Proceedings of the First International Congress on Construction History, Madrid, 20th-24th January 2003, ed. S. Huerta, Madrid: I. Juan de Herrera, SEdHC, ETSAM, A. E. Benvenuto, COAM, F. Dragados, 2003. «Ponte vecchio» bridge in Bassano: An historical «excursus» Carla Alberta Scapin The bridge of Bassano is a work offered to the configuration; as a voluntary or obliged point of citizens, the visitors, and the students of the matter, as pause, as a clot for inhabited buildings, business an example of historical and architectural activities and handicraft. lt is offered like a support to permanence; a manufacture which was first built as a the multiple sides of the city, able to create a place, a simple crossing and that has became through the vital space, loaded with means, functions and years the real symbol of the city. historical deferments. The bridge becomes a monument and is delivered The departure point is the locality in which the up as an element of great importance for the city wooden manufacture is laboured: Bassano del Grappa; Bassano is certainly one of the most singular Venetian citizens that has risen along the borderl ine between the plain and the hill. The bridge thus becomes the artefact needed to combine two natural separate places; a crossing that contains in itself the implications of a separation. Bassano means Brenta, Channel of Brenta and Valsugana. lt is in this axis that the history ofBassano has always run, along with the history of its wooden bridge, as testified by a wide list of images and documents that reconstruct its shape since the Medieval Age. The new connection can be without any doubt considered as an important sign of environmental modification produced by human beings. From the 1200's and through the centuries the bridge has always remained respectful towards the tradition: several generations of carpenters, builders, designers have perpetuated its original shape, which has always been considered by the local population as Figure 1 a sort of limes. Il Ponte di Bassano (The bridge of Bassano). Cesare The structure during its 700 years of life has Girolimetto (1995). South view from Angarano. (Archives suffered from recurrent destructions caused by the Cesare Girolimetto) terrible and sudden floods of the river, but every time ]832 C. A. Scapin it has been rebuilt with the same features and atmosphere and especially with the river. The fluvial material s which have always been considered the landscape of the Brenta, that lengthens throughout only ones suitable for its pecuJiar position. aJpine spurs and the low plain and rests on a weak The city has always had a tom1ented relationship layer, is conceived as a moment of fragiJe and with its river, as it often happens on a geographic and sensitive equjlibrium between hydrogeological climatic border, where the water course frees itself from system and anthropic landscape.' the deep vaIley which leads to the Nordic world of The morphologic model of the Brenta's alluvial mounts and forests, transforming itself from a torrent system is divided in three parts because of the various into a river and facing this way the free adventure in a geologic components which have contributed to its cultivated and urbanized Venetian campaign. formation; the central part from Bassano to Piazzola The conception of the bridge as inseparable from is characterized by several water courses which the urban plan of the city, planned as a hinge and a interlace themselves forming the typical islands of the focal point from which the image of the city appears interlaced channels morphology; a typical feature through its original relationship with the natural that produces a continuous transformation of the t1uvial appearance.2 The strong slope of the water course after the section of the mounts is the cause of a continuous transport of rough material, gravels, pebbles and sands: one of the main reasons of the degradation of the structure of the wood of the bridge. In fact, the first norms that guaranteed the respect of the manufacture came from the old city Statutes of 1259 and 1295, which protected it thanks to a detailed system of rules: the duties. Nevertheless the receipts brought to the municipal cashes by the transport of goods and the human passage were not always enough to cover the expenses for the simple maintenance of the lumber. Some new kind of protection towards the fluvial atmosphere were adopted just after the quick expansion of the Venetian possessions, with the constitution of a new organization: the State of Mainland, in contrast with the State of Sea.] The bridge in the centuries The more reliable document testifying the existence of the bridge in Bassano is the written of Geraldo Maurisio, who in its Cronica describes the meeting, happened in 1204, between Ezzelino III, coming from Brescia, and its servants, in «platea, quae est a capite Pontis Baxianis» (Maurisio,I726). This place seems to be the ancestor of the present structure, a fact Figure 2 which is also proven by the loan contracted by the Rilievo topografico del Brcnta (Topographical relief of city of Bassano in 1222 «for laborerio pontis Brenta). Antonio Gaidon e Guiseppe Cero ni (] 788). Brenta is raffigured from the mountain section to the Venetian Brentae». The bridge then is mentioned in the Papal ]owland and the territory of Padova. There are a]so bu lis of 20th and 21" October 1227, which guaranteed ] represented the ordinary ]eve]s of 748 and 1785 tloods. the protection of the Pope to the minors of the (Archives Civic Museum Library of Bassano de] Grappa) convent «ecclesiam Sancti Donati de Angarano sitam "Ponte vecchio» bridge in Bassano: An historical «cxcursus» 1833 in capitae pontis de Baxiano» (Verá, 1779), and fixed is the destruction of the bridge caused by the brentana the mutual positions of the church of Saint Donato of 3'" October 1526. As a result of the short and ill- and the bridge, which was probably sited to the North fated life of the bridge in stone, in 1531, Bassano jf compared with the present position, in the slope of finds again its bridge «riedificetur ligneus prout the river turned to the city. antiquis eral» constructed «in loco solito e iuxta From then, with regular expirations, the archive solitum» (Official Records 01 the city Council, papers have recorded numerous participations carried 1528-1536,4/13), which, because of the continuous out in order to restore or to rebuild ex novo the restorations, had a little bit changed its aspect from construction, which was repeatedly threatened by the original. There was certainly the introduction of different menaces: the frightful floods, called three new supports but the bridge was always built in brentane, the continuous usury of stilate. Against wood. which the numerous rafts, which journeyed in The 30th October 1567 the bridge of Bassano was menada along the course of the Brenta directed to swept up and destroyed by another violent flood of Venice, violently hit, and man' s steals of lumber from the Brenta. The first plan for a new bridge presented the bridge, built, like today, with wood of bay oak, to the city Council 291h January and planned by an larch and chestnut tree. engineer of Cividale, presented a wooden structure In 1524, an important innovation marks the history with a mobile t100r system, supported by four stili, of the bridge, as it turns out from the Official Records able to unhook themselves in case of t1ood. of the city Council Proceedings, which deliberated a The innovation was not well received by the reconstruction of the bridge with stone and tile. The citizens, who appealed again to a consolidated issue of the manufacture in stone still remains tradition, and 28th February reached the deliberation incomplete and lacking of existing documents do not of the Venetian Senate favourable for a reconstruction allow a certain reconstruction of it; the only certainty of the bridge with the previous material s and shape, thanks to the contribution of a famous architect from Vicenza. Among the surviving documents, the name of Palladio appears for the first time in three distinguished Figure 3 Figure 4 Idea di Bassano ampliato da Gianga1eazzo Visconti nel Mappa di Bassano e dintorni (Map of Bassano and its 1388 (An idea of Bassano en1arged by Giangaleazzo environs). Anonimo (1557). One of the first imagine of the Visconti in 1388). Francesco Chiuppani (1730). In the bridge included in the representation of Bassano; it is representation the covered bridge is put among the t1anked by towers and sustained by five stilate and can be fortified entries of the city; it rests on two stilate. (Historia considered the manufacture before the Pal1adian accession. Bassanese, part two) (Bollettino Cisa n° 161974) 1834 C. A. Scapin ,,,,,!,,,,. 1---.-- Figure 5 H H Invenzione di ponte in pietra a tre arcate (Invention of a stone bridge with three arches) . Andrea Palladio (1570). In criticism's opinion it is probably the model ofthe bridge that Palladio designed for Bassano. (Quattro Libri, Book IlI, pago 29) Figure 6 Ponte di legno a Bassano del Grappa (The wooden bridge in Bassano del Grappa). Andrea Palladio (1570). The bridge payment notes. The fist one dates back to 26th that is actually constructed and is named in Palladio' s October 1596; maybe when Pa]]adio's inspection treatise. (Quattro Libri, Book IlI, pago 20) happened. These payments represent a reliable source and confirm the existence of two plans: a balance refers to the first plan of bridge that Pa]]adio Moreover, while the plan of Pa]]adio was equipped had supplied, his indipendent inventione in stone, with eight large poles of square section 1'oreach of the that was obviously discarded pro a wooden four batteries, at about two centuries from the reconstruction4 participation there were eighteen or more poles for Pa]]adio did not hide his irritation and anger caused single battery, because 01' the difficulties in the by the refusal of his plan and attributed to «essi operations 01' substitution of the 1'oundations, that gentiluomini» the responsibility of the choice pushed proti to employ poles 01' smaller dimension, (Palladio, 1575, Third Book).
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