VOL. XVII. NO. 8 O0LI. Ur.n,00.1.41,1, )5 LOIS OEM ezde-z makers yv sellers of talking macOines eitetup Published Each Month by Edward Lyman Bill. Inc.. at 373 Fourth Ave., NewYork, August 15, 1921 01 Sp The best-known trade -mark in the world designating the products of the Victor Talking Machine Co. M., S. MS. asthe Sou eMrc, aP.c.,York,N. Y . -der Ole ma el Casgress of Mra S.lint THE TALKING MACHINEWORLD PricesRevised Effective NOW The cost of raw materials andlabor has now been lowered to such anextent that it is possible to reducethe prices of SONORA PHONOGRAPHSwith- out affecting SONORAquality. The trade and public can now purchase a SONORA with afeeling of confidence that they arepaying PRESENT-DAY prices. SONORA has always given and will continue to give the very best value together with the very finest quality. TOTIS INSTRUMENT OfFquaLorf CLEAR AZ) A, DELL "The Highest Class Talking Machine in the World" onora Phonograph Companp, 3nr. GeortcF..Brithtson, Prericirnt N EW YORK CITY FIFTH AVENUE. AT 53rd STREET 279 BROADWAY CAn.dian I,.nbutorsI. Montagne. & Co., l'oronto The Talking Machine World Vol. 17.No. 8 New York, August 15, 1921 Price Twenty-five Cents CONTEST PROVES DECIDED SUCCESS "MOVIE" MUSIC IN A NEW FORM USE OF COLOR IN ADVERTISING Columbia Dealer in W own Holds Musical Motion Picture Theatre Uses Magnavox ina Has Real Effect in Increasing the Selling Power Appreciation Contest forSchool Children- New Way-Two Tone Arms Provide Un- ofPublicity,DeclaresProfessorWellman, Rosa Ponselle Acts as Chairman of Judges usual Effects That Prove Value ofDevice. Who Has Given Subject Considerable Study WATCPITUW, N. V., August 3.-The Hathirmu A theatre in southern California recentlyis That the use of color in advertising has a real Woolworth Co., ofthiscity, Columbia dealer, an efficient and clever method of supply- and definite effect in increasing the selling power conducted amusical appreciationcontestre- ing music to its patrons, this idea comprising aof such advertising is a fact brought out through i.e.)). among thepupilsofall the grammar Magnavox tekinegafoneoutfitwith a second careful and scientific investigation made by Prof. schools in the city that Wat successful far be- tone arm instead of a hand transmitter.Two Wellman, of Dartmouth College, the results of yond expectations.Miss Margaret Clark was turutables arc used mil the supply of records which were presented by him at the recent co..- the winner of the contest, her program beilig for the nature picture is laid sot in advance of veution of the Associated Advertising Clubs. In considered thebeSI bythe following judges: the performance.The records are then placed the CCU,e of his talk Prof. We... said: Rosa Ponselle, famous soprano of the Mum- on the thrombis and started, and when the "There have been some very ....cuing ex- politanOperaCo.;Percy Grant., concert scenes change appropriate music is played in periences Liu the use of color) in the catalog pianist:ToschaSeidel. ...cutviolinist,and accordance with thepicture.This is seems- Odd.The color page has established its ten - Charles Prince, director of Prince's Orchestra. plished by means of the two tone arms and the time effectiveness without question.In fart, the All of these judges are exclusive Columbia artists switch ow the Magnavox control box, whereby test by departments shows a range of from lea who arc renowned in the musical world. eitheroneoftherecords may beamplified to one hundred times as many sales from the use The second prize was won by Pauline Richter, through the apparatus at will. of a color page as front Ike use of black and and the third prize by Barbara Williams. rise In this way continuous music is heard with white.While these tests were being carried on no breaks and in sentiment adapted to the pic- it was also discovered that sales increased pro- ture as it passes through the plot.The repro- portiouately as the number of illustrations per ducing Ithrois located inthe extreme rear of page decreased.In other words, the mail-order the stage, the music passing directly through the house discovered that one article, well designed cloth screen on its nay to the acidic.e.In this and well illustrated, sold more merchandise than way thenUSIC is diffused and does not seem tothe former crowded page. rime from any definite place.At the same time "la the direct -by -mail circular and lollow-up the volume is controlled by the regulator on the field we find that even the addition of one color control box, thereby allowing the proper rendi- has iu eccas. the selling power from 10 per thin tion of the various types of records in accord. to tigurcs too high for quotation purposes. Here ante with the action of the plot. again wekind,however, thatthe addition of color usually implied bettertype arraugenient 200 PER CENT TARIFF ON IMPORTS and more thought in the preparation of the copy. Itis a fact that the larger investment required Two usa sles.ssiy, Switzerland Places Prohibitive Duty on Talkingusually imposes the preparation of a better sell- Machines-Will Shut Out Imports ing appeal on the part of the copy writer. "This field is practically wide open for direct WAS111,10111, D. C., August 9.- -According to ad-attack with good copy.' Letter from Rosa Foment to Prize-winner VICCh received by the Department of Commerce, Ilarditnan-Woolworth Co. also gave prizes to the Switzerland has increaseditsimport duty on OPENS NEW BRUNSWICK SHOP different schools as well astothe individuals, talking machines 200 per cent.The duty on and at the close of the contest 170 programs had these machines is now almost prohibitive and Bungalow Shop, Exclusive Brunswick Dealei, been submitted.A weekly announcement will itis expected that imports will be shut out while Opens Attractive Establishment-8,1ton, Or- be made hereafter from the lists submitted and thetariffisilleffect. Information concerning chestra Appears at Opening of Establishment concerts will be given in this dealer's auditorium the sew tariff ran be obtained in the Bureau of every Friday after.... Foreign and Domestic Commerce, where the full [Awn, blocs, August 6.-The Bungalow Shop, With her award of ten Columbia records andtestis 011 file. an exclusive Brunswick retail establishment, was a dozen cabinetphotographs Miss Clarkre- formally opened on Saturday, July 23. The IICW ceived an autographed letter front Miss Pons., GRAPHOPHONE FACTORIES DIVIDENDstore, whichislocatedinPrince's Arcade, is chairman ofthe committee of judges, compli owned by the Prince -Walter Co.Mr. Walter is menting her 11,011theexcellent program she Directors of the Columbia Factories Corp. of oueofthe best-known members ofthe New bad prepared. hlaryland, which is controlled by the ColumbiaEngland talking machine trade, having spent sev- Graphophone Mfg. Co., have declared the regu- eral years as wholesale manager of the kraft- Talking machine men should remember that larquarterlydividendof 2per cent on the Bates it Spencer Co., Boston, Mass. Brunswick the goods selling best now have been advertised. preferred stock. payahk this month. distributors. Carl Fenton's Orchestra, exclusive Brunswick artists, and one of the country's leading duke VALUE OF LETTERS FROM A MERCHANDISING STANDPOINT orchestras. appeared at the opening of the 13.- Some Important Suggestions About the Composition of Business Letters by Louis Balsam Which galow Shop, and played to capacity audiences Should Interest Progressive Members of the Talking Machine Industry throughout the day.The equipment of the new store is novel and unique, having been designed The writer of successful salesletters must but one step in avast merehandisig process. to duplicate the furnishings of a modern up-to- gethiniself into theposition ofthe prospect The miserable botch made by the averagedate bungalow.A thinplete line of Brunswick addressedifhis sales letters are to bring theletter is infinitely more costly than a good let- phonographs and recordsis on display at the returns theyshould,said Louis Balsam, cor- ter couldpossibly be. Bungalow Shop, and there is every reason to respondence and advertising counsel of the Di- "One poor letter ohm undoes years of the beliebelieve that the new store will attain pleasing rect Mail Advertising Association, in address -finest type of advertising and sales efforts. ve Mg that department of the recent convention "What are we going to do about it?Here of the Associated Advertising Clubs. arc four rules underlying all successful letters. W. E. DEWELL IS NEW MANAGER "There are," hesaid, "two kinds offalse If appliedto your own Correspondence they alarms that business men the world over canwillturn the trick as they have for business 1310aLitiLlytt. 1, August 4.-W. E. Dewell is the well afford to scrap. Ethics that are following them: nrw Pathe manager of the Churchill Drug Co, "I. The bugbear 'that business is rotten' and, "I. The successful letter writer is cue that is Patted distributor of this city.He is a seasoned therefore, itis no use to spend any extra sales in love with his work.No letter can be really phonograph man, well known in the field. par- energy, 'which would be wasted anyhow: successful unless it is written by someone thor- ticularly in the Middle West.During the sev- 2. The equally mistaken station that goes tooughly it. mescal. eral weeks which he spent at the Fatal factory in the opposite extreme in the misguided idea that "2. Successfulmetersarcthose written byJune Mr. Dewell made a study of Pattie business 'wild,'unusual and overspectathlarsales andpeople who put themselves in the other fellow's methods and took a particular interest in Pathc advertising tactics are the only things that will place In other words, the average letter is a dealer service.Churchill dealers will undoubt- bring in the business.
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