Indiana University 24 MAY Lui \Nolana UNWERSITY VOLUMES 11-20 MAY 221MO (Volume/Page)

Indiana University 24 MAY Lui \Nolana UNWERSITY VOLUMES 11-20 MAY 221MO (Volume/Page)

NEWSLETTER OF THE OPTOMETRIC HISTORICAL SOCIETY OPTOMETRY LIBRARY / :..... ,......................... ~·········'= INDEX Indiana University 24 MAY lUI \NOlANA UNWERSITY VOLUMES 11-20 MAY 221MO (volume/page) A Adie, John, 14/50 Adler, Bernard, 15/48 Aack, Herb, 14/77 Jacob, 3/37 Aarkus, Denmark, 14/9 Adolph, G., 20/39 Aasen, Larry, 13/13 "Advances in Diag. Vis. Abbe, Ernst, 14/20,29; 15/7- Optics", 20/31 8,39,59; 16/11,32,51; Advertisements, 17/18; 18/70 13/17; 17/57-60; 19/45- coin, 11/54 46; 20/7 Abbot, J.O., 17/29-30 Aero Club of Amer., 18/44 ABC der Optik, 17/48 Aesthetics, color, 18/17-18 Abel, C.A., 18/14 AFB News, 17/10 Peter, 20/9 Aflect?Effect, 11/63 Abell, J.O., 14/88 Africa, 13/20; 13/46 Abicht, J., 14/20 Aftel, H., 13/25 Abracadabra, 11/25 Afterimage, 14/76-77 Abrams, H., 20/23 Aging, 17/25 J.J., 11/1; 12/1; 13/1,7,26; Aguilon horopter, 16/59-60 14/2,102-103; 15/2,38, Ahlstrom, o., 16/45 45; 16/1,22,39; 17/1, Ainslee's Magazine, 13/37 15,31,41,48,49,51; 18/1- Air Force, 13/18 2,40,41,42,45; 19/8; Airy, B. 11/20, 22; 14/50; 20/1,2,27-28 19/23-24; 20/33 Acad. of Optom., Amer., 18/68 Ai-tai, 11/13 New York, 14/34 Aitchison, 16/25; 17/40 the Lynx, 18/5 Aitken, M., 17/51 Acadia, 17/61 AJOC, 13/37 Accommodation, 19/41-42 Kikuchi Coll. of Optom., spasm of, 12/10 13/50 theories of, 12/88; 19/2 Alabama, 12/65 Accomm. conv., 17/6-7 Poly. Inst., 17/29 Accreditation, 15/55 Alaska Geographic, 20/27 Actina eyes restorer, 20/27 Albert Berger Co., 13/21 Acuity Meter, 19/16 D.M., 17/57 Adair, C.D., 14/40; 15/60 Prince, 16/56 Adam Hilger Ltd., 12/77 Albrecht, Prince,l8/28 Adams, G., 11/3,30; 17/50 Aldersley, 15/43 John, 12/87 Alexander, E.B., L.B., Jr., 17/7 12/70; 13/13, 22-23; Mr., optician, 13/11 16/13,25; 18/55 Addenbrooke Phillips, J.B., Alexandria, Queen, 12/25; 14/7 13/63-64 Adds specification, 14/4 50 Al-Haitham, 13/52; 14/75; 11/46; 12/64,65,68-75; 16/10,56; 19/20; 20/31,32 13/22; 14/7,18,96; "Alice in Wonderland", 12/17 15/1,55,56; 16/6,9; ., Al-Kindi, 11/34 18/40,41,42-45; 19/f2~14; All J~pan Opt. Fed., 12/35 20/12,38,43,47 Opto.m. Consort i urn, 13/37-38 study courses, 12/3' · Allard, ot:, 14/41 Foundation, 18/14; 19/25 Allgeyer, L., 17/23 Coll., China, 12/27;13/30 Allen County Public Lib., 15/5 Personnel & Guid. Ass'n., D. Sheard, 15/10-13; 15/59 16/9 Allyl diglycol carb., 14/93 Phil. Soc., 17/25-26,43; 20/7 Aloes in collyria, 19/31 Plan, 15/5-6,8 Alpha Chi Omega, 13/38 Amer. Herit. Invent. & Tech., Kappa Alpha, 13/38 -- 16/41; 18/10 - -- Alten, A. von, 18/28 J. of Microscopy, 12/9 Alumni News, 17/46 Ophth., 16/33 Alumniscope, 15/21; 16/39,49 Optom., 19/15 Alvarez principle, 17/49 and A.A.A.O. 15/41; Alzheimer's disease, 15/46 -r6/33,34,36; 17/35 Amann, R., 14/8 Physiol. Optics, 15/6,40; Ambrosian library, 16/33 16/59; 18/20; 19/13 Ambrosini, L., 12/20 Med., 15/33 Amendments, OHS by-law, PhYSiol. Optics, 18/44 17/1,15 Magazine, 15/58 Amer. colonial, 17/57 Med. News, 16/4 Acad. of Ophth., 20/5 optom:-ASs•n. Messenger, Museum, 15/84; 17/21; 17/13 18/15,20; 19/15 News, 15/68; 17/38,39; Optom., 13/3-7; 15/1,40; --rB/45 16/12; 17/6,48; Organizer, 17/13 18/1,15,40,49,68 Ames, Adelbert, 13/51; 14/8 chapters, 13/4,68-69; Amici microscope, 12/58 14/76; 19/16 Amman, Jost, 15/42 Amer. Antiq. Soc., Amos, J.F., 18/41 14/91; 19/27-28,34 AMOS 'N ANDY, 11/66 Assoc. Adv. Sci., 12/9 Ampere, M., 18/17 State & Local Hist., 14/85 Amsden, L.G., 20/44 of Opticians, 18/42 Amulets, 11/24; 18/46 Opt om., 14/44 Anagnos, M., 14/12 Astron. Soc., 14/88 "anatomical eyeglass", 19/46 Cyanamid, 14/94 Anatomy course, 14/27-28 Encycl: df Ophthal., AN-BEU-WIS ASSOCIATES, Inc., 17/46; 18/60 11/39 Found. for Blind, 17/10 Anchor Opt. Co., 17/46 Med. Ass'n., 13/73; 15/56 Anderson, R., 20/25 Microscope Co., 14/10 Anecdotes, 14/33-34,75; 15/73; Optical Ass'n., 14/40 16/56 Co., 12/30; 13/51,84; 14/8; Anel, Dominique, 14/74 15/57,85; 16/5-6,53; ANFAO, 20/7 17/59; 18/44; 20/48 Angel, Bethesda, 19/27-34 Canada, 20/44 Angerstein, 11/27 Museum, 15/83; 16/22; 17/21 Angle, Brewster, 16/55 Optom. Ass 'n., metre, 17/46-48 Nagel's fusion, 17/47 51 Anglo-Saxons, 11/26 Arlt, Ferd., 11/3 Animal spirits, 11/57 Arlt, Prof. von, 18/29,30,34 Anne, Queen, 15/79 Armorlite, 14/92-94 Anomalous corresp., Armstrong, D.M., 11/4 11/55; 13/40 Harry, 13/22 Antiquarium Soc., Amer., M.W., 12/64 19/27,34 Army, 13/17-18; 15/49,54 Antique collectors club, Arnold, J.H., 14/38-39,44 14/2-3; 15/23; 16/60; Rudi, 11/37 17/18 Arons, I.J., 18/48 "Antique Glasses and Frames" Aronsfeld, G.H., 12/68-75; book, 20/18 13/22-23 Antique Trades, 18/59 Aronson, T., 16/56 Weekly, The, 17/21 Arrington, E.E., 14/4 Week/Tri-State Trader, 15/58 G.E., 14/70 Antiques, ophthalmic, Ars magna lucis et umbrae, 11/5; 12/20; 13/79; 15/80; 19/3-4 14/45; 15/83; 16/4; Artificial eye on lion, 16/6 18/57-60; 20/7-8 Artificial eyes, Anti-reflection coating, 18/45 12/52; 16/6,29-30,40; Apelles, 17/14 19/40; 20/11 Aphasia, 12/85 Artificial illum., 16/49 Apollo, 13/8 Artistic light, 19/17 award, 15/49; 16/49 Asakura, 14/100 Apotropaic ophthal., 12/13 M., 14/97-98 tritanopia, 14/72 Asami, K., 13/16 Appelbaum, A., 18/14 Asbjornsen, P., 14/31-33 Apple of one's eye, 15/4 Aspectibus, De, 13/52 Opt. Industries, 17/46 Aspherical contacts, 20/30 Appraisers, 16/19; 16/22 Ass'n. of Brit. Ophthal., Apprentices, 16/2 14/59,63 Aquapendente, 20/31 Opt. Pract., 16/13 Aquino, c., 18/36 Opt., Scot., 11/36 Arabia, 14/74; 16/61 Optom. Editors, 11/34 Arachnid filaments, 13/43 Sch. & Coll. Optom., Archeology, 11/29 11/34; 12/51 Architectural Lighting, Wholesale & Mfg. Opt., 15/7 18/10,22 Asthenopia, 15/56-57 Architecture School, 18/10 Astig clip, 18/9 Archiv fur Augenheilk., 18/58 Astigm. lens, Stokes, 11/20 Archival destruction, Astigmatism, 11/21 14/85-86 and cylind. lenses, 19/22-24 Archival sense, 11/67 corrected by contacts, 19/43 Archive, Lubin, 15/37 correction, 19/2 Archives, Skeffington, 18/48 designation, 14/29-31 Archivist's dilemma, 17/30 Donders on, 19/23 Arcus senilis, 17/25 in 1880, 12/8,9 Arderne, John of, 19/5 inheritance of, 19/23 "Arena", 13/67 McAllister and, 16/32 Arend, A.C., 14/13 measurement, 20/32-33 Argand's lamp, 18/54 "Astigmatism" coined, 18/59 Aristophanes, 14/75 Aston museum, 11/40 Aristotle, 14/72; 16/37 Astrology, 19/5 Ariz. Optom. Aux., 18/15 Astronomy, 14/88 52 Astrophysical Journal, 17/34 T illyer, 13/51 Atkinson, T.G., 15/46-47 Ayscough, J., 14/11a6; 17/8-9 Atlas of vision aids, 13/11a,55; 19/9 B Atmosphere contam., 18/11-12 Attic, germs in, 18/13 Babalola, J., 18/53 Atwood, T., 11/4 Babbage, c., 21a/35 Aubert, 15/76 Babbitt, E.J., 14/8,75-76 Audiometry, 15/73 Babcock Archives, 14/77 "Augendienst", Bartisch, 18/46 Babylonians, 19/19-21a Augenheilkunde Geschichte, Backman, H.A., 18/49 13/49 Bacon, R., Augenoptik, 14/19-21a; 15/59; 12/82; 13/52; 14/49,77; 16/l!a-12; 17/18,24,44,49; 15/63-64; 16/lla,46; 19/4 18/22,63-64; 19/15,21; Baconian method, 15/11 2!a/22,23-24 Bacon's "Perspectiva", 21a/5 Augenoptik, 14/71a; 16/32 Bad Eilsen clinic, school, Jena, 15/39 17/16-17,44-45 Augenoptiker title, 21a/2!a Bader, D.A., 13/9 postal stamp, 17/42 Bailey, James, 12/61a "Aughts", 21a/2 Ba i 1 e y , N • J • , Augsburger, A.R., 16/15; 17/21,23,41-42; 13/25; 14/77; 15/68; 18/4 18/8,48; 19/17 Augusta von Alten, 18/28 Bailey, Rosemary, 12/22 Augustine, R.C., 12/68; 13/22 Baker, c., 19/37 Aurora borealis, 18/12 Baker, Fred, 2!a/9 Austin, W., 12/76; 13/53; 16/1 Baldwin, w., 12/61a; 18/7 Australia, 11/28,38,64; Baliwalla, N.P., 13/15 12/21,77; 16/23; 17/51; Ball, Dr., 14/95 18/36,39; 19/35-37 Ballard, s.s., 14/lla6 eye hospital, 12/79 Ballingham, Mr., 14/lla2 1 a ws , 14 I 4-5 , 53 Balthaser, S., 2!a/7 O.E.P.

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