EN Olomouc Congress Tourism Czech Republic 1 Praha Ostrava Olomouc Brno Moscow London Berlin Warsaw Prague Bratislava Paris Vienna Budapest Distances Olomouc – Prague (CZ) 250 km – Ostrava 100 km – Brno 76 km – Bratislava (SK) 200 km – Berlin (D) 650 km – Warsaw (PL) 485 km – Vienna (A) 200 km – Budapest (H) 380 km – Rome (I) 1 700 km – Paris (F) 1 440 km – London (GB) 1 580 km – Madrid (E) 2 700 km © Published by the Statutory City of Olomouc, 2018 © photo: archives of the City of Olomouc and other institutions ISBN: 978-80-87602-62-1 Dear Business Partners, You are holding a brand new, informa ve catalogue in your hands. Its aim is to introduce you to a wide range of ser- vices related to the prepara on and implementa on of seminars and congresses in the Central Moravian metropolis – the City of Olomouc. We are convinced that Olomouc, a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2000 and the „most beau ful city in the Czech Republic“ according to the pres gious Lonely Planet tourist guide, as well as the en re region have plenty to off er. We believe that a er reading this catalogue you will think the same. The services provided, combined with leisure ps, are comparable to current European standards. We wish you a fortunate choice when deciding on a suitable venue and services here in the centre of the Czech Republic, in the heart of Moravia. The Statutory City of Olomouc Why choose Olomouc? • the most beau ful city in the Czech Republic, according to Lonely Planet; • the second most important urban conserva on area a er Prague, also called „Li le Prague“; • a safe des na on; • UNESCO-listed monument – the Holy Trinity Column; • 100 000 inhabitants, the sixth largest city in the Czech Republic; • the administra ve centre of the Olomouc Region; • the seat of the second oldest Czech university – Palacky University, the seat of the Archbishopric. Area of the city: 116,61 km2 Area of the region: 5 138 km2 City popula on: 101 689 Public holidays 1. 1. New Year‘s Day March/April Good Friday, Easter Monday 1. 5. Labour Day 8. 5. Libera on Day 5. 7. Saints Cyril and Methodius Day 6. 7. Jan Hus Day 28. 9. Czech Statehood Day 28. 10. Independent Czechoslovak State Day 17. 11. Struggle for Freedom and Democracy Day 24.–26. 12. Christmas holidays 3 Olomouc OLOMOUC Olomouc with 100 000 inhabitants is one of the most important ci es in the Czech Republic. Thanks to its impres- sive history, ancient university, many cultural and cra tradi ons and, above all, its central loca on in Moravia, the city has long been an a rac ve des na on for tourists and businessmen. A rich and varied past has endowed it with a magnifi cent collec on of historical treasures, making Olomouc the second most extensive urban conserva on area in our country a er Prague. This ancient historical city, however, is constantly changing and developing into the modern, prosperous centre of the en re region. Olomouc is a popular and promising des na on for congress and incen ve tourism. Special congress and training centres, as well as a number of local hotels off er conference rooms with modern ameni es. Organisers of large in- terna onal conferences as well as smaller seminars and business mee ngs will fi nd all the necessary infrastructure here. 7 REASONS FOR HOLDING YOUR MEETING IN OLOMOUC 1. Olomouc is the „heart“ of Central Moravia The strategic geographic loca on makes the Olomouc region an important European centre. It is located at the intersec on of long-distance routes, the most important of which is the connec on between Vienna and Warsaw. The Olomouc Region is located in the north of Moravia, close to neighbouring Poland and consists of 5 districts: Olomouc, Prostějov, Přerov, Šumperk and Jeseník. The Olomouc Region’s capital is the City of Olomouc which is the sixth largest city in the Czech Republic. Since 2000, the city has been included in the UNESCO World Heritage List, thanks to the Baroque Column of the Holy Trinity. The city is situated on the River Morava and its historical, cultural, military and ecclesias cal signifi cance makes this a signifi cant centre not only of the region but also of the en re Czech Republic. 2. Olomouc is the second most important urban conserva on area a er Prague More than 900 years of history ensure that Olomouc is one of the largest historical treasures of the Czech Republic, closely following the capital city of Prague. The heart of the city boasts the second largest monument reserve in the country and the best preserved urban area in Moravia. The most important monuments in Olomouc include the above-men oned Holy Trinity Column, the Town Hall with Astronomical Clock, Přemyslid Castle, Cathedral of St. Wenceslas, the Church of St. Michael, the neo-Baroque chapel of St. J. Sarkander, the Archbishop‘s Palace and a set of Baroque Fountains including the seventh, Arion‘s Fountain, which was completed in 2002. The pilgrimage Church of the Visita on of the Virgin Mary on Svatý Kopeček is also worth seeing. In 1995 it was visited by Pope John Paul II and promoted to a Basilica Minor. | h p: //tourism.olomouc.eu 3. Olomouc is the “City of Flowers” In the minds of many visitors, Olomouc is known as the “City of Flowers”. This is due to the annually held interna- onal Flora Olomouc fl oral exhibi on which has won renowned fame throughout its more than 50-year history and is considered one of the most pres gious trade fairs in Europe today. | www.fl ora-ol.cz 4. Olomouc is the centre of cultural life The cultural history of Olomouc is associated with such famous names as W. A. Mozart and Ludwig van Beethoven, who dedicated his famous Missa solemnis (a solemn mass) to Olomouc’s Cathedral. The city hosts professional the- atrical ensembles of drama, opera, opere a and ballet. You can also visit museums which are unique in the Czech Republic – the Archdiocesan Museum or the Archbishop’s Palace, where Franz Joseph I acceded to the throne. There are also several choirs, chamber music ensembles and a number of smaller galleries in the city’s backstreets which are a rac ve to visitors. Olomouc has been a centre of educa on since the Middle Ages. In 1573, the Palacký University (UP) was founded here, the second oldest in the Czech Republic. Currently there are more than 22 000 students enrolled in its eight facul es.. | www.vmo.cz | www.upol.cz | www.arcibiskupskypalac.cz 4 Olomouc 5. Olomouc and the surrounding area are famous for culinary delights Only here can you fi nd the only original Czech cheese – the genuine “Olomoucké tvarůžky“ cheese – a delicacy with an unmistakably gentle spicy fl avour and an unforge able aroma. It was men oned for the fi rst me in the 15th centu- ry and since then, it has become a popular delicacy and an inherent part of Czech and especially of Moravian cuisine. You can visit a small museum of the history of this cheese speciality in its birthplace at the A.W. company in Loš ce. In Olomouc, you can also taste delicious salty desserts made of this cheese at the „Olomoucké tvarůžky“ cheese Confec onery. At the Olomouc Informa on Centre, there is, among other things, a vending machine for „Olomoucké tvarůžky“ cheese, and you can also fi nd a shop selling this delicacy nearby. If you have me and interest, a end the tradi onal „Olomoucké tvarůžky“ cheesse Fes val held every April and taste these excellent cheese speciali es. 6. Olomouc is the ideal venue for recrea on Year-round spor ng ac vi es are possible in the city. Criss-cross the region on the saddle of a bicycle, using the dense network of cycle paths through, for example, the blossoming fl oodplain forests along the River Morava. There are two long-distance bike trails (Moravská and Jantarová) connec ng the region with the whole of Europe. Admirers of exo c animals should not forget to visit the Zoo on Svatý Kopeček. A visit to the Fortress of Knowledge is certain to be an unforge able experience. Here, you can explore how the Laws of Nature func on, and follow the history of military forts, several of which can be found in the city and close proximity. www.forty.cz | www.zoo-olomouc.cz, www.pevnostpoznani.cz 7. Olomouc Region is full of breathtaking castles and caves The impressive history of the Olomouc region has given rise to a varied mosaic of aristocra c residences. Bouzov Castle is famous for its fairy-tale appearance and is o en used by fi lmmakers from all over Europe. You will be sur- prised by the uniquely preserved interiors and furniture of Šternberk Castle. Hefaiston, an interna onal mee ng of ar st blacksmiths, is held annually behind the vast walls of Helfštýn Castle. Sturdy, for fi ed castles contrast with the decora ve chateaus and manor houses spread all over the region. Among the most popular are Náměšť na Hané, Čechy pod Kosířem and Velké Losiny, where you can also visit the unique Museum of Handmade Paper. The development of manor residences can be seen in parallel to the gradual forma on of the cave domes of the local Karst system. Long corridors, deep abysses and rich cave forma ons can be found in Javoříčské and Mladečské caves.
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