4 The Clinton Republican. VOL. XLIV.-NO. 20. ST. JOHNS, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, AUGUST 31, 1899. WHOLE NO. 2,307. ABOUT 1,000 PRESENT IS NOV COMPLETE. 1 PLEASANT EYEXING IS VERY BADLYI HURT THE BELL WILL RING WITH A BROKEN HIP At the Annual Aufud Pioneer Plcnle. Our Water and Electric Plant a Model of Wax Spent Laat Friday at the Borne of Last Thursday about 1,000 people Perfection. Mlee Suale Dnrkee. gathered at Round Lake, Victor, the With the addition of the Bacon air About thirty invited guests gathered Stephen Fish Has Been Confined to occasion being the annual August pio­ Edmond Fitz, a Farmer of Olive, is lift and new engine the St. Johns water lad St. Johns Schools Open Septem­ at the pleasant home of Miss Susie Dur- neer picnic. The day was warm and the and electric plant is one of the most kee Friday evening in honor of Mr. and His Bed for*the Last Five dust was terrible but this did not lessen Paralyzed. complete and best equipped in the state. ber 5th. Mrs. H. W. Brass. The gift of a hand ­ the enthusiasm but seemed to make It has cost a lot of money to get it but some rocking chair from A. W. Durkee Tears. people more anxious for a holiday, all now that we have it there is great satis­ reminded the young couple that the time gathering with the intentions of a good HE FELL FROM A LOAD OF HAY AND faction in knowing that we have a plant PROSPECTS FOR A SUCCESSFUL YEAR of wedding presents was not yet past. time and it seemed to be really a success. STRUCK ON HIS HEAD. no town need be ashamed of. The air Music was rendered during the evening In the crowd could be seen faces which BETTER THAN EVER BEFORE. HE IS 104 YEARS OLD AND HAS lift cost about $3,000 and has a lifting by Miss Mamie Emmons, the Amphion will not be seen at these gay gatherings Quartet, Miss Bees Eggerman, H. B. ALWAYS BEEN IN GOOD HEALTH. capacity of 750,000 gallons per daff. This many more years, people, who in the machine pumps directly into the reser­ Washburn and Miss JuliaBross. early Edmund S. Fitz, a farmer of south 8 t. Johns is justly proud of her public days, worked hard in getting th e voirs, and whereas in former dry seasons A cake walk, gracefully executed by country into more civilized means of Olive, was engaged in loading hay last school system, and some day if the it often became necessary to shut down L. F. Constantine and Miss Bertha Keys living. Some had to start as early as Thursday, when the horses suddenly attendance keeps on increasing year by Not many people in St. Johns know on lawn sprinkling entirely for a time kept everyone laughing for a time, and three o ’clock in the morning going twenty- started and he fell. year the way it has during the past five that there is a man living here who is now these tanks are filled about four when it was announced that another over 100 years old. Such a man is living five and thirty miles. He struck on his head and shoulders, years, a new high school building will be cake walk in which all should participate Judge Daboll, who is nearly always and is almoet totally paralyzed. Dre- and .one half times per day and every one a necessity. and at the age of 104. His name is has had plenty of water. 150,000 gallons wasto take place, everybody joined in Stephen Fish. He was born in Sparta, present at gatherings of the pioneers and Ranney, of Lansing, and Sanford, of Superintendent Gilbert Btarts in with cheerfully. Mr. and Mrs. Brass led the Dewitt, more per day are pumped now than New York, in February 1795, he cannot who has a pleasant word for all, being in are attending him, but he is in every indication of a successful year way to the dining room, where dainty the upper peninsula was greatly mi3acd a very serious condition and his recovery formerly. Although the capacity of the ahead of him. Methods of education are remember what day of the month. He is machine is 750,000 gallons per day only refreshments were served of German descent and is short and quite and his absense regretted by many. is a matter of grave doubt. progressing all the time and with the Games and more music served to pass The program was a success. The Mr Fitz was a resident of Lansing about 400,000 are pumped to meet re­ addition of the new commercial course thick set. While a person is talking quirements. During sprinkling hours away the remainder of a most enjoyable with him his mind wanders from one Dewitt band furnished music. The until last March, when he moved on to a the St. Johns high school will stand in a evening, and all departed with hearty farm, where he has since lived. water is used about equivalent to three subject to anothsr. He draws his worde social element was very noticeable and position second to few if any schools in thanks to their hostess for the pleasur ­ all day long the row boats and steamers fire streams. the stale. This course will give all the and is very hard to be understood, The new engine cost about $1,800 set able occasion, and the best of wishes for although after talking with him a while were kept busy, and as there were no BEET SUGAR FACTORY. ’ practical advantages of a business college a long and happy life to Mr. and Mrs. up and the accompanying shafting and right at home. Any young person desir­ you can get a sense of what he says. He accidents whatever, it was altogether Brass. pulleys caxe to about $800 more and ing instruction in commercial law, short is a blacksmith by trade. He has also considered a very pleasant affair. Among the guests proeent from out of The Aim* Concern la Conatructed on an necessitated some change in the building. hand, typewriting, book-keeping and done a great deal of gardening. town were, Ezra Keys and L. F. Con ­ One of the Fitcultjr, Imuienae Scale. The cost of these improvements comes kindred subjects will have the best kind Five years ago as he was going to set stantine, of Three Rivers, Miss Bess Miss Stella Keys returned to Lima, It wou’d prove a matter of much rather bard just at present when taxes of an opportunity for obtaining it here down in a chair be slipped and fell, break ­ are so high, still both machines were Eggerman, of Detroit, Miss Carrie But­ New York, Sunday morning to accept a interest and profit to the farmers who this fall. The high standard already ler, of Alma, and Miss Emma Keys, of ing his hip. Since that time he has been are raising sugar beets if they might pay needed and the wisdom of the move attained in the other courses and the confined to his bed. He cannot move position on the faculty of the college New York. located a visit to Alma and see what kind of an must be apparent. lower grades will be maintained. The about, but has to be helped. Since he there. Miss Keys was a student there last year and this advance speaks institution is being prepared to take : -_____ i - $ ' sciences receive the beet of treatment, Trxvli-YanCamp. was hurt he has not been out of the well for her mental attainments. care of their product. our laboratories being excelled only by Ora Travis and Miss Minnie VanCamp house. He was never sick, but has At first sight one is impressed^ by the those in the largest cities ^f the state. were quietly married in Union City on always been in the best of health. He THEY WANT FACTS. Wednesday evening last week. They immense size of the buildings. The main Will A. Newton, of Joliet, Illinois, has left immediately for a wedding trip always worked up to the time that he 34TH ANNUAL REUNION been engaged to take the place made through northern Michigan. The groom was hurt. factory building is of brick, is five The .State Tux Coinralxuloners ure to Invea- stories vacant by Mr.Smith ’s recent resignation. is meeting with success as an educator, His parents and his br >ther and sister high with a cupola nearly the tlgate. he having been principal of the schools Of (lie 2nd Michigan Volunteer Infantry whole length of the building besides this Look on another page for the school all lived to be quite old. Anyone in Clinton county who has at Union City for several years. The at St. JoliiiH. this, and is nearly 400 feet in length. announcement. byde has also met with success in the He had three children. One is now information which be thinkB would lead pedagogical line, she having been an living. Five grand children, ten great- This reunign will take place at St. TheD there is a large boiler building and a dumping shed for beets. This dump ­ to ^placing property now un taxed on the CANCELLED STAMPS. instructor for sometime in Union City. grand children and six great-great-grand Johns on September 21st. assessment rolls is requested by the State May joy and happiness be theirs. children. Altogether there are five There will be a welcoming address ing shed is about forty rods long, with Tax Commission to forward ail facts of The Uae of Them Made Trouble for Oarar generations.
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