3021 Voters Went Here and To Polls Tuesday in THE RIGBY STAR Jefferson County There... Jefierson County's Home Paper Since 1903 Jefferson county voters failed to go to the polls in any great number Comment on Current Events FIFTY-FOURTH YEAR RIGBY, JEFFERSON COUNTY, IDAHO. THURSDAY. AUGUST 16. 1956 NUMBER THIRTY-THREE Tuesday to cast their vote on the Ma t t r 8 KTpV B . o n e s. '" "^"^ S nominating ballot. A total of 1487 democratic votes were cast for Uni­ Livestockin Fair Must Jefferson Posse Mud Lake Fair County Fair Opens J.G.Oram, ted States Senator and 1534 votes for Senator were cast by Republicans, Haye making a total vote for that office wesson ol^uofish^d M Immunization High in Meet August 23-24 August 31 at Ririe Long-Time Business of 3021 in the county. The Jefferson county posse was The Seventh Annual Mud Lake The 23rd annual Jefferson county ^AOn in RlGDV Returns were compiled at The ?«S SS STi^^SS^SSiJ'SS Treatment high point division winners here Sat- Fair 3 7 have laid in the building of this com­ il be held Thursday and Pri- fair at Ririe will open Friday, Aug- Rigby Star for radio, TV, and press Livestock entering the County Pair urday in the northern division district day .Auust 23rd and 24th. at Terre- ust 31st, with the night show sched­ wires and were complete at 10:15 p.m. munity, of their steadfastness and meet 16 purpose, and their individual contri- .a t Ririe must comply with the foi- of t* Idaho State Rding Asso- ton. uled for Saturday night being the with the exception of one precinct. butions through civic affiliations We lovnnS health requirements. These re- ciation show, strengthening their po- Tom Mitchell is over-all chairman, largest ever presented in connection The telephone service to the west sition as state champions and con- . g^p LeGrand side of Jefferson county expedited re­ sometime fail to appreciate or recog- <luireme"ta £ere„ **?*£ J** •the men g chairman> with the fair. Unt Fa d nd WU1 be tnCt tending champions in the state meet Wadsworth. women's group chair- The opening day will be devoted to turns, heretofore it had always been Jiize the worth of the man or womi ?° ? f ^°ff * f ' scheduled for Saturday, Aug. 18th at necessary to send a car to Terreton who keeps shop or opens their door y enforced at Uie Fa,r> m order to man, Leeclare Schwendig, advertis-1 the parade at 11 a. m., judging 4-H reve n Pocatello. The Northern, Southern ing chairman. Thelma Nick, rodeo | and F.F.A. projects, judging exhib- and Monteview for the vote, for business in a small town, where P r tany tranamitt^ of diseases and Central div.sions will be repre- , publicity, its. demonstrations and contests, race friendship and neighborllness are or infection at the Fair: cnairman Bin Yearsely Paul Holm was nominated for sented at the meet and the winners Thelma Nick hnd p^ma Hutchin- proram at the fair grounds, pedi- more important than profit and sales. Health Requirements For Cattle will represent Idaho at the Inter- | state senator. Eldred Lee, state rep­ Since these articles are individual A11 beef and dairy cattle used for mountain meet at Heber ritv TTtnh"' *°r" dance charman- Warren Mit- gree and saddle horse judging, pull- resentative, Wm. T. Berrett. county histories, many readers have inform- breeding purposes, six months of aee __, y' uuan- chell. \ ing horse contest. Saturday, Septem- commissioner, second district and ed The Star that they are keeping offered for exhibition purposes, ahall , 1Th"'e. winners in the events received In the exhibits, Ray Westwood and ber 1st events scheduled are judging Wm. H. Shuldberg, county commis­ nave sioner, third district on the Republi­ themthen.. The 55.»Star ^ «__««...{or_._appreciates• ..,„«-the fine" have passenn.<«iedH aan officianffi^ioli negativno..ii_e. ag_. -_ trophies, red and blue ribbons. Jef- Marcus Barnes head the dairy com- open class livestock, 4-H home prod­ cooperation given by those inter­ glutination, blood test for Brucellos­ ferson posse amassed points in al- mittee, Bill Shupe and Dave Jem- ucts judging, 4-H girl's style dress can ballot. There were no county con­ viewed and is looking forward to is (Bang's disease) within sixty days' most every event. berg, beef; Herb Gilstrap, Ira Wads­ revue, racing program and contests, tests on the democratic ticket. many more sketches of local people, of the date of the fair. A certificate ac­ In the parade, Jefferson County worth, horses. Raymond Osborne and specialty acts at the fair ground, The Star would like to thank all sketches of local people. cepted up to thirty months of age, Posse took first. Upper Valley Jay Schwendig, swine; Leonard awarding of queen gifts and troph­ those in the precincts who phoned In — h.a.t. — provided he animal was vaccinated Wranglers second and Bonneville Cope, LaVar McCrary, sheep, Jay ies, presentation of trophies in front | returns, the telephone operators and Commerce and Industry, a maga- between the ages of six through elev- third. Hawker, Lois Hawker, poultry; ag- of the grand stand. 8 p. m. the big those who assisted In tabulating re­ zine sponsored by the Idaho State en months, for beef, six through 9 Drills, Jefferson first, Upper Valley riculture, field crops and garden; night show. turns In the office. Department of Commerce and Devel- ; months for dairy, arid carries a ta- Wranglers, second, Boneville third; Wayne Allen, Pern Edwards, Dorothy This year, the exhibit building on to The Republican ticket gave U. S. opment, Boise, Is now in the hands ° in the ear for verification. Tests 3-8 mile race, Jefferson, Upper Valley md Vernal Allen; horticult- the fair grounds will house all ex- Senate candidates Ray J. Davis 605, of the readers. Source of revenue for ; must be approved by the director of Wranglers. lona; team tieing contest, ure. Dorothy Hawker and Hattie Un- hibits and the fair will be on the W. S. Holden 666, John Sanborn 85, the operation of this newly created the Idaho Bureau of Animal Indus- Bonneville, Jefferson second, Arco tledt, culllnary, Doris Gerard and fair grounds. Heretofore, the large Mark Streeter 11, Herman Welker department is paid by the business' trY- The test chart for Bang's dis- Atom Busters, third; parade cla; Nordstrom, home canning, La- oase Ririe gym has been the headquarters 267; state, senator Paul Holm 906, Dee people of the state of Idaho at the or the vaccination certificate Upper Valley Wranglers, Bonneville, vina Avila, needlework, Bessie Mit- for the most of the exhibits. A long-range look at Rigby's Main Summers 613; state representative. rate of $6.00 per business and the must accompany the entry, Jefferson; Pleasure. Jefferson coun- chell, Sylvia cope; arts and crafts, Lew Gneiting is chairman of the 8treet would not be complete without Leonard Berrett 312. Joe Erickson advertisers. Health Requirements For Swine ty first and second, Arco, third; {j Shirty Lott, Marvetta Soderquist, mile fair board, Tom Mitchell, vice chair­ focusing some attention toward one 465, Eldred Lee 731, county commis- We find no fault with the motives Hog Cholera— Swine must be im- ! Jefferson, Bonnville. Upper Val- flowers. Shirley Gilstrap, Grace lev man, members Ellis H. Call, Alvin of the community's pioneer business sloner, second district. Wm. T. Ber- Of the magazine or its contents, ex-I munlzed with either serum and vir- Wranglers; Trail rider, Bonne- Campbell, F.F.A. LaVem Fowler, men, Jack Oram, who has through rett, 825, L. F. Gneiting 709; county ville u Sauer, Irvin Harrop, J. Elmer Moss, cept to say, regardless of how many! us not less than 21 days prior to the - PPer Valley Wranglers, Arco; Herb Shurtliff; 4-H. Sharon Shuld- the years maintained business • missioner. third district, Lon Lott Lowell Moore, C. L. Lewis, Marion firms paid Into the fund, unless you date of entering the fairgrrounds, or ""• Bonneville, lona; ;'berg. Kay Jemberg and Ladd Mit- nectlons in this i 533, H. Julian Miller 287, Wm. H. ladies Harrop, C. M. Shaner, manager. The have paid advertising in the edi-j serum not more than 15 days prior pleasure, A neville, Bo lei airplane and rating cars, executive committee is made up of Known and respected for his high Shuldberg, 6*7. tion your community is not mention­ to date of entering the fairgrounds. neville: COw cutting. Jefferson, first1 Gene Mitchell. Wayne Violette, standards. Mr. Oram, now retired On the democratic ticket: U. S. and 2nd Iona Id Poore, Mrs. Ivy Summers, O. ed. Chambers of Commerce from or crystal violet not less than 21 ; - ; ribbon pull, Jefferson, The rodeo committee is composed W White. Narvel Rawlins. Kenneth lives in his home where he continues Senate Claude Burtenshaw received some of the larger cities of the 'state Arco Iona days prior to date of entering the I ' ; water race. Arco, Bonne- of Joe Potter. Bill Shupe, Bill Cope. Wheeler, Ray Howard, George Car­ to enjoy gardening and working in 613 votes, Frank Church 284, Alvin are Included in the ads, but from fairgrounds. vllle, Jefferson; potato race, lona, I Sorensen and Bill Yearsley. his yard, visiting with his family and McCormack 64, Glen H. Taylor. 526; Idaho Falls north, you wouldn't know Jefferson. Bonneville; barrel race, lyle, Ralph Freeman. Warm Balke- Brucellosis hogs in v , _,..__. .^.., M>IUIWII,IV| UOIICI jttue, Memberintiuuti s^ ow_f thmce Mu.«udu Lakt«e« raFainr ly, Don Mulberry. Earl Casper is friends. His sons and daughters are: representative in congress F.
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