woo LONDON COUNTY SUBURBS 634 ·woods Erne.~t, baker, 1!J Chatsworth road, Lower Clapton NE Woolmer JosE>ph William, grocer, 4 Roeha.mpton lane SW \Voods Ernest, riding master, 315 West End lane, Kilburn NW Woolmore Estate Office (Waiter West, surveyor), 109 Stondon Woods Erne~t Meritan, provision dealer, 206 Uxbridge road W park, Forest Hill SE ·Woods Fanny(Mrs.), confectioner, 198 High st.TootingGravny SW Woolner Robert James,insurance agent,3Lochaline st.HmmsmthW 'W'oods Francii Edward, Hornsey Wood tavern, 2;) Alexandra Woolney John, firewood dealer, 17 Timbercroft lane, Plumstead villas, Finsbury Park N Woolridge & Co. printers, 39 High street, Highg!l.te N Woods Frank ErnC!'It, grocer, 12 Austin road. Battersea SW Woolsey Henry, cowkeeper, 50 Francis street, Plumstead 'i\Voods Harold, dairy, 35 A.."Calon street, South Lambeth SW Woolsey Williarn, dairyman, ll8 Swingate lane, Plumstead "Woods Ilenry, chimney sweeper, 319 Lyham road, Brixton SW Wool~rove Gem·ge Thomas, shopkt'eper, 50 Eleanor rd. Woolwich Wood8 Henry. painter, 37 Cbaldon road, Fulbam SW Woolstan Edwin, boot maker, 952 Garratt lane, Tooting SW Woods Henry Thomas, bootmaker, 155 .Albert road, N. Woolwich Woolston Henry, bter retailer, SI> & 37 New rd. Sth. Lambeth SW Woods James, decorator, 11 Kneller road, Brockley SE Woolverton & Co. wine & spirit merchants, 183 Lewisham High 'Wood:> J ames A. assist. insurance supt.~6 Gilmore rd.Lewisham SE road, Brockley SE Woods Jane A. (Mrs.), dre_,~ maker, 95 Dalyell road. Stockwell SW Woolwsrd Albert, fruiterer, 114 Woodvale, ForPst Hill SE Wood.,. J ob.n, boot m'\.ker, 49 Rail ton road, Berne Ilill SE Woolwich /lntiquuian Society (William Thomas Vincent, pns.; Wocxh J oseph, gilder, ~~~ Portl11nd place north, Sth. Lambeth SW A.. E. Mille ·, !'ton. sec.), 18~ llurrll!?e roHd, Plnmstead Wood.,. Laura (Miss), laundry, 66 Ilarvard road, Lewisham SE Wool"ich Arsenal Athletic Ground (Phillip Kelso, sec,), Griftin Woods Sarah (M1 B. , g1 ocl'~-.10 Woodland rd. Stoke NewiDI!'toD N Manor wn.y, Plum~tead Woods Sophia(Mrs.), shopkeeper, 44 Church st. Sth. L"mbeth SW Woolwich Arsenal l<'ootba.ll & Athleti~ Co. Limited (Phillip Kel~, Wood~ Thomas H. gardener. 1 Ru,.Rell place, Blackheath SE ~eC'.), 11>1 Plumstead road-T A" Funmrd, Woolwich"; T N Woods Thomas James, 117 Villas road, Plumstead 259 Woolwkh Woods Waiter, fried fish shop, 13 Silverthorne rd. S. Lambeth SW Woolwich (Borough of) Cono;ervati•e & Unioni1t ~sociat'on (Stan­ Wood~ Waiter Ashley, builder, 75 Wyndham road, Camberwell SE ley Abbott, o,.ganising agent), 3 Thomas street, Wo()lwich Wood~ William, jobbing gardeae·(, 16 Lillesllall road, Clapham SW Woolwich Borough Electrical Works; 8how rooliiS, 49 Thomas st. Woods William,:upholsterer, 91 High street, SydenhRm SE Woolwi:·h 'Wood~ford ueorge, outfitter, 15 Balham High roo,d S \V Woolwicb (Borough of)Houseowne~ s' A..sl::ol'iation (Pe·cy Tempest \V( od horpe H orace., under~k•rt manufr.328 Camberwell New rd SE S·cc. : Cbarle£1 Watkins. solicito '), 10 W oomich cum.mon Woodward Bros. w• ,rking upnulsterers, 126 Crouch hiJll)j WoolwkhCon~ervative Club (C. Rixon, hon. sec.), 62 & 63 Brewer Woodward & Oldfield, china & glas3 decliers, 6 Nelson terrace, street, Woohdcb. Hither Green lane, Catfo;·d SE Woolwich Cou,ty Court 0-flces (court held at Town ha.ll, His Woodward Thomas & Sons, brewers, 616 Wandsworth road SW Honor J. Addison K.C. judge; Charles Pitt-Taylor, registrar & T N 4;'59 Battersea high bailiff), Willia111 •treet, \Yoolwich '\l oodward & Son, dairy, 32 Cambria road. Camber~ll SE Woolwich Di~trict Radicnl Club (T. A. Griffiths, sec.), WUliam "\\' oodward Annie (Mrs.), confectione,, 17 Royal bill, Greenw' eh SE street, Woolwich \Yoodward Charles, hair dresser, 84 Railton road, Berne Hill SE Woolwich Equitable Buildinll Society (George Bi~hop, sec.), 113 Woodward Charles, tailor, 49A, Dartmouth road, Foredt Hill SE PoV>is street, \Yoolwich- T A." Equitable, Wcolwich"; T N Woodward Charles Jame,;, hair dresser,69 Bovill rd. Forest Hill SE 214 Woolwich Woodward Edward, butcher, 316 Munst~r road. Fulham SW Woolwich (L.O.C.) Fire Brigade Station (G. H. Grant, officJr·in­ "·oodw!ll'd Herbert Cb.ar!es, hair dre:;.;er, 78 High road, Lee SE charge), Sun street, Woolwich 'Woodward Jarne~, oilman. 6 L .. ndor road, Stockwell S \V Wo'Jlw;cn Football Flash (lliugle Bros. & Co. pub'ishers) (S.ltur­ Woodw!l.rd John., dining rooms, 5 H~h ~treet. Roehampton SW days), 36A, }J igh ~treP-t, Plumstead -v.· ood'" a• d .Joseph, greeng,·cc~r. 62 Len• h· ·rp rd. Ea, Greeuw' cl-J SE Woolw eh Gazette (William JoEeph Hig)lins, publisher),29 Greens Woodward Li7Zie (Mr:;.),laundry, 6 Boutflower road,Bat•el'l!eaSW end. Woolw eh Woodward Louise C:llrs.), tlori,.t., 4U Loudon street, Greenwich SE Woolwich Herald (O~borne Willia.m Hartley, proprietor; published ftYoodward Maud (.\Iiss), te•t<.:her of mllSic, 20 Uodulphin road, friday), 6 Wellington str<'et, \Yool wich Shepherd's Bush W Woolwich Indu..,trial Co-operative Building Society Lim. (0. G. S. \Voodward Thomas, cycle manufr. 1St. George parade, C'atfo_·d sE Goorlwin, sec.), 8 Spray street. Woolwich Woodward Thomas, fruiterer, Ill Bedford l1ill, Balham 8 W Woolwich Invalid Children's Aid Committee (~lajor E.S. COop!lJ', Woodward Wil i.!m, contru.ctor, Point Pleasant, Wandsworth SW hon. treas.; Mi:>s H. E. Gr;n!lng, hon. sec.; Rev. SamuelScott, .Woodwell & Co. beer merchant!'l, 269 Caveudish road, B<1lham SW chairman), 6 Rnssell pla.cP, Woolwich & wine & spirit mcrchantd, 219 Garrattlane, Wandsworth SW Woolwich (Metropolitan Borou~h of) Council's Q;Ilces (Arthur B. iWcodwell Harry Thomas, l'rocer, 86 .bLckwall!alll', Greenwich SE Bryceson, town clerk; Sidney Davies M. D. me-iical olllcer \\Y ooff George, firewood dealer, 77 Culvert road, Battersea SW of health : J. Rush Dixon, engineer & surveyor; Robert E. Wal­ 'Yooff Henry, wine & spirit mer. 173 New King's road, Fulham SW d ram, a:;;sista.u t ~urveyor; Alex.and"r Tb.oma:;, borou~h treasurer; W ooff Thomag J ames M.R.C. v.s. veterinary surgeon, 8 Croom's hill AlbPrt Geor,..e Duck. chief sanitary in:<pector; William Wood & & 13 Roan street, Greenwich SE \Villiam Woolley, foori & drugs in~pectors), Town hall, Wool· W ooldridgeCaroline(:.irs.),costumier,48Allfarthiug la. Wnd:>wth SW wich; & Cemetery office (Gem-ge K. Harris, clerk), Town Hall, 'Woo!dridge Henry J. l.Jetr retailer, 45 Campt1ell rcl. Finsbury Pk N Woolwich; Cemeteries (G. E. l!'way, supt.), Wickham lane, Wooldridge Wltr. Edwn.rate collector,55 Church ~t.Camberwell SE Plumstead & (William Horner, supt.)King's high,. ay. Plumstead; Woolf Barnett Samuel & Sons, tailol'll, 149 Balham High roadS W l'ublic Librarie!'l lErnest A. Baker M.A. borough librarian), Woolf Bros. tailor>~, 72 Rye lane, PeckhaTIJ. SE; 83 & 85 Powis !'t. William st. Wcolwich; Hi11h st. P.umstend & High st. Eltham Woolwich (TN303 Woolwich); 94 High st. Lewi~ham SE; 36 & -T N 12, 22, 81 & 91 WoolwiC'h 38 St. John's road,Battersea SW & 85 King !;t. Hammersmith "\V Woolwich (Metropolitan Boro,,gh of) (J. B. Mitcbell, chief engi­ 'Woolf B. S. & Co. ccothiecs, 160 Strea:h<lm High road SW neer; J. Martin Blair, station enginee:·), electricity works, Glube Woolf J. & C'o. home furnishei'!I. Hi4 & 166 King ~t. HammrsmthW lane, Woolwic • & White Hart 10ad, Plumstea i IWoolf Lesser & Co. clothiers, 73 Golclhawk rd. ~hepherd's Bush W Woolwich Parochial AllllShouses, Rope Yard rails, Woolwich Woo If & Co. tailors, 52 High street, Clapham SW Woolwich Pioneer (William Barefoot, publisher), newspapers, S \Voolf & Co. tailorl', 23 LOildon street, Greemdcb SE New road, Woolwich,-TN 262 Woolwich 'Woolf David, Wheatsheaf P.H. 126 South Lambeth ro&.d SW Wool wicb. & Plumstead Bowling & Tennikl Club (G. H. Grabam, ·\Voolf Godfrey Robert, rag m_er. 380 Wick rd. Hackney Wick NE sec.), i:lhrewsbury lane, Shooter's Hill, W0olwich Woolf Jo eph, tur... iture dlr-.83&85Goldhawk rd.Shepherd'd Bush W Woolwich, Plumstead & Charlton Coal Society (J. Grilll.n, sec.). !Wooif Ltly,watc,, ILaker, 4".16 Garrntt lane, Wa.ndswozth SW 8 Spray street, Woolwich '1.Voolf Sydney, tailor, 12 High ~trt*'t, Tooting SW Woolwicn, Plum,tead & Cha.rlton Di!'ltrict Nurses' Home (Gen. H. T. Woolfarth Prederick, baker, 4 Briunt street, New Cros:; SE Arbuthnot chairman; Frederick Barnes, bon. treasurer; Miss M. '\Voolford William, boot maker, 31 Albion hill, Lewi!.'lham SE Good"' in, supt. : A. Elli~. hon. sec.), 22 Nightingale pl. Woolwich "Woolfrey John, torn dealer, 13 Lansdowne roud,South LambethSW Woolv.ich, Plumstead & Charlton Provident Dispen..mry (Gilllert Woolfrey William, mineral water manfr. Charle;; street, P!umo::tead Slater, hon. sec. & A. M tchell, dhp.'n5er),6 Russell pl. Woolwich l\Voolg'ar David. greengrocer, 11 Royal hill, Greenwich SE Woolwich & Plumstead Cottage Hospital (Ernest 0. Stuart WoolgarWalt.Richd.JollyGardcners P.H.61 & 63 Lxy rd.PutneySW L.R.C.P. Charles Tbeodore William Hirsch L.R.C. P.LOnd. William '1\Voolhouse Charles,commrd. travllr. 4 Barcombeav. Streatham SW Oowie H.B.Edin. & ~·rancis Preston L.R.C.P. medical officers; W. 'Wooll Gem-ge, king's tax collector, MA, Coleman road, Pec.kham Woudford, hon. sec.), Shooter's hill, Woolwich SE & 20 Birkhall road, Catford SE Woolwich Police Court (E. B~ggallay & A.rttmr Hill Button, (\Voollard Alfred, ho:>ier, 134 High ~treet, Clapham SW; 32 Lavender magistrates), \Villiam street, Woulwich hillS W; 42 St. J olm's road, Battersea S \V; 275 & 345 Wands. Woolwich Polytechnic(William Gannon M.A., H,U.T.princip'\1; A..J. worth road SW & 4 Camberwell road SE Naylor ~·.c. I,,., clerk to governors), William street, Woolwich "\Yoollard Edward, builder, 11 Crown villas,Crown hi.
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