874.1 REPTILIA: SQUAMATA: PHRYNOSOMATIDAE Sceloporus edwardtaylori Catalogue of American Amphibians and Reptiles. Flores Villela, O., H.M. Smith, E.A. Liner, and D. Chis- zar. 2010. Sceloporus edwardtaylori. Sceloporus edwardtaylori Smith Taylor’s Spiny Lizard ?Sceloporus sp.: Cope 1871:216. Sceloporus spinosus: Gadow 1905:194 (part). Sceloporus edwardtaylori Smith 1936:6. Type_locali- ty, “near Ixtepec (San Gerónimo), Oaxaca, [Mex- ico]”. Holotype, Field Museum of Natural History (FMNH) 100058, adult male, collected 22 August 1935, by E.H. Taylor and H.M. Smith. No subspecies are currently recog- MAP. Distribution of Sceloporus edwardtaylori. The circle • CONTENT _ nized. indicates the type locality, and dots other records. Köhler (1994, 2000) and Köhler and Heimes (2002). A large (107 mm maximum SVL) • DEFINITION Black_and_white photographs are in Smith (1939) and species without a distinctive dorsal pattern; dorsal Werler and Smith (1952). Line drawings of the head _ and lateral scales are light hued anteriorly whereas scales are in Smith (1939). Cole (1970) illustrated the the posterior edges and keel are dark. A dim dorsolat- karyotype as well as providing a black_and_white pho- eral light stripe is present. Ventral surfaces are white, tograph of representative habitat. Carpenter (1978) lacking both gular and abdominal semeions. Head provided a schematic of the display_action_pattern. scales are normal except as indicated in the Diagno- sis. There are 28–35 dorsal scale rows, and 9–13 fe- • DISTRIBUTION. Semi_arid areas on the Pacific moral pores on each side. slopes of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, Oaxaca, west- ward to the valley of the Río Tehuantepec on the ·DIAGNOSIS. This heavy_bodied species is the sole Pacific versant of the state, the closest locality to the member of its species group (Wiens and Reeder border with Chiapas is about 50 KM away.. 1997), and is morphologically unique in the genus in having relatively huge supraoculars not or only par- • FOSSIL RECORD. None. tially separated from the superciliaries (in other species there are one or more rows of small scales separating the supraoculars from the superciliaries)). • PERTINENT LITERATURE. In addition to the re- Unusual characteristics are the absence of ventral ferences already given, the following apply as stated: markings in both sexes, the very large posterior anatomy (Larsen and Tanner 1974; Olson et al. superciliary, and the contact except in juveniles, of 1986, 1987), behavior (Bussjaeger 1971; Carpenter the fourth supraocular always, the third rarely, with 1978, 1986; Ferguson 1977; Martins 1993), biogeo- _ the median head scales. graphy and distribution (Bojórquez Tapia et al. 1995; Casas Andreu 1982; Casas Andreu et al. 1996; _ _ • DESCRIPTIONS. Detailed descriptions are given Cope 1871; Flores Villela 1993; Flores Villela and Gérez 1988, 1994; Gadow 1905; García 2006; Hart- in Smith (1936, 1939) and Köhler and Heimes (2002). weg and Oliver 1937, 1940; Köhler 2000; Köhler and Heimes 2002; Werler and Smith 1952; Wilson and • ILLUSTRATIONS. Color photographs appear in McCranie 1998), captive husbandry (Köhler 1997), karyology (Cole 1970; Gilboa 1974; Hall 1973; Schwenk et al. 1982; Sites et al. 1992), phylogeny and systematics: (Larsen and Tanner 1975; Leaché 2010; Leaché and Mulcahy 2007; Melville and Hale 2009; Sites et al. 1992; Smith 1936, 1939; Wiens 1993, 1999, 2000; Wiens and Reeder 1995, 1997; Wiens et al. 2010), reproduction: Guillette et al. 1980; Méndez_de la Cruz et al. 1998; Werler 1970). The species occurs in the following checklists and similar compendia: Axtell (1992), Bell et al. (2003), Capocaccia (1961), Cochran (1961), Dean (1984), Flores-Villela (1993), Flores Villela et al. (1995), Frank and Ramus (1995), Casas_Andreu et al. (2004), Hutchins et al. (2003), Liner (1994, 2007), Liner and Casas Andreu (2008), Maldonado Koerdell FIGURE 1. Sceloporus edwardtaylori (adult female MZFC 16245) from Oaxaca, Mexico. Photograph by E.N. Smith. (1953), Marx (1958, 1976), Sites et al. (1992), Smith 874.2 and Chiszar (1992), Smith and Smith (1976, 1993), Amer. Mus. Novitates (2431):1–47. Smith and Taylor (1950b), Smith et al. (1964), Cope, E.D. 1871. Ninth contribution to the herpetol- Sokolov (1988), and Taylor (1944). ogy of tropical America. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia 23:200–224. • REMARKS. The standard English name for this Dean, R.H. 1984. Karyotypes, Genetics and Morphol- species is derived from the Latin word sartor, mean- ogical Variation in the Lizard Sceloporus oliva- ing "tailor," from which in turn the surname Taylor has ceus. Ph.D. Diss., Texas A&M Univ., College Sta- been derived. We do not use the eponym because tion. the name taylori exists elsewhere in the genus (Scel- Ferguson, G.W. 1977. Social displays in reptiles, p. oporus occidentalis taylori). 405–554. In C. Gans and D.W. Tinkle (eds.), Biol- ogy of the Reptilia, Vol. 7, Ecology and Behaviour • ETYMOLOGY. The species is named for Edward A. Academic Press, New York. H. Taylor, a renowned herpetological taxonomist and Flores_Villela, O.A. 1993. Herpetofauna Mexicana: skilled collector, with cosmopolitan contributions. annotated list of the species of amphibians and reptiles of Mexico, recent taxonomic changes, • ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. We are grateful to the and new species. Carnegie Mus. Nat. Hist. Spec. curators of the following museum collections for pro- Publ. (17):iv + 73 p. vision of data on this species (acronyms follow Levi- – and P. Gérez. 1988. Conservación en México: sín- ton et al. 1985): AMNH, CAS, FMNH, KU, LACM, tesis sobre vertebrados terrestres, vegetación y el MCZ, TCWC, UAZ, UCM, UIMNH, UMMZ, USNM. uso del suelo. Instituto Nacional de Investigaci- ones Sobre Recursos Naturales, Xalapa, México. LITERATURE CITED – and –. 1994. Biodiversidad y conservación en Méx- ico: vertebrados, vegetación y uso del suelo. _ Axtell, R.W. 1992. Sceloporus magister. Interpretive Univ. Nac. Autón. Méx. CONABIO, México, D.F. Atlas of Texas lizards (12):1–8. –, F. Mendoza Quijano, and G. Gonzalez Porter Bell, E.L., H.M. Smith, and D. Chiszar. 2003. An an- (compl.). 1995. Recopilacion de claves para la notated list of the species_group names applied to determinacion de anfibios y reptiles de Mexico. the lizard genus Sceloporus. Acta Zool. Mex. Publ. esp. Mus. Zool. (10):iv + 285 p. (n.s.) 90:103–174. Frank, N. and E. Ramus. 1995. A Complete Guide to Bojórquez_Tapia, L.A., I. Azuara, E. Ezcurra, and O. Scientific and Common Names of Reptiles and Flores_Villela. 1995. Identifying conservation pri- Amphibians of the World. N G Publ., Inc., Potts- orities in Mexico through geographic information ville, Pennsylvania. systems and modeling. Ecol. Appl. 5:215–231. Gadow, H.F. 1905. The distribution of Mexican am- Bussjaeger, L.J. 1971. Phylogenetic Significance of phibians and reptiles. Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. the Comparative Ethology of the spinosus Group 1905:191–245. of Sceloporus (Iguanidae). Ph.D. Diss., Univ. García, A. 2006. Using ecological niche modelling to Oklahoma, Norman. identify diversity hotspots for the herpetofauna of Capocaccia, L. 1961. Catalogo dei tipi de rettili del Pacific lowlands and adjacent interior valleys of Museo di Storia Naturali di Genova. Annali Mus. Mexico. Biol. Conserv. 130:25–46. Civ. Stor. Nat. Genoa 72:86–111. Gilboa, I. 1974. Karyotypes of amphibians and rep- Carpenter, C.C. 1978. Comparative display behavior tiles: a biogeographic review, p. 91–156. In H.G. in the genus Sceloporus (Iguanidae). Contrib. Dowling (ed.), 1974 Yearbook of Herpetology. Biol. Geol. Milwaukee Public Mus. (18):1–71. H.I.S.S., Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist, New York. –. 1986. An inventory of the display_action_patterns in Guillette, L.J., Jr., R.E. Jones, K.T. Fitzgerald, and lizards. Smithson. Herpetol. Info. Serv. (68):1–18. H.M. Smith. 1980. Evolution of viviparity in the Casas Andreu, G. 1982. Anfibios y Reptiles de la lizard genus Sceloporus. 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