T he Courier-Gazette. V olume 50. IROCKLAND, MAINE, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 5,1895. Entered Necnnd C-Irmn Wall Mnilrr. N u m b e r 14. CITY CHAT. Gen.-Hiram G. Berry BROKE GLASS. Highest of all in Leavening Power.— Latest U.S. Gov’t Report The people in the vicinity of Ulmer street Last week unknown parties broke $50 are getting a little impatient over the delay worth of plate-glass in the Syndicate cottage of the city government in laying out a BJOORAPJI r at Bay Boint, occupied last season by Benj. thoroughfare there. Three petitions have Smith. the B R E A D been sent to the city fathers in the last two or Baking three years, without appreciable effect. T he Written fo r the Courier-Gazette by Edward K. Gould T H A T I S - ^ i C.-G. understands that if the city will con­ LOCAL NEWSPAPERS. struct the street the Standard Oil Co., which {Begun In N o. 8. Hack numbers can be had. | does business there, will assist in the work. The report that Rcmty S. Sidelinger had Powder XXXVII. bought the Warren Journal was premature. On the nothern Bide of the old Thomaston which was placed in reserve to the second In the midst of the rout and tumult line. Mr. Sidelinger talked of buying hut the trade Ab s o lu te ly p u r e A L L B R E A D Road,west of Orange street,is a thickly settled fell through. W. B. Foster of the Thomaston little community, whose neat residences give Hooker hurried up. Near by was bis obi General Berry’s prompt disposition of his troops at a critical moment, the severe fire of Herald is the purchaser. Chas. W. Orheton evidence of thrift and industry. In front of division under command of his true and Our old friend Solon Chase is a possibility vigorous and of the highest quality. We Is Flint Bros.’ Domestic. trusted friend, Major General Berry. his artillery, and the imposing attitude of his ow- proprietor of the Vinalhaven Review-. as the Bopulist candidate for governor. their houses is a walk of sharp edged limerock make this testimonial unsolicited, for the chips that is at once the despair of boots and “General” he shouted “throw your men in­ infantry had effectually stopped the advance of Jackson’s whole corps of 26,000 muskets, benefit of our farmer friends. We are It is fast being recognized nnd shoes, and the delight of the cobbler and shoe to the breach—receive the enemy on your HORSE HAIRS. Young’s Hotel must have been crowded dealer. Some time or other these people bayonets—don’t fire a shot—they can’t see flushed as ’hey were with their victorious not acquainted with the Messrs Farquhar called for by everybody. Itisnindo encounter with the 1 ith Corps. The magni­ last week, if we believe the following, taken should be surprised with a nice cross plank you 1” and are under no obligations to them, as the from the best Flour nnd by tbe tude o f this service can better be compre­ Thomas II. Donohue drive a new- horse, from Thursday’s Boston Journal: walk. Berry with his First and Second Brigades seed was purchased from them at their lalest process known to tbe lin­ started to the rescue of the Union army. In hended when the fact is considered that bought of James Cochran----- George W. Herr W. W.Van Blankinstcinheimcr of Hamburg Berry’s Division probably did not number Davis drives a handsome young stallion___ and the Baron do Nottlcpoop are at Young's Hotel. regular rates and paid for with cash. Thia kers A rt. It is of (Tnegrain, rich in “Patronize home folks’’ has long been a the meantime, General Pleasonton with 22 slogan of T he C.-G. and it is the paper’s war more than 6,000 muskets.* Then, too, he Fred IL Berry and Williston Grinnell are on pieces of artillery, double-shotted with canis­ a fortnight-^ trip up Montreal way, buying is the third year we have used their seed and flavor and cbuck full of nutriment. cry today. The past week travelling peddlers ter, had poured a well directed lire at short was compelled to advance his line of battle A dispatch from Austin, Texas, says regard­ through the panic stricken mob of the n th horses----- Garictt Coughlin has sold his horse it has always proved satisfactory. have been about the city selling clothing, etc. range into the masses of the enemy. This, ing the latest Texas negro burning that “the • Perhaps they sold good goods for low prices, Corps. to a Mr. Lucas of Union. together with a desperate charge of a small The Belfast correspondent of ihe Bangor Best Brown Bread and but if at the end of a week or so the purchaser cavalry detachment, checked the advance for Doubleday says: “ Few people nppre condemned there,” and that’s Just ciate the steadiness and courage required, Commercial is nothing if not newsy. The Beans In the City every found that the goods were worthless,he would a time until Berry could get into position to WEDDING ANNOUNCEMENT. far as they get. None of the self-appointed have no redress, whereas if he had traded when all around is flight and confusion, for a Saturday and Sunday. meet the second and formidable attack. torturers are ever condemned. following is from his ready pen: with one of the city’s enterprising and reliable Berry’s orders were to form perpendicular to force to make its way through crowds of Tho matter 1# being discussed here of the possl. • dealers be could get the matter rectified. And the I’lank road. In the execution of this fugitives, advance steadily to the post of Cards have been received announcing the b ilityof the .Maine Central running Pullman ear# Prof. Meyers has been at Lewiston the past T he C. G. believes that in the long run as low movement, Captain Boland, Berry’s chief of danger in front and meet the exulting ene­ approaching wedding o f Ira Edward Wight from Boston to Belfast, nnd connecting hero with my, while others are seeking safety in the of New Orleans and Marie, daughter of Mr. the steam er Frank .Tone#, instead of nt Rocklnnd, FLINT BROS., prices prevail among home dealers for the stall, led the Excelsior Brigade into the woods week with a machine called a sky cycle, with for Bar Harbor. Thi# wa# current in#t sumnnr same classes of goods as can be found any­ to the right of the road, the 4th Excelsior be­ rear. Such men are heroes, and far more and Mrs. Auguste B. Ewing of St. Louis. The which he claims to answer in the affirmative nnd I# now revived nnd I# boing diMCUSscd with 276 Main Street. - Rockland,Me where. worthy of honor than those who fight in the ceremony will occur Tuesday evening, Nov. -iinlderable intercRt. It I# claimed lh#t pa##enger# ing placed on the edge of the timber to the the repeated interrogatory of that popular irough from Bonton can have more sleep by com­ left. The 1st Massachusetts, Colonel Mc­ full blaze of successful warfare.” 12, at seven o’clock at 2740 Locust street, St. song, “Shall We Ever Be Able to Fly?” ing by way of Belfa#t. a# the train# would arrive This home patronage question is a broad Laughlin, was detached from Carr’s Brigade Owing to the repulse of Jackson’s attack Louis. at a later hour. T he Frank .Tone# by taking her one, and one that will bear frequent discus­ Berry was everywhere present, coolly giving departure from here could reach Bar Harbor at and posted to the left of the Excelsior Bri­ lea#t one hour earlier. Again the transfer from sion. If a manufactory of any sort is started gade, prolonging the line to the Blank road, orders, and directing the movements of his WANT THE WATCH The Aminen ram Katahdin has had her tlie train to tbe Btcnraer, at Belfast, can be made in ‘own its success is a benefit to the town as the remainder of Carr’s Brigade formed a troops with judgment and skill. General more easily n# the depot and wharf are within a a whole. If the manufactured goods meet with second line of battle 150 paces to the rear. Robert McAllister, then Colonel of the n th trial, sailed faster than the required 17 knots Htorie’# throw of each other. Every advantage 1# New Jersey, in a letter home after the battle, with the Belfast route and our citizen# hope the a ready sale so that the force employed must Sickles says these dispositions were made Tonight will sec the close of an exciting and Bath people stand several inches higher. change will be made. be increased there is an additional benefit to without the steadiness of these veteran troops says of General Berry : contest. Some weeks ago the Sons of Vet­ “ As I tiled my regiment into the line Gen­ She had better be put in commission at once Perhaps after the Commercial scribe has the town. We have in mind just now the being in tbe least disturbed by the torrents of erans offered an elegant gold' watch to the and go to ramming and sinking some of those canning business of Thorndike & Ilix which fugitives breaking through their intervals. eral Berry rode up to me and said: ‘Now young lady selling the most tickets for their moved the headquarters of the Frank Jones is referred to elsewhere.
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