Flora of China 4: 286–289. 1999. 1 1. CORYLUS Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 2: 998. 1753. 榛属 zhen shu Shrubs or trees deciduous. Leaves alternate, petiolate, margin doubly serrate or lobulate. Male inflorescence pendulous, subsessile, cylindric, spicate-cymose, naked during winter, with numerous overlapping bracts; bracts each usually subtending 2 bracteoles and 1 male flower; stamens 2–8, inserted at middle part of bracts; anthers with 2 separate thecae, often pubescent at apex. Female inflorescence a compact cluster of several flowers; bracts campanulate or forming a tubular sheath, apex usually lobed; flowers paired, enclosed by a bract; calyx adnate to ovary, 4–8-lobed at apex; ovary with 1 or rarely 2 ovules in each cell; style 2-cleft to base. Fruit a subglobose or ovoid nut, enclosed or surrounded by enlarged bracts. About 20 species: China, Japan, Korea, Mongolia, Russia; Europe, North America; seven species (four endemic) in China. Corylus formosana Hayata (Gen. Ind. Pl. Form. 72. 1916) was described from Taiwan but no specimen is extant. It was treated as an uncertain species by J. C. Liao in Fl. Taiwan, ed. 2. 1a. Bracts forming a tubular sheath, constricted above nut; nut enclosed by bracts. 2a. Shrubs; leaf margin lobed distally ........................................................................................ 7. C. mandshurica 2b. Trees; leaf margin irregularly and doubly serrate. 3a. Bracts pubescent, with prominent ribs, divided into linear lobes, usually forked at apex .... 5. C. chinensis 3b. Bracts tomentose, with faint ribs, divided into triangular-lanceolate lobes, usually not forked at apex ......................................................................................................................................... 6. C. fargesii 1b. Bracts together campanulate, not constricted above nut; nut surrounded by bracts. 4a. Lobes of bracts forming dense, branching spines ............................................................................. 1. C. ferox 4b. Lobes of bracts not forming spines. 5a. Bract limb deeply divided into linear, lobulate lobes, lobes often reflexed .............................. 2. C. wangii 5b. Bract limb shallowly divided into ovate or ovate-lanceolate lobes, lobes not reflexed. 6a. Branchlets yellow tomentose; petiole 0.7–2.2 cm, yellow tomentose; leaves suborbicular to broadly ovate or obovate, abaxially tomentose, margin irregularly and doubly serrate; bracts ca. as long as or shorter than fruit ................................................................................................. 3. C. yunnanensis 6b. Branchlets sparsely villous; petiole 1–3 cm, loosely villous or glabrescent; leaves ovate, oblong, or elliptic, pilose along veins abaxially, margin lobulate or incised distally; bracts longer than fruit ............................................................................................................................ 4. C. heterophylla 1. Corylus ferox Wallich, Pl. Asiat. Rar. 1: 77. 1830. Forests on mountain slopes; 1500–3800 m. SE Gansu, Guizhou, W Hubei, Ningxia, Shaanxi, E and SW Sichuan, Xizang, Yunnan 刺榛 ci zhen [Bhutan, NE India, N Myanmar, Nepal, Sikkim]. Trees to 20 m tall; trunk to 30 cm d.b.h.; bark dark gray 1a. Scales of buds white villous; leaves ovate- or gray, fissured. Branchlets purplish brown, pubescent, oblong or obovate-oblong ................. 1a. var. ferox sometimes stipitate glandular, glabrescent, with 1b. Scales of buds glabrous; leaves obovate scattered, minute lenticels. Petiole 1–3.5 cm, densely or elliptic ..................................... 1b. var. thibetica pilose when young, glabrescent; leaf blade ovate- 1a. Corylus ferox var. ferox oblong, obovate-oblong, obovate, or elliptic, 5–15 × 3– 9 cm, papery, abaxially bearded in axils of lateral veins, 刺榛(原变种) ci zhen (yuan bian zhong) pilose and sparsely glandular, adaxially sparsely pilose especially along impressed midvein when young, base Scales of buds white villous. Leaves ovate-oblong or very obliquely rounded or subcordate, margin sharply obovate-oblong; lateral veins 10–14 on each side of and doubly mucronate serrate, apex long acuminate to midvein. caudate-acuminate; lateral veins 8–14 on each side of Forests on mountain slopes; 1700–3800 m. Guizhou (Fanjing Shan), midvein. Male inflorescence ca. 2 cm; bracts broadly SW Sichuan, NW and W Yunnan [Bhutan, ?NE India, ?N Myanmar, ovate, tomentulose, apex acute to acuminate; anthers Nepal, Sikkim]. purple. Female flowers 4–6 in a cluster; bracts 1b. Corylus ferox var. thibetica (Batalin) Franchet, J. Bot. campanulate, densely pubescent, sometimes stipitate (Morot) 13: 200. 1899. glandular, with laciniate segments forming branching, pungent spines. Nut ovoid-globose, subcompressed, 1– 藏刺榛 zang ci zhen 1.5 cm in diam., apex pubescent. Fl. May–Jul, fr. Jul– Sep. 2n = 22. 2Flo ra of China 4: 286–289. 1999. Corylus thibetica Batalin, Trudy Imp. S.-Peterburgsk. • Thickets on mountain slopes; 1600–3700 m. W Guizhou, Hubei, Bot. Sada 13: 102. 1893. SW and W Sichuan, W Yunnan (Dali Xian). The nuts are edible. Scales of buds glabrous. Leaves obovate or elliptic; 4. Corylus heterophylla Fischer ex Trautvetter, Pl. Imag. lateral veins 8–12 on each side of midvein. Descr. 10. 1844. • Mixed forests; 1500–3600 m. SE Gansu, Guizhou, W Hubei, 榛 zhen Ningxia, Shaanxi, E Sichuan, Xizang, Yunnan. Shrubs or small trees, to 7 m tall; bark gray. Branchlets 2. Corylus wangii Hu, Bull. Fan Mem. Inst. Biol., n.s., 8: 31. pubescent and stipitate glandular, with white lenticels. 1938. Petiole slender, 1–2(–3) cm, sparsely pubescent; leaf 维西榛 wei xi zhen blade oblong, elliptic, elliptic-obovate, broadly ovate, Trees small, to 7 m tall. Branchlets purplish brown, or obovate to suborbicular, 4–13 × 2.5–10 cm, papery, pilose and stipitate glandular when young, soon abaxially pilose along veins, adaxially glabrous, base glabrous, with scattered, white lenticels. Petiole 7–20 cordate, margin irregularly and doubly serrate, usually cm, slender, pilose and stipitate glandular; leaf blade lobed, apex mucronate to caudate; lateral veins 3–7 on oblong or ovate-oblong, rarely obovate-oblong, 5–10 × each side of midvein. Male inflorescences 2–5 in a 2.5–7 cm, papery, abaxially pubescent along veins, cluster, pendulous, slender, ca. 4 cm; bracts reddish adaxially glabrous or sparsely pilose, base subcordate brown, obovate, densely pubescent, apex acuminate or obliquely subcordate, margin sharply and doubly ser- from nearly truncate, apical portion of leaf. Female rate, apex acuminate to caudate-acuminate; lateral veins flowers 2–6 in a cluster; bracts campanulate, 1.5–2.5 9–13 on each side of midvein. Female flowers 4–8 in a cm, striate, densely pubescent and stipitate glandular cluster; peduncle ca. 1 cm, villous; bracts campanulate, near base, with triangular-ovate, entire or dentate lobes. 3–3.5 cm, striate, yellow tomentose when young, Nut ovoid-globose, ca. as long as bracts, 0.7–1.5 cm in glabrescent, densely stipitate glandular, apex deeply diam., apex villous. Fl. May–Jul, fr. Jul–Aug. 2n = 22. divided into linear lobes, lobes often reflexed, ca. 2 cm Temperate broad-leaved forests, thickets on mountain slopes; 400– × 2 mm, forked and pinnately lobulate. Nut ovoid- 2500 m. Anhui, E and S Gansu, Guizhou, Hebei, Heilongjiang, Henan, globose, ca. 1.5 cm in diam., glabrous. Fl. Jun–Aug, fr. Hubei, Hunan, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Jilin, Liaoning, E Nei Mongol, Aug–Sep. Ningxia, Shaanxi, Shandong, Shanxi, NE Sichuan, Zhejiang [Japan, • Temperate broad-leaved forests; ca. 3000 m. NW Yunnan (Weixi Korea, Russia (E Siberia)]. Xian). The hazelnut of commerce. An endangered species. The similar Corylus jacquemontii Decaisne, 1a. Leaves oblong or obovate, apex mucronate from the Himalayas, differs in having bract lobes ovate-lanceolate, or caudate to nearly truncate; lobes of bracts usually not reflexed, without lobules. usually entire ......................... 4a. var. heterophylla 3. Corylus yunnanensis (Franchet) A. Camus, Bull. Mus. 1b. Leaves elliptic-obovate, broadly ovate, Hist. Nat., sér. 2, 1: 438. 1929. or suborbicular, apex subrounded, 滇榛 dian zhen mucronate; lobes of bracts usually Corylus heterophylla Fischer var. yunnanensis Franchet, dentate ................................. 4b. var. sutchuanensis J. Bot. (Morot) 13: 198. 1899. 4a. Corylus heterophylla var. heterophylla Shrubs or small trees to 7 m tall; trunk to 10 cm d.b.h.; 榛(原变种) zhen (yuan bian zhong) bark dark gray, fissured. Branchlets purplish brown or Corylus avellana Linnaeus var. davurica Ledebour; C. brown, densely tawny tomentose, stipitate glandular, heterophylla var. thunbergii Blume. glabrescent, with scattered, white lenticels. Petiole 7– Leaves oblong or obovate, apex mucronate to caudate, 12(–22) mm, densely tomentose, sparsely stipitate nearly truncate. Lobes of bracts entire, rarely sparsely glandular; leaf blade ovate-orbicular to broadly ovate or dentate. obovate, 4–12 × 3–9 cm, papery, abaxially stipitate Temperate broad-leaved forests; 400–2400 m. E Gansu, Hebei, glandular when young, densely tomentose, adaxially Heilongjiang (Dailing, Daxinganling), Henan, Jilin (Changbai Shan), sparsely pubescent especially along veins, base cordate, Liaoning, E Nei Mongol, Ningxia (Liupan Shan), Shanxi margin irregularly and doubly serrate, apex abruptly [Japan, ?Korea, Russia (E Siberia)]. acuminate from suborbicular, apical portion of leaf; 4b. Corylus heterophylla var. sutchuanensis Franchet, J. lateral veins 5–7 on each side of midvein. Male Bot. (Morot) 13: 199. 1899. inflorescences
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