Boise State University ScholarWorks Student Newspapers (UP 4.15) University Documents 5-8-2006 Arbiter, May 8 Students of Boise State University Although this file was scanned from the highest-quality microfilm held by Boise State University, it reveals the limitations of the source microfilm. It is possible to perform a text search of much of this material; however, there are sections where the source microfilm was too faint or unreadable to allow for text scanning. For assistance with this collection of student newspapers, please contact Special Collections and Archives at [email protected]. ISSUE 62 THE IN D E PEN DEN T STU DEN T V 0 iCE 0 F B 0 I S E S TA T E SIN C E 1 9 3 3 FIRST ISSUE FREE VOLUME 18 MONDAY MAY 8 2006 LAST ISSUE: This is the last issue of The Arbiter for the semester. Graduate student Drew Mayes will be the Editor In Chief for next year and will publish several issues over the summer. Many thanks are in order for this year's diverse and talented staff, and well wishes go out to all incoming staffers. We've seen just a hint of what you are ail capable of and we're certain we'll be reading! NEWS PAGE 3 The Arbiter wins big at the Idaho Press Club Awards OPINION PAGE 7 Opinion Writer Brian Holmes gives' the Faculty Senate a big F - when it comes to.the Plus/Minus grading system Guest Writer Woody Howard offers readers his definition of freedom of speech CULTURE PAGE 9 Chuck Norris doesn't read The Arbiter. He stares it down until he gets the information he wants, SPORTS· . ---------------------------- PAGE 12 It's time for fans to put away the big orange foam finger ONLINE ---------~------------------ Post your comments online at: WWW.ARBITERONLINE.COM WEATHER ---------------------------- TUESDAY High: 65F / Low 39F Carpooling encouraged to Graduation WEDNESDAY High: 71F / Low 47F reduce parking congestion schedule of events Boise State University is ex- dignitary parking. same day so we expect increased Because of the limitation of parking and traffic demand. pecting its largest attendance Friday, May 12 ever for spring commencement. handicapped parking, family and Portions of Park Center Blvd. will AIIreserved, general and metered friends who cannot walk a dis- be. closed between S. Leadville THURSDAY parking lots, including the park- tance can be dropped off at the Avenue and Southshore Way. 12 p.m, Alumni celebration BBQ at the Student High: 78F / Low 47F ing structure, will be free for com- front of arena. Entrance lor 2 of BSU officials encourage all pa- Union Building mencement patrons. ' the Taco BellArena have elevators trons to carpool and arrive early. A large portion of the West sta- available if family or friends can- For any questions regarding this Saturday, May 13 dium lot, located directly east not climb stairs. message please contact Parking CONTACT and Transportation Services at of the Taco Bell Arena, will be Please be aware that "Race for 8:30 a.m. Taco Bell Arena opens ---------------------------- the Cure" is scheduled for the (208)426-PARK. NEWS reserved for disabled and (208) 345-8204 x'102 9 a.m, Graduates can pick up name cards in the [email protected] , grassy area between Taco Hell Arena and the Boise. State officials say Idaho's strong Bronco Gym. Graduates then be directed to OPINION will (208) 345-8204 x 112 the Bronco Gym or the Auxiliary Gym for lineup [email protected] economy bodes well for '06 graduates , and instructions. CULTURE According to Dick RapP! asso- 2004-April200S. 10 a.m. Commencement begins in Taco Bell (208) 345-8204 x 104 Courtesy BSU News services In addition, d.uring that same [email protected] elate vice president for student Arena If recent. figures compiled by affairs and diredorofthe BSU time period, therewasa39 percent increase in employment'positlons SPORTS .the Career Center. at Boise State' Career Center,'. there was •..a 34 12p~m. R~ceptionforgraduatesand families in . listed for Boise State grad\1ates on (208) 345-8204 x 103 are. any indication ofIdaho'seco- Percent .Increase in the number the IntraDlural Field, located betweenTaco Bell sports@arblteronllne~com nomic health." theunivetsity's of employerswhocoriductedon~ Broncolobs, a Web site available ,Arena ilndthe Studept Uni()p Btill(IIIl~ ..' . "'i., Classof 200618 entering a robust campusintemeWli \vitti graduat- only toBSUstudents registered' ADVERnSING. job market ~'at least statewide . ing st.ud~ntsbetwe~n. July 2005 , , .(208) 345-8204 x 118 and lo\=al!y.•., . and April 2006 comparedti>:July , See .ECOn()rjlY·J~ag'e31- , ,,~, . - -" " '.- ;'" .',.' . '.' -'.- , " buslness@arblteronllne:corn . World/National/What· the? storieS courtesy of KRTCampus Wire Services unless otherwise credited. local/BSU stories are courtesy of the, Boise State Website at www.bolsestate.edu. All stories are complied by News Writers. In December, the State Board or' Boise State will mark its 10th anni- Cuba undemocratic is a "logical fal- Education unanimously approved versary in July with a yearlong cel- national lacy' because it applies "capitalistic local/bsu world a Ph.D. program in electrical and ebration, "Engineering 10.0."Many values' in the context of a socialist Micron Technology computer engineering at Boise events are planned during the year, Mediators push society. ' 'Cuba entry in State, and the program began ad- including a back-to-school barbe- "Might it be possible to write the Foundation donates warring parties, in rpitting its first students this semes- cue, alumni reunions and guest i Wikipedia stirs article without using the word 'de- to new engineering ter. Eight doctoral students have lectures. The college enrolls more ; 'Darfur closer to a mocracy' at am" he suggested. controversy been 'admitted to the Ph.D. pro- than 1,400 students in its graduate "Sorry, comrade, no dice," an- Ph.D. program r peace deal gram for the fall 2006 semester, and and undergraduate programs. Its ,WASHINGTON - One editor swered Carr, one of the few writers • university officials plan to grow this researchers have $16.8 million in .. complained that Havana sympa- who posts a description of himself. The Micron Technology :: NAIROBI, Kenya - The war- number to about 50 students during active externally funded research thizers were transforming a scholar- "These comments show quite clearly Foundation will award $5 million :: ring parties in Sudan's Darfur re- a six-year implementation phase. grants, a 50 percent increase over ly enterprise into "their own private that you are a communist, or at least to Boise State University to support gion edged closer to a peace accord "The College of Engineering has the past year. In 2004, 68 percent Fidel Castro fan page," A user was someone who actively supports the its new Ph.D. program in electrical . Thursday night under intense pres- already enrolled some outstand- of the engineering graduates from tossed out after threatening to sue Castro dictatorship, not just ...some- and computer engineering (ECE), sure from international mediators ing students in its new Ph.D. pro- Boise State obtained employment another for libel. one who is naive about the realities Micron and Boise State officials an- who said they believed that a deal gram, and this generous gift from in Idaho industries, according to The fuss is over the Cuba entry in ofCuba," nounced Thursday. to end the three-year conflict could the Micron Technology Foundation statistics gathered by the college. Wikipedia, the free online encyclo- With neither side giving In, on The $5 million donation from the be at hand. will support the college's efforts to More about the college is at http:// pedia created, edited and admin- April 15 a "mediation cabal" - an Micron Technology Foundation, a But rebels and Sudanese offi- hire talented faculty and attract the coen.boisestate.edu. istered entirely by volunteers with informal mediator - joined the dis- private, non-profit charitable orga- cials declined to endorse a series best and brightest students," said The Micron Technology . the aim of becoming a Web-based cussion because the talk page had nization formed in 1999 by Micron of amendments put forward by U.S. Boise State Provost Sona Andrews. Foundation, a private, non-profit knowledge repository forhumanity. become "huge." The cabal suggested Technology Inc., will fund new and British envoys hours before a Research will also be enhanced organization established in 1999 But the Cuba entry, like those citing reputable sources to back the faculty and staff positions in. the midnight negotiating deadline, and because the university will have with a gift from Micron Technology, on President Bush and abortion, Cuba-is-not-a-democracy sentence. College of Engineering, stipends success wasn't certain. Talks in the the resources to hire clusters of Inc., is engaged in funding has been snared in Intense politi- Failing to produce an agreement, for ECEdoctoral students, lab reno- Nigerian capital of Abuja were ex- researchers working in a partic- educational efforts and charitable cal divisions over everything from the cabal departed after complain- vations, new instrumentation and pected to last into Friday morning. ular area instead of a single re- activities. the impact of U.S. sanctions on the ing that several editors were being other program costs, university of- Sudan had backed a peace pro- searcher, said Cheryl Schrader, posal over the weekend, but the communist-ruled island to whether -lude. ficials said. "With· the increasing demand dean of the College of Engineering. rebels raised concerns over a num- it should have a separate section on Others argued that if the article what the? for qualified, skilled and talented "Collaborations that will increase , ber of provisions related to securi- its human rights record. Russia and discusses human rights in Cuba, it engineers in our state .and coun- our competitiveness for federal re- ty, political representation and the North Korea do not.
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