10/10/74 1.6.30 hrs. ASSEMBLY - TWENTY-FIRST SESSIOX ASSEMBLEE - VIlfGT-ET-UNIEME SESSION ASAMBLEA - lli PERIODO DE SESIONES J.CCAMEJIIR-JIBAJlltAT:b I1EPBAH CJDCIUI •Accompanied by wife or other members of family •Accompagne de son epouse ou d 1autres membres de sa famille •Acompafiado de su esposa u otros miembros de la familia •npHeXanH BMeCTe C ZeHOI HnH C ~yrHMH qneH&MB CeM•R LIST OF DELEGATES NO, 3 LISTE DES DELmUES ifJ 3 CD Chief Delegate Chef de delegation D Delegate Delegue Alt Alternate Suppleant Adv Adviser Conseiller CObs Chief Observer Observateur principal. Obs Observer Observateur LISTA DE DELEGADOS N'um. 3 CIIHCOK JlE1lEI'ATOB tf 3 CD Delegado jefe rna:aa ~ener&QKH D Delegado .Ilene raT Alt Supl.ente 3aMeCTHTen• Adv Aseaor CoBeTHHK CObs Observador principal. I'JlaBHIII . Ha6nm~aTen:& Obs Observador HaCSnm~aTen:& Representing Official position Address Representant Fonctions officielles Adresse Representando Cargo oficial Direccion flpe~CT&BnfleT Qtzuzan••a. ~onzaocT• ~pee CONTRACTING STATES ETATS CONTRACT.AMTS ESTADOS CONTRATANTES JlOI'OBAPHBAIOJIIW]CH rocY.ItAFCTBA AFGHANISTAN AFGANISTAH A<PrAHHCTAH Sultan M. Ghazi CD President de l'Aviation Queen Elizabeth Hotel, Civile et ~ Touri.ame .Roo• 961 M.N. Malyar D Director General of Laurentian Hotel, Air Operations Room 367 M. I. Nawassan D Directeur du Service Laurentian Hotel, ~Juridiq~e de !'Aviation Roo• 366 eivUe E. Gran Adv. Commercial Director, 362.0 Lorne Creacot, Ariana Afg4a.n Airlines Apt. 718 ALGERIA .AlGERIE A.RGELIA AJDKHP M.A. Bendjeua CD CoDaeiller au M.A.E. Queea Elisabeth, Booa 304 · A. Zerboui D Directeur de !'Aviation Hotel Biahop CivUe M. :se_.our D Directeur ~aeral EIIMA Hotel Queeu D. Merzelkad D Iagenieur de 1a Ravigatioa Hotel J.eS..Jle, AerieDne Booa 537 M. Reliab D Iqenieur de 1a Ravigatioa Hotel LaSalle, Roo• 537 z. Bererhi D Jqhseur Chef du Service Betel BiDep 'feclmique - 3- ARGENTINA ARGENTINE Xtsr:e!JTJUtA J.M. Klix CD Brigadier ~or IAB, Room 870 •B.A. Lami Dozo Alt. CD Comodoro, Representante IAB, Room 810 ante el Consejo de OACI D., Gutiez D Comodoro, Jefe Dpto .. IAB, Room 870 Planification y OACI •R.F. Arens D Vicecomodoro, Repreaentante IAB, Room 810 Suplente Conaejo OACI o. Lopez Imizcoz D Vicecomodoro, Juiridico - IAB, Room 810 Dpto .• Aauntoa Civiles •J. V. Rodriguez D Ingeniero, Representante IAB, Room 810 Alterno ante el Consejo AUSTRALIA AUSTRALIE ABCTPA.Jlli.H R.D. Phillips CD Deputy Secretary, Chateau Champlain 9 Departlleat of TraDBport Room 18o3 D.s. Graham D First Assistant Secretary, Chateau Champlain~ Department of Transport Room 2819 ~... B. Hall D Consul General of Australia, Chateau Champlain, Chicaao Room 3319 •P.J. Harbison D Assistant to Australian IAB, Room 909 Representative to ICAO J. Holt D Assistant Secretary, Chateau Champlain, Department of Transport Room 3318 •B7J'OD. Lewis D of AuatraJJ.a.. IAB, Room 909 onBeptecro•a:ti I 0 unc .,1 l T.A. Pyman D First Assistant Secretary, Chateau Champlain, Department of Transport Room 201.5 •J.E. Sansom D .Al.teraate iopreaentatiye of IAB, Room 909 Au tralia oa ICAO CoUDcii . J.J. Tauvasa Obs- Associate Controller Civil Chateau Champlain, Aviation, Papua New Guinea Room 1.501 AUSTRIA AUTRICHE ABCTPIDI Laurentian Hotel H. Vogl CD Deputy-Director Civil Aviation Laurentien Hotel o. Dworak CD Chief, Interaatio.al (from 1/10) Relations D ColUUSellor, Auatrian :&abuay, Ottawa BAHRAIN BAHREIN BAXPEHH I.A. AJkhaJifa CD Director of Civil Aviation 1214 Crescent Street AoH. Saif CD Superintendent, Finance Crescent Hotel (from 7/lO) Administration L.E. Hicks D Civil Aviation Technical 1212 Crescent Street, Adviser Room 1407 sA:RrJ1All£wBANGLADESH s. Ahmed CD Director General, Civil Queena Hotel, Aviation Room 507 J. Majid CD Second Secretary, High Laurentien Hotel, (from 30/9) Commiaaion of Bangladesh, Room 866 Ottawa - 5- BARBADOS tArtAnocBA.iBADE A.M. Forde CD Permanent Secretar.Js Queen Elizabeth, 111Diat17 of External Atfaira Boom946 I.D. ""cher Alt. CD Senior Crown Counsel Qmeen Elizabeth, Room 1762 L.I. Hunte D Director of CiTil Ayiation Queen Elizabeth, Room 862 BElGIUM BElGIQUE BEWICA BEnoriDi •A.L. de Vogelaere CD Ambassadeur-Chef du Queen Elizabeth Hotel, Service des Communica­ Room 1815 tions au Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres W. Vanderperren Alt.CD Directeur general de Queen Elizabeth Hotel9 l'aeronautique Room 1809 J. Nayeau D Conaeiller juridique de Hotel :BoD&Te:a. ture, la SABENA Rooa 2223 R.R. Nys D Directeur General Adj. Hotel Bonaventure, SAB.ENA Room 3451 •A.X. Pirson D Representant de la Belgique lAB, Room 910 a l'OACI A. Melchior D Directeur, Ministere des Queen Elizabeth Hotel, Communications, Adm. de Room 1607 l'Aeronautique J. Verstappen D Conseiller a !'Administration Queen Elizabeth Hotel, de l'Aeronautique Room 1613 J-P.J. Delbushaye D Secretaire d'Administration· Queen Elizabeth Hotel, Ministere des Affaires Room 1517 Etrangeres, Sec. Politique '"-· •puv Vice-Preaiuat et MMD BOLIVIA BOLIVIE BOJUiBIDI , Subsecretario de Aeronautica Crescent Hotel, F o Casanovas CD Civil Boom 201 Crescent Hotel, R. Barja D Secretario Permanente del Consejo Nacional d.e Boom 205 Aeron&u tica A. Cortez Jimenez D Subadministrador Nacional Crescent Hotel, de .AASAN.A Boom 201 Crescent Hotel, L. Eduardo D Director General de Transporte y Trabajo Aereo Boom 205 BRAZIL BRESIL BRASIL EPA3IDIIDI • J. Fraga Lourenc;o CD Member of CEBHAI · Chlteau Bo7al 1 Boom 2003 Alt. CD RepreaentatiTe of Brazil on IAB, Room 919 the Council of ICAO •P.I. Seixa8 D Alternate Representative of IAB, Boom 919 Brazil on ~he Co1Ulc1l of ICAO I. Mastrogiovanni D Firat Secretar,r - MiDiatr,r IAB, Boom 919 of Foreign Affairs •E.A. Da Silveira D Maber of CI:BKli IAB, Room 919 •J.s. BeDriquea D Member of CEBHAI Chlteau Bo7al, Booa 1705 •r. Jakubovicz D Alternate BepreaentatiTe of IAB, Room 919 Brazil on the Council of ICAO B.B.A. Andrade Auiatant to the President, Laurentien Hotel, VABIG Airli.Dea ioom732 •e.G. Da SilYeira BxecutiTe Director of Laurentiea Hotel, SerYicoe Aftreoa Cruzeiro do Booa 1020 Sul S.A. - 7- BUUWUA BUUWUE BOnrAPHH I. Mitrev CD Sous Ministre, Ministere Sheraton Hotel des Transports D. Moutaftchiev Alt CD Chef du Departement, Ministere Richelieu Hotel, des Transport · Room 1605 I. Jdrakov D Chief of Department, Richelieu Hotel, Bulgarian Civil Aviation Room 2107 I. Zartov D Chief Air Inspector, Richelieu Hotel, Ministry of Transport Room 1605 E.A. Mladenov Ady Ministere des Affairea Richelieu Hotel Etrangeres BURMA BIRMANIE BIRMANIA BHPMA u. Myint Aung CD Deputy Minister of Ministry of Queen Elizabeth, Transport u. Nyun Thein Alt CD Director of Civil Aviation Queen Elizabeth, Roan 1824 J. ·Cardozo D Assistant Director, Dept. of Queen Elizabeth, Civil Aviation Room 1832 BURUNDI BYPYH,IJ,H F. Hdabaaeze CD Directeur de l'Aeroaautique ColoDDade Hotel, civUe et de la Jl8tM Bo~m 703 M. Bvakira CD Miniatre dea Communicationa Sheraton Mout Royal (fna 1/10) et de l 1AeroD&utique J-B. Mukuri D Directeur du SerTice dea C.loDDB.de Hotel Transports Aerieu d1a Burundi D Contr8leur de la HaTigation Colonaade Hotel, aerieDDe lioOil 706 c.AMUOOifCA&(g CAJI!ii!!!! KAMEPYH Qaeeu &tel, B.D. CBlellkap CD Directeur 4e l'Aeroaautiqme CiTile liooa 557 CANADA CANADA KAHA.,l:JA •vJ.M. NcLeish CD Director General Richelieu Towers Civil Aeronautics Room 4o8 B. Armstrong (Ma) D Foreign Service Officer Richelieu Apt. Hotel Dept. of External Affairs Peel Street R. Azzie D Director, International Richelieu Towers Air Transport 2045 Peel Street E.L. Barclay D ICAO Co-ordinator, Air Richelieu Towers, Administration 2045 Peel Street •c. Bedard D Representant du Canada lOBo University St. au Conseil OACI Suite 902 K.J. Burbridge D Executive Director, Int'l Hotel Chateau Champlain Transport Policy, Canadian Transport Commission • J.E. Cole D Alternate Representative Room 902, IAB on ICAO Council R.W. Dodd D Director, Standards and Richelieu Towers Legislation Room 18o9 J.v. GerviD D Seaior ~at, Inter­ Richelieu Twen, -tioDill ~rt Poliq Room 18o6 Colild.ttee licbelieu !overs, J.s. Marko D Poliq .A.tv18or, Cuadiaa Trauport Comiaaioa lloerl 1205 Richelieu Towers, F.W. Woodward D Canadian Transport Commission Room 1205 Bxecutiye .A.aailltant IAB, Jbta 902 a. BeraardiD .A.dY. Queen Elizabeth Hotel M.F. Lemke Adv. Communications Officer, Airports Project Office Queen Elizabeth Hotel C.A. Rose Adv. Assistant Director (AIR) International Affairs - 9- CENTRAL AFRICAN .REPUBLIC REPUBLIQUE CENTRA.FlUCAINE REPUBLICA CENTROAFRICAKA I!EAtPKhtAoACi>Pm<:AAcRAH PECnYBnHKA J. Mete-Yapende CD Ing«nieur de 1 1Ayiation Queens Hotel, CiTUe Room 322 R. Ligoussou D Directeur au MiniaUre d.u Queens Hotel, Plan Room 323 CHILE CHILI "tii-mH L. Porras L. CD Subsecretario de Transportes Laurentian Hotel y Presidente de la junta de Room 1635 Aeronautica civil •E. 1'1iranda D. CD Director General de Laurentian Hotel (froa ?1)/9) Aeronautica civil •F. Cisternas D Consul General de Chile 3:.55 Queen Nary Road en Hontreal 1-I. Guevara P. D Fiscal de la Direccion 2250 Guy Street General de Aeronautica civil E .. H. Prieto R. D Asesor Juridico de la 2250 Guy Street Direccion General de Aeronautica civil R. Valenzuela Ch. D Jefe Departamento Normas de 2250 Guy Street Vuelo de la Direccion General de Aeronautica civil G. Varas A. (Hiss) D Asesor Juridico de la junta 2250 Guy Street de Aeronautica civil M. Widmer B. (Mrs.) D Jefe Seccion OACI de junta 2250 Guy Street de Aeronautica civil CHINA CHINE KHTAR Shen Tu CD Deputy Director General Ritz-Carlton Hotel Civil Aviation of China Rooms 33.5-338 Wang Chu-Liang Alt. CD Councillor, Embassy of Ritz-Carlton Hotel China, Canada Rooms 335-338 Ho Feng-Yuan D Advisor, General Ritz-Carlton Hotel Administration, Civil Rooms 335-~38 . Aviation of China Hsu Hsi-Yao D Deputy Director, Flight Ritz-Carlton Hotel OperationJOperation Rooms 335-338 Department Liu Ming D Deputy Director, Department Ritz-Carlton Hotel of International Affairs Rooms 335-338 Liu Fu Alt.
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