View metadata, citation and similar papers at core.ac.uk brought to you by CORE provided by Elsevier - Publisher Connector DERMAL CHEMICAL RESPONSE TO ANALOGUES OF DILANTIN* J. C. bUCK, Pn.D. Dilantin sodium is known to be able to producetral soluble and acid soluble collagen respec- gingival hyperplasia (1) as well as to increase thetively (5). Both the extracts and the whole skin samples dermal concentration of insoluble collagen andwere hydrolyzed in 4K HC1 at 1000 C. for 8 hours. scleroprotein (2). Shafer (3) has indicated thatThese hydrolysates were analysed in triplicate for while most of the chemical analogues of Dilantintheir nitrogen (6), hexosamine (7) and hydroxy- were not capable of increasing the rate of fibro-proline (8) content as a measure of their protein, mucopolysaceharides and glycoproteins (9) and blast proliferation in tissue culture, additions ofcollagen (10) content. The difference between the either Dilantin, 1-allyl ,5phenyl hydantoinatetotal dermal concentration of these materials and or 5-methyl, 5 phenyl hydantoinate, into the in-the sum of their soluble concentrations was cal- cubation media of fibroblasts did result in almostculated. The insoluble dermal concentration of identical degrees of stimulation of cell growth.each material was therefore obtained. The results were expressed as the mean of replicate analyses We have assayed the effects of these Dilantinand their standard deviations for each group of 6 analogues upon the dermal chemistry of rats,animals in gzmoles of hexosamine or hydroxypro- and compared the results with those obtained line or in mmoles of nitrogen per g of fresh, cleaned from both normal and stressed control rats. Therat skin. The standard deviations of either groups of individual animals (totals) or of replicate analy- results are presented below. ses of duplicate extracts prepared were never more than 8% of the mean. Means differing by more MATERIALs AND METHODS than two standard deviations were significantly different (p < .05). Forty-eight male Sprague-Dawley rats (250—280 g) were divided into eight groups of six animals each, and six of these groups were subjected to 10 EXPERIMENTAL AND RESULTS daily intraperitoneal injections of 1.0 ml of iso- tonic saline containing 25mg of one nf the fol- The results of the analysis of whole rat skin lowing compounds in suspension: Dilantin,after 10 daily intraperitoneal doses of the various sodium; 1-propyl-5 phenyl hydantoin(I);materials described above are presented in Table 5-methyl-S phenyl hydantoin (II); 3-methyl-5, 5I. This data indicates that only with the admin- diphenyl hydantoin (III); 1-allyl-l-S phenylistration of cmpd. IV was there a marked in- hydantoin (IV); 1, 5-dimethyl-5 phenyl hydantoin (V). One group of animals was subjected to 10crease in dermal hydroxyproline concentration daily injections of isotonic saline alone, as a con-equivalent to that produced by Dilantin, while trol of the stress of such injections (4). The finalthe stress control animals demonstrated a sig- group of rats was retained as controls. After 10nificant decrease in dermal hydroxyproline con- days, all animals were sacrificed and 2g samples of abdominal skin were removed, shaven and dis-centration. The total hexosamine concentration sected clean of adhering fat, fascia and muscle.of the skin was essentially the same with all the These tissues were then minced and O.5g aliquotsdrugs studied, but only Dilantin administration removed. Other portions of the tissues were lyo-resulted in a profound increase in dermal ni- philized for the gravimetric determination oftrogen concentration. Compounds I, IV and V water. The remaining tissues from each group of 6 rats were pooled, and duplicate 4g samples ofall resulted in concentrations of total dermal pooled tissue were extracted sequentially in thehydroxyproline and nitrogen which were sig- cold with 0.15M NaCl, 0.SM NaCl and 0.SMnificantly above those found in the control ani- citrate buffer (pH 3.6) as has been described pre-mals, however. viously (2, 5). These extractions have been shown Collagen is known to contain about lpmole to remove quantitatively ground substance, neu- of hydroxyproline and about 13.3Mmoles of ni- Supported in part by grant A-3899 from thetrogen per mg of protein (11). From the data of N.I.A.M.D., P.b.S., Bethesda 14, Maryland. Table I, the concentration of dermal collagen per Received for publication April 10, 1962. *Fromthe Biochemical Research Laboratory,gm of fresh skin and the amount of collagenous Children's Hospital Research Foundation, Wash-nitrogen may be obtained. The difference be- ington 9, D. C. and Department of Biochemistry,tween this latter value and the total dermal Georgetown University Medical Center, Wash- ington 7, D. C. concentration of nitrogen is therefore due largely 89 90 THE JOURNAL OF INVESTIGATIVE DERMATOLOGY to non-collagenous protein, since the concentra-II, and show that none of the compounds used tion of non-protein nitrogen has been shown tocould increase the dermal protein concentration be quite small in the tissue (5). Assuming thator decrease the water and fat concentration to non-collagenous dermal proteins contain 16%the same degree as did Dilantin. Only compounds nitrogen (11), then the concentration of theseII and III resulted in a significant increase of proteins may also be obtained from the data ofprotein concentration above the control or nor- Table I and expressed in terms of percent tissuemal concentration, while none of the compounds weight. Lyophilization of the various tissues per-resulted in any significant changes in dermal mitted the water content of the dermis to beweight or fat. determined. The difference between the sum of None of the compounds resulted in an increase the collagen, protein and water content in per-above control values in the concentration of cent total weight of the skin and 100% must beisotonic saline soluble hexosamine, or nitrogen due to fat. These results are presented in Tableas shown in Table III, except Dilantin. There- fore this ability of Dilantin to increase the con- TABLE I centration of "ground substance" appears to be Analysis of whole rat skin after the administrationan unique property of this compound. of 10 daily doses of various The concentration of neutral soluble collagen Dilantin analogues in rat skin was significantly increased above con- trol values by all of the drugs studied, as shown Compound Hypro Heat Nt in Table IV, although this increase was quan- pmoles/g jtmoles/g snmsles/g titatively less with Dilantin administration than Control 190 107.5 .4 4.3 .2' with the other compounds studied. Similarly Dilantin 310 158.4 .5 8.1 .5 the amount of hexosamine found in the 0.51W Cmpd. I 226 12*8.5 .5 5.0 3* NaC1 fraction was increased above the control Cmpd. II 193 12*8.5 .55.0 3*with drug administration. This increase was es- Cmpd. III 179 10*7.2 4*47 3* sentially similar for all drugs studied. Cmpd. IV 280 158.7 .45.5 3k Citrate soluble collagen concentration, how- Cmpd. V 230 14*8.4 .5 4.9 3*ever, was decreased below the value of the con- Normal 240 15*7.7 .44.9 3* trols by Dilantin, whereas all the other deriva- * Significantlydifferent from Dilantin (p < .05).tives studied resulted in significant increases in tHypro =hydroxyproline;Hex =hexosamine; the dermal concentration of this material, as N =nitrogen. shown in Table V. Again, only Dilantin admin- Italicized means are significantly differentistration resulted in significant amounts of hexos- from control (p < .05). amine becoming soluble in this solvent. TABLE II The composition, in per cent fresh weight, of cleaned rat skin from animals after the administration of 10 daily doses of Dilantin analogues % Composition Compound Collagen Protein water Fat Control 19.0 1.0* 15.0 1.5* 55 5 11 Dilantin 31.0 1.5 36.0 3.7 30 3 3 Cmpd. I 22.6 1.2* 17.4 1.8* 50 4* 10 Cmpd. II 19.3 1.2* 20.7 2.0* 50 5* 10 Cmpd. III 17.9 1.0* 28.1 2.7* 45 4* 9 Cmpd. IV 28.0 1.5 16.0 1.5* 46 5* 10 Cmpd. V 23.0 1.4* 17.0 1.5* 50 5* 10 Normal 24.0 1.5* 15.0 1.5* 50 4* 11 * Significantlydifferent from Dilantin (p < .05) Italicizedmeans significantly different from the control (p < .05) CHEMICAL RESPONSE TO DILANTIN ANALOGIJES 91 The difference between the sum of the solubleof this drug. Only compound IV resulted in a materials described above, and the total dermalsignificant increase in insoluble collagen concen- concentration of each component permits thetration above the control value, however, while calculation of the concentration of insoluble hy-compounds II and IV did result in significant droxyproline, hexosamine and nitrogen to beincreases above the control values of insoluble made. The effect of the various hydantoinatesdermal nitrogen. and the trauma of injection upon the concentra- The concentration of insoluble non-collage- tions of these insoluble materials is shown innous protein (scleroprotein) in these tissues was Table VI. Dilantin administration resulted incalculated as described previously from the data profound increases in the amounts of insolubleof Table VI, as were the ratios of collagen and collagen and nitrogen; increases that were nothexosamine to scieroprotein. These results, pre- quantitatively duplicated by the five derivativessented in Table VII, indicate that while there was an increased amount of scleroprotein found TABLE III with the trauma of injection, the administration Analysis of the 0.15 M NaCI extract of rat skin after of either Dilantin or compounds I, II, III and the administration of 10 daily doses of IV resulted in increases in scleroprotein signifi- various Dilantin analogues cantly larger than that of the control.
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