ISSN 0373-5680 Rev. Soc. Entomol. Argent. 60 (1-4): 147-161, 2001 The types of Encyrtidae (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea) housed at the Museo de La Plata, Argentina' LOIAcONO, Marta 5., Norma B. DIAZ, Fabiana E. GALLARDO YCecilia B. MARGARIA Departamento Cientifico de Entomologia. Museo de La Plata. Paseo del Bosque. 1900 La Plata, Argentina. e-mail: [email protected] • ABSTRACT. The 608 types of Encyrtidae (Chalcidoidea) housed at the Museo de La Plata (Departamento Cientifico de Entomologia were examined and listed. These types belong to 100 species and 3 subspecies of Encyrtinae. They were described by the following authors: De Santis (71), Annecke (6), Noyes (5), Blanchard (4), Erdoes (3), Annecke & Mynhardt (3), Bennet (1), Brethes (1), De Santis & Fernandes (1), De Santis & Vidal (1), Compere (1), Fidalgo (1), Gahan (1), Ghesquiere (1), Hoffer (1), Kerrich (1) and Mercet (1). For each taxon com­ plete information is given about the original publication, collection data, and its current state of preservation. On the other hand 15 types were placed in a separate list because of their doubtful status. KEY WORDS. Catalogue. Entomological types. Encyrtines. Museo de la Plata Collection. • RESUMEN. Los tipos de Encyrtidae (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea) deposi­ tados en el Museo de La Plata, Argentina. Fueron examinados y listados los 608 tipos de Encyrtidae depositados en el Museo de La Plata (Departamento Cientifico de Entomologia Estos tipos pertenecen a 100 especies y 3 subespe­ cies de Encyrtinae, las cuales fueron descriptas por los siguientes autores: De Santis (71), Annecke (6), Noyes (5), Blanchard (4), Erdoes (3), Annecke & Mynhardt (3), Bennet (1), Brethes (1), De Santis & Fernandes (1), De Santis & Vidal (1), Compere (1), Fidalgo (1), Gahan (1), Ghesquiere (1), Hoffer (1), Kerrich' (1) yMercet (1). Para cada taxon se brinda la informacion completa acerca de la publicacion original, datos de recoleccion y estado de conservacion. Separa­ damente a esta lista se agregan 15 ejemplares rotulados como tipos, de los cuales no fue posible determinar con certeza su status. PALABRAS CLAVE. Catalogo. Tipos entomologicos. Encirtinos. Coleccion Museo de La Plata. INTRODUCTION ta, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Only those materials belonging to superfamilies Cynipoidea (Diaz & This catalogue is part of a series that undertakes Loiacono, 1995), Proctotrupoidea, Ceraphronoidea the revision of the type materials of Hymenoptera (Loiacono & Diaz, 1996) and Apoidea (Durante housed in the collections of the Departamento & Diaz, 1998) have been already published. Cientffico de Entomologfa of the Museo de La Pla- Currently, the critical review of the types of 1 Dedication. This review of the types of Cha1cidoidea housed at the Museo de La Plata is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Luis De Santis (16/5/1914 - 1/8/2000), eminent hymenopterist and Emeritus Professor at the Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo de La Plata, Argentina. 147 Rev. Soc. Eniomol. Argent. 60 (1-4), 2001 Chalcidoidea, is being accomplished, beginning On the other hand 15 type specimens were with those of the family Encyrtidae. According to placed in a separate list because of their doubtful Grissell & Schauff (1990) 3277 species of Encyrti­ status. dae have been described; 390 of thern are Nearctic and 236 Neotropical, distributed in 135 and 153 The following information was provided for genera respectively. In Argentina, 157 species have each of the type specimen studied. been recorded, approximately 100 of which have Name of the taxon. Species are cited with been studied by De Santis (1964). More recently bibliographic reference to the original publication. (1998) De Santis emphasizes that the Encyrtidae are particularly important because of the great number Original publication. The author's name, year of species included in the family and because many of publication, title of the original publication, of encyrtids have been used in the biological or in­ volume, page nurnber and when appropriate, tegrated control of insects and acari of economic number of illustration, is given. importance. In view of the great value of type ma­ terials for taxonomic revisions and in the correct Types. Categories of holotype, allotype, paraty­ assignrnent of narnes, the International Code of pe, paralectotype and syntype are indicated, as well Zoological Nomenclature (ICZN, 1999) recom­ as the number of specimens in each type series. mends that institutions publish lists of the type­ materials in their possession or custody (ICZN, Sex of specimens. This information is given 72F. 4). This type revision was based on the ca­ whenever possible. talogues of De Santis (1967 b, 1979, 1980, 1981, 1989) and De Santis & Fidalgo (1994). Collection number. All specimens of the same The purpose of this contribution is to gather series are given the same number and an additional and update information about the 608 types of number separated by a bar identifies each speci­ Encyrtidae housed in the entomological collec­ men within a series. tions of the Museo de La Plata, according to the recommendation of the ICZN. Collection data. Country, province, locality, capture date, collector's name, host or other bionomic data included on labels are given. Mo­ MATERIAL AND METHODS reover we include additional data provided by the original publication. The collection of Hymenoptera of the Museo de La Plata has a large number of Encyrtidae Observations. Poorly preserved specimens are species, the result of much hard work on part of noted. Slide-mounted specimens are indicated by several Entomologists. The types studied belong the code (M.S.). to 100 species and 3 subspecies which were described by the following authors: De Santis (71), Annecke (6), Noyes (5), Blanchard (4), Erdoes RESULTS (3), Annecke & Mynhardt (3), Bennet (1), Brethcs (1), De Santis & Fernandes (1), De Santis & Vidal (1), ENCYRTIDAE Compere (1), Fidalgo (1), Gahan (1), Ghesquiere (1), Hoffer (1), Kerrich (1) and Mercet (1). This ca­ ENCYRTINAE talogue includes all the specific and subspecific names published up to 1999, whose type series is argentinensis, Achrysopophagus De Santis housed at least in part, in the Museo de La Plata 1964. An. Com. Invest.Cient. Provo Bs. As. 4: Collection. The rnain information, as taken from 357- 359, fig. 193. the labels of the type specimens and frorn the ori­ • Holotype, fernale, MLP nro.1971 /1 (M.S.). ginal descriptions, is provided for each species, ARGENTINA: Tucurnan, San Javier. along with comments on the current state of pre­ 17-X-1958, Exp. Mus. La Plata coil. servation of the material. Following Lavett Smith & Buerkl i (1969) we considered appropiate the aclerdae, Aenasioidea De Santis inclusion of the paratypes. 1972 b. An. Soc. Entomol. Brasil 1(1): 22. 148 LOIAcONO, M. S. et al., The types of Encyrtidae .• Holotype, female, MLP nro. 4109/1 (M.S.). ARGENTINA: La Pampa, Potrillo Oscuro. BRAZIL: Alagoas. 27 -- II - 1958, Exp. Mus. La Plata call. 11-1-1971, Mendonca Filho coil. • Paratypes (2), females, MLP nro.1987/4-5. • Allotype, male, J\;1LP nro. 4109/2 UvLS.) ARGENTINA: La Parnpa, Santa Rosa. Same data as Holotype. 2-11-1958, Exp. J\.1us. La Plata coil. • Paratypes (2), males, MLP nro. 4109/3, 13 (tvLS.). Same data as Holotype. kerrichi, Alamella Annecke • Paratypes (9), females, ~v1LP nro. 4109/4-12 1969. ). ent. Soc. sth. Afr. 32:443--459 Uv1.S.). • Paratypes (3), MLP nro. 4110/1-3. Sarne data as Holotype. SOUTH AFRICt\: Zebediela. • Paratypes (12),. sex not determined, MLP nro. V- 1966, Baas coil.. 4109/14--26. Sarne data as Holotype. venustus, Allocerellus Anneeke et Mynhardt Observations: obtained from Aclerde campi­ 1969 b. Rev. Zool. Bot. Afr. 82: 85- 110. nensis (Hemiptera, Aclerdidae). • Paratypes (3),. MLP nro. 4111/1--3. Sl)UTH AFRICA: Sornerset West. ifscicollis anchyloperae, Ageniaspis De Santis X- 1969, Insley call. -19.57 a. Notas Mus. La Plata 19, Zool. 173: 114. • Holotvpe, fernale, MLP nro. 1965/1 (M.S.). micans, Ameuroencyttus De Santis A.RGENTIt\lA: Buenos Aires, Tigre. 1985 b. Spixiana 8(3): 263. 1953, Bourquin coil. • Holotype lost, MLP nro. 41 31/1 . • Paratypes (8), fernales, 1\t1LP nro. 1965/2-9 (M.S.). • Allotype, male, tv\LP nro. 4131/2. Same data as Holotype. ARGENTINA: Santiago del Estero, Los Pirpintos. Observations: reared from larvae of Anchylope­ -1982, Fiorentino-Bellomo coil. ra plumbata (Lepidoptera) by Bourquin. Three • Paratypes (28), MLP nro.4131/3-30. paratypes were sent to DTs. Ferriere, Erdoes and Same data of Allotype. Compere respectively.. Observations: collected on Criodium angustatus eggs. The holotype specimen is lost, only the label reticulatus, Ageniaspis De Santis was found. 1964. An. Com. Inv. Cient. Provo Bs. As. 4: 310­ 312. figs. 150- 151. ananatis, Anagyrus Gahan • Holotype, female, MLP nro.1966/1 (I\I1.S.). 1949. Proc. Haw. Ent. Soc. 18: 357. ARC~ENTINA: Buenos Aires, Tigre. • Paratype, female, J\!\LP nro. 1934/1 (M.S.). 1958, Bourquin coil. BRAZIL: Recife. e Allotype, male, MLP nro.1966/2 (M.S.). 24-1--1937, Schmit call. Sarne data as Holotype. • Paratypes (2), males, MLP nro.1966/3-4 (M.S.). brevistigma, Anagyrus De Santis Same data as Holotype. 1964. An, Com. Invest. Cient. Provo Bs. As. 4: • Paratypes (2), females, J\!\LP nro.1966/.5-6 (M.S.). 69-71, figs. 16 y-17. Sarne data except VII -- 1958. • Holotype, female, MLP nro. 2677/1 (M.S.). • Paratype, male, J\;1LP nro.1966/7 ARGENTINA: Buenos Aires, Balcarce. Same data except VII - 1958. 10-11-1961. Exp. Mus. La Plata call. Observations: obtained from eggs of Lepi­ doptera.r jucundus, AnagyrusDe Santis 1964. An. Com. Invest. Cient. Provo Bs. As. 4: rusticus, Aglyptoideus De Santis 59-61 , fig. 8. 1964. An. Com. Inv. Cient. Provo Bs. As. 4: I O'l­ • Holotvpe, female, MLP nro. 1933/1 (M.S.). 102, fig. 33. ARGENTINA: Tucuman, San Javier. • Holotype, female, tv1LP nro.1987/1 (M.S.): 13-111-1960, Exp.
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