PATS. MEATII ....~ , •• , ,It ...., • .., , ....,. 11. .........,.. 5, 19(5 .o.d ,",.. ,h A.,. II: VI •••• .,11 U J lie: A. '"...... II ,... ,....... 0... II, ••• " FaIr Ib .... b KI •••• 'b...... "n. M. LI ....., .. QI .... • om. va... 8.pl. I ••• .ro , ••t , .....,.. D... II. SUOA., ."'.. , .. •••• • ........ Aa" II ,., rln p ••• d.. 8lam, II ......,1 . 1 , ...... D... 'I .or ,THE IOWA: Fair aDIi coDUDaecl warm.. I~r DAILY fl •• IOWAN ,oUDt.. IIHOII, b .... ...Irpl ......... I, Z, a .Dd , .,. yo.. t 1••• '1 ..1 •• ,. Iowa Cit y I I M 0 r n i n 9 New. p a p-e r c====:============~~=====z==~-=====================~======~~~~~~~==~~~~~====~~~~==~c=~==~========~~~~~==~==~~~~~~~~~ .MeENTS Tal AIIOelATID .a181 IOWA CITY, IOWA THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1945 TBI AISOCIATU PU.. VOLUME XXI NUMBER 293 .' I s'. ·P,r.epare to ove n on ,o y·o Truman Sends U. S. Speeds .Fate . IConservation Leaders, Amanas NavjSuggesls U. S.. 'DOOl.lnLE' FLYERS HOME AT LAST Occupation Message Of Nip Criminals IO C· I III R I Maintain Permanent N,w Storie. Told : ppose ora VI e eservolr Installations in Pacific Of City Slated Of How Enemy Jo(ongress Tortured, Murdered By JOE MATHER servation commission at the hear- Retention of Strategic :' D.Uy Iowan City Edltoll ing alleged that Insufficient con- Ba ••i in Atlantic For Saturday WASHINGTON (AP)-The 'Unit­ Alter the courtroom in the John- sideration had been given by the army engineers studying the pro­ Also Recomm~nded ~ House Seek. Control ed ,states moved swlfUy Wednes­ 80n county courthouse had cleared ject to the matter of recreation. .W ASHINGTON (AP) - The Liberatlon of War Of Atom Bomb, Return day to punish Japanese war crimi­ yesterday afternoon, it appeared that the Amana society, the state A humorous, or perhaps pathe­ navy recommended yet!terday that Prisoners Continues To Standard Time nals after the state department conservation com,mlssion and many tic, note was added to the formal­ the United States retain a vast told how tHe enemy burned, buried farmers and landowners in the ity of the hearing yesterday atter_ postwar riDg of naval bases span­ At Increased Pace WASHTNOT N (A P)-Con. alive and beheaded American pris­ proPosed reservoir area are all op­ noon when a farmer arose to de­ ning the Pacific, including one •• • D.U, .. ~ YOKOHAMA. T h 1I r day .. D.ily OJ ~ gress nailed up the "open for oners. posed to the direct project report clare that it would be "a sin" to base that was formerly British. .. Doil, .. So on the Coralville reservoir. "ruin" thousands of acres of farm­ It also called tor six permanent (AP)-Thirty.fh·e to 40 square • . Dolly II s.: business sign" yesterday but the Two separate agencies are com­ · .Mo. W•• '1\ The Amana society charged in a land. major bases in the Atlantic, In­ mil of Tokyo's more than 200 · Tu .. n. lot shelve wCI'e ba reo pleting lists of alleged war crimin­ cluding one on Bermuda and an­ square mil will be tak n under .DoII, .. ~ statement read yesterday afternoon 'Go Build Levees' • .DoII, .. S.. Today will be different. als whom Americans and allied tha t they will be seriously Inj ured "Isn't it wicked to put all this other at Argentia, Newfoundl.and. ujlitary control of First cavalry • .D.lly II S.. .. Doil, ..... Prcsidant 'L"'uman has ames· forces are hunting down in Japan if the proposed flood control dam\ good crop land under water?" the Stretching from the Aleutians divi ion troop in tb initial oe­ ........... ~ sage-about a lwo·pounder­ is built. In addition to damage to farmer asked. He urged the army to .the Admiralties, the proposed e u pat ion aturday. it was ... DoII, II ~ and throughou~ liberated Asia,.it ready tl)Kto ' lUA'A'ed up Capitol farm and timber areas from water engineers to "take the money and PaclIic line of bases would lie learned today. •. DoU, ...., was learned. ....... 100.40, Hill. J,T .von't read it in per· backing up in the proposed reser­ go build levees but don't go flood athwart that ocean to support far As the honored unit pre-­ Mo. W'" ~I\ The 8I'encles are &he DatioDaI VOir, the society claims that equip­ the land our forefathers fought ranging fleets and keep aggression ..... Th. lot 80111 ,CiA would take 8 couple pared for the entry from points PI> .. S.... , war crlmell ooubC!lI, IlI'letb' an ment in their industries will also for." far from United Slates shores. ju t outllide th city, Japan '8 · i v ", PI\ of R ~rs. AmerlcaD orranl.. tto .. , compos­ be endangered. While some of the 500 persons Nine major bases were In­ .. : ,,1\. c con(tre s exp cIs him to growing discussions in the diet, .I."~ ,!,rd" ed of Mate, war and DaY!' de­ The representative of the con- in the courtroom snickered, the e1udecl In this Ilst wblc:h AIIlst­ ... ... ,~ II., sarin detail what he expects of raelio and pr on what lay .. Mon .... PI\ panment offlelallt and an alUed farmer cried: "Putting all our land ant Seeretary H. Struve Belllel .Mo.tIt"'r\ it in guiding the nation on to war crimes &lOmmllrlon, In Chlua where so much corn and beef is described as "limited to thOlt baek of her defeat r ached 8. Mo. ill" PI\ a solid peaceti me footing. on which. Amb&ll8ador 'Patrick raised under water just so someone we should Intend to malntalD new high' with an open declara­ .... So,""', tion of Tokyo's newspaper Asahl ....... S.... , Whether they give him all he J. Hurley ls Ullited States repre­ Gasoline Tax Case can go joyriding It's a sin!" and which are a1lleeptlble to de­ .. Mo. tIt"'1\ wants Is something else again. leDatlve, Most hearty advocate:; of the fense. They were: that &be army and navy were in · . •... S.I"de, bitter dispute durln~ the war. ......... 9.... ;r Yes t e r day the president In making public another list of proposal were representatives of Kodiak and Adak in the Aleu­ ... Mo. ,bl. P To Be Heard Sept. 13 OJlflIll,. crltlc.sln, &be military merelf recommended that some Japanese atrocltles, in which crim­ cities, industries, drainage dis­ tians; HawaII, Guam, Saipan and . .. .. 81116" aervleea al DO Japanaese paper tb" '1\ $3,500,000,000 be lopped off the inals -frequently , were named oUl.­ tricts and farmers in the lowlands Tinian in the Marianas (consid­ baa lIone In more than a decade. •• S..... " fa.nds of clvUlan war areneles. right, the state depa.rtp\ent said . 'Court Action to Test along the Mississippi river below ered as one base); lwo Jima, in • ....... S.... , Aaahl Nld the arm, and DavY .. Mo. ,~" P<t There's more of the same on the cases woul~ 'be dealt ",ith by its confluence with the Iowa. the Bonins and Volcano Island • ••• , .511Ir4" Con.titutionality eveD pa&rolliled blaek nwrketa tap. the .. properly.' cc:m~tltuied 'authori- Interests Represented groups; Okinawa, in the Ryukyus; • , • •• •. 5"14" THREE GAUNT YOUNGSTERS. who rave Ute Japs &he first taste 0« .. ther vted to ~lIIp &heir .. Moo ,bn P<t With the catch-all message com­ ties'. ,.... ".Of New State Revenue These persons represented inter­ the Philippines, and Manus in the , what was comlnr to them, set loot on American soli for the time ....... SOt •••• , ing, the first day of the first ests in Des Moines and Louisa Admiralties. "rat lorea.. ....... SoIU'., Secretary ' 01 ' Sta. te :Byrnes . was The court' action testing the con- In n months as they aUrht from a lIant C-54 that flew them from With Tokyo occupation plans ........ 9und., peacetime session in nearly four counties, the Quincy area in Illi­ The latter, the southernmost of . Moo I~ru Pri more. blunt. 'The , U~iteji ', Stat~s stltutionality of the new increased nois and other interests as far India to Wasbln.. ton , D. C. Memberl 01 the DoolitUe band 01 n,.en still in the formulation stage, _.. .Stt.,~" years produced a few speeches, a the group, was British before the cerhtinly must. s~ to.Jt t?,at pr s~-. state gasoline tax act has been as­ downriver as Canton, Mo. They de­ who bombed Tokyo In 19012, they are, shown top to bottom, Starf Serrt. there stili was no detinUe report ..... " .SoI4a, few bills, and a fast look at what cutl~~ of Jap:,>nese w~r cr.lffi~n.a~~ IS, signed for trial Sept. 13 before war and affords one of the flne t .. M.. Ib,. Prj congressmen will argue about: scribed the extent 01 flood dam­ Jacob de Shazer, Salem, Ore.; Lleul Chase Nlell!len, Uyrum, Utah, and whether G en era I MacArthur I ••• ••• • • fleet anchorages In the Paci!\f. 811'14., ca~fled out Just as In Europe, .he .. Judge .Harold D. Evans in district Lieut. Roben Hlte, Earth, Tex. Rescued from Jap prison campa 101- would make his Cormal entry at ... Moo Ill" Prj More economy, less taxes; more age in their localities and the con­ In naminr Okinawa. close to · •.. ... Stll,•• , saId. ~. • . ... coui-Chere. stant threat of great damage il the lowlnl' the Nip surrender, the airmen are now at Walter Reed hoapltal the same time. Mo. lbn P,I meat, less controls; more jobs and Til!! atro<;ltt , repo~t was n o.t a. Yesterday Judge Evans handed the )leart ol Japan, the navy ap­ ..•. ,S.,urd" pay [or the jobless. less govern­ levees should break. underrolnll' examination . The fast pace or liberating long­ .Mu thtl Frl pleas.ant story, . Byrnes:, observed, doWn a' ruling-in 'which he over­ parently went counter to thlt­ ment red tape. They said that they were in Ideas of Admiral Raymond A.
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