One cony per December 196^ staff member •.;.*,», »*»*m# GATT Office Circular No» 1^2 LIST OF LIAISON OFFICERS AND REPRESENTATIVES 1. The persons listed below are to receive a copy (on printed "copy" paper) of all official communications sent directly to their governments. 2. Although airgrams are sent only to Ministers for foreign affairs etc», a copy (printed "coRy" in red ink) is to be addressed to each of the persons listed below. For the convenience of representatives, care should be taken that the copy of the airgram be sent in the language indicated by the address below even though the original may be sent to his government in the other language. 3. For their convenience, an extra copy (on printed "copy" paper) of any correspondence sent directly to liaison officers and representatives listed below should be prepared and attached to the original for despatch* ,It should be remembered that for any correspondence of which a copy is to be sent to anyone outside the GATT secretariat, the copy should be prepared on printed copy paper so as to avoid any confusion in the mind of the recipient as to its origin or purpose. Likewise, any attachment to a letter of this nature should be sent in duplicate. 4. The Chairman of the CONTRACTING PARTIES receives a copy in English of all official correspondence, Including airgrams, secret or otherwise, which is addressed to all contracting parties. It is not necessary, however, to send him copies of letters despatched only to one or several contracting parties. His address is: Mr. J.H. Warren, Chairman of the CONTRACTING PARTIES to GATT, Deputy Minister, Department of Trade and Commerce, Ottawa. - 2 - ARGENTINE (F) BURMA (E) Dr. Vicente Enrique Marquez Bello, First Secretary (Commercial), Ministre, Embassy of the Union of Burma, Chargé d'Affaires (a.i.), 19A Charles Street, Mission permanente de la Rép. d'Argentine London W.l. près l'Office européen des Nations Unies, 3, rue Chantepoulet, The Minister for Foreign Affairs., 1201 Genève. Government of the Union of Burma, Rangoon. Mr. Fernando G. Lerena, Conseiller économique, CAMBODGE (F) Mission permanente de la Rép. d'Argentine M. Koch San, près l'Office européen des Nations Unies, Directeur du Commerce extérieur, 3 rue Chantepoulet, 1201 Genève. Tel: 31 26 38 Ministère du Commerce, Phnom-Penh. (Cambodge) AUSTRALIA (E) CAMEROUN (F) H.E. Mr. B.C. Hill, M. Henri Effoudou, Ambassador, Attaché commercial, Ambassade du Permanent Representative of Australia Cameroun, to the European Office of the United 50 Riidigerstrasse, Nations, 532 Bad Godesberg, 254, route de Lausanne, Mehlem. (Rép. Féd. d'Allemagne) Case Postale 6l, 1211 Geneva 22. Tel: 32 33 00 CANADA (E) Australian Delegation Tel: 32 16 09 Mr. M.C. Sâkellaropoulo, Economie Counsellor, AUSTRIA (E) Permanent Mission •-••? Canada to the H.E. Mr. Emarruel Treu, European Office of the United Natro"^- Ambassador, l6, parc du Château-Banquet, Austrian Permanent Representative to 1200 Geneva. Tel: 32 1Ç 85 the International Organizations in Canadian Delegation for Trade Negotiation Geneva, 3, rue Varembé, 7, rue des Alpeti, 1200 Geneva. Tel: 33 77 50 Geneva, Tel: 31 77 35 BELGIQUE (F) REPUBLIQUE CENTRAFRICAINE (F) S.E. M. Robert Rothschild, M. Pierre Kalck, Ambassadeur, Conseiller économique, Délégué permanent de la Belgique près Ambassade de la République Centrafricain* l'Office européen des Nations Unies, 29, Bvd. Montmorency, 3, rue Varembé, Paris XVIvme. Tel: BAG 42 56 1200 Genève. Tel: 34 55 18 34 57 83 CEYLON (E) BRAZIL (E) Mr. C.H.J. Amaratunga, H.E. Mr. Antonio Correa do Lago, Trade Commissioner, Ambassador, Ceylon High Commission, Leader of the Permanent Delegation 13 Hyde Park Gardens, of Brazil, London W.2. Tel: Ambassador 33» rue Antoine Carteret, 1841 1200 Geneva. Tel: 33 31 50 CHILI (F) DAHOMEY (F) S.E. M. Fernando. Garcia Oldini, M. Gilbert Mehou-Loko, Ambassadeur extraordinaire et Conseiller économique, plénipotentiaire du Chili, Ambassade du Dahomey, Délégation permanente du Chili. 89, rue fe Cherche-Midi, T auprès du GATT, Paris ~""ème. Tei: Lit. 5843 10, rue d'Italie, 120-4 Genève. Tel: 25 49 10 DENMARK (E) H.E. Mr. N.V. Skak-Nielsen, CONGO (BRAZZAVILLE) (F) Ambassador, Permanent Danish S.E. M. Philippe BUcoumou, Representative to the European Ambassadeur extraordinaire et Office of the United Nations, plénipotentiaire, Villa la Pelouse, Palais des Nations, Ambassade de la Rép. du Congo, 1200 Geneva. Tel: 33 10 CO 65, rue des Belles Feuilles, Ext. 2182 Paris XvTl-.-s. Tel; PAS 77 09 REPUBLIQUE DOMINICAINE (F) COTE-D'IVOIRE (F) S.E. Dr. I'/^nuel Ramon Sosa Vasello, S.E. M. Aoussou Koffi5 Ambassadeur extraordinaire et Ambassadeur5 plénipotentiaire, Ambassade de la Côte-d*Ivoire, Délégué permanent de la.République 89, avenue Franklin-Roosevelt, dominicaine près l'Office européen Bruxelles 5« Tel: 47 44 12 des Nations Unies, 6, avenue de Frontenex, CUBA (F) 1200 Genève. Tel: 35 12 51 S.E. M. Enrique Camejo-Argudin, ESPAGNE (F) Ambassadeur extraordinaire et plénipotentiaire, S.E. M. José Antonio Gimenez-Arnau y Gran, Délégué permanent de Cuba, Ambassadeur, 72, rue de Lausanne, Délégué permanent d'Espagne, 5.200 Genève. Tel: 31 16 36 63, rue de Lausanne, Office of the Ambassador: 7ème étage, Tel: 31 16 26 1207 Genève. Tel: 31 22 30 _ CYPRUS (E) M. José Carlos-Colmeiro Franco, Conseiller commercial, The Director-General, 15, rue du Jeu-de-1'Arc, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, 1200 Genève. Tel: 35 6l 70 Nicosia. FINLAND (E) CZECHOSLOVAKIA (E) H.E. Mr. R.I. Honkaranta, Mr. Vojtech Homola, Ambassador, Permanent Delegate of Economic Counsellor, Czechoslovak Permanent Mission to Finland to the International the European Office of the Organizations, United Nations, 11, avenue de Budé, 5, chemin des Crettets, 1200 Geneva. Tel: 34 97 60/69 1211 Conches (Geneva) Tel: 35 23 47 - 4 - FRANCE (F) HAITI (F) M. Albert Balensi, M. Marcel Vaval, Délégué permanent de la France Directeur Général des Douanes, auprès du GATT, Banque nationale de la République 72, rue de Lausanne, d'Haiti, 1202 Genève. Tel: 31 18 04/05 Port-au-Prince. M. François Bizard, Directeur des Relations économiques HAUTE-VOLTA (F) extérieures, S.E. M. Georges Bresson, Ministère des Finances et des Ambassadeur extraordinaire et Affaires économiques, plénipotentiaire, 4l, quai Branly, Ambassade de la République de Paris VlIè-ie. Haute-Volta, 16, Place Guy d'Arezzo, GABON (F) Bruxelles 6. Tel: 43 50 12 M. David, Ministère de l'Economie nationale, ••...-._. ICELAND (E) Direction des Douanes, Mr. Einar Benediktsson, Libreville. (Gabon) Counsellor, Embassy of Iceland, GERMANY, FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF (E) 124 Boulevard Haussmann, H.E. Mr. R. von Keller, Paris Ville. Ambassador, Permanent Delegate of the Federal Republic of Germany INDIA (E) to the International Organizations, H.E. Mr. K.B. Lall, 94, rue de Lausanne, Ambassador, Permanent delegate of 1200 Geneva. Tel: 32 03 80 India to GATT, Embassy of India, GHANA (E) 585, avenue Louise, H.E. Mr. H.A.H.S. Grant, Brussels. Tel: 48 75 29 Ambassador, Permanent Representative Mr. B.N. Swarup, of Ghana to the European Office Deputy Permanent delegate of India of the United Nations, to GATT, 13» avenue de Budé, Permanent Mission of India to the 1200 Geneva. Tel: 3k 91 50/58/59 European Office of the United Nations, 2, place dec Eaux-Vives, GRECE (F) 1207 Geneva. Tel: 35 20 25/24 M. A. P^-tropoulos, INDONESIA (E) Délégué' p?rna~ ï-At a.i. de la Grèce près l'Office européen Mr. Thobias Awuy, des Nations'Unies, ' ' *" '' Commercial Secretary, 7, boulevard Jaques-Dalcroze, Embassy of Indonesia,• 1200 Genève. Tel: 35 37 47 Elfenstrasse 9> 3OO6 Bern. Tel: 44 09 83 Mr. Moerad Astrawinata, < Hotel Mon Repos, 131-133, rue de Lausanne, 1200 Geneva. Tel: 32 54 84 - 5 - ISRAEL (E) KUWAIT (E) H.E. Mr. M. Bartur, Mr. Faisal Abdus Salam Shuaib, Ambassador Extraordinary and Commercial Attaché, Plenipotentiary, Kuwait Embassy, Permanent Delegate of Israel to the 40 Devonshire Street, European Office of the United London W.l. Tel: Langham 8471 Nations, Supervisor of Foreign Relations, 9, chemin de Bonvent, Ministry of Commerce, 1216 Cointrin (Geneva) Tel: 34 19 74 Kuwait. ITALIE (P) LUXEMBOURG (F) M. Armando Marchetti, M. Albert Duhr, Conseiller commercial, Directeur général des Affaires économiques, Délégation permanente de l'Italie, Ministère des Affaires étrangères, 10, chemin de l'impératrice, Luxembourg. 1292 Chambésy (Genève) Tel: 34 57 87 MALAWI (E) JAMAICA (E) The Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Trade and Industry, Mr. B.B. Powell, P.O. Box 51, Commercial Counsellor, Zomba. Office of the High Commissioner for Jamaica, MALAYSIA (E) 6-10 Bruton Street, The Deputy Controller, London, W.I.. Trade Division, Minister of Commerce and Industry of JAPAN (E) Malaysia, H.E. Mr. Morio Aoki, Federal House, Ambassador Extraordinary and Kuala Lumpur. Plenipotentiary, Mr. Yeo Beng Poh, Chief of the Japanese Permanent Second Secretary (Commercial), Delegation to the International Office of the High Commissioner Organizations, for Malaysia, 10, avenue de Budé, Malaya House, 1200 Geneva. Tel: 34 84 00 57, Trafalgar Square, Mr. P. Suzuki • Tel: 33 27 55 London, W.C.2. REPUBLIQUE MALGACHE (F) KENYA (E) M. Armand Razafindrabe, Mr. Omogi Calleb, Représentant permanent de la Embassy of Kenya, - République Malgache auprès de la 11, avenue Ferdinand-Buisson, Communauté économique européenne, Paris XVTe. Tel: 4o8.l8.48 276, Avenue de Tervoaren, Woluwé Saint-Pierre, Bruxelles. MALTA (E) Mr. S. Mlzzi, Director of Industrial Development, Valetta. - 6 - REPUBLIQUE ISLAMIQUE DE MAURITANIE (P) NIGERIA (E) S.E. M. Mamadou Touré Ambassadeur extraordinaire et Mr. G.G. Onyia, plénipotentiaire, Counsellor (Commercial), Ambassade de la République Islamique; Embassy of the Federation of Nigeria, de Mauritanie, 3 bis avenue de Tervueren, 8, Friedrichstrasse, Brussels. Tel: 35 40 72 Bad-Godesberg. Acting Deputy Secretary (Commerce), Ministry of Commerce and Industry, KINGDOM OF THE NETHERLANDS (E) Lagos.
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