December 11, 2018 Dear F Club Member: The 2019 University of Florida Athletic Hall of Fame Induction Banquet will be held in the fall of 2019 and as a member of the F Club, you have the opportunity to nominate candidates for this honor. As you know, induction into the Athletic Hall of Fame is the highest honor a former student-athlete can receive. Please carefully review the enclosed criteria, list of current Hall of Fame Members, and nomination form and submit any candidate(s) you feel worthy of consideration for this honor. Nominations can be e-mailed, faxed, or mailed back to my attention and are due by Friday, January 25, 2019. In order to be considered for the 2019 induction class, nominations must be received by this date. Please note, phone nominations will not be accepted. Also, we will not accept self-nominations or incomplete nominations. If you wish to submit your nomination via e-mail, please scan the form, attach any additional information, type “2019 HOF Nomination” in the subject, and send to [email protected]. I thank you in advance for your time and consideration of this matter and hope that each of you will be able to join us next fall as we welcome a new class into the Hall of Fame. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, Kyle Rogers Associate Director Gator Boosters, Inc. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA ATHLETIC HALL OF FAME INDUCTION CRITERIA The University of Florida Athletic Hall of Fame is hereby established to honor the members of past athletic teams who have excelled in intercollegiate athletics at the University, or gained national recognition in athletics following graduation. This Hall of Fame will also give special recognition to coaches and athletic officials who have contributed significantly to the development of the University athletic program. 1. The F Club will maintain responsibility for the Athletic Hall of Fame. The F Club Committee will serve as the Hall of Fame Selection committee. A chairman will be appointed each year to coordinate the selection process. Nominations will be submitted to the Selection Committee by October of each year. A 2/3 written vote of the committee will be required for selection to the Hall of Fame as a "Gator Great" (category A). A 3/4 written vote of the Committee will be required for selection to the Hall of Fame as a "Distinguished Letterwinners" (category B). A 90% written vote of the Committee will be required for selection to the Hall of Fame as a "Honorary Letterwinners" (category C). Nominees are not eligible until ten (10) years after they last participated in intercollegiate athletics at the university. Members of the F Club Committee are not eligible for consideration. University employees, including UAA and Gator Booster employees, will be eligible for consideration after ten (10) cumulative years of employment with the University. Any employee that falls in the Gator Great category can be considered as long as they meet the Gator Great criteria. 2. Inductees will be voted into the Athletic Hall of Fame in one of the three following categories: A) Gator Great - Letterwinners/Athletes who have brought recognition and prominence to the University and themselves by athletic accomplishments as a student-athlete. (Criteria to be considered: First Team All-American, First Team All-SEC. B) Distinguished Letterwinners - Letterwinners/athletes who have made major contributions to the University athletic program through personal time, effort, interest and through many years of continued service AND have distinguished themselves as exceptional in their chosen field or endeavor. C) Honorary Letterwinners – Coaches and athletic officials (after retirement) who were not letterwinners/athletes at the University of Florida, yet have rendered outstanding service to the intercollegiate athletic program through personal time, effort, interest and through many years of continued service. (Emphasis at nomination should be placed on continued service.) 3. Persons who have met the above criteria may be inducted posthumously. 4. Nominations should be kept secret. This should be stated on the application. 5. Presentation of awards to inductees will be in conjunction with the Annual Hall of Fame Weekend. Each inductee will be extended a ring and plaque symbolic of his/her induction into the Hall of Fame, and a photo-plaque honoring each inductee will be permanently displayed in the Athletic Hall of Fame. The Athletic Director's office will be permanently responsible to handle any matters so designated by the chairperson of the committee. Current Members University of Florida Athletic Hall of Fame Wrestling (Wrs); Tennis (TN); Golf (GF); Swimming (SW); Basketball (Bsk); Football (FB); Track (TR); Baseball (Bsb); Volleyball (VB); Soccer (Soc); Softball (Sfb); Gymnastics (GM) Gator Greats: Dan Cross-Bsk Al Horford-Bsk Tommy Aaron-GF Aury Cruz-VB Anita Howard-TR Fred Abbott-FB Brad Culpepper-FB Marcelino Huerta, Jr.-FB Judy Acker-Smith-TN Curt Cunkle-Bsk Charles Hunsinger-FB Chic Acosta-SW Joe D'Agostino-FB Randy Jackson-FB Carlos Alvarez-FB Karen Davies-GF Tammy Jackson-Bsk Leah Kirklin Anderson-TR Jeff Davis-Wrs Willie Jackson, Jr.-FB Neal Anderson-FB Judd Davis - FB John James-FB Nicole Arendt-TN Steve DeLaTorre-FB Benavia Jenkins-VB Trace Armstrong-FB Frank Dempsey-FB John Joca-Box Reidel Anthony-FB Guy Dennis-FB Alonzo Johnson-FB Andrea Farley-TN Chris DiMarco-GF Ellis Johnson-FB Bobby Barnes-FB/Bsb Tom Dioguardi-SW Edgar Jones-Bsk/FB John Barrow-FB Dwayne Dixon-FB James Jones-FB Erin Baxter-Soc Chris Doering-FB Ron Jourdon-TR Andy Bean-GF Cissie Donigan-TN Tommy Kearse-GF Frank Beard-GF Phil Drake-SW Lynn McDonnell Keefe-GM Craig Beardsley-SW Jimmy DuBose-FB Gary Keller-Bsk Nekita Beasley-TR Page Dunlap-GF Patrick Kennedy-SW Jim Beaver-FB Larry Dupree-FB Gary Koch-GF Cecil Beck-FB/TR Tommy Durrance-FB Bill Kynes-FB Jack Beckwith-FB Scott Dykehouse-TR Jimmy Kynes- FB Doug Belden-TN/FB David Eckstein –Bsb Matthew LaPorta-Bsb Kerwin Bell-FB Bob Emrick - Bsk Charles LaPradd-FB Camilo Benedetti-GF Matt Every-GF Renee Laravie-Kelly-SW Bruce Bennett-FB Mark Everett-TR David E. Larson-SW Leroy "Red" Bethea-FB Andrea Farley-TN Burton Lawless-FB Matt Bonner-Bsk Beth Farmer- TR David Lee-Bsk Quientella Bonner-Bsk Rex Farrior-FB/Bsb Jessica Lehnhoff-TN Jim Borland-SW Forest "Fergie" Ferguson-FB Larry Libertore-FB Ernest "Goof" Bowyer-FB Don Fleming-FB/Bsb Kristen Linehan-SW Keith Brantley-TR Josh Fogg-Bsb David Little-FB Scot Brantley-FB/Bsb Bobby Forbes-FB Jerry Livingston-SW Corey Brewer-Bsk Danielle Fotopoulos-Soc Ryan Lochte-SW Jillian Alexander Brower-TN Michelle Freeman-TR Buford Long-Bsk/FB/TR Alex Brown-FB Stephanie Freeman-Soc Wilber Marshall-FB Beaufort Brown-TR Geoff Gaberino-SW Lynn Matthews-FB Harold C. "Chap" Brown-TN Larry Gagner-FB Shane Matthews-FB Lomas Brown-FB David L. Galloway, Sr.-FB Walter Mayberry-FB Tami Bruce-SW Brian Gay-GF Steve McBride-SW Carl Brumbaugh-FB Jenny Gladding-Sfb Nicole McCray-VB Caroline Burckle-SW Aycan Gokberk-VB Angie McGinnis-VB Greg Burgess-SW Max "Goldy" Goldstein-FB Jack McGriff-TR Dawn Buth -TN Ellis Goodloe-TR Lee McGriff-FB Glenn Cameron-FB Alexis Gordon-TN Perry McGriff-FB/Bsb Kevin Carter-FB Julie Gorman-SW Mark McKee-SW Amy Caulkins-SW Bobby Joe Green-FB Timothy McKee-SW Tracy Caulkins-SW Jacquez Green-FB Graham McKeel-FB Bill Carr-FB Sammy Green-FB Mimosa McNerney - SW Rick Casares-Bsk/FB Rex Grossman-FB Andy McPherson-SW Charles Casey-FB Kristen Guise-GM Steve Melnyk-GF Rainey Cawthon-FB Nicole Haislett-SW Mark Merklein-TN Matthew Cetlinski-SW Susan Halfacre-SW Albert Mestre-SW Don Chandler-FB J. Pappa Hall-FB/TR Melissa Miller-GM Wes Chandler-FB Mal Hammack-FB Mike Miller-Bsk Billy Chase-FB Phillip Hancock-GF Tony Miller-Bsk Hazel Clark Riley-TR Dudley Hart-GF DeLisha Milton-BB Haygood Clarke-FB Udonis Haslem-Bsk Victor R. Miranda-FB Kerron Clement-TR Mike Heath-SW Dennis Mitchell-TR Ben Clemons-Bsk Vel Heckman-FB Heather Mitts-Soc Harry Coe-Bsb Brooks Henderson-Bsk Fred Montsdeoca-FB/Bsb Cris Collinsworth-FB Heidi Hertz Sweet-TR Nat Moore-FB Jane Collymore-VB Jill Hetherington-TN Tom Moore-Bsb Doug Corbett-Bsb Riko Higashio-GF Cheryl Morley-GF Bill Corry-FB Ike Hilliard-FB Jeff Morrison-TN Mike Cotton-TR Joe Hobbs-Bsk/Bsb John Morton- TR Clyde Crabtree-FB Michael Holloway-TR Bob Murphy-GF Jill Craybas-TN Rogers 'Tiger' Holmes-SW Dennis Murphy-FB Ricky“TheRocket”Nattiel-FB Burt Touchberry-Bsk/Bsb Fred S. Ridley Armistead Neely-TN Allen Trammell- FB Fred E. Rozelle Reggie Nelson-FB Richard Trapp-FB/Bsb W.A. Shands Anthony Nesty-SW Kathy Treible Slaton-SW Hon. George Smathers Robert "Ark" Newton-Bsk/FB Blanchard Tual-SW Andrea Spottswood Megan Neyer-SW Ms. Alice Tym-TN Dutch Stanley Stephanie Nickitas-TN Bill Tym-TN Bruce Starling Joakim Noah-Bsk Chrissy Van Fleet-GM Dick Stratton Andy North-GF Camilo Villegas-GF Larry Travis Jason Odom-FB Henry Wadsworth-TR Keith Tribble Louis Oliver -FB Neal Walk-Bsk Harrison “Harry” Wilder Ralph Ortega-FB Josh Walker-TR Jimmy Yancey Andy Owens-Bsk Ion "Speedy" Walker-Bsk/FB Honorary Phillip D. O'Connell-Box Abby Wambach-Soc Letterwinners Justin O’Neal-TN Wm J.'Bumper' Watson-TR Buddy Alexander Richard A. “Dick” Pace-Bsk/FB/Bsb Mary Wayte-SW Dr. Ruth Alexander Murriel Page-Bsk Craig White-SW J.N. Anderson Bernie Parrish-FB Donna Horton White-GF Charles Bachman Pat Patchen- FB Brad Wilkerson-Bsb Percy Beard Wayne L.
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