolkata-700152' l3l SRI PTNTU DEBNATH (PAN NO. AGHPD48l9P) son of- Late Anil Debnath, by faith- Hindu, by occupation- Business, by nationality- lndian, residing at- L-7' Sreenagar Main Road, P.O.- Panchasayar. Police Station- Purba Jadavpur, Kolkata- 7OOO94 and 14) SRI PINTU MONDAL (PAN NO' BWCPMTO3OB) son of- Sri Kanai Chandra Mondal, by faith- Hindu' by occupation- Business, residing at- Radhanagar, P.S.- Sonarpur, Kolkata- 700150, hereinafter called as the DEIIEUqPEB (which terms or expressions shall unless excluded by or otherwisc repugnant to the subject or context be deemed to mcan and include their heirs, successors, executors, administrators, legal representatives and assigns) \ of the SEcoND PART t WHEREAS the Landowners herein have entercd into a Developers Agreement on 18.06.2018 with thc Dcvclopcr herein for development of his land total measuring about 6 (six) cottahs l4 (fourteen) chittacks 22 &tN1',w#y Ln" n1rr .t1ak',1(/ n'n$t fJnl'- S P CONSTRUCTION fl;,r- rnr,''')"{. /., Lt, t il. r*, t *-. LU. L . Pa4nat 3 (twenty two) sq. ft. morefully and particularly described in the Schedule written hereunder; AND WHEREAS thrs S pecified Agreement is bcing made by the Landowners and the Developer herein (which has teen agreed between the Parties herein as per the Developers Agreement dated (18.06.2O18) between the Parties herein as intact with certain modified terms and condition s made on this. TERMS AND CONDITIONS {MODIFIED) r) That the entire work o[ development of the said Schedule property and the construction of the proposed multi-storicd buildings will be done in accordance of the sanctioned building Plan bearing No. 279lCBl02l6A Dated 19.O3.2O19 from the Rajpur Sonarpur Municipality and which was obtained by the Developcr exclusively at its own cost and expenses. 2l That by this Specified Agreement thc Laadowrera are entitled to get total 5 (flvel Flats out of which i) Flat No. A at the First Floor measuring about 750 sq. ft. super built up area, ii) Flat No. B at the First Floor measuring about 866 sq. ft. super built up area, iii) Flat No. C at the First Floor measuring about 838 sq. ft. super built up area, iv) Flat No. C at the Third Floor measuring about 838 sq. ft. supcr built up area and v) Flat No. D at the Third Floor measuring about 754 sq. ft. super built up area, vi) 474 sq.ft. (built-up) commercial area at the ground floor and 2ltrro) car- parking spaces no. I and 3 as his total allocations. Apart from it thc Landowners hcrcin will also get the proportionate share of t indivisible land underneath and easementary rights and facilities, privileges on paths and passages in and around the said project and all other common arcas and facilities attached to the said mu lti-storied buildings. S P_CONSTRUCTION tLkffi N^ttt/gt_ (i,.7" L' 'oz.^Atlpa oor luA-ry -x*0c S P CONSTRUCTION J*YW\,#:;a-' 4 3) That the developer also pay the sum of Rs. 8,OO,OOO/-(Eight Lakh) Only to the Landowner at the time of possession of Landowner,s allocation. 4) That by this Specified Agrecment apart from thc above-mentioned Landowner's Allocations the Devetoper will get the rest Flats, commercial area and car-parking spaces as their allocations. Apart from it the Developer will also get the proportionate share of indivisiblc Iand undcrneath and cascmcntary rights and facilities, privileges on paths and passages in and around the said project and all other common areas and facilities attached to the said mu Iti-storied t,u ildings. s) That the Developer by virtue of this Specified Agreemcnt shall have the absolute right and liberty to enter into any Agreement for Sale in respect of the Developer's Allocation of the said multi-storied buildings in the said project according to the sancrioned plan of the Rajpur Sonarpur Municipality; and to reccivc thc carnest money and/or any part payment for agreement [or sale from the intending purchaser/s. SCH EDU LE ABOVE REFE RED TO ALL THAT piece and parcel of land containing an arca of 6 lslx) cottahs l4 (fourteen) chlttacLs 22 (tweDty two) sq. ft. be the same a little more or less comprised in and formed under Mouza - Dhalua, J.L. No. 43, Touzi No. 340-342, R.S. Kharian No. l20, L.R. Khatian No. 232711, R.S. Dag No.2l6, L.R. Dag No. 227, Holding No. 256, Dhalua t (Paschim), within Ward No. 2, of Rajpur-sonarpur Municipality under Sub-Registry Office- Garia, Police Station - Sonarpur within thc District - 24 Parganas (South). The said land and the building is butted and bounded as [ollows:_ ON THE NORTH : By R.S. Dag No. 216 (Pl; 'J#sI-HH;g._ (;"a- o'1l;7^7' lL.ry lt v' S P CONSTRUCTION i''t-Y:!:l;^"* :r, r..(4. ' - Pednel , 5 ON THE SOUTH By R.S. Dag No. 216 (Pl; ON THE EAST By 12 feet wide common passage; ON THE WEST By R.S. Dag No. 217; IN UIITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have set and subscribed their respective hands, seal and signature on this Specified Agreement the day, month and year first above written. WITNESSES: flr..). Trlor4*( Vitl+P.o- Dha-'1rt<- P-", - \ont"-lnPaYt ?it{ - tq 2- ,/' ,j'h,tf.- Signature of the Landowners S P CONSTRUCTION &*6 7ra*7 6fu1'1Ptt- 2 hft5a- (-i"k'D-tazatz4D '$"r,1^*.'^-t (J* padnot vA'l+t' S P CONSTRUCTION B"f. bu- a;'Ii ur",+*-'u\r'I1h. ,lL4 Ll'J^ ' parlnet Signature of the Developer.
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