Return undelivered copies to: 1495 Pembina Highway, Winnipeg, MB, R3T 2C6 www.archwinnipeg.ca The New Wine Press A Publication of the Archdiocese of Winnipeg (Publication Agreement No. 40628045) Vol. 8. No. 1 February 2008 Annual Festival of Prayer 100th anniversary of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity city-wide cele- brothers and sisters and worshipper received a lit bration with ecu- the richness of gifts,” taper as a symbol of their A menical church Weisgerber said. call to pray for unity in leaders was held at St. “I covet them: the out- the hope and in the light Mary’s Cathedral Janu- reach to the poor, fearless of our paschal faith. ary 20 to begin the annu- proclamation of the word, The collection from al Festival of Prayer, and pacifism, devotion to the the evening was in aid of the 100th anniversary of dignity of life, inclusive Winnipeg Harvest food the Week of Prayer for governance with the la- bank and the Canadian Christian Unity. ity.” Bible Society. Leaders and parishio- He cautioned that gifts At the end of the ser- ners from fourteen Chris- can differentiate, divide vice, the central flame tian churches and com- and lead to competition. candle was entrusted to munities participated in Recalling Pope John Major Susan van Duinan, the liturgy. Paul II’s ‘Spirit of Com- Divisional Commander The music and read- munion,’ Weisgerber said, of the Manitoba and ings for the celebration “We must see what is pos- Northwest Ontario Salva- reflected the theme for itive and prize it as a gift tion Army. this year’s Week of Prayer from God, while resisting The candle then trav- for Christian Unity: ‘Pray competition, distrust and elled to each place of without ceasing.’ jealousy. The stakes are worship for services ev- In his homily Arch- high.” ery day throughout the bishop James Weisgerber, A century ago, the week. reflecting on the words Church Unity Week was Prayer services were of St. Paul, recalled that initiated by Father Paul held at the Salvation Ar- Christians are called to Wattson, Episcopal priest my’s Heritage Park Tem- live in oneness, in unity and co-founder of the So- ple, St. Peter’s Anglican with God and one another ciety of the Atonement at Church, St. Boniface Ba- and called “to transform Graymoor in Garrison, Archbishop Metropolitan Lawrence Huculak of the Ukrainian Cath- silica, Bethel Mennonite hearts and minds and ec- New York. olic Archeparchy of Winnipeg leads prayer with other church lead- Church, Sherwood Park clesial relations.” The continuous annual ers including Archbishop Weisgerber, far right. Church of God (Wesley- Weisgerber noted the celebration is a mark of its ian), Ukranian Orthodox great change over the past success. It is hoped that into the lives of Christians the message through and common beliefs were Cathedral and Grace Lu- one hundred years with the prayer for unity and everywhere as a gift of the hymns and songs in Eng- proclaimed. From the theran Church. regards to ecumenical re- spiritual ecumenism can Holy Spirit. lish, French and Latin. central flame of the 2008 lations flow from the week’s ob- A combined choir and The rite of peace was Week of Prayer for Chris- Contributed by “I am enriched by my servances and be accepted musicians strengthened shared enthusiastically tian Unity candle, each Barbara Fawcett Catholic Schools Week Feb 10 - 15 he Archdiocese of speaker is Reverend TWinnipeg Catholic Darrin Gurr, Director of Schools and the Catho- Liturgy for the Archdio- lic Schools Commis- cese of Winnipeg who sion celebrate Catholic will speak on The Life Schools week February Giving Eucharist. 10 to 15. Later in the day, come- The 2008 theme for dian, actress and inspi- the week is ‘Catho- rational speaker Judy lic Schools Light the Savoy presents Get Me Way,’ focusing on the Back to the Garden, I’m leadership that Catholic Chokin’ on the Weeds. Schools provide to our For complete details nation, ‘producing grad- of the day see page five uates who light the way of this issue of the New to a brighter future for Wine Press. all humankind.’ This issue also in- Catholic Schools Day is cludes information on Fri., Feb. 15, hosted by open houses and special St. Mary’s Academy. events at a number of Staff from St.Charles, St.Ignatius, St.John Brebeuf, Holy Cross, St. Boniface Diocesan The day will begin with our schools, and a com- High and St. Emile Schools recently joined Gail Gel, front, centre, from the Archdiocese of a liturgy at 8:45 a.m. plete listing of schools Winnipeg Catholic Schools and facilitator Dianna Robson, third row, centre, for a Preven- presided by Archbishop contact information can tion in Motion workshop on the prevention of abuse, bullying and harassment for adults James Weisgerber. be found on page eight. who work with children and youth. These workshops are offered yearly at the Catholic The morning’s keynote Centre for all new school staff. Public Way of the Cross, Good Friday, March 21st, 9 a.m. Hosted by St. Joseph’s Church, 355 Andrews at Mountain Check the weekly bulletin at www.archwinnipeg.ca for full details as the date approaches A Swing & A Prayer 5th Anniversary July 28, 2008 n its fi rst four years, this event has raised I more than $80,000 in support of vocations in the Archdiocese of Winnipeg. More than a fundraiser, this is proving to be a real ‘community builder’ with over 400 people participating! There is still room for more golfers. You don’t golf? You can still help by… making a donation directly to the seminarian fund, donating a prize, sponsoring a team, or redeeming your rewards points for merchandise to donate as a prize. For more information please contact the Stewardship & Development Offi ce, 452-2227, ext. 228 Saturday, Feb. 23, 2008 to Saturday, March 1, 2008 25% Off In stock only 337 William Ave Winnipeg, MB R3A 0H8 Winnipeg (204) 943-7779 Toll Free (800) 943-7779 Store Hours: 9 am to 5 pm www.stephanchew.ca 3 • The New Wine Press February 2008 New members of the Archdiocesan Pastoral Council Ms. Gladys Malcolm Sr. Aline Comeau Lori Ann Regnier Ebb and Flow Sisters of the Cross St.-Francois Xavier First Nation St. Dominic’s Church Church St. Joseph Church Neepawa t was on a Sunday, have been a Sister of t. Francois Xavier is IMay 29, 1988, that I I the Cross since 1953. Sthe second oldest par- lost a daughter to sui- I was born in southern ish in Manitoba. cide. The following Sun- Manitoba and by pro- After St. Boniface Ca- thedral the Metis church day there was no Mass in fession was a teacher was started in 1824 in the the community, Father working two years in Sr. Aline Comeau home of Cuthbert Grant, Lori Ann Regnier Dominique Kerbrat was Glady Malcolm Manitoba, six years in the Warden of the Plains. pioneers have been laid to our parish priest, and he and smudging. I’m also Quebec and twenty-five Parish Pastoral Coun- The town was called rest. came to our mission ev- a traditional Pow-Wow years in Saskatchewan. cil and a member of Grantown. The first cha- I have retired from teach- ery other week. dancer and participate in Since 1990, I have the Catholic Women’s pel was built in 1828. The ing elementary school and Feeling lonely and de- Grand Entry’s at Pow- dedicated my life as a League assigned to the church and town were am concerned with pre- pressed, I went to the Wows which we cel- Spiritual Development later renamed St. Francois Pastoral agent in the serving the environment church and prayed. ebrate each year. Committee. Xavier. We were part of Archdiocese of Winni- God gave us for future I made a commitment I have a prayer group the St. Boniface Diocese peg, serving in the Swan I am also my parish’s generations. that day to God that I and were not transferred that’s still active in these River area, in Roblin representative at the Presently we are grow- would start some kind of to the Winnipeg Diocese services, we pray and and San Clara, and pres- Brandon Deanery Pas- ing certified organic veg- worship for those Sun- until 1916. We are very sing, and reflect on the ently at St. Dominic, toral Council, and have etables in a sustainable proud of our pioneer heri- days when there was no Gospel at wakes, funer- just been appointed, manner for some niche Neepawa. tage and the many mis- Mass in the community. als and weddings. for three years, to the markets in Winnipeg. Our I have been involved in sionaries, priests and the I spoke to Father Ker- We also do nine-day goal is to erase our carbon preparing children for Archdiocesan Pastoral Grey Nuns who nourished brat about this and he Novenas at the request footprint and walk in the the sacraments of initia- Council by Archbishop our faith. We do not have gave me his support. of the people who want footsteps of the Lord. tion, RCIC, RCIA and Weisgerber. a resident priest but are There were just a few of to have them. I feel it is important to giving adult education For me, experiencing served by priests who re- us at the beginning, con- During Lent we have be part of the APC so that Church today is an ex- side in Winnipeg. Last sisting of a few family the Way of the Cross ev- classes, volunteering our parish is in touch with winter we built a new rec- members and friends.
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