University of Central Florida STARS Central Florida Future University Archives 11-19-1996 Central Florida Future, Vol. 29 No. 25, November 19, 1996 Part of the Mass Communication Commons, Organizational Communication Commons, Publishing Commons, and the Social Influence and oliticalP Communication Commons Find similar works at: https://stars.library.ucf.edu/centralfloridafuture University of Central Florida Libraries http://library.ucf.edu This Newsletter is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in Central Florida Future by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Recommended Citation "Central Florida Future, Vol. 29 No. 25, November 19, 1996" (1996). Central Florida Future. 1398. https://stars.library.ucf.edu/centralfloridafuture/1398 Central Florida Future • • ... INSIDE Computer teams boot up for success by ORLANDO MONTOYA hours and took place in the Educa­ ishing first. Heimburg. It took the team 22 Contributing writer tion Building gymnasium. There "Each team was challenged minutes to complete the project. • were 56 separate tables in neatly by the same programming prob­ The team's success at mak­ Greek Column Golden Knights football spaced rows of seven, each table lems, which genera11y require ing such problems seem easy is may be having a tough go at it, but with a computer, a book of pro­ knowledge of a junior or senior largely due to practice, accord­ pg. 4 there's one UCF team that always gramming programs, and three level," said Neils Lobo, associ­ ing to Dr. Ali Orooji, team fac­ Sigma Phi Epsilon finishes on top: Computer Pro­ computer programming students ate professor of computer sci­ ulty advisor and associate pro­ Fraternity receives gramming. This year is no excep­ focused on one thing: getting a ence. fessor of computer science. tion. balloon. The problem that UCF's "There was commitment on Buchanon Cup. FourUCFteams blasted the Each team's table was teams finished fastest was everybody's part," said Orooji. competition at the 1996 Southeast adorned by a ba11oon for each pro­ "18,000 Seconds Remaining," in Regional Programming Contest gramming problem correctly which contestants were required Commitments that include 1eatures last Saturday, placing four teams solved. Problems ranged from to write a program that would six to seven hours of practice Video Rewind in the top ten out of 56 teams "Cops and Robbers" to "Halting estimate the amount of time re­ each week for 10 weeks. Team competing, keeping alive a 14- Factor Replacement Systems." maining in a file transfer. First­ members from previous years pg.17 year winning streak. Teams scored points by not only place winners were Michael also helped out, acting as coaches Competition lasted five finishing correctly, but also by fin- Kujawa, Bryan Kline and Eric during practice sessions. Florida student leaders discuss lobbying agenda by JOE CHABUS attention was paid to this FSA Contributing Writer meeting because the BOR did not establish a legislative platform In 1995, the Florida Student endorsing a vote to raise tuition. Association (FSA) organized a Grin and bare it-­ When the BOR met last week at rally at the UCF Arena, interrupt­ UCF there were very few items of See another side to ing the Board of Regents meeting concern to FSA. However, once Demi Moore in in order to voice opposition to the BOR decides on their legisla­ Striptease. proposed financial aid cuts and tive agenda, we will make the stu­ tuition increases. This year, with dent voice well heard if there are financial aid cuts successfully de­ issues college students are defi­ feated and tuition increases off the nitely opposed too." Crossword table (for now), FSA's visit to In its Friday and Saturday pg. 9 UCF had a calmer but serious meetings at the University dining mood. room, FSA Board members dis­ UCF hosted student leaders cussed the work accomplished in from around the state this past putting together background re­ weekend for an FSA Board of search and specific strategies on .. Directors meeting. The Board, lobbying the BOR as we11 as state composed of the Student Body and federal legislatures, while also Golden Knights Presidents from each Florida pub­ organizing FSA Days at the capi­ pg. 12 lic university, created a pro-active tol. FSA Days occur right after the legislative agenda which detailed legislative session in March; uni­ the organization's goals for the versities bring students up to Tal­ year. Once the BOR decides on its lahassee tcr meet legislators and legislative agenda, FSA will gear discuss educational issues. The its efforts in representing student Board members agreed to begin opinion. the lobbying process now by be­ "We solidified our platform coming familiar with their legisla­ as a student lobbying and advo­ tors on a personal basis in hopes of cacy group," FSA Executive Di­ rector Sharon James said. "Less see FSA, page 3 Hispa~ic performance artist enlightens students The Golden Knights .finish their first season By JENNIFER LINDSTROM ken and performed at many uni­ Mexican cross cultures, and his versities including Harvard, in Division I-A, with a Staff writer views on multiculturalism: War­ Wllilo Stanford and Rice. rior for Gringostroika, and The record of 5-6, One UCF student set her­ "I thought it would be ben­ New World Order Prophecies. Guillermo Pena with a 27-19 victory self on a quest to bring a promi- eficial to the students at UCF to In addition to his works in WltneIID . nent speaker to our school so that have a speaker who is a little more over the Bowling Green writing, he has made performances Nov. 21. Falcons, Saturday students here would have the op­ avant-garde as well as for our stu­ throughout the United States and portunity to learn about dent Latinos to become inspired by night. The Golden internationally including a perfor­ Wltnen~ multiculturalism. what he has to say," said Lopez. mance at the Spanglish Opera in Knights extended their Marvea Lopez, a graduate Gomez-Pena is an interdis­ San Francisco. He has spoken and VAB winning streak to three art student, met with the interna­ ciplinary artist and writer, who has performed in festivals, commu­ games. tionally known performance art­ been exploring cross-cultural is­ nity centers, on radio, television mance of Gomez-Pena are the Arts ist, Guillermo Gomez-Pena, and, sues with the use of performance, and film. Alliance, Office of Diversity Ini­ with the help of the Art Education poetry ,journalism, video, radio and Lopez learned about tiatives, Global and Multicultural Department, coordinated a free art. His writings and performances Gomez-Pena in an art class, and Education, International studies, lecture he will give Nov. 21 in the have been highly effective in the In this issue: found him to be an inspiring artist. UCF Art Gallery, the Language Visual Arts building at 7 p.m. development of the debates on cul­ She then made it her project to Department and the Consulate of 1-4 .. News Gomez-Pena will speak his tural diversity, identity and US­ track him down and convince him Mexico. Classifieds 5 opinions about multiculturalism, Mexico relations . that he should speak at UCF. This lecture wil I also be a border culture, cross-cultural is­ He has written two books 6-7 Other student organizations O~inion sues and immigration. He has spo- that discuss his views on the US- who are supporting the perfor- see ART, page 3 Features 8-lJ 1 Sports 12 .visit the Central Florida·Fut _ure in cyb~r . spa~e at' h"1p:{/~.9citneticff/cff.ht~~ ·~·: ··--·~~::·:.~. :, .. • ; •• - • ,I:! • • • - • • • -· ·- ' ~ - "*'·~ f.,; ~ • 2 •Nov. 19, 1996 •The Central Florida Future • Don't drive so, don't •On Nov. 6 a bicycle was drive so close to me stolen from the bike rack outside • A 19-year old male stu­ of the Chemistry building. The dent was charged for driving bike has an estimated value of under the influence on Nov. 9. $50. • An officer pulled over the defen­ dant in his vehicle because he •It was reported on Nov. 6 was driving his vehicle very harassing telephone Honda Accord and stole a radar that a blue Fleetwood Cadillac was keyed while parked in a UCF • closely behind, almost striking, call detector from within. another vehicle. When the of­ parking lot. UCF Police arrested an 18- turned to her car, she noticed it ficer approached the vehicle, he • It was reported on Nov. 9 year old male on Nov. 7 for aggra­ was in the wrong parking space. could smell the odor of alcoholic that someone broke a window at •A wallet was stolen from vated stalking and making a ha­ Evidently, someone moved the ve­ beverages coming from the the Kappa Sigma fraternity house. the Computer Center II build­ rassing telephone call. The defen­ hicle to a "loading/unloading" defendant's breath. The defen­ The estimated cost of damage is ing, room 111, on Nov. 4. The dant had a warrant out for his ar­ space next to where she had origi­ dant was asked to step out of his $200. wallet contained $80, credit • rest. The defendant's bond was set nally parked. Thei;e was a parking vehicle and had to hold on to the cards, a bank card and a driver's at $1,000. ticket on the car's front windshield seat to remain steady on his feet. • A fire alarm in the Com­ license. for being parked in an unautho­ The officer performed sobriety puter Center III building, room Incidents Reported: rized parking space. Damage was • tests, and the defendant was ar­ 337, sounded on Nov.
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