THB CBAHTOttP OTCOM AMD CHBONKTJP. THURSDAY, MAY 13, IMS GARWOOD KENILWORTH .: Vot LV. No. 17 CRANFORD, NEW JERSEY, AY. MAY 20. 1948 24 Page* — FIVE CENTS' lions Net $250 from Cranford High School Band Broadcasting Tomorrow EveningCounty May Abandon Refused Paper Collection High Street Playground Many Bid The Cranford Lions dub netted According to a statement by F. approximately $250 from Sunday's S. Mathewson, superintendent' of . a cw Permit for paper collection, it was announced recreation for the Union County For School AuAfao, * crisp cotzaa yesterday by Charles J. Stevens, Park Commission, there is a pos- t&iteyokt.fimd chairman of the drive. Despite sibility that the small playground h threatening weather, 40 tons of sperated during the summer Conversion paper-were collected. Price of months for • the past 15 years by Contracts waste paper, the chairman pointed the County Park Commission at out, has dropped to $8 a ton. the foot of High street in Cranford Board of Education. Denial Follows Fifty club members and high will not be operated this year. cht±fiBmg term. Neighbors' Protests school boys aided in picking up Mr. Mathewson states there are Refers Offers to the paper and loading it.in box two reasons for this action. First, Scrawl Against Home Project cars at South avenue, near Lincoln. the establishment of the play- Committee for Study ^29:95 TovmshSp Committee Tuesday Nine trucks were used in the com- ground originally was only a tem- Numerous -bids for painting, night upheld the recommendation munity-wide collection. The paper porary measure. Second, the area plumbing and supplying coal. was weighed in at the Loveland of the Board of Adjustment and available does not lend itself to a iumber for manual training, and Coal Ox yards on North avenue. Well rounded program for all ages, equipment for Cranford denied the application of John F. J otncr In behalf of the Lions Club, Mr. with the result that attendance for school were received and refer- • Bracco for permission to convert Stevens yesterday expressed his bis property at 136 North Union the past few years has been small ,^1 t0 committees for considera- thanks to residents who saved and not in keeping with that of fay^ Tuesday night at a meeting avenue from a one to a two-family paper for Sunday's collection. No dwelling. other supervised grounds in the of the Board of Education in Cleve- date has been set for the next system. land School. The zoning board advised that pickup. 47 persons, all opposed to the granting of the application, ap- The Cranford High School Band Jean Thomas, Jane Jeffries, John I Bird, Willard Keyser and Robert \*l«o. t»ha*. ThomasGruberand -pearefr-at ttae publteHearing last will be heard in a program over Oleson. Andrew-Cri&anUHRobert Mullrr; trnor Baxophone._ Lewls^Stephen Walsh;,glockengplcl. Joan Goldberg; baritone saxophone, Klssask; percussion, Leo Johnson, other' areas where" of demand forjterior of Cleveland and 4/- week and a petition, signed by 45 radio station WNJR, Newark, to- Finney, Flora Ball, Jean Schmidt, such facilities are greater and Lincoln Rfemofial^ Frank Massa; alto clarinet, Bar- Joseph Wright, Robert Morely, Schools were made as follows: residents in the vicinity of the ap- morrow at 5:30 p. m. This will Ronald Ambrose, J^ames Andrews where it would receive more use. plicant's property, urged that the bara Bird; flutes, Barbara Cope-James Kennedy, Albert Huette- application be denied. mark the first radio appearance of and John Gaffney; cornets, Dan- land, Joan Muller and Betty Wass; man, William Lassie and James Elizabeth — High School. $970; the local music group. Louis F. iel Caruso, Jim Doran, George oboe, Martin Sussmane; trombones. Traina, and tympani, Leo Johnson. Roosevelt School, $1,155; Cleveland Resignation of Mrs. Beatrice Day Plans Haar, supervisor; of instrumental Walter Keyser, Gahr Finney, Drew MacConnelli Officers of the band are: Presi- School, $910, and Lincoln School, Okell as a member of the board of Sjursen, Jonathan Franz, Wilfred and Charles RearickJ baritones, dent, John Oleson; vice-president. Glee Club music, will direct $3,175; Seeboch Painting Company. trustees of the. Free Public Library Burton, Ronald D'Arcy, Arthur James Pfarrer, Ronald Post and Lewis Goldberg; secretary, Bar- Elizabeth — High School. $653; was accepted with regret Mrs. Musical Features Members Of the band include the Eschenlauer, Frank Weidknecht Frank Finney; horns, John Sloat. bara Kaiser; treasurer, Gahr Fin- Roosevelt $1,188; Cleveland. $532, Okell has moved to West Point following: Clarinets, John Laezza, and Bernard Doyle. | Joseph Hahn, Floyd Adams and ney; librarian, Barbara Bird, and In Concert and Lincoln. $693. Pleasant. Township Clerk J. W. To Mark Observances Barbara Kaiser, Lewis Goldberg,' Also, alto saxophone, Archie'Elizabeth Bartholomew. drum major, John Oleson. Coffee was instructed to write her Also, Verona Decorating Com- a letter of appreciation for her Here Following Parade pany. Cranford — High School, services. Cranford's Memorial Day ob- Grandstand Seats for Local Organization's $970; Roosevelt $995; Cleveland. servances at the Memorial Tablet Experienced Cast Announced Final Awards $1,290; Lincoln. $2,345; Joseph Introduced and passed on first Spring Musical Event Warsinski, Cranford—High School. reading wag an ordinance appro- at North Union and Springfield Parents of War Dead avenues at 10 a. m. Monday, May 9 $450; Roosevelt $995; Cleveland.. priating ItjOM for construction of Parents of Cranford men" Here Tomorrow Night $675. and Lincoln. $836; T. A. necessary buildings at the new 31. will be marked by several For Boys Camp Benefit Play Presented in il features and by the omis- who lost their lives in World The Cranford Glee Club, under Crone. Cranford — High School. H field on Myrtly e str t An unusually fine cast has been and Meeker avenue, b h sion of the usual formal address by Wars I or II have been extend- direction of Harold G. Vogt, direcJ$800; Roosevelt $1,350; Cleveland, Public hear- a guest speaker. Audience partici-assembled by the Cranford Dra- Sister Eileen" and "Lost Horizon.' ed a special invitation by the Sweepstakes $750; and Lincoln. $1,475. ing wuTbrJune 1; matic Club for the benefit play, tor of music in tho Elizabeth pub- pation in vocal selections will be Rankin A. Millard, who plays Memorial Day Committee to The Cranford Theatre was filled Also. John F. Becker. Bernards- Adopted en final reading was.an "Return Engagement," -a three- the part of Baldy Bemls, New lic schools, will present its annual ville—High School. $1,286; Roose- sit in the grandstand during to capacity Tuesday night as the Zunmennan, commander of act comedy by Lawrence Riley, York director who is to put the Spring Concert tomorrow night in velt none; Cleveland, $667. and of on Myrtle street which will be presented under the new play into shape, has had many this year's Memorial Day ob- Cranford Business Association's ford Post, 212, American, Legion, "Shop in Cranford' Sweepstakes" the high school auditorium. Sup-j:Lincoln. $1,170; Kree Painting and Centennial avenue. Thh e walks sponsorship of the Lions Club on successes to bis credit. He ap- servance, Police Commissioner plementing the program of varied Company, New York—High School, are to be constructed by the own-will act as master of ceremonies. the evenings of June 3, 4, and 8 were 'brought to a succesful con- peared in "Kiss the Boys Cood- J. Edward Wolf, general chair- $790; Roosevelt $795; Cleveland. ers of the properties within SO days Preceding the exercises at the In the high school auditorium. byey The Torch- Bearers," "My clusion with the awarding of a selections by the chorus, seven op- tablet, the Memorial Day parade man, announced this week. television set and a $200 U. S. $432, and Lincoln, $970; and Ed- or the work win bo carried out byy Proceeds from the play will go to Sistef Eileen." "Kind Lady," "Li- eratic numbers will be offered by ward Chiovarou and Son. Summit the township and will be held, moving from Lincoln the Cranford Boys' Camp at Silver These parents should meet at Savings Bond. More than $1,500 against and Walnut avenues to the scene bel." "Ten Little Indians," and Mathllde Sarrand of New York, —High School, $977; Roosevelt the benefitting property owners. Lake. last spring as the Austrailian the stand at 9:45 a. m. Mon- in prizes were, a warded during the $1,285; Cleveland. $1,084. and of the cememonles by way- of Wal- nine weeks' promotion. guest soloist Mayor George E. Osterheldt, who The plot of. the play revolves rancher in "Fresh Fields." " day, May 31, in order that they Lincoln, $1,280. * ] nut avenue, North avenue, feast* The grand prize, a $339.50 Philco Tickets may be secured from presided, appointed Thomas But- man street,' * Central avenue, around the many, and often hila- The role of BUI Gardmtr the may be seated before the exer- Four bids for anthracite coal ler, commander of Capt N. R. rious, difficulties attendant upon playwright will be token by Rich- television set was awarded to any active member or officer, and were received as follows: Rankin Springfield avenue , and' North cises start Mrs. H. E. Kunkel, daughter of at the door. The club salutation, Fiske Post. 333, VJ.W.. and G. UnioU n avenue, Th the premiere of an important new ard A. Starkweather, who is mak- & Jahn Company, Cranford— vtiXSK Frank Zimmerman, commander of The participating play by a small summer theatre ing his debut before Cranfejrd Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Sweeney of 8 opening the concert, will be given Lincoln School, $9.75 par ton, total- units will 4i IjSnlle avenue.
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