BOOK REVIEW those whose languages will not even be economic policies pursued, albeit with because they own the whole country recognised as Indian by most of the good several contradictions dictated by oppor- m a y be a good witticism, but utterly people of Karnataka, are far less advanta- tunism rather than principled differences, wrong politically. geously placed than the Kannada- and the grievances accumulated thereof Indeed, the disturbing aspect of Kan- speaking people in terms of every social over several decades of misrule nationally, nada exclusivism is that unlike in other and economic variable. Living through have been central to the increasing insu- states where militant local nationalisms traumatic and violent social upheavals, larity of almost of every language group. are to some extent marginalised even some of these also face grave uncertain- Karnataka is a relative latecomer to such while the ruling parties seek tactical ties and perils about their very being. And exclusivism. Only the disdainfully viewed accommodation with them (the Shiv Sena yet, these smaller nationalities are far “north Indians”, the “bhayyas”, a truly in Maharashtra is a classic example of less noisy and far more equanimous about pan-Indian working class despised by the such complicity and collaboration), in their predicament than the Kannada sophisticated everywhere, seem to be free Karnataka, the KRV has been very much p eople who seem to nurse a sense of from such insularity. It is not accidental part of the political establishment. Its being specially chosen for victimisation that while sub-nationalist assertions are colours and standard are now accepted that is getting entrenched into the in one way or the other present in all non- almost across the board as Karnataka’s Kannada p syche. Hindi speaking states, and in many cases “national” colours and “national” flag, and has been appropriated and absorbed by are flaunted ceremoniously on public Exclusivism Almost Everywhere the so-called mainstream political parties occasions. This symbolic practice could More than globalisation which is undoubt- of the centre and the right (Amra Bangali well become a truly novel way of keeping edly creating in India a state of several has miserably failed in West Bengal and faith with the mother tongue (more appro- nations, rather perfunctorily touched Tripura), such exclusivist assertions are priately, home language) since it has upon in the essays on Bangalore and its IT singularly absent in the Hindi-speaking already gained legitimacy in the state. culture that is loftily indifferent to every- states. To say that the Hindi-speaking thing else except profits, the political and states do not need such mobilisations Email: [email protected] positions and to affirm their gains in a Portuguese India, the Politics of new modernity. Print and a Questionable Modernity Freedom from Borrowed Models In the acknowledgements in the book we are told that the research was conducted Teotónio R de Souza at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) (London), and was funded his book is a result of research Between Empires: Print and Politics in Goa by various UK trusts. The result is pre- undertaken for a PhD. Publishers by Rochelle Pinto; Oxford University Press, New Delhi, sented in this book by the Oxford Univer- Thowever, usually impose restric- 2007; pp 209, Rs 645. sity Press (OUP), New Delhi. Such privi- tions of space and in such situations the leged associations have their financial author is often forced to make difficult identified with the Catholic elite, and that and marketing benefits, but for truly choices and bear the responsibility of fac- is where it stops in most histories of Goa. d edicated researchers on subalterns, they ing the consequences of those choices. Pinto admits that her study too remains imply some unpleasant costs, starting Rochelle Pinto tells us that she seeks to very far from an exhaustive representa- with the need to pepper the beginnings explore print production in Goa, locating tion of the responses to colonialism in and the ends of every chapter with a it within similar studies of print produc- 19th century Goa. She also makes a sub- range of “authorities” drawn pre- tion in colonial India. Contrary to her stantial listing of “omissions from what ferentially from the catalogues of own expectations, the evidence she gath- would be a more complete or adequate OUP publications or other western ered seemed to point to dissimilar proc- picture of politics or (sic) print”. Whatever d enizens. It is the same old 19th century esses in Goa and in colonial India. What the acknow ledged shortcomings (and orientalist trend whereby SOAS and their could explain the difference? Her answer other not acknowledged ones) of this western partners and third world coun- is: The different nature and guiding prin- study, Pinto has cast her print-net pretty terparts or “peers” train their young ciples of the two colonial systems and the wide and brilliantly, focusing upon the researchers to step into their shoes! Post- relations between the colonial states and 19th century print as a tool used in Goa by structuralism (and/as after-orientalism) their colonial elites. the state, by the traditional Catholic is presented here as a new form of vali- The two colonialisms are seen as his- elites, and by the non-elites (particularly dating research with conceptualisations/ torically and conceptually different. Print non-brahmin Catholics and Hindus) in contextualisations borrowed from a production in Goa had been generally Goa and Bombay to mark their respective B enedict, a Haber m a s , a Bourdieu or a Economic & Political Weekly EPW august 16, 2008 31 BOOK REVIEW Columbia-based V ishwanathan. Please Devanagari script. It was a boon for the Rochelle, and all young scholars, by all freedom struggle. means acknowledge all the fountain- MANOHAR heads of western scholarship and register Modernity and the Colonial Elite PARTITION them reverentially in the footnotes, One basic issue that pervades the whole UNITED PROVINCES POLITICS, observing thereby the rules of ethics and study is about defining modernity. It is 1936-1937 metholodogical requirements. But it is believed that propagation of print gave a Formation of the Ministries and time creative scholars freed themselves major impetus to modernity, even though Start of Congress Government Governors’ Fortnightly Reports and from borrowed models and academic the press in many countries today is not other Key Documents verbosity, even if that means risking proof of modernity. In the present study, a Lionel Carter (ed) being excluded from the “peer club” in distinction is borrowed from Anthony 81-7304-790-1, 2008, 417p. Rs. 1045 the ever powerful world of neoliberal Pagden about the nature of Iberian academia. Western scholarship often modernity (shared by the Portuguese PUNJAB POLITICS, tries to compensate with theories its little colonial empire) vis-à-vis the British 1936-14 AUGUST 1947 Governor’s Fortnightly Reports and grasp of the distant reality. Goan scholar- c olonial modernity. The Goa case is other Key Documents ship can definitely benefit from a wide framed as a case of Christian universal- Lionel Carter (ed) exposure to theoretical models from out- ism, wherein the Goan Catholics were the 5 Vols. Rs. 4,400 side, but such a benefit needs to be a intended subjects of the colonial rule, long-term gain, and for that to become a while pragmatic adjustments were made IMPACT OF PARTITION reality scholars-authors need to fight for towards the Hindus as unassimilated REFUGEES IN PAKISTAN open access to print, and not fall prey to s ubjects of the empire. That seems to fit Struggle for Empowerment and State’s Response financial allurements of the distribution into Pagden’s model of Romanist con- RCSS Policy Studies 37 barons like JSTOR (Journal Storage) and ception of empire. We are also told, Amtul Hassan some others. q uoting Miguel Vale de Almeida, that 81-7304-698-0, 2006, 139p. Rs. 260 As Pinto rightly points out, the 19th modern Portuguese colonialism only century of extended printing services, began in 1910 by lifting the discrimina- REPORTING THE PARTITION OF implying larger production of documen- tions against the Hindus. We cannot con- PUNJAB 1947 Press, Public and other Opinions tation, is the century that is least clude from this that the previous 80 years Reghuvendra Tanwar present in Goan historiography. The of the printing press in Goa had not 81-7304-674-3, 2006, 622p. Rs. 1195 r easons cited refer to the over importance helped the process of modernity, pro- given by the colonial historiography to viding a weapon for the colonial elite, POLITICS OF SHARING POWER initial centuries of its glories, and by the caste-based native Catholic elite and the The Punjab Unionist Party 1923-1947 native historiography to the closing Hindu elite to contest each other in the Raghuvendra Tanwar 81-7304-272-1, 1999, 215p. Rs. 425 c entury of its successful victory of changing political, economic and social l iberation. As a result the intervening scenario that had emerged from the dom- PATHWAY TO INDIA’S PARTITION 18th and 19th centuries remained largely inant and unrivalled British colonial Bimal Prasad ignored, or at least c omparatively less p resence and the growing economic Vol. I: The Foundations of Muslim scrutinised. This could also be the result dependence of Goa upon it. Unfortu- Nationalism of the limited capacity of the colonial nately, the present study does not cor- 81-7304-248-9, 1999, 319p. Rs.600 state machinery to trace, control and relate sufficiently the Portuguese Vol. II: A Nation within a Nation 1877-1937 analyse locally, or even to make available re publican modernity with the deve- 81-7304-249-7, 2000, 469p.
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