4ry"fi"A DER ROSENI(AVALIER bv RichardStrauss Our 201'1Season Sponsor is the ViterbiFamily. This production of Der Rosenkavalierisdedicated 'ln LovingMemory of Muriel S. Gluck'TitleSponsorship, and to TitleCo-Sponsors Carol Lazier and FayeWilson, Producers' Circle Sponsors Merle and TeresaFischlowitz and Ruthand Ron Leonardi. SanDiego Opera is pleasedto recognizeAmerican Express as our CorporateProducing partner. *A$-: .Til_-i-fii.i* : (in orderof vocalappearance) ACT I Octavian Anke Vondung- The Bedroomof the Marschallin The Marschallin Twyla Robinson. The Marschallin'sMajor-Domo John Duykers - 2O Minute lntermission - BaronOchs auf Lerchenau Andrew Greenan ACT ThreeNoble Orphans NatalieMann II Ava Baker Liss The GrandHall at HerrVon Faninal,s Cherylyn Larson - 2A Minute A lVilliner TiffanyCarmel lntermission - An AnimalTrainer Manuel PazCastillo ACT ill Valzacchi Joel Sorensen A PrivateRoom at an Inn A Singer Stephen Costello A Notary KevinLangan Annina HeleneSchneiderman. Therunning time is approximately 4 hours and g minutes, Herrvon Faninal l-{ans-Joachim Ketelsen. includingtwo 20-mlnuteintermissions. lVlarianneLeitmetzerin StephanieWeiss. Sceneryconslruction and painting \,ronFan inal's Major-Domo bythe San Francisco Simeon Esper OperaScenic Shop. Sophievon Faninal PatriziaCiofi. Costumes An lnnkeeper fabricatedby the San Francisco Opera Costume Simeon Esper Shop Footmenof the . Libretto Marschallin,/FourWaiters Andrew Bennett- by Hugovon Hofmannsthai. StephenBranch. Firstperformance was held in Dresdenon January Anthony Ballard 26,1911. MichaelBlinco. Castsubject to change. A PoliceCommissioner KevinLangan Leopold Matthew Roehl. Specialthanks to San Diego Museum of Art and Torrey Mohamet FrancisGoonan. PinesChristian Church and La Jolla CountryDay School,our 2011 CommunityConversation parrners Conductor Christof Perick for Der Rosenkavalier. Director Lotfi Mansouri ScenicDesigner ThierryBosquet CostumeDesigner ThierryBosquet ri:ftt- *fr Ltt\lt* il l].:*1il5 LightrngDesigner MichaelWhitfield Sunday April 3,2011 2pm Wig and MakeupDesigner StevenW. Bryant WednesdayApril 6,2O11 7pm ActingChorus lVaster Walter Huff" Saturday April 9,2011 6pm PrincipalPian istlPrompter PaulHarris Tuesday Apnl 12,2011 7pm Pianist Rita Kaufman Supertitles CharlesArthur Thisproduction of Der Rosenkavalierwill be broadcaston " SanDtego Opera Debut Saturday,June 4 at 7:OOpmon KpBSRadio B9.b FM. B9 1FM La Jollaand 97.7FMlmperial Valley P8 PERFORMA]ICESI.IAGAZII,It ARTIST PROFILES 4+frh PATRIZIA ClOFl, Sophie Opera of Chicago in the title role of Tannhajuser,San Francisco Opera in "Der Rosenkavalieris oneof the znostof tbe rnost Brl/y Budd, Eugene Onegin and Grand Macabre, the Grand Theatre beautifuloperas that I bai sung.It's"uery dffi- of Genevaas Cellini in BenvenutoCellini, Opera de Marseille cult to sing witlt Strauss'sintricate rnusic and-the as Mime in Siegfried,Los Angeles Opera in Strauss,Dr'e Frau ohne German dialect. But the hard work is worth it, Schatten,Santa Fe Operaas RedWhiskers in BillvBudd. when it all cornestogetlter tbe operais wonderful, the OperaCompany of Philadelphiaas Shuiskyin Boris Godunov it is pure magic," comments ltalian soprano and Herodin Salome,as well as with HoustonGrand Opera, Royal Opera Covent PatriziaCiofi. San Diego Opera debut. She Garden,Netherlands Opera, Frankfurt Opera, the Canadian made her La Scaladebut as Violettain La tra- OperaCompany and SeattleOpera. He hassung in over 50 world premieres viata,relurning for Amelia in A Masked Bal/,the title roleof Lucla dl includingcreating the roleof Mao TseTung in Lammermoor. Corinna in ll vlaggioa Reims and llia tn ldomeneo: John Adams'Nixon ln China,Ihe premiereof Glass'White Raven,ln King of Crere.Recent engagements include the title role of Maria The Penal Colony and Ihe title role of Galileo Galilei, amonq others. Stuardain Athens. Marie in TheDaughter of the Regimenrat Gran Teatredel Liceu in Barcelona,Gilda in Rlgolettowjth the Vienna SIMEON ESPER Staatsoper and Teatro Real in Madrid. Ophelia in Hamlet with Ha ushofm e iste r to Fa n ina l/ n n keepe r BayerischeStaatsoper and Op6rade Marseille.Violetta with Teatro "I loueSan Diego Operaand I loueStrauss' operas, La Fenicein Venice.Deutsche Opera Berlin and Tokyo,Amenaide especiallyDer Rosenkavalier.There are so Tnany in Tancrediat Teatro Regio in Turin,Donna Anna in Don Giovannl colorful supporting roles! When lan ofered ne for RoyalOpera House.Covent Garden,Cleopatra in Julius Caesar two of them, it wasn't hard to sign on!" says in Egypt at Bilbao Opera.NanneiIa in Falstaffand Giuliettain / Americantenor Simeon Esperwho made his Capuletie i Montecchi for ParisOp6ra Bastilleand Susannain Ihe Marrlage of Figaro. San Diego Operadebut in 2OO7as Heinrich der Schreiber in Tannhduserand returned in 2008 as Beppe in Pagliacci.He made his debut with Theater STEPHEN COSTELLO, Singer Bielefeld in Germany as David in Wagner's Meistersinger von "The Italian tenor is a drearu iob. He enters the Nurnberg and returnedas Jaquino in Fidelio,the Steersmanin Ihe scenein the opera, sings a beautfu/ aria, and FlyingDutchman and Graf Elemerin Arabella.With SeattleOpera, walks rigbt back of rhi stage.h's'afue-rninute he has sung Haushofmeisterto Faninalin Der Rosenkavaller, rok t.hathas been sung by a lot ofgreit tenors,one Heinrichin Tannhduser,Diener in Elektra,Sir BrunoRobertson in / oJwhich was Luciano Pauzrotti," sa1s American Purltani and a young Seaman/A Shephardin Tristanund lsolde. a tenor StephenCostello. He made his San rolehe hasalso sung at SemperOper Dresden. Diego Opera debut last seasonas Romeo in Romeo and Jullet and sang the roje for Opera ANDREW GREENAN Companyof Philadelphia.He made his MetropolitanOpera debut Baron Ochs auf Lerchenau as Arturo in Lucradi Lammermoorand sang Edgardothat same season.and recentlymade hisVienna Staatsoper debut as Rodolfo "Ochs (which does indeed translate as "ox") is a in La bohdme. He createdthe role of Greenhornfor the world singularly appropriate namefor ny characti:er;he premiere of Moby-Dlck tor The DallasOpera. sang Cassioin Ote/lo charga tbrough hfe llke tbe prouerbial bull at a with the SalzburgFestival. Edgardo at Fort g1le, talking Worth Opera.Camille incessantl4 listening rare['. Yet,for in The Merry Widow. Leicester in Mary, Oueen of Scots (Maria all bis boorishbehauiour and oierweeniogrirrc Stuarda) and the title role oI Roberto Devereux with The Dallas both of his own importanceand his attraciueness Opera. Christian in Cyrano and Rinuccio in Gianni Schicchi wirh to azmen, there is an opennessand zestfor lfe in the Opera Companyof Philadelphia hirn that is alznost and ltaly.sSpoleto Festival, childlike. I,t/bat isfor suri, is thar if the M)rsciailin Romeowith BaltimoreOpera and The Dukeof Mantuain Rigo/etto had notfound her country cousinendearing o, o*riirg on someleuel, at DeutscheOper Berlin.Prior to theseperformances, he sanq his shewould bauehad him thrown out quite irly o, and"theopera would firstAmerican solo recitalin KansasCity. hauebeen a rrtuchshorter one!" says British bass-baritoneAndrew Greenan. He made his San Diego Opera debut as Biterolfin JOHN DI.'YI(ERS Tannhliuserin 20OB and returnedthe sameyear to singLord Cecil in Mary Oueen of (Maria Major Domo to the Marschallin Scots Stuarda).Greenan has appeared at the MetropolitanOpera as Heinrichin Lohengin, The Royal "I am honored to uork. with Lot/i Mansouri to Opera,Covent Garden as LandgrafHermann in Tannhduser,pielro create the ro/e of Struban - the Marscballin\ in Slmon Boccanegra,Tom jn,4 Masked Ba//,Crespel in The Tales Major Domo. Lotf was one of my most influ- of Hoffmann, and Swallow in peter Grlmes which he has also ential teachersduring my drreiopiig yarc ai on sung with the StaatsoperHamburg and Klingsorin parsifalwith operasinger, and his influencehas had a profound GrandTh66tre de Gen6ve.Other recentappearances include the ,fi?r,.?n. me. I look tu uncouiring the forward title rolein FalstaffaI the PragueNational Theatre, Superintendent untold life of Struhan, whose brief apprionrc Budd in Albert Herrlngat the Op6raComique. paris, Waldner in iz Der Rosenkavaliercould leauernany unansweredquestions,,' says Arabella at Theatredu Chateletand his latest performancesas Americantenor John Duykers.He made his San Diego Opera BaronOchs at CapeTown Opera. Earlier this seasonhe achieveda debut in 199'1 as PratLin The passlon of Jonathan Wade (return_ notablesuccess in the centralrole of Arnolphein the Frenchpre_ ing in 1996) and in'1997 as Chieflnquisitor in TheConquistador. miereof Liebermann'sDte Schuleder Frauenat Op6raNational de He hasappeared in San Franciscoas Heurtebicein Orphee. Lvric Bordeauxand will come to San Diegodirectly from performances PIOPERFORMANCES XAGAZII{I ffi"fiX of Titurelin Parsifalwilh EnglishNational Opera. a companywith TWYLA ROBf NSON , The Marschallin which he has enjoyeda long associationcovering a largeand var- "Tbere are a bandful of works in rbe world of ied repertoire.An accomplishedrecording artist. he appearedon aocal music which I a uerytreal reuerence the Grammy@Award-winning recording of Les Troyenswith the for feel - whereone plans tlte entire day around bringing LondonSymphony Orchestra with Sir ColinDavis. it into tbe practicestudio; wbereonefeels a kind of awe and priuilege merely to open the couer; HANS-JOACHIM KETELSEN wherepracticalfu euerytliue recording has its own Herr Von Faninal once-in-a-centurymornent in which time and cir- ""1amfrom Draden, wheretbis operapremiered cuznstanceand artist collided to bring something to the work that can
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