• • GOOD MORNING, IOWA CITY! The wonderful spring weather will come to an end today with thunderstorms and rain hitting the city e I at owan during the day. Tomorrow will be fair and warmer. EalablJahed 1888 Vol.~, No. 152 AP News and Wirephoto Iowa City, Iowa. Tuesday. March 26-Five Centa , ~------------------~-------------------~~-------------------------------------------------- -----------~----~------------------------------- BlAMES RUSSIA Moscow Says Freeman Mayor of City" for Day Red Delegate New Process Soviet Troops I " • * * * ' • • . ' • • • Star Forward, Mates r Walks Oul On Ruins Energy Leaving Iran' Honored at Big Rally UNRRA Meel For A~Bomb I British Plan to Send State Championship U. S. Proposes Limiting Acheson Proposes Parliament Member, Team Given Homage Occupational Forces Licensing System To Seek Information By Civic Leaders To Perishable Foods Under United Nations JjO no (A 1' ) - ' l'ehI'8n By JOHN OOSTENDORP I A'I'LAN'I'J(' 'J'I'\,. :-:: ..r. W \Hm. 'OT ~ ( P )-. <'i­ and MO!'l(tow I'PP01'I R . Hid lost Maybe yoU didn't know it, but (AP)- N. J. l<'bOl1o\', (·hi(·f elf nti t di 'II),~I )'l' I nlilY that night. ovict t.roops weI' on the Iowa City had a new mayor and ' th HII ~ial1 delegntilll1 to tlw they knl'w Iww tu "U(' nlllllr .. move 0111 of Tran, and in LOll- fire chief yesterday. There was I UNRRA, said last nill"lrt tht'I'e plntoninlO 0 thllt it.' at mi n­ dOli Bl"itif;h ullthoritiel! tooll a new City council, too-only it I' wa: no , ignifi IIntl' t (> hi'! walk- RUDOLPII liE rlZY ('ould be u... d only for in­ sleps to Kl'l' k Ollt (iil'C'ct infol'mn. hnd ·11 members instead of the out 'of /I HNBRA l'oUI1.il llIl'ct- ,I Hfli. /I If/I/illfl j'lIrlllfr" dllsll'i"J ptlrp I lIlIel not for lion on tilt' Sitlllltioll in the mirt- usual seven. I PIlRIt'rn cOl1ntl-.y. The reason? Iowa City took this I ling), .Mrdll), wilt'll the I'll it NI NUERNBERG (AP)-F'ormer bombs. way 10 pay lribute to a champion- •'tlltl'lI pro[)Clsl'd IIdoflt ion 0/' U Deputy Fu hrer Rudolph H sand Th dis ·1(1. Uri' \\ IlIlltle 10 'l'wo member's of pllrlillmcllt ship cage crew that won the city's program which would limit liv- th note atomic ' 11 rgy m­ said they would leffve lust night first state title Saturday with a ing off the land by armies. former !'lad Forel," Mini ler mittee In a scientific report pre­ by 1'1111141 ror T('lIr'l1n to mllll!' blazing finish that spilled tall, "My walkln .. out had no II'_ Joachim von Rlbbentrop . laked sented by Under ecretary of SIale unofficial inquiries on the situa- power-laden LeMars in the final I nlflcance at III," he said last their war crillles detens last Denn Acheson. Th report pro­ lion as representotives of their game. , nl'hl. 1, [ walked out for purely night on an attempt to show that posed an Internallon I licensinl parties. / Bob Freeman. Hawklet for- personal reasons and not 1.0 th ~ Soviet Union wa Nazi G r­ system under th United Nntion Michael Foot, Labor party mem- ward who pumped In three Ben­ demonstrate my atlltude. [was many's willing partner in p 1,101 commission for conlrol or!i lon­ rer und wriler tor lhe Daily Her- sational field ,oals In the last not In a position to take pari In to divid Poland and the Baltic able raw materials and of th Bid, lind Brig. A. H. Head, unionist, minute to overcome a 40-35 the dlscUIISlGn 0 I decided to at- states by secret agreement eight m nutactur ot atomic pow r. who will make the trip, said they hlndlea.p, was made honorary tend to fMlme urrent matteI'S. " days b lore the oUlbre k of war. Dr. Edward • Condon, dJ­ would be gone about two or three I mayor for the day. His 11 team- Fbonov left the council meeting The International military tri- rector ot the bur au of ItaJ1d­ weeks. mates were appointed councll- os C. Tyler Wood or th stole de- bunal ha.lted at lea t ttmporarUy ards and sclenUflc advisor to In Tehran minister ot slate men-at.far.. e, and Ooach Gil partment urged lhnt the 48 mem- Jln oWclal alrinr of one or dlp­ the nators. t'omntented that ber nIltlons adopl Q progrom denl- lorna tic h~tory's most con trover­ Ind propa,anda Prince Flrouz Wilson was made chief of Iowa I the "Irnpll~atlo"" w that the said the Soviet evacuation was City'S lire department. fng with armies in t mporary re 1_ . Ial episodes by reru In, to let way would now be o~ lor berun unday nl,ht Irom KaraJ, That event was part of a huge .• dence in other countrles, and lie attorney, Alfred eldl, read eventual developrnut of atowe adopt a program which would 'nto the re ord a purported eye- Just north of the capital. and was victory raJly at City high yester- I t' ;> • ener.. y tor peace time WIl'& contlnuln... Already, he said, djlY morning that touched off a I 1· ~. Ihll it living off the land. wltne account or RlbbentrOD' He explained to a reporter that %5 tanks, 100 trucks and 700 men d y 10 g . fib l' fl · "The Soviet armies or acquh'- foscow nttrotlations with Pre- although ways had b en known by had left the ~rea lor Kazvln, to I h~1g h \ s~r~e~lo ce e fra I~n; or MORE TRmUTE to Bob Freeman and his 'state championship teall'.n:atea was paid lasi nl.. hi by the Am- ing, In Austria, IiIcreage on which ml r 1 lin and Forel&'n omml­ which atomic enerl)' could be de­ the northwest. th . SCI 00 fO o':'her~, b~leeti rom. erican Legion at its annual dinner for the basketball squads ot the University of Iowa and Iowa City hl,b elr e asses or, e lU I a on. I I large sections of the population sar V. 1\1. Molotov In Au.. u t, veloped Industrially, the chief "The Russians have agreed to Speak H T SChools. Here Mayor W lber Teeters (center) congratulatea "Mayor" Bob wh Ie Coach (Fire Chief) Gil would normally depend," Wood 1939. problem which the new method of leave the country within the next The rally er:Clu~~~r sP~~:hes by \~ilson looks on. Both receiv~d honorary appointments for the day, followlnr Saturda.y nl,bt'. llensational sold In making his proposal. "The The court ordered that the ow­ treaUnt plutonlum hould solve five weeks," Firouz said. "1 think a number of civic and university VIctory. cereals provided by only one-halt davit obtained by Seidl from Ger­ would be that ot ~th traffic in this is a great personal victory dignitaries who paid glowing trib- ----------------------..,...----~:.:.-::------,......,...,.:.--__: the acreage which, according to man doreign office counsellor plutonium rather than its en­ reports, Soviet military nuthor- Friedrich Gaus in th Nuernberg for Prime Minister Qavam." ! ute to the team that [ought up- gin erlng u. e." B . , D ' Sf Wes have now given notice of prison 10 days ago be translated In commons Prime Minister I hill all the way and refused to yrnes ruman ress For example, he Id, It Ihe Altl ~e rejected a suggestion thot quit when the game seemed lost. r r ewey. 41 Japanese Added Intent to requWlion, would norm- for IUdy by nil the Allied prose­ power Indu lry wen nabl d to he arr~nged ? conf~r~nce in M.os-, Those who addressed the can- ally feed 250,000 people for a eutors. produce torn Ie enerry for In­ Iyear. ' Gau. in the sworn stat m I'll hud dWltry wlih untreated pllllOn­ r "II Is obvious that uch u of clnimed Ribb nlrop had told his t cowAttlee With hadPfJme been Mmlster asked whether Stalin, ICoachgregated Pops stude9t Harrison, body Athletic included: Di- Unllty af UNO Open'lllng SesSllon Io Wlr Crimes List lum, It al 0 could make bomb supplies by any resIdent mlll- Soviet host.. that "he did not con­ lle lhou.-hi It advisable to ar- rector "Dad" Schroeder, County Ill! a. by product. But the new Charged With Death tar,. does not square with the ider wllrlike conflict b tween rlnle such a conference 50 thl' Attorney Jack White; Cliff Nolan treatrn nt. th sci Iltlst Id. Of Civilians, Fliers oblia'a.tlon of a ,overnment to Germully and Poland DR an al­ hould help I this problem. "by frank talks wltb Stalin he president oC lhe Chamber 0; UNRRA." rendy finally deterlllined a(falr, may discover how a.nd to what Commerce; Harrison G. GibbS, NEW YORK (AP)-The United Byrne speaking at the first Interned in Sugamo Meanwhll" Presid III Truman extent ovid preoccUp"lIon with president of the school board; NationS security council yesler­ meeting of the important se­ Wood also declared that "nny but o,?ly as a possi bility near nt announced the members of a nlne­ Sf;curlt" can be reconciled with Iver A. Opstad, superinlendent of day heard U. S. Secretary of State ' curity council In the United military, attached to a govern- hand. mon civillon commisslon to valu­ nurs." Attlee replied thal he schO?1s; Fred L. Jones, City high James F. Byrnes assert that "No States, warned that the council TOKYO CAP)-A Japanese ol­ ment which is a member ot P 0 h I at th r· ul ta of the propo ed did not "consider it would be principal; Dick Yoakam of WSUI ; nation has the right to take the must rarry out the mandate of ticer accused of ordering and sup­ UNRRA, which dIvertS suppll s aHerson to ver au bomb tea;1.
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