LWR CONTROL ASSEMBLY DESIGNS: XA0053627 A HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE M.W. KENNARD Stoller Nuclear Fuel, NAC International, Pleasantville, New York, United States of America J.E. HARBOTTLE Stoller Nuclear Fuel, NAC International, Thornbury, United Kingdom Abstract Control rod designs and materials have evolved in response to performance problems in both PWRs and BWRs. Irradiation-assisted stress corrosion cracking (IASCC) due to absorber swelling has primarily affected BWR control rods with B4C absorbers, but has also occurred in PWRs with Ag-In-Cd absorbers. The primary problems for some designs of PWR control rods have been wear of the rodlets against upper internal components and swelling with tip wear and cracking. Competition amongst vendors for supplying control rod reloads has also resulted in design improvements. This paper provides an historical review of PWR and BWR control rod designs, their problems and remedies. 1. PRESSURIZED WATER REACTORS (PWRs) 1.1. Introduction Vendors use different names to refer to their neutron absorbing components - Rod Cluster Control Assembly (RCCA) by Westinghouse (W), Fragema (FGA) and Siemens/KWU; Control Rod Assembly (CRA) by Framatome Cogema Fuels (formerly Babcock & Wilcox Fuel Company, BWFC) and Control Element Assembly (CEA) by Combustion Engineering (ABB-CE). For simplicity in this part of the review, one term only has been adopted for use when referring to all vendors: Control Element Assembly (CEA). 1.2. Summary of designs 1.2.1. Introduction The various vendors' CEA designs are reviewed in this section. Each vendor has one general design; however, different models exist to match the various rod arrays and fuel designs. The reloading of CEAs by one vendor in another's nuclear steam supply system (NSSS) has also produced new designs. 1.2.2. Mechanical design ABB-COMBUSTION ENGINEERING The basic CEA design offered for both 14x14 and 16x16 standard lattice CE-NSSS plants are similar with respect to the large diameter absorber rodlets or 'fingers'. In the CE fuel design, each guide tube displaces four cell locations in the fuel lattice as opposed to a single cell as in the other vendors' fuel designs. Typically, the CEAs have four or five fingers which are attached by a threaded joint to a central hub or spider as illustrated in Figure la. A pin in the connection prevents rotation of the finger. The 16x16 System 80 plants (Palo Verde and Yonggwang) have a 12 finger CEA which is illustrated in Figure lb. The fingers are attached to the spider by a bayonet-type fitting. 00 SPIDER HOLDOOWN SPRING SPIDER WITH NUMERICAL IDENTIFICATION SERIAL No. SPRING ON THIS WE END FITTING SPRING RETAINER __—-PLENUM -FULL LENGTH CONTROL HOLDDOWN SPRING ELEMENT ASSEMBLY -STAINLESS STEEL END FITTING SPACER HOLOOOWN SPRING PLENUM STAINLESS STEEL SPACER B4CPELLETS 20 FEU MfclAl & -REDUCED DIAMETER REDUCED B C PELLETS DIA. U,C 4 PCLUIG -STAINLESS SILll. SPACER V SPACER b) 12-finger SILVER-INUIUM-CAOMIUM SPACER INCONELNOSECAI' FIG. 1. Full length CEAsfrom ABB-CEfor a) 5-finger a) Standard 16x16 reactors and b) System 80 16x16 reactors (Reference: ABB-CE) The cladding and upper and lower end-fittings for all fingers are made from Inconel 625. With some exceptions, both B4C and Ag-In-Cd absorbers are used. In the original designs for 14x14 plants, the center finger was all B4C and the outer fingers had Ag-In-Cd in the tips with the remainder B4C. In all replacement CEAs for 14x14 plants and original CEAs for 16x16 plants, all fingers use B4C with Ag-In- Cd tips. One exception is an ANO-2 CEA design in which the tip of the center finger contains Inconel 625 in place of the Ag-In-Cd absorber. In another exception, the fingers of the System 80 CEAs contain all B4C. The tip has reduced diameter pellets surrounded by a low density (-20% TD) 347 SS liner (Feltmetal). The purpose of the Feltmetal liner is to accommodate swelling of the absorber. FRAMATOME COGEMA FUEL (BWFC) BWFC manufactured CEAs for its own NSSS plants as well as for Westinghouse NSSS plants. With respect to the BWFC NSSS plants, the 15x15 plants utilize sixteen 'fingers' or rods fastened to a central cast spider assembly. The rods are attached to the spider using a threaded nut which provides a stiff connecting joint. The standard full length control rods in BWFC plants are 304SS clad rods with type 304 or 308SS end plugs. The absorber material in the rods is Ag-In-Cd alloy. The designs for 15x15 plants are illustrated in Figure 2. Full length control rods are offered with Inconel 625 cladding to reduce wear and an increased absorber/cladding gap to reduce rod swelling. This design is designated as 'Plant Life' control rods. More recently, two further design modifications have been offered: • Hybrid absorbers consisting of a 36-40 inch (914-1020mm) region of Ag-In-Cd in the high flux region of the rod and B4C pellets to reduce gas release; • Cladding hardened with wear-resistant coatings: 304SS with Armoloy chrome plating; Inconel 625 cladding coated with chromium carbide Cr3C2; 316SS hardened with ion-nitriding. BWFC offers 'black' and 'grey' axial power stepping rods (APSRs) with reduced absorber lengths. The black rod contains a 36 inch (914 mm) section of Ag-In-Cd whereas the 'gray' rod contains a 63 inch (1600 mm) section of Inconel 600. The CEAs offered by BWFC to Westinghouse NSSS plants contain all of the design permutations discussed above. The principal differences are that the control rod diameter, length and location in the fuel assembly are altered to be compatible with Westinghouse 15x15 or 17x17 fuel assemblies and Control Rod Drive Mechanisms (CRDMs). WESTINGHOUSE Westinghouse manufactures control rod assemblies for their 17x17, 15x15 and 14x14 NSSS plants. All designs are based on a central cast spider to which individual sleeves are brazed. The control rods are attached to the sleeves. This connection of rods to the spider is common to all W CEA designs and allows some additional flexure in the connection during operation. Mitsubishi, under a license with Westinghouse, offers a similar product. The standard 17x17 CEA contains twenty-four rodlets. All rodlets are clad in high purity Type 304SS and use Type 308SS end plugs. Absorber material is available in two configurations. Full length standard rods utilize Ag-In-Cd absorber. Hybrid rods are also offered in which the lower 40 inches (102cm) of the absorber is Ag-In-Cd and the remaining 102 inches (259cm) is B4C. The standard and hybrid designs are shown in Figure 3. There are 20 rodlets in the 15x15 fuel assembly array and 16 rodlets in the 14x14 array. Both cladding and absorber material, as well as construction, are identical to the 17x17 designs offered. \ I COUPLING CRA n ri I h nn SP1OER- TOP VIEW NEUTRON ABSORBING MATERIAL - 134 inch (3400 mm) CONTROL ROD- V7 F/G. 2. BWFC control rod assembly for 15x15 plants 10 FIG. 3. Westinghouse standard and hybrid control rods 11 Hybrid absorber rods are not currently manufactured for either the 14x14 or 15x15 designs. Some hybrid absorber rods were placed in service in the early 1980's in Westinghouse 17x17 plants. In 1987, Westinghouse introduced the Enhanced Performance Rod Cluster Control Assemblies (EP-RCCAs). The EP-RCCAs differ from the standard control rods in the following respects: • Hard chrome, Armoloy-coated cladding to mitigate wear; • High purity 304SS cladding with increased resistance to irradiation assisted stress corrosion cracking (IASCC); • Increased diametral gap between the absorber material and the cladding in the highest neutron flux location to accommodate absorber swelling. (See Figure 4). Rodlet OD .381" Absorber Diameter .341" Absorber Diameter .336" Rodlet 12" • .344" FIG. 4. Westinghouse increased gap design 12 EP-RCCAs have been in service in many reactors ranging from 14x14 to 17x17 core design in Europe and the U.S., as well as in Japan. All 14x14 and 15x15 units are considered to be low-to- moderate wear environments. The 17x17 units are classified as Tm]d, i.e. are high wear environments, and coincidentally all have had Hf-RCCAs replaced by the EP-RCCAs. A similarly improved control rod design offered by Mitsubishi is operating in most Japanese PWRs. FRAGEMA(FGA) The CEAs in EdF's 900 and 1300 MW plants in France are similar to the W 17x17 core CEAs. The 900 MW units have all Ag-In-Cd and the 1300 MW units have hybrid B4C/Ag-In-Cd absorbers. The Ag-In-Cd length is 40 in. (about 1 meter) at the rodlet tip, identical to the W design. Differences between the FGA and W are in the new Harmoni™ FGA designs: • Type 316 L cladding tubing; • Ion-nitrided tube surface; • Increased Ag-In-Cd absorber-to-cladding gaps with decreased absorber diameter. Type 316 L stainless steel has better mechanical properties, IASCC resistance, and forms better nitride coatings than Type 304 used previously. Some BWR control rods have also switched to Type 316. The ion-nitrided tube surface provides added wear-resistance and is discussed later in this paper. The increased absorber-clad gap is to delay mechanical interaction, clad diameter swelling and potential cracking due to IASCC. SIEMENS Siemens/KWU manufactured CEAs for their standard 14x14, 15x15, 16x16 and 18x18 reactor cores. The design of the rodlets and assemblies varies between the different plants. The layout of the rodlets within the spider for the 18x18 fuel is shown in Figure 5. By comparison the CEA for the 15x15 fuel, which has been the subject of the most significant wear, has 16 fingers, 12 of which have one rodlet at the end and 4 have two rodlets per finger as also shown on Figure 5.
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