University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Carlsbad Current, 1896-1918 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 9-19-1913 Carlsbad Current, 09-19-1913 Carlsbad Printing Co. Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/cb_current_news Recommended Citation Carlsbad Printing Co.. "Carlsbad Current, 09-19-1913." (1913). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/cb_current_news/216 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Carlsbad Current, 1896-1918 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ffi 'WNTY-FIR- r S VRAR CARLSBAD NEW MEXICO, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9. 1013 , NUMBER 45 which had been recovered later iy the forces of the government, the tak i ing of Durango, which still was in IVoninniMII I iaii I nr nnnirn nnniiI II 1 14 1 I III lili lililí UL Mill lili II H U E RTAS MESSAGE the hands of the rebels and at.aci.s I II lit. lili II I I Mr IT 111 IT I I XI II 1111 on the port of Guaymaa and the ci:y Mil rr of Torreón which were repulsed Ly u the Federal troops. The filibuster unLuun vlu ouuii will ul 1 President Huerta's message in movement in the northern part of Mrs. l part Elliott says she is not a refugee Isidora J. Kresel, of counsel for the Will Spare no Lower California had quickly sup- Effort to Bring About was aa follows: in any sense of the word and that her managers issued a statement this af- Contrary to the Many Predictions Thai "Besides the fractricidal strife which. pressed. visit here this is in Free Election of President Next at time the nature ternoon in reply to D. Cady Herrick exhausts us, the tenseness of our of a social visit. As to conditions in of counsel for Suiter, in reference to Carlsbad Would Long be Without diplomatic relations with the govern- AMERICANS of Mexico Col-wel- Month and Ilia Greateat Triumph NOT WORRIED. the interior she could not the disappearance of Frederick I l, Saloons Under the Extreme High ment of the United States, although say but in the City of Mexico she says wanted by the managers as one Will be to Turn Over Ilia Office luckily not with the people, has put Wife of Presiding Elder In City of all is quiet and that Americans are not of the principal witnesses at the im- License System,' A Retail Liquor us in state of ' ,. a apprehension, has Mexico Saya Conditions alarmed. peachment trial. Aaron J. Levey, to Successor With I'eace House May Open in Near made us suffer more than one af- Are Quiet. "Americans are not being molested cha irman,charged GovernorSulzcr yes- Established. fliction, which was not merited and in the capital, and in my opinion they terday with instigating Colwell's dis- Future. retarded the complete pacification of Mrs. Robert C. Elliott, wife of the are as safe there as in San Antonio," appearance and the charge was an- the republic. presiding elder of theMethodist church she said. "Hundreds of refugees are swered by Judge Herrick with the t ' Mexico City. Sept. It!. Provisional "As this affair is of so delicate na South of the City of Mexico, arrived leaving points in the interior and find- statement: A saloon will be opened in the build- ture as permanent commis--! Col-we- ing 'resident Victoriano Huerta delivered and the in San Antonio yesterday from the ing refuge in the capital. This they "Ijvey is not worth answering. ll formerly occupied by the Office his Demi-annu- message tonight at sion of congress has already been in- -' capital by way of Vera Cruz and Gal- are doing in order to escape the an- is our witness." Bur which was closed by agreement the opening of the twenty-sevent- h formed of the state of negotiations, veston. She was accompanied by her noyances being caused by wandering "Judge Herrick's statement does not of the saloon men and the people on Mexican congress. In it he promise which as yet have not been broken four children. While in San Antonio bands of bandits. There were a num-U- -r answer the inquiry of the managers," June 15, DHL At the time thevuloon to pare no efforts to bring about the off, I have only to indicate that the they will be guests of Miss Minnie L. of refugees on my boat, but most reads today's statement. "The pies paid $H00 town license and $100 roun- - unrestricted election of a president government hopes, with good grounds, Johnston of 1524 Buena Vista street. of them were from interior points." tion still remains where is Colwell and tv s,uU besides Sf2." government li- - and a vice president of the Mexican to see quickly solved the differences why has ho left his home and his of- - The deal that was closed thia republic next month, declaring tlmt which day by day keep in suspense fice and remains out of the jurisdiction w,''k 'iv,'s tl11' 2,0it0, the stuto it would constitute the greatest that good friendship which of old where no process can be served upon '''"ul,ty Í "l0 and the government triumph of his career to turn over tho united, and for indefinite future SULZER IMPEACHMENT him? If it be true thut Mr. Colwell is - a" --M'-i '' a little more than oflice to his successor with the coun- should unite us, to our powerful civ- a witness for the governor," so much (l"u,l,t' t,,e '' 'use paid before. The try at peace, as he hoped to do so. ilized neighbor. note reason i.s tiiere for there being present saloon will be run by Frank Geneiul Huerta suid the slruined "Upon taking charge, by virtue of no secrecy as to his whereabouts." Burlield ah old saloon man w ho resid- - law, of complying with es- ed here diplomatic relations between Mexico the the TRIAL STARTED YESTERDAY j for about ten years but has and the United States has caused the tablished international practices, I " j since been engaged in the saloon bus- - communicated of my having W'"',h- - Mexican i.ation to suffer unmerited the fact Tammany Losses in the Primaries.' ilu,,iS, Th r,'striltions affliction and hud retarded the pacifi-catio- n taken possession to all the foreign on the saloon now are much greater Todd. .New lork, Sept. li. The imncuch- - of the country. .Nevertheless, governments with which Mexico cul- N. Y., 18. high than formerly and will be diflicult to Albany, Sept. The Attorneys for the defense included meiit of Governor Sulzer us light tivates relations of friendship. Of and I've up to. I he he hoped for an eaily solution of the court for the trial of the impeach- I). Cady Herrick, Irving G. Gann, for- . opening hour is .:J0 auto-gruphe- for direct primary reform p uyed un i differences between the two nations these hastened to answer by d ment of Wm, Sulzer, governor of New a. m., and closing hour :: U) p. in. The mer judge of the .court of appeals, important part in yesterday s Demo- - . to see Me ico and United letter the following: to- . other are verv niuk- - and the York state, held its first session Austen G. Fox, Harvey I). Ilinmun, v. i restrictions strict, Austria-Hungar- in ew i oi k States once more united in bonds of "Germany, y, Bel tiuuv iunuiies state. ing forfeiture of the license the penul-t- y day, organization was perfc:iJ and Louis Marshall, and Roger C. Clark. The governor's friends muintuinedthut friendship. gium, Colombia, Costa Kica, China, adjournment taken until tomorrow for not keeping windows open, al- these issues were responsible for de- The provisional president drew a Itenmnrk, F.cuudor, Spain, France,! in proceed-ur- e lowing any game of chance, etc., us morning order to uralt the feats the regular Democratic organ- distinction between the attitude of the Ciuutamulu, Iluyti, Holland, Honduras, GOVERNOR OF NEW YORK provided by onlioance. The saloon will for the trial. isation sutlered in several localities. government of the United Stutes and Great Britain, Italy, Japan, Montene-- expected, probably open next Monday for it is ' As hud been counsel for In Buffalo and Rochester, larg- g Salva-- Touched Cuhnn Contractor Altogether the thut the people of the nution, say-lu- gro, Norway, Portugal, Russia, ' the impeached executive objected lo aid i'liMI has been deposited us a for- 9 for the Sum of $2li.HI0. est cities outside of New York, the "the tenseness cf our diplomatic dor, Set via, Switzerland, and Turkey y feit and rent on the building paid for the senators who served on the F raw-le- regular Democratic organizations relations villi the government of the und Uruguay. committee, which uneurthed much one month. which lined up with Tammany in the United States, n! tliouv'li luckily, not "I will cull attention of congress to of- - idi-nc- HE FAILS TO REPAY LOANS the c resulting in the impeachment fight, w'tli pet pie that n.itinii," hud the fact thut in this list are not found Suler were budly TO SUPREME fOURT. t!e if sitting in jinbrment on beaten. pjt Mt'si.c, .:, tt state rf a;.i. u"i-- i i.. some of the small governments of Eu-rop- e, the governor. They also objected to Such is the Testimony Given by Wit-nes- s In Albany county former Stale ('inn-milteein- The polioj of six iiii.1i.! s ..'i .
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