BW VOLUME XXXX. CHATSWORTH, ILLINOIS, FRIDAY, AUGUST 15, 1913. NUMBER 47. Here Tresble For H. W. A. Sign Yoar Communication A Dew trouble dow looms up before The editor is in receipt of two com­ the officers of the M W. A. head munications this week, which are not camp. Attorney Harry M. McCask- published. One is accompanied by a ^>andyj>ressera/aays rin of Rock Island filed with the board note requesting that it be published of review of Rock Island county‘a and neither tbe note nor the article is lij/ns becdl& ehe written petition to be appointed signed. Tbe other was handed in aDd " toean s'foin n in g special prosecutor against the Modern is signed, but tbe writer requested Woodmen in an attempt to collect that his name be omitted, although j taxes which the local man claims are he desired tbe communication publish­ dothes. 7&e sd l being dodged. He declares in bis ed. statement that “head officers” of the The columns of the Plaindealer are I 'Paa^f clothes society have willfully and maliciously open to anyone, and communications neglected and refused to list for taxa­ of local interest are gladly published, | dee ctar tion or schedule for .taxation, money but the editor absolutely refuses to -strife* and property in the general and bene­ publish anything except strictly news, fit fuDd and in the benefit invest­ unless the writer allows hiB signature READ ment fnnd. He alleges a total of to be attached. In other words, the 111,230,601 79 belonging to th e order is editof of the Plaindealer absolutely BELOW HOW subject to taxation and it was not as­ refuses to “father” other peoples’ AN OLD: sessed in 1912 and claims that State's opinions and statements and have Attorney Floyd E. Thompson refuges then* appear as emanating from him. GENTLEMAN WHp to prosecute the society because of If you have any grieveances to air, his alleged friendliness with the bead have th e manhood or wom&Dhood to HID HIS MONEY officers—Ex. take the responsibility for your state­ OVER THE CLOCK ments and opinions and do not at­ Financial Statement. tempt to have the editor do It for you. WHAT DO YOU < NEARLY LOST We again call your attention to the He has troubles of his own tKnow ABOUT Financial Statement of the Commer­ In sending in news items always! tH j m a t t -"*' $ £ 0 0 0 cial National Bank aB made to the sign your Dame so that we may know United States Government under date that they are seDt in good faith. Your After an intelligent old gentleman at the age of seventy-six dropped dead of August 9tb, 1913. If you have fol­ name will not be published In connec­ in his home, his son found over $2,000 in paper money over the old clock lowed our suggestion and have kept tion with news items. Don’t svelter in heavy, hot, old clothes. which stood on the wooden mantle, surrounding an open crackling fire. posted on the condition of this strong Come, buy an Ice-cream suit, it won’t Not even his own wife knew that much money was there. The old gen­ bank as shown by its published State­ t Bali Baines for Woodman Picnic tleman was simply careless. His son had married the town banker’s ments, you will note the steady growth Manager Henry Bork, of th e Chats­ cost you near as much as the COMFORT daughter, and the bank was trusted. Both the old gentleman's M ONEY we have made duriDg the past twenty worth base ball team, haB arranged will be worth. apd LIFE were in danger, for BURGLARS have a way of LEARNING years, which indicates the confidence two games of ball for the two days of Where money is hidden, and FIRE at any time might have burned the its patrons have, in the m anagem ent, the M. "W. of A. picnic, August 27 and Don’t wear sticky, heavy underwear. house. Are YOU careless? and the careful, conservative methods 28, which should prove two drawing adopted and practiced, looking for­ cards, as both'tbe visiting teams will Buy our loose fitting under garments which Make OUR bank YOUR bank. ward to the unquestioned safety of all be very strong Od Wednesday the the breezes will sift through and keep you funds entrusted to our care Goodland, lnd., team will play the W e pay 3 per cent interest on Certificates/)! Deposit We appreciate your confidence and locals, and if there is a better fo r dry and cool. continued patronage, assuring you we stronger team than Goodland in this We’ve the Dandy COMFORTABLE fitting C om m ercial N ational BanlV will serve you honestly and faithfully paxt of-the opuntry outside, of tbs CKataworth, Illinois. at ail limes and respectfully solicit minor leagues, the local fans have not STRAW LIDS. your banking business. heard of them. For Thursday tbe Capital and Surplus $ 5 0 ,0 0 0 .0 0 J. C Co r b ett. Cashier. Sibley club will meet Chatsworth, and Our QUALITY is always UP; our PRICES Sibley has also been playing fast ball, always DOWA. UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY W, 0. Stockum Very low. and the Sibley team is conceded to be OF POITAL BA^JOf FUNDS Word was received this week by one of tbe strongest Id this part of ------------------------------------------ ------■ i Mr ----------------------------- ---------------- Chatsworth relatives stating W. £) the stBte Banhing Hours From 9 A. M. to 4 F. M. Stockum Is in a very precarious condi­ If Chatsworth succeeds in wlnnlDg Safety Deposit Boxes for your valuable epd legal papers, where they tion of health at Coshockton, Ohio, both of these games, they can feel will be safe, you hold the key. where be went some weeks ago in the that they have beaten two of tbe “ Postals Saving* Depository Bank No. 1275.” hopes that the scenes of hia boyhood fleetest beams in this section of the Garrity & Baldwin Too are Invited to call and see our Handsome and Strong Banking eounwy, and the toy# are- looking Equipment. days, and the treatment ef the old family phyaiclan might restore him to forward to winning. J ohn F. R y a n , President. T. E. Ba l d w in , Vice Prealdent. health. Mr and Mrs Jesse Pearson ------- ------- f ^rr < J. 0. Co r b e t t , Cashier. J o bn B ro sn a h a n , Ass’t Cash. Clothiers to AIL and children from here, and Mr. and Mat With Reformatory Maoagere Mrs. Saha Stockum, of Meadows, de­ The board of managers of the Illi­ ■ m u m i i a m i parted for Coshockton on Thursday nois State Reformatory held a two > afternoon, a message having been re­ days' session at that institution this I HMntmnntniiniimmiiNniHiniiimiiiiiiniiiiiiiiHtiHHinittiniiimiinniimui ceived that Mr Stockum’s condition week, adjourning last eveningsays the j IMUWBBBPBB8PPOBIB—lUmBWW W PM il was such that dissolution was expect­ Pontiac Leader of Wednesday. John ! ISSSj jDocia cd do o OQtsaooao63sansszisQnaiQBootao wood ed at any time A Kerrins. who was recently appoint- j 5 9 ed superintendent of the institution, May Eat Meat Today w h s present with the board during tbe Catholics thruout the world sill be two days, going over various matters allowed to eat meat today the F east ith them. At the adjournment of of the Assumption. It it the second the board It was not announced when, .Every Woman time in the history of the Old church Mr. Kerrins was to assume charge of >f Cullom, was at- that n«tbo!iC! hi?* bssn a ll nwiarl t<\ h ia npw rlnHaa The ti«.n C“f 1 i In Chats worth on eat meat on Friday, with the excep- Judge Russell, which has been in for ade a abort call at tion of those yearB when Christm&s some some tim e, has not yet beeD fo r-. Ice. Mr. Shearer la fell on Friday mally accepted but it Is expected th a t1 w ho takes m ore than a super­ ig auctioneer, who The Feast of the Assumption, aDd this will be sooo and that Mr. KerrlDs Dy sales in this lo- all other high feast days in the Catho­ will take charge at aD early date. s made a very favor- ficial interest in the W elfare lic churcb, are dow considered Dext In i work. lie expects importance to Christmas day. For Cullom Resident Called. an engineer thia that reason Pope Pius X has ruled Thomas McKeown, aged 69 years, of the home and the mem­ that in cases where btgb feast days died at Cullom on Sunday night, the W. P. McHenry, COUNT fall o d Friday people of the church be result of paralysis. He was born near bers of her household, reali­ r, Marcia O’Tohle allowed to eat meat. Joliet, and had lived in aDd near Cul­ sHenry, and Harvey lom for 45 years, the last three being BB log on the banks Visiting in Germanville spent in Cullom. He Is survived bv zes the advantages and bene­ ir in the vicinity Mr. and Mrs Cldrlssey and Mr his wife, two sons, James and Thomas, and Deer Park, ■OH QUICK DELIVERIES, j Parks, of Chicago, and Mr. J. T. Sum- both living northeast of Cullom: and fits to be obtained from the They left Chats- ney, of Los Angeles, Cal., motored to two daughters, Mrs.
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