ij tstr. ATOMIC ENENGY AGENCY GUf[[j INK ':f, "He v.2 'Corr.l '2 fioveiii't" i9.i9 General Conference KXGL1C'I ONLi' •j .< i..t.f $ti:'ON DELEGATIONS AND COMMITTEES international Atomic Energy Agency General Conference Third Regular Session 22 September to 2 Octobor 1959 Vienna Q Jfe," ammlttees GCftJi//INF/2S/R©v 2 October 1959 PRINTED BY IAEA IN AUbTRIA CONTENTS DELEGATIONS Pagu 1. Member States , , , 3 2. Non-Mtmber States , , 25 3. United Nations and Specialised Agencies 27 4. intc-Governmental Organizations .,.....,,.. 2° 5. Non-Governmental Organizations having Consultative Status with the Agency 3] COMMITTEES Officers of the Conference and Members of t'io General Committee 35 Credentials Committee , 35 Programme, Technical 'jnd Budgaf Committee 35 Sub-Commr+tee on Contributions ...,.,,, , 36 Administrativa and Legal Committer, ..,......, , , , , , 36 Committee for Pledges of Voluntary Contributions to thn Genorol ~und .... 36 gas, W k %*# *M fejR 1 a W I W 1. MEMBER STATES AFGHANISTAN Delegate; Dr. ^bdu! Ghaffar KAK^R Dean of the Faculty of Science, University of Kabul ALBANIA Da legate Mr. Siri CARCANI ARGENTINA Donate: Admiral I\ llolio LOPEZ Alternate: Mr. Eduardo T. PARDO Counsellor, the Embassy in Austria AUSTRALIA Delegate: Dr. Harold Oeo-^e A/.GCAT1" Alternates: Mr, Lawrence John ARNOTT Mr. Andrew David THOMAS Mr. Henry Douglas WHITE Secretary; Mrs. 3.M. EDESON AUSTRIA Delegate: II.E. Dr. Heinrich IHYMERLE Minister Plenipotentiary Alternate: Dr. Hans THIRRING Member of Parliament; Professor of Physics, University of Vienna 3 Advisers : Mi. Rudolf FUFRST Federal Ministry of Communications and Power Dr. Michael NIC Un'SUKHGER Director, Austrltin Society for Atomic Energy Studies Dr. Williclin KOVATS Ministry of Communications and Power Dr. Friedrich TANG Federal Chancellery Dr. Johann FOXSCSIA Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Mr. Joh.mn MUK1.LFR Federal Mini stiy of Social Admiristiation Dr. Adalbc-t OiiUCFK Federal Minisiiy of Communications and Power Dr. GuMav CRTHKR Head, Reacu r Institute of the Austrian Universities Mr. Pieha.d I'OIACXF.K Federal Chancellery Mr. Rudolf ni-:NN,:n Federal Mini'-irry of Trade and R-iconstraction Dr. Karl SCII.'N'DI. Fedrr.il Ministry of Social Administration Dr. Ceorg SCHCUMDFRGF.'l Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Kr.rl STROBL Fedcio! Ministry of Social Administration Dr. Fran/. WKlMNOSt Federal Mil istry of Foreign Affairs Dr. Mfrod ZELLKil Head, Isotope L, horatory, Federal Research Institute of Agricultural Che.ristry Secretary to Dr. Heinrich CI SIPSNER ;'fie Delegation : Federal Ministry of Forei<;n Affairs BELGIUM Delegate: Mr. Jacques FRRFKA Resident Rep esentatwe to the Agency Alternate: Mr. jean BOUIA Counsellor, the Embassy in Austria Adviser and Mr. J.P. PIERARD Secretary to the Delegation : 4 BRAZIL Delegate: Admiral Octaeilio CUN'IIA President, Nuclonr Energy Commission Alternates: U.K. Mr. Carlos Alfredo BEILNARDES Minister Plenipotentiary ; Ciai.man of the Board of Gov3rnors The Honorable Renato ARCHER Momhf-r of Congress U.K. Mr. Ouivio A. Of AS CARNEIUO Minister Plenipotentiary ; Member of the Nuclear Energy Commission Professor Luis CINTRA do PRADO University of Sao Paolo Mr. tniio lilTTKNCOlJiVI Second Secretary of Embassy Advisers; Captain Ayrcs CUNH/v da ANDRAUE Commander Bernardino PONTICS Secretary: Maria Alba QUEIROZ BULGARIA Delegate : Piofessor Guecr^ui NADJAKOV Vice-Piesider.c, Board for Ut'P/ation of Atomic Energy for Peaceful Purposes. Cojncil of Ministers; Director, Institute of Physics and Atomic Energy A iternaies H.E. Mr. Ivan DASKALOV Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary; Resident Repr^seimtive to he \gency Professor Vladimir KOUTIKOV Professor of International Law, University of Sotia Advisers : Mr. Ivan TRAIKOV Secretary, Board for Utilization of Atomic Energy for Peaceful Purposes, Council of Ministers Mr. Chiisto STOEV Second Secretin/, the Legation in Austria Mr. Borislav CONSTANTINOV Second Secretary, tite Legation in Austria Secretary and Mr. Kusman MANOLOV Interpreter ; BURMA (not represented) 5 BYHLORUSSIAK SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLIC Delegate: Professor \.N. SEVCIIENKO Member of the Academy of Sciences of the Byelorussian SSR Rector of Minsk U.i'vorsity Alternate: Mr. N.A. 1JOIUSKVICH Dop'ity Director of the Institute of Physics Adviser: Mr. O.S. TEH NOVO Y Second Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Secretary: Mis, Alia KOZLOVSkAYA CAMBODIA Delegate: Mr. Phlek CLIlAT G en oral Manager, Flectricite du Cambodge Alternate i Mr. flo Tong L.P Chief oi' Division of Agronomy, Ministry of Agriculture CANADA Delegate: U.K. M.. Max liirsch KM^J.SHOF, Q.C. Ambn spader , Permantnt Represent auve to the European Office of the United Nations Alternates: Mr. J.L. GRAY President, Atomic ".neigy of Canada Ltd. Mi. William Uiekson BARTON Counsello , the Embassy in Aus'.r'a Mr. Klaus COLDSCHLAO Counsellor, the Embassy in Austria Advisers: Mr. Henry II. CLAYTON Technical Adviser, Atomic Energy of L-anada Ltd. Mr. Richard M. TAIT Second Secretary, },ermanent Mission to the European Office of the United Nations ; Political Adviser and Secretary to the Delegation Secretaries ; Mr. Rrrol WYSE Miss Elizabeth GALL CEYLON Delegare . H.E. Mr. 3.P. WICKREMASINHA Ambassador to the Federal Republic of Germany 6 CHiNA Delegate : Dr. Shih-mou LEE Deputy Minister of Education ; Member of the Atomic Energy Council Alternate: Mr Hni UU<\NG Pres'ule'it, Taiwan Power Company; Member of the Atomic Energy Council Advisers : Mr. Sliih-ming K \0 Counsellor, the Embassy in Italy Mr. Kuanfi-lai CHAO Institute of Nuclear Science, Naiional Tsing Hua University Secretary to Mr. Clement A.K. TSIEN the Delegation: Seccnd Secretary, the Embassy in France CUE'A Delegate: Mr. Isaac ESTEFANO Charge d'Affaires ad interim CZECHOSLOVAKIA Delegate: II.E. Dr. Karol PKTPZELKA Ambassador Alternates: Mr. Cestmir 31 MANE Institute of Nuclear Physics, Academy of Sciences Dr. Jiri SVAI1 Secretary, Permanent Mission to ihe Agency Mr. Josef FUKSA Atomic Energv Commission Mr. Zdenek SHINER Secretary, Permanent Mission to the Agency Mr. Veroslav SOBEK Secretary, Permanent Mission to the Agency DENMARK Delegate: Mr. Hans Henrik KOCH Member of the Board of Governors Alternates: Mr. Jens CHWSTENSEN Resident Representative to the Agency Mr. Torkild BJERGE Director, Atomic Energy Commission Research Centre, Rise Mr. C.F, KISUM 7 DOMINICAN REPUBUC Delegate: Mr. Alfredo V. VORSHIKM Consul-General, Antwerp ECUADOR Delegate U.K. Dr. Jose Vincentr- TRUJILI.O Ambassador; Permanent Representative to the European Office of the United Nations A Iternaie Mr. Rudolf SCilMlDTIIUBKR Consul ud honorem, Vienna EL SALVADOR Debate: Dr. J .inn CONTRERAS CHAVEZ fc Charge d'A'fairer, ad interim ; Resident Representative to the Agency ETHIOPIA (net repifcsented) FINLAND Delegate: Mr. Jussi MAKIMKiV Chiei of bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Alternates: Dr. Carl-O,of FRIETSCi'I Charge d Atf sires, the Legation :n Austria Mr. Martt1 ViUTRU Chief of Bureau, iVJin'Str-" of Commerce and Industry; Secretf/y-Cenerai, Atomic Energy Commission FRANCE Delegate : Mr. Pierre COUTURE Chairman, Atomic Energy Commission Alternates: Dr. Beitrand GOLDSCMMIDT Member of the Board of Governors U.K. Mr. Francois do ROSE Minister nlenipotcnti&ry Mr. Miehel FONl'A'NF, Alternate, Boa,d of Governors 8 Advisers : Professor Henri DAISSAS Atomic: Energy Commission Mr. Jean RKNOIJ Atomic Energy Commission Mr. Jean 4NDR10T Office of the Minister-Delegate to the Prime Minister Mr. Jacques M\RTIN M!nistry of Foreign Affairs Mr. ^ndre FINKEI.5TE1N Atomic Energy Commission Mr. Gecrges DELHMJLLOCHE Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Georges KLEVANSKI Permanent Mission to the Agency Miss Mario Jeanne CllAVARDE, Atomic Energy ComrnisMJii Secretary: Miss Eliane de WAUTORT GERMANY, FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF De/egafe; Professor Dr. Karl CAUSTENS Ministerial Director, Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs Alternates: II.E. Dr. C.H. MUET J,ER-GR AAF Ambassador to Austria Mr. Constant^ voi, DZIEMOO.VSKI Counsellor of Embassy Advisers: Dr. Joachim PRETSC1I Ministerial Director, F'ederii Ministry of Atomic Energy and Water Management Dr. Ulrich vor. I\IT VMM C^uns'.dlor of legation, Federal Ministry of Foreign \ifnirs Mr. Hans-IIilgrr II AUKNSCIHLD Government Counsellor, Federal Ministry of \tomio Energy and Water Management Dr. Werner BOULANGEK Government Counsellor, Federal Ministry of Atomic Energy and Water Management Mr. Kurt WEI.ISCII Federal Ministry of Finance Dr. Kurt-Adolf 3EEB0HM Counsellor o." Legation, the Embassy in Austria 9 GREECE De-legate: Admiral Athnnasios SP \NIDIS Alternate; Mr. Constantino VEi{NMii)IS Adviser: Mr. Panayiotis PAPADIMITHOPPULOS GUATEMALA Delegate: Dr. Edpar WUNLEHL1CH HAITI {.not represented) HONDURAS Delegate: H.E. Mr. Jose AnReI UI.LOA Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary HUNGARY Delegate; Professor Laj< s JANOSSY Vice-Chairman, Atomic Fre;gy Commission; Secretary, Hungarian Academy of Sciences; Director, Central Institute of Physical Research Ahernates: Vr, Fercnc FSZTEKOALYOS Counsellor, the Legation in Austria Kr. Otto LENDV/L Physicist, tue Secretariat, Atomic Energy Commission Adviser: Mrs. Edi\ BART/ First Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs ICELAND Delegate: II.E. Mr. Petur EGGKRZ Minister Extraordinary i.nd Plenipotentiary Alternate: Mr. Magnus MAGNUSSON Direc'.er, Iceland N jelear Service Commission INDIA Delegate; Dr. II.J. LiTiABHA Chairman, Atomic Energy Commission 10 Alternates; Mr. P.N. THAPAR Member for Finance and Administration, Atomic Energy Commission II.E. Mr. A.S. LALL Ambassador
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