Handbook for the Revised Common Lectionary Peter C. Bower, editor Bower Complete.qxd 2/3/05 1:49 PM Page iii Handbook for the Revised Common Lectionary Peter C. Bower editor Bower Complete.qxd 2/3/05 1:49 PM Page iv © 1996 Westminster John Knox Press All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. For information, address Westminster John Knox Press, 100 Witherspoon Street, Louisville, Kentucky 40202-1396. Scripture quotations from the New Revised Standard Version of the Bible are copy- right © 1989 by the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the U.S.A. and are used by permission. (Paraphrases in notes on the biblical texts are those of the editor.) Appreciation is expressed to Societas Liturgica for permission to adapt portions of an article published in its journal Studia Liturgica 21, no. 1 (1991), “Common Lectionary: Origins, Assumptions and Issues,” by Horace T. Allen, Jr., and to the Alcuin Club and the Contributors for permission to adapt portions of a chapter of its Festschrift in honor of Canon Donald Gray titled “Preaching and Lectionary,” by Horace T. Allen, Jr., published by The Canterbury Press, Norwich, England, 1995. Book design by Jennifer K. Cox Cover design by Vickie Arrowood First edition Published by Westminster John Knox Press Louisville, Kentucky This book is printed on acid-free paper that meets the American National Standards Institute Z39.48 standard. PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 96979899000102030405—10987654321 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Handbook for the Revised common lectionary / Peter C. Bower, editor. — 1st ed. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 0-664-25657-0 (alk. paper) 1. Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)—Liturgy. 2. Common lectionary (1992) 3. Presbyterian Church—United States—Liturgy. 4. Lectionary preaching—Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) I. Bower, Peter C. II. Common lectionary (1992) BX8969.5.H36 1996 264′.34—dc20 96-2441 Bower Complete.qxd 2/3/05 1:49 PM Page v In memory of Robert Eugene a quiet leader “Listen, children, to a father’s instruction, and be attentive, that you may gain insight; for I give you good precepts.” PROVERBS 4:1–2 Bower Complete.qxd 2/3/05 1:49 PM Page vi Bower Complete.qxd 2/3/05 1:49 PM Page vii CONTENTS PREFACE ix CONTRIBUTORS xi ABBREVIATIONS xiii RESOURCES FOR THE PSALM SETTINGS xv INTRODUCTION Preaching in a Christian Context, by Horace T. Allen, Jr. 1 YEAR A Christmas Cycle 27 Season of Advent 27 Season of Christmas 31 Day of Epiphany 41 Ordinary Time 43 Easter Cycle 53 Season of Lent 53 Season of Easter 72 Day of Pentecost 90 Ordinary Time 92 Special Days (ABC) 123 YEAR B Christmas Cycle 133 Season of Advent 133 Season of Christmas 138 Day of Epiphany 139 Ordinary Time 140 Bower Complete.qxd 2/3/05 1:49 PM Page viii viii Easter Cycle 149 Season of Lent 149 Season of Easter 156 Day of Pentecost 165 Ordinary Time 167 Special Days (B) 196 YEAR C Christmas Cycle 201 Season of Advent 201 Season of Christmas 205 Day of Epiphany 206 Ordinary Time 207 Easter Cycle 216 Season of Lent 216 Season of Easter 221 Day of Pentecost 232 Ordinary Time 234 Special Days (C) 266 BIBLIOGRAPHY ON LECTIONARIES 269 INDEX OF SCRIPTURE READINGS 275 Bower Complete.qxd 2/3/05 1:49 PM Page ix PREFACE In 1990 the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) published a new Presbyter- ian Hymnal and, in 1993, The Psalter: Psalms and Canticles for Singing. In 1992 the Consultation on Common Texts (CCT) printed its Revised Common Lectionary (RCL). These three resources generated the con- gregations’ need for this worship planning resource. This handbook is modeled on the earlier handbooks to the lectionary and the common lectionary (published in 1980 and 1987), but this book includes as primary resources the Presbyterian Hymnal (1990) and the Psalter. Similar in format to its predecessors, this volume provides mate- rials for every Sunday of the year as well as midweek festival days. Its par- ticular features include: 1. Brief notes on each of the three biblical texts (Peter C. Bower) 2. Anthems evoked by the biblical texts (Lucile L. Hair) 3. Musical settings for the psalm appointed for the day (Sally Watkins Gant) 4. Organ music for the day (Robert E. Stigall) 5. Hymns for the day (Peter C. Bower) These resources should provide practical help to pastors, musicians, and worship committees. This volume provides additional helps by economizing on duplicate entries. That is, identical lections assigned to the same day in all three years (for example, Christmas Eve/Day, Epiphany of the Lord, Easter Vigil) are labeled as (ABC). Notes on these lections and their suggested anthems, psalm readings, organ music, and hymns are printed in full only in Year A and cross-referenced in Years B and C. This arrangement provides readers one combined listing for all the liturgical suggestions for that day for all three years rather than arbitrarily dividing these re- sources across three separate entries. The number of each Sunday in Ordinary Time is given within brack- ets in the heading. Also, it may be worth noting here that Year A begins on the First Sunday of Advent in 1998, 2001, 2004. Year B begins on the First Sunday of Advent in 1996, 1999, 2002. Year C begins on the First Sunday of Advent in 1997, 2000, 2003, and so forth. An insightful and provocative Introduction by Horace T. Allen, Jr., ad- dresses the ecumenical acceptance of the Revised Common Lectionary, ix Bower Complete.qxd 2/3/05 1:49 PM Page x x its historical and ecumenical origins, and the implications of careful and disciplined homiletical use of the lectionary as laid out in this handbook. Deep appreciation is expressed here for each of the persons who la- bored out of love to make this handbook possible. Thanks are given to Horace T. Allen, Jr., Sally Watkins Gant, Lucile L. Hair, and Robert E. Stigall. In researching, writing, editing, and tirelessly proofreading each of their contributions, they assured that this handbook in its totality would truly evidence the adage that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. A servant of Christ who painstakingly keyed entries into computers, suggested countless new and improved ways to make this handbook user- friendly, and proofread again and again is Molly M. Macaulay, elder of the Drayton Avenue Presbyterian Church in Ferndale, Michigan. Each of us will derive the greatest thanks from worship planners and leaders when they use these resources as a means to give scripture a cen- tral place in the church’s worship. Perhaps the current Presbyterian Church’s Directory for Worship puts it best: “Lectionaries offered by the church ensure a broad range of readings as well as consistency and con- nection with the universal church. Using lectionaries . is helpful in seeking to hear the full message of God’s Word” (W–2.2003; W–5.3003). Bower Complete.qxd 2/3/05 1:49 PM Page xi CONTRIBUTORS HORACE T. ALLEN, JR., serves as Associate Professor of Worship at the School of Theology, Boston University, co-chair of the English Language Liturgical Consultation, and a member of the Consultation on Common Texts and the Task Force on Revision of the Common Lectionary. He de- veloped A Handbook for the Lectionary (Philadelphia: Geneva Press, 1980). PETER C. BOWER, former Editor of Reformed Liturgy & Music (for four- teen years), serves as Stated Supply of Northside Presbyterian Church in Ann Arbor, Michigan. He also served as the editor and principal writer of Handbook for the Common Lectionary (Philadelphia: Geneva Press, 1987). SALLY WATKINS GANT serves as Director of Music at Shallowford Pres- byterian Church, Lewisville, North Carolina, and Director of Education and Special Programs at the Museum of Early Southern Decorative Arts, Winston-Salem, North Carolina. LUCILE L. HAIR serves as Director of Music at the University Presby- terian Church, Baton Rouge, Louisiana. ROBERT E. STIGALL serves as Director of Music at Myers Park Presby- terian Church, Charlotte, North Carolina. He also serves as Lecturer in Music and College Organist at Queens College, Charlotte. xi Bower Complete.qxd 2/3/05 1:49 PM Page xii Bower Complete.qxd 2/3/05 1:49 PM Page xiii ABBREVIATIONS Psalm Resources ANMP A New Metrical Psalter APS A Psalm Sampler CC Cantor/Congregation Series CS/PFTCY Celebration Series (Psalms for the Church Year) DP/SLR Daily Prayer. Supplemental Liturgical Resource 5 GG The Gelineau Gradual: Responsorial Psalms from the Lec- tionary for Mass for the Sundays and Principal Feasts of the Liturgical Year GGP The Grail Gelineau Psalter: 150 Psalms and 18 Canticles GPI Grail Psalms: The Psalms H82 The Hymnal (1982) HB55 The Hymnbook (1955) HL33 The Hymnal (1933) MFTII Music from Taizé II PH87 The Psalter Hymnal (1987) PH90 The Presbyterian Hymnal: Hymns, Psalms, and Spiritual Songs (1990) PP Psalm Praise PR&T Psalm Refrains and Tones for the Common Lectionary PS93 The Psalter: Psalms and Canticles for Singing (1993) 10P Ten Psalms 20P&3C Twenty Psalms and Three Canticles 24P&1C Twenty-four Psalms and One Canticle 30P&2C Thirty Psalms and Two Canticles RCL Revised Common Lectionary RITL Rejoice in the Lord: A Hymn Companion to the Scriptures SPJP Singing Psalms of Joy and Praise SOI Songs of Israel: Seasonal Responsorial Psalms for the Entire Year TIP/PSCY The Ionian Psalter: Fifteen Psalms for the Seasons of the Church Year TIP/MTYL The Ionian Psalter: Music for the Three Year Lectionary of the Book of Common Prayer WIII Worship III WB72 The Worshipbook: Services and Hymns (1972) xiii Bower Complete.qxd 2/3/05 1:49 PM Page xiv xiv Anthems (E) Easy (ME) Medium-Easy (M) Medium (MD) Medium-Difficult (D) Difficult Tunes C.M.
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