hit the. floorboaird before the brakes take bold? If so, it’s usual- Coventry Gets lythe sign of a badly aoeded brake Mjjustment. Heard Along Main Street l e a d i n g b r a n d s 1. A. No. But we can re­ New Principal member a time wrhen It did. The And on Same o f Manche$ter*'$ ^ide Street*, Too mechaiiles helped liB check the iBrlhir Brag H m w VOL. LZXL NO. iS4 (OaMUiei Aivertiataf aU raga 14) MANCHESTER, CONNq MONDAY. MARCH SI, 1952 (SIXTEEN PAGES) master cylinder, lines, and’ the rest of'the rigmarole. We Royal O. Fiaher o f Hard- mrttonnrr Doings •times it never comes. But tlunre it found nothing. , Our fluid intake addiy Masa.) U» Aaaume - gdlhiibne once pointed out the is, Just w^tlng for who (brake fluid) was oceanic. About tremendous amount of knowledge wanU It. In the standard dicUon- a quart a week. Finally a police- New Dotiea on. April 1 Votes Extra avsTtahte beIlew-us,4J»imh 'man'" poMtaly—Informed us take the time to consult the aUnd- through one and see. Plenty to atop light wasn't Working, W A N T m ard dictionary that persons ,usu-: learn In those pages. - fleuth Coventry, M^arc h 39— was then we found the fluid (flpMia!)—Royal O. Flaher of ailv only ^urn to when they're | After working on that Bictlon- caplng through our stop light RUBBER MILL $ 4 5 to Men stuck Those who want to know ary. you wouldn't be usihg such switch. If you can’t figure this Hardwick, Itass.. will aanime hla how to spell a word or Us definl- often repeated expresslons<;as the out, consult an old-time mechanic new duties April 1 as principal of O P EitA T O R tVon turn' to the dictionary. But j follow ln j-a ll awful: I am awful tion turn to — ------------ - -------- —a real old timer, mind you. tha ew an try wchnM lyaMm. He •In C om bat that’s allTln between these i *'*5I*^'‘■.nn« that you came. Wltt^TRAIN- « n c y periods, the book gathers,a^ul glad to have you with us to- 3. Does the car pull shortly will ba paid 89,500 pro raja for the 'T h e Manrherter Girl Scout to one aide when you apply the A l s o s e r v i c e m a n Council will meet Tueeday evcnirtR dust or makes a dam gwd-device: night. Isn t_lt an awful warn current school year. APPLY IN PERSON for pressing ^flowers, taking the|day? . avrful pretty, . awful brakes? It may be caiiaed by RcKlcville. M arch'31— SP«- Washington; March 31i— at 7:45 at the home of Mia* Emily bgd adjustment or by grease or Mr. Fisher ia now superinten­ Smith. »5 Middle tumijlke east. curl out of photographs, etc, ugly. awful |ood. awful dent o f diatrtet schools in Barre, dal)—A flash fire in the] Rockville Mon Die* in Fire (/P>— The Senate today voted bad, etc. brake fluid oh the linings..,.. SPENCER extra^’combat pay” of |45 a N . Y* Parley oirW ages Mian Iva Plckena, community ad- Blit imagine the treasure Hardwick and Peteraham, Mass. .basflment of Bill’s T sv e m .; 2. A. No. ButlMveral itJmea vleor from regional headquartera .knowledge that is being put Now, If everyone Was Webster- He has studied at the Uhlverat^ of RURIER PRODUCTS 133 West Mdin street, here I month for ail men and of­ In Boaton, will be k special guest. such crude use. Let us assume . happy the word would hardly we slammed on the brakee and Vermont, Bates Oollege, • Tale took off to the left—Into the on- CHAPEL STREET this morning at 9:30 t o ^ the’ ficers who fight in Korea." that a person decided to use the used at all. Because Webster saya University School of< Education, It' was proposed by Senator dictionary as a text .instead of a | "awful" means "fillihg with iswe, cnminR traffic. Neither bad ad­ life of Thomas Hepton, 34, of : Mias Anna French, head li­ Teachers College of Connecticut Moody (D-Mich) as a "rider” to a reference book. Every day. our inspiring dread or deep reverence; justment, nor grease or brake ElUygton avenue. i brarian of the Mary Cheney Li­ an(J the University of Connecticut. bUl to grant a ”cost-of-Iivlng‘‘ pay hero (or heroinet would read Jutt profoundly Impresaive; terrible; fluid had anything to do with It. He has a profesirional education . Hepton. employed by the.Farm- Reds W ant brary. will give a book review at appalling; as, an awful tragedy; an We put-up with'It for months tlU inbraaat to tha 3.600.000 peraon* See Shuffle the making of the Professional a portion of the dictionary—per: ceHification of current issues In •II O FTiel Service Company, haps a page air a half-page. awful moment." we found the right wheel cylin­ administration, and aupervlalon in waa delivering oil to the tavern, In tha firmed services. The Senate Women's Club at the Center der was a mesa o f ball bearings approved it by an .unrecorded Church at 8 p. m. Tuesday. Why, by the time he got through Well, we have to go now. We’re Connecticut and in Maasachtisetta. it waa learned from William absorbing the full book he could on page one, column one of our and pieces of metal. Rev. mmI Mrs. Ckariea Reynolds Married and -with four children. Waailawaki, owner of the tavern, •tanding vote. IRgh Level In W ake o f be a pretty Intelllgent'fellow. And Webster, which has three columns The wheel had been tumlnd ab­ Mr. and Mra. Flaher will take up It would provide the bonus pay solutely free, under no control and Bernard J[anicki, owner of a no matter how haphazard a study to a page. We’re going to try a to underwrite half of their. com­ living quartere in the house on bualneaa in an adjacent building, to' Infantrymen, Marines, Sailors from US. That's what we mean A four-year-old Idea was realis­ and their offieera who have been It Would be, he couldn't help but column a day. ed last Sunday at the South Meth­ bined aalarlea with tha hope that Main 'Street owned by Mrs. Anna- who were-the opiy orcupanta of pick up some of the gold du.st .of about Independence. under’ actual enemy fire' and are Now aince pur Webstar has odist Church v’hdn Rev. and Mra. full support could be given both of belle W. Maas. Wanted the tavern at the time. L t Oarlton •WaBhington, March 31—•0»’»n» h* underatood Morris’ dead- SERVICES knowledge as he pawed through .7.000 pages of definitions alone, That, incidentally, accounted for Charles Reynolds were selected to them toon. ' A recspUoQ and tea by the Klocker of the State Fire' Mar- not eligible for other haaard 6r that treasury .of Information. not including arbitrary signs and the noise that sounded: like a chain b6nus pay. ' . (/P )-A tto r n e y General J- i the jiueaflon- he the missionaries to India for Mr. Reynolds ia a native of Ire­ school faculty will be given for Mr. ahal'a' office la inveatigating. MuDHan, Korea, March 31 New York, March 31— That Interpret The Wishes Or course, our hero would have symbols, pronouncing gazetteer, dragging on a cobble-stone road. South Church. The Idea of the lo­ land and served in tha Royal Air. and Mrs. F t^ er April 3 from 3-4 BeJectedSSO Howard McGrath said tixlay . He aaked wlWther McGrath had '' to be careful. He would have to The hoae from the truck had *—(/?)•—Communist staff of­ — The steel industry and this glossary, etc., we figure to be buay 3. Is your steering gear loose? cal church supporting a mission­ Force in India during the war. It p. m. in tha teadiars room at the UNOTVPE been placed. in the basement be­ Only last Friday, the Senate rct he wouldn’t appoint Newbold fuied out his yet. IL Of The Family,^ gear his capacity to learn with the for 9^000 daya.-about 25 yeara. Check kiy pointing the front wheels ary has been gaining support for was thsro that ha mat nra.. Rey­ Robertson School «tith Mrs. Sam­ ficers today proposed that CIO United steelworkqni amount of tune he wanted to neath tavern, Waailawaki told Tectad on a standing vote a stmi- Morris, government corrupt "N«>. «lr." the Attorney General Then, by gosh, you can ask ui straight ahead and moving the some time. It was about four nolds, who waa already a mlasion' uel A. Guilford, interim principal, top level negotiators try to • - replied. postponed wage talks sched'- spend in becoming learned. For ex­ anything. newsmei): ‘ITiere wap an explosion Jar move by Sen. Long (D-La) for tion cleanup man, as a special Steering wheel from aide to side. years ago that tha first |25 was »ry from Pennyalvania. After the general chalnhan. and flames Ignlted*^ immediately. combat pay of 350 a month. break the deadlock ffver Keating: "You intend to, of uled to begin at 2 p. m. here ample, If he is a slow absorber he 3. A. Not since we had the front war, they were married Euid they Another reception is being OPERATOR assistant if he had to-do it t JOHN B. BURKE given by Mrs. Emit Bom, former­ Neither of the two men in the RetroSctlva, the "combat pay whether Russia should help couraa.” today.
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