[Effective Date: 16 Aug 2018]

[Effective Date: 16 Aug 2018]

AIRAC AIP SUPPLEMENT INDIA TEL: 91-11-24632950 AERONAUTICAL INFORMATION SERVICE 58/2018 Extn: 2219/2233 AIRPORTS AUTHORITY OF INDIA AFS: VIDDYXAX RAJIV GANDHI BHAVAN FAX: 91-11-24615508 SAFDARJUNG AIRPORT Email: [email protected] 04 JUL 2018 NEW DELHI – 110003 File No. AAI/ATM/AIS/09-09/2018 Following supplement is issued for information, guidance and necessary action. sd/- DR. GURUPRASAD MOHAPATRA CHAIRMAN AIRPORTS AUTHORITY OF INDIA [EFFECTIVE DATE: 16 AUG 2018] AD 2. AERODROMES VAJJ AD 2.1 AERODROME LOCATION INDICATOR AND NAME VAJJ- JUHU/ DOMESTIC VAJJ AD 2.2 AERODROME GEOGRAPHICAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE DATA 190551.16N 0725002.18E Aerodrome reference point 1 MAG BRG 185.77 DEG/88M from intersection coordinates and its site of RWY 08/26 and RWY 16/34 Direction and distance of aerodrome reference point from the 2 500 M West from Vile Parle Railway Station centre of the city or town which the aerodrome serves Aerodrome elevation and reference 3 16 FT /33 DEG C temperature Magnetic Variation, date of 4 0.75 DEG W (2010)/ 0.0333 DEG E information and annual change Airport Director, AAI, Juhu Airport, Opp Nanavati Hospital Name of aerodrome operator, Vile Parle (W), Mumbai 400056 address, telephone, telefax, e-mail +91-22-26616738 5 address, AFS address, website (if Telephone available) +91-7045659508 Telefax +91-022-26616738 AFS Email Address [email protected] Types of traffic permitted 6 VFR (IFR/VFR) Bird Activity in and around operational area and in 7 Remarks traffic circuit. Pilots to exercise caution while landing and taxing. Airports Authority of India AIP Supplement 58/2018 Page 1 of 23 VAJJ AD 2.3 OPERATIONAL HOURS 0400 to 1230 UTC (0930 To 1800 IST) on all 1 Aerodrome Operator working days except Saturday, Sunday and Holidays. 2 Custom and immigration Not available 3 Health and sanitation N. A. 4 AIS Briefing office As ATS 5 ATS Reporting Office (ARO) As ATS 6 MET Briefing office As ATS 7 Air Traffic Service As ATS 8 Fuelling As ATS 9 Handling N. A. 10 Security H24 11 De-icing Not available Outside Watch Hrs, ATS are available on request 12 Remarks (Sunrise to Sunset) with 04 Hrs prior notice VAJJ AD 2.4 HANDLING SERVICES AND FACILITIES 1 Cargo-handling facilities Not available Kerosene based ATF (Aviation Turbine fuel), 2 Fuel and oil types M/s. HPCL. i) Tank capacity (16 + 6) KL (22,000 litre). Tank capacity (200 KL x 3 = 600 KL in 3 3 Fuelling facilities and capacity tanks). (IOCL filled the fuel in ONGC overhead tanks each have capacity of 200 KL). 4 De-icing facilities Not available 5 Hanger space for visiting aircraft Nil 6 Repair facilities for visiting aircraft MRO available. 7 Remarks Nil Airports Authority of India AIP Supplement 58/2018 Page 2 of 23 VAJJ AD 2.5 PASSENGER FACILITIES Hotel(s) at or in the vicinity of 1 Nearby Airport aerodromes Restaurant(s) at or in the vicinity of 2 Nearby Airport aerodromes 3 Transportation possibilities Nearby Airport 4 Medical Facilities Nearby Airport Bank and post office at or in the 5 Nearby Airport vicinity of aerodromes 6 Tourist office Not available 7 Remarks Nil VAJJ AD 2.6 RESCUE AND FIRE FIGHTING SERVICES 1 Aerodrome category for fire fighting Within AD HR: Category 4 Agni Vijay-CFT: One 2 Rescue equipment Ambulance: One Capability for removal of disabled 3 To be arranged by individual operators. aircraft 4 Remarks Nil VAJJ AD 2.7 SEASONAL AVAILABILITY CLEARING 1 Type(s) of clearing equipment Not available 2 Clearance priorities Not available 3 Remarks Nil VAJJ AD 2.8 APRONS, TAXIWAYS AND CHECK LOCATIONS/POSITIONS DATA Designation Designation, surface and 1 Surface Refer Aerodrome Parking Docking Chart strength of aprons Strength Designation Designation, width, Width 2 surface and strength of Refer Aerodrome Parking Docking Chart taxiways Surface Strength Airports Authority of India AIP Supplement 58/2018 Page 3 of 23 Location On Taxiway “N” Location and elevation 3 of altimeter checkpoints Elevation 4 M Location of VOR 4 Not available checkpoints Position of INS 5 Not available checkpoints Apron Size 240 M x 81.5 M, 115 M x 25 M, 6 Remarks 30 M x 22.8 M, 40 M x 30 M, 50 M x 27 M VAJJ AD 2.9 SURFACE MOVEMENT GUIDANCE AND CONTROL SYSTEM AND MARKINGS Use of aircraft stand identification Not Applicable signs, taxiway guidelines and 1 visual docking/parking guidance system at aircraft stands Edge, Centre Line, THR, Markings Designation RWY Runway and taxiway markings and 2 Lights Not Available lights Edge, Centre, Holding Marking TWY position Lights Not Available 3 Stop bars (if any) NIL 4 Remarks Ground Lighting System not Available Airports Authority of India AIP Supplement 58/2018 Page 4 of 23 VAJJ AD 2.10 AERODORME OBSTACLES RWY NR/ Obstacle type Coordinates Elevation Marking Remark Area /LGT s affected 1 2 3 4 5 6 AIRPORT BOUNDARY APCH 08 190549.69N WALL WITH 26 FT TKOF 26 0724937.49 E FENCING ON TOP APCH 08 190548.37 N LIGHT POLE 39 FT TKOF 26 0724936.81 E APCH 08 190549.58 N LIGHT POLE 33 FT TKOF 26 0724936.67 E APCH 08 190550.97 N LIGHT POLE 34 FT TKOF 26 0724936.35 E APCH 08 MOBILE ROAD 190549.80 N 34 FT TKOF 26 TRAFFIC 724937.19 E APCH 08 190547.91 N LIGHT POLE 40 FT TKOF 26 0724936.03 E APCH 08 190548.68 N LIGHT POLE 33 FT TKOF 26 0724936.86 E APCH 08 190548.98 N TREE 45 FT TKOF 26 0724936.66 E APCH 08 MOBILE ROAD 190549.70 N 34 FT TKOF 26 TRAFFIC 0724937.68 E APCH 26 190558.14 N LIGHT POLE 41 FT TKOF 08 0725021.79 E APCH 26 190556.50 N LIGHT POLE 41 FT TKOF 08 0725021.83 E APCH 26 MOBILE ROAD 190556.02 N 31 FT TKOF 08 TRAFFIC 0725022.16 E APCH 26 190557.17 N BUILDING 56 FT TKOF 08 0725023.12 E APCH 26 190556.10 N BUILDING 47 FT TKOF 08 0725023.21 E APCH 26 190556.77 N BUILDING 47 FT TKOF 08 0725023.09 E APCH 26 190558.85 N BUILDING 55 FT TKOF 08 0725022.99 E APCH 26 190556.93 N PALM TREE 89 FT TKOF 08 0725022.57 E APCH 26 190559.05N TREE 99 FT TKOF 08 0725028.67E APCH 26 190557.98N BUILDING 79 FT LGHTD TKOF 08 0725031.93E Airports Authority of India AIP Supplement 58/2018 Page 5 of 23 APCH 26 RAILING ON 190604.30N 134 FT TKOF 08 BUILDING 0725052.18E APCH 26 RAILING ON 190601.66N 124 FT TKOF 08 BUILDING 0725048.92E APCH 26 190603.79N BUILDING 112 FT TKOF 08 0725046.19E APCH 26 MAST 190600.62N 114 FT LGHTD TKOF 08 (RELIANCE ) 0725040.82E APCH 26 190558.54N HOARDING 49 FT TKOF 08 0725021.61E HUTS IN APCH 16 190605.71N NEHRU 39 FT TKOF 34 0724957.56E NAGAR HUTS IN APCH 16 190605.51N NEHRU 34 FT TKOF 34 0724957.99E NAGAR HUTS IN APCH 16 190608.02N NEHRU 49 FT TKOF 34 0724957.94E NAGAR HUTS IN APCH 16 190605.15N NEHRU 32 FT TKOF 34 0724959.01E NAGAR APCH 16 190611.54N BUILDING 67 FT TKOF 34 0724956.98E APCH 16 RAILING ON 190621.77N 128 FT TKOF 34 BUILDING 0724952.43E APCH 16 190621.02 N BUILDING 132 FT TKOF 34 0724949.34 E APCH 16 BUILDING 19 06 24.80 N (UNDER 172 FT TKOF 34 CONSTRUCTION) 72 49 49.88 E APCH 16 DISH ANT. ON 190626.52 N 156 FT TKOF 34 BUILDING 0724946.91 E APCH 16 190623.43N BUILDING 143 FT TKOF 34 0724947.05E APCH 34 190536.14N LIGHT POLE 21 FT TKOF 16 0725009.23E APCH 34 MOBILE ROAD 190536.36N 26 FT TKOF 16 TRAFFIC 0725009.77E APCH 34 190536.21N LIGHT POLE 21 FT TKOF 16 0725009.75E APCH 34 190536.25 N LIGHT POLE 22 FT TKOF 16 0725010.25 E APCH 34 WIRE 190536.78 N 17 FT TKOF 16 FENCING 0725010.54 E APCH 34 190536.29 N LIGHT POLE 22 FT TKOF 16 0725010.76 E Airports Authority of India AIP Supplement 58/2018 Page 6 of 23 APCH 34 190536.35 N LIGHT POLE 22 FT TKOF 16 0725011.29 E APCH 34 WIRE 190536.30 N 21 FT TKOF 16 FENCING 0725011.53 E APCH 34 MASJID 190524.94 N 117 FT LGHTD TKOF 16 (MINAR TOP) 0725013.86 E APCH 34 ROD ON 190524.10N 102 FT TKOF 16 BUILDING 0725013.82E APCH 34 MAST ON 190519.94N 105 FT LGHTD TKOF 16 BUILDING 0725014.33E APCH 34 GROUP OF 190531.091N 51 FT TKOF 16 TREES 0725014.29E ARSR RADAR In circling Area 190538.46N DOOM (ROD 205 FT LGHTD and at AD 0725001.50E TOP) In circling Area 190547.29N MAST 124 FT and at AD 0725011.75E In circling Area 190552.30N BUSHES 26 FT and at AD 0724944.03 E In circling Area 190553.92N HOARDING 62 FT and at AD 0724940.92 E In circling Area GROUP OF 190552.59 N 66 FT and at AD TREES 0724939.81 E In circling Area GROUP OF 190548.00 N 80 FT and at AD TREES 0724941.89 E In circling Area 190547.84 N HOARDING 55 FT and at AD 0724940.48 E In circling Area 190547.64 N HOARDING 55 FT and at AD 0724938.77 E In circling Area 190552.31 N HOARDING 64 FT and at AD 0724937.90 E In circling Area 190552.16 N HOARDING 52 FT and at AD 0724937.12 E In circling Area GROUP OF 190543.95 N 130 FT and at AD TREES 0724940.20 E In circling Area GROUP OF 190545.45 N 96 FT and at AD TREES 0724937.48 E In circling Area 190547.76 N HOARDING 50 FT and at AD 0724939.41 E In circling Area 190552.043 N HOARDING 81 FT and at AD 0724938.80 E In circling Area GROUP OF 190546.97 N 85 FT and at AD TREES 0724936.89 E In circling Area 190547.05 N HOARDING 55 FT and at AD 0724937.55 E In circling Area 190553.04 N HOARDING 63 FT and at AD 0724939.86 E Airports Authority of India AIP Supplement 58/2018 Page 7 of 23 In circling Area GROUP OF 190546.55 N 82 FT and at AD TREES 0724945.30 E In circling Area 190559.17 N LIGHT POLE 41 FT and at AD 0725016.25 E In circling Area 190559.91 N LIGHT POLE 53 FT and at AD 0725020.69 E PAWAN HANS In circling Area 190558.86 N SECURITY 28 FT and at AD 0725021.06 E GATE In circling Area 190554.26 N HOARDING 55 FT and at AD 0725021.58 E In circling Area 190555.39 N BUILDING 61 FT and at AD 0725022.97 E In circling Area COCONUT 190600.27 N 96 FT and at AD TREE 0725022.53 E In circling Area 190556.38 N BUILDING 87 FT and at AD 0725036.40 E In circling Area 190556.67 N BUILDING 104 FT and at AD 0725034.68 E In

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