Arizona and Southwestern Biographical File Arizona and Southwestern Biographical File contains biographical sketches, clippings, articles, and miscellaneous documentation of various people from the late 1800’s to the present. Individual files vary in content and size and do not contain photographs. Access to the material is through an index guide arranged alphabetically by surname. Single items on individuals will be found in the general folders for each letter while people with several items have their own folder. A Aaron, Samuel, 1866-1940 Abbey, Edward, 1927- Abbot, Laura Hunsaker Abels, Charles H., 1899- Ackerman, Lee, 1921- Acton, Leslie C., 1925- Adams, George H. Adams, Lloyd Addison, James Reavis Aguirre family Akers, Charles H., 1857- Aldrich, Mark, 1801-1873 Allen, Francis W., 1874-1956 Allen, John Brackett (Pie), 1818-1899 Allen, Wesley Thorton, 1903- Alvarez Tostado, José María, 1883-1974 Amado, Antonio, 1874-1968 Amado, Demetris Amado Family 1 Anderson Anderson, Albert Franklin, 1889- Anderson, Clint, 1895- Anderson, J. E. Anderson, Jim Andrade, Mercedes (see Corono, Salvador) Apache Kid (see Sieber, Al) Aphold, Adelaide (Addie), 1878- Aphold, Henry, 1874-1947 Aphold, Henry Louis Aphold, Louisa (see Wright, Lula Aphold) Appel, Nathan B. Arguello, Conception Armer, John H., 1883-1948 Arnold, Benjamin L., Sr. Arnold, Elliott, 1912-1980 Arnold, Harold A.(Harp), 1888-1969 Aros, Teofilo E., 1860-1924 Ashe, John L. Ashurst, Henry Fountain, 1875- Asta, Ron Athey, Gerald, 1920-1991 Atwood, Julius W. Audelo, Maria Soto, 1899- Auslander, Edith (Edie) Austin, Mary B Babbitt Family Babbitt, Bruce Babbitt, Charles, 1865- Babbitt, David Babbitt, Edward Babbitt, George Babbitt, George, Jr. Babbitt, James Babbitt, John George, 1908- 2 Babbitt, William Bacon (see also Mellgren) Bacon, John E., 1869-1964 Bailey, Neill Edwards, 1874- Baldwin, Martin Heinz, 1897- Barney, James M. Banta, Alfred Franklin, 1843-1924 Bantlin, Marquerite, 1936-1996 Barkley, W. B., 1907- Barnes, Will Croft, 1858?-1936 Barney, James M., 1874-1965 Barth, Solomon, l842-1928 Bartlett, Adolphus Clay, 1922- Bartlett, Archer Lyle, 1887- Bashford, Coles Bates, C. T. R., 1907-1984 Batty, Walter A., 1899- Baugh, Alice Mary, 1853-1947 (see Smith, Lot) Bauman, Gustave Baumann, Jules, 1845-1929 Baxter, Frank Bayless Bayless, Charles H., 1863-1938 Bayless, William Henry, 1829-1926 Baylor, John Robert Beal, Richard Sidney, 1887- Beatin Yazz Beaty Beaty Family Beaty, Clarence L. Beckett, Percy Gordon Beecher, John, 1904- Begay, Harrison, 1917- Behan Family Beloat, William Robert, 1861- Benedict, A. J., 1849-1927 Bennett, Charles F., 1851- Bentley, Emmet A., 1840?- Berger, Alexander (see Bryan) 3 Berger, Madeline Heineman, 1883-1943 Bergonier, Eugene Felix (see Bragonier Family) Bergonier, Valentine Lezongar (see Bragonier Family) Best, M. Bettwy, Andrew L., 1894-1950 Betz Family Bideaux, George A., 1899-1978 Bilby, Kenneth W., 1918- Bilby, Ralph M., 1918?-1981 Bilby, Ralph W., 1891-1987 Billingsley, Milo W., 1889-1982? Billy the Kid, 1859-1881 Bimson, Carl A. Bimson, Walter Reed, 1892-1980 Birdno, John Joseph, 1868- Black, La Verne Nelson Blair, Hugh H. (see Richey, William K.) Bledsoe, Nelson C., 1877?-1974 Blome, R. H. H., 1854- Bloom, Clara (Ferrin), 1882?-1973 (see also Ferrin) Bloom, Dave Bloom, Eleanor, 1914-1991 Bloom, Herb Bloom, Ted Bloomquist, Charles O., 1913- Bogan, John W., 1855-1928 Bohannan, Robert Critchfield, Jr., 1919- Boice, Henry Gudgell, 1894- Boice, William S., 1915- Bolin, Harvey Wesley, 1908- Bolton, Harriet Newell (see Wasson, John) Bolton, Herbert Eugene Bond, Ervin Bonillas, Ygnacio, 1858?- Bonnano, Joseph S., 1905- Bopp, Walter Borg, Carl Oscar Borton, Elizabeth (Lizzie), 1856(?) -1926 Borglum, Solon H., 1868-1922 4 Boss, Mary M., 1886- Bourke, John Gregory, 1846-1896 Bourne, Sister Eulalia, -1984 Bowen, Albert Bowman, Grace, 1875-1951 Braconier (see Bragonier Family) Brady, Peter Rainsford, 1825-1902 Bragg, Janet H., 1907-1993 Bragonier Family Brannan, Sam, 1819-1899 Brayton, Nelson Dewey, 1876-1967 Breen, Fred S. Bregunier (see Bragonier Family) Brichta, Augustus, 1821-1920 (see also Spring, John A.) Brichta, Jenny Bridge, George M., -1936 Brinegar, David F. Brinckerhoff, Sidney Burr, 1933- Brisbin, James Sanks, 1837-1892 Britton, Marguerite, 1890- Brockunier, Samuel Hugh (see Bragonier Family) Brodie, Alexander O., 1849-1918 Brooks, Marion Lester, 1904- Brophy, Frank Cullen Brown Brown, Arthur T. Brown, Charles Owen, 1829-1908 Brown, George W. Brown, Gregory Wiley, 1844-1927 Brown, Elsie Stewart, 1881?-1926 Brown, Herbert, 1848-1913 Brown, J. K. Brown, Jack, 1927- Brown, Joe Brown, Keith S. Brown, Martha Evelyn Ashley, 1868- Brown, Neilson, 1912- Brown, Rollin Carr, 1844-1937 Brown, Lyman Family (see Wakefield) 5 Brown-Berry Families Browne, J. Ross (John Ross), 1821-1875 Bruce, Charles M., 1853- Bruchman Family Bryan Bryan, William Jennings, Jr., 1889-1978 Bryan, William Jennings Sr. Buehman (see also Roberts & Ronstadt) Buehman, Albert R., 1886-1967 Buehman, Henry H., 1851-1912 (see also Lemmon; Schneider, Gus; Scribner, Matilda Carrillo) Bull, C. E., 1863- Bullard, George Purdy Bumstead, Dale, 1871-1952 Bundy, Winifred Burch, Dean Burch, H. Kenyon Burch, Lewis R., 1921- Burdick, Laura Louisa, 1838-1897 (see Smith, Lot) Burges, Lenna K. Burgess, Isabel, 1912- Burgess, John DeWitt, 1847-1918 Burgess, Miquela (Micela) Ferra, 1890-1987 Burke, Richard K. Burnett, Jim Burns, Hal, 1896?- Burns, Walter Nobel, 1872-1932 Burton, Marvin L., 1896- Busenbark, Charles William Bush, Nellie Butler, Susie, 1880-1977 Byrkit, James W. (Jim), 1893- C Cady, John Henry, 1846- Calisher, Harry B. Calkins, Margaret, 1894- Calkins, Richard C., 1926- 6 Callan, James H., 1909- Camacho, Jesús, 1883-1949 Cameron, Alice F. Cameron, Ralph Henry, 1863- Campbell Campbell, J. B. T. Campbell, John Henry Campbell, Thomas E., 1878-1944 Cano Castellanos, Miguel Rafael, 1884-1969 Capin, Esther Capron, John Garfield, 1828-1914 Cardon, Charlotte, 1918-2014 Carlson, Raymond, 1906- Carpenter, Clarence L., 1906- Carpenter, Pepper (Harry Charpentier), 1889-1948 Carr, Eugena Asa Carr, John Sterling, 1839-1910 Carr, William Henry, 1902-1985 Carrillo Carrillo, Jesusita (see Carrillo, Leopoldo) Carrillo, Josefa, 1890-1994 Carrillo, Leonor (Bracamonte), 1909-1986 Carrillo, Leopoldo Carrillo, Manuel Carrillo, Miguel T., -1909 Carroll, Gladys Franklin (see Franklin, Selim) Carson, Charles Allen, 1898- Carson, William M., 1894- Carter, Lynda Case, Charles Orlando, 1860-1933 Cashman, Nellie, -1925 Castro, Raúl Hector, 1916- Cawood, Cassie Blair, 1890- Chalmers, Mary Harrison, 1870-1931 Chambers, Clell, 1917- Chambers, George W., 1901-1978 Chapman, James H., 1865- Chasteney, Robert Westervelt, Jr., 1906-1997 Chavez, Cesar Estrada 7 Chavez, Fray Angelico, 1910- Chenowth Cheyney, George W., 1854-1903 Chidester, Otis Holden, 1903-1997 Childs Childs, Eugene W., -1926) Childs, George Pomeroy Childs, Thomas, Jr., 1870- Childs, Thomas, Sr., 1839-1912 Chilson, John Collins, 1868-1924 Cisneros, José, 1910- Clark, Badger Clark, Ann Nolan, 1897- Clark, Ellias S. Clarke, Gipsy Harper, 1888-1984 Clarke, Philip M., 1889-1963 Clayberg Cline, Walter, 1879-1959 Cloude, A. F. Cloudt, John, 1896- Clum, John Philip, 1851-1932 Clyne, Meade Coburn, Walt, 1889-1971 Cohen, Aaron Cohen, Ruth Colcord, William Clay, 1868- Cole, Oscar C., 1886- Colter, Bert J., 1887- Colter, Frederick Tuttle, 1879-1944 Colton, Harold Sellers, 1881-1970 Compton, James G. Comstock, Oliver E. Condie, LeRoy Conlan, John Connolly, Leo Max, 1908- Conroy, Mabel, 1890- Contreres, José (see Quinlin, James) Contzen, Fritz (see also Roskruge, George R.) Contzen, Philip, 1868-1954 (see also Roskruge, George R.) 8 Conway, Edward, 1889-1963 Cooke, Earle W., 1902- Cook, Harold, 1925- Coolidge, Dane, 1873-1941 Corbett Corbett, Hiram S. (Hi), 1886-1967 Corbett, J. Knox, 1861-1934 Corbett, James N., 1924- Corbusier, W. H., 1844?- Cordan, Mary Irene Pratt, 1882- Cordis, Frank J., 1894-1945 Corle, Edwin Corona, Salvador, 1893-1984 Corrigan, John J., 1882-1945 Cosgrove, Isabel Uries de Cosper, Mary Wilson, 1895- Costa, Eliseo J., 1898- Cosulich, Bernice, 1896-1956 Cotton, Clinton N., 1859-1936 Cowan, Ralph Cecil, 1899- Crabtree Crabtree, Carlotta Crabtree, Jack Ashworth Crabtree, Lotta Craig, Samuel H. Craig, William Eugene, 1900- Craver, Floyd Crawford, Albert M., 1894- Crawford, Jack Wallace Cremony, John Carey Crider, Franklin J., 1881- Cronley, Andrew, 1835-1918 Crook, George, -1890) Crosby, George Ellis, 1900- Crosby, George H., Jr., 1872- Cross, Edward Ephram, 1832-1863 Crouch, John Cruce, Eva Antonia Wilbur (see also Wilbur-Cruce) Culin Family 9 Culin, Frank Lewis, Jr., 1892-1968 Culin, Frank Lewis III Culin, John Edward Culin, Stella Greene (Snead), 1897- Culin, Virginia Cummard, Jack, 1906- Cumming, Douglas, 1918- Cummings, Charles L., 1855-1930 Cummings, Inex Gertrude, 1897- Curley, Frank, 1877-1929 Curnow, Alice J. Curnow, Thomas W. Curtis, Edward S. Curtis, Jean, 1887- Cushing, Howard B., 1838-1871 Cushman, Pauline Cusick, Edward Tim, 1892- D Dalgleish, Nellie L., 1879-1975 Dalton, Lupe Dalton, Thomas Edgar, 1864- Daniels, Ben Franklin, -1923) Darnell, Lillie Roberts, 1888- d'Autremont, Helen, -1966 (see also McCormick, Ada Pierce) d'Autremont, Hubert H., 1889-1947 Davidson, Alexander J., 1843-1938 Davis Davis, Arthur W., -1925 Davis, Clinton Horatio, -1886) Davis, Gordon L. Davis, Lewis W., 1907- Davis, W. Claude Davis, William C., 1842-1902 Davis, William C. (Mrs.) Dawahoya, Bernard Day-Cain, Kathleen DeArmitt, John F., 1862- 10 DeBaud,
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