Minutes of the Privy Council 1881-1892 72002.1881.001 l Reign of Kalakaua, King: 2 A meeting of the Privy ,Council of State was held at th Aliio lani Hale, on the 4- day of l.iay 1881, at 11 o'clock A. £E. In the absence of the Princess Regent, the Chief Justice, presided. There were present, Their Excellencies W L Green Minister For. Affrs H. AP Carter Min. Interior J. S. Walker Kin. Finance J. O. Dominis. Gov. of Oahu The Honorables A. s . Cleghorn, C R Bishop G . Rhodes, R Stirling WM Gibson, P. Kanoa D. Kahanu ,T. M. Kapena Tu1 • Kuaea. s. K. Kaai V! • Buckle, w. F Allen D. L. Kinimaka, w. J. Smith C J. u. Kawainui, 1 M.Cully H A. Widemann. ];. 0 . Hall and A F . ,Tudd Sec'y . pro. tem. Prayer was read by the Hon. E. o. Hall. th l.!Iinutes of liarch 26 11 last were read and approved. The Acting Secretary read the report of the Committee to whom was referred the case Reign of Kalak~. King . 3 case of Polua, declining to reconn:iend the exercise of clemency in his case. The Minister of Interior moved that the Report be adopted, seconded by the Minister of Foreign Affairs. ~r. Gibson moved a Resolution: Resolved that the Privy Council recommend that the sentence of Polua, condemned to be hung. be commuted to imprisonment for life,. which was not seconded. The President then put the motion to adopt the report. which was carried, one dissenting. The Council then adjourned. (signed) A. FM Judd Acting Secretary. 4 5 6 7 8 Reign of Kalakaua, King. 9 The Privy Council of State met at Aliiolani Hale on rd July 23 . 1881. at 11 o'clock A. M. In the absence of the Princess Regent. the Hon. Charles R. Bishop presided, at Her request. There were present, Their Excellencies W L Green. Lin. Forgn Affrs HAP. Carter Kin. Interior JS Walker Min. Finance J. O. Dominis Gov. of Oahu The Honorables s. N. Castle E . 0. Hall W. J. Smith C L M .Cully, R Stirling. ·?r • F . All en , W • C • Parke , Mahuka , P. Wood, Kinimaka, \V • Buckle, D. Kahanu, J 11 Kapena, S • K. Kaai , WJ.[. Gibson, G. Rhodes, A. S. Cleghorn, P. Kanoa, and A. F. Judd Secretary Prayer was read by the Hon. E. o. Hall. th :Minutes o:f. May 4- 1881, were read and approved. The liini ster of Foreign Affairs read a resolution in reference to the death of the late Honora·ble Charles Coffin Harris, a member of this Council, as follows; d On the 2 of July instant, died the Honorable Reign of Kalakaua, King. 10 Honorable Charles Coffin Harris, a member of this Council, the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court and Chancellor of the Kingdom, Grand Cross of the Royal Orders of Kamehameha and Kalakaua; and it is fitting that a minute be made in the records of the Privy Council expressing our apprecia­ tion of his character and services, It is therefore Resolved, That by the death of the said Charles Coffin Harris, His Majesty has lost a wise, faithful, experienced and upright Councilor and Officer. For many years in the service of the Hawaiian Government, holding in turn the Offices of Attorney General, kinister of Finance and Minister of Foreign Affairs, and Associate Justice of the Supreme Court, and since the year 1877 of Chief. Justice and Chancellor, he had approved himself in all of them. At no time of his life were his services and counsel to the King and the country more valuable than at the time when he was suddenly removed by death. In the sentiment of this council his loss bereaves the Hawaiian Kingdom of an eminent public servant." On motion of the Kinister of Interior, it was adopted by vote of the Council. The Reign of Kalakaua, King. 11 The J'inister of J?inance read the following resolution with reference to the death of the Eon. H. A. Kahanu; Whereas, it has pleased Almighty God to remove from th this life, Hon. Henry A. Kahanu, on the 5- of IV:ay 1881, a Noble of the Kingdom and a member of His i:aj esty' s Privy Council of State, therefore. Resolved, that this Council does hereby express its deep regret for the loss of a mem·ber, who was esteemed a faithful Councilor of His rajesty, a loyal subject and a worthy fellow citizen. Resolved that this Council does hereby tender its condolence to the family of the deceased Councilor; and also Resolved, that these resolutions be inscribed on the records of the Council. It was unanimously adopted. The Petition for pardon of R.R. Lavender, convicted of manslaughter, was read by the Eini stei· of Interior . It was moved to refer it to a Committee consisting of the two Judges and Hons. Bishop. Carter and Kaai. Carried. Petition of David for restoration of his civil Reign of Kalakaua, King. 12 Ci Vil rights . By vote it was referred to the same Committee. A request by the Princess Regent that this Council consider the case of Kamakaokalani, convicted of various larcenies and who has escaped from custody· to Australia, and who has asked His 1'::ajestyt s pardon, was also referred to the same Committee. The Minister of Interior read a Preamble and Resolution. Vlhereas, the continuance of the pestilence of small pox in this Kingdom, has necessitated greater expenditure that was expected, and ,/ Whereas, the amount authorized by this Council on rd the 23 day of liarch has proved inadequate to meet such expenditure, and Where2,s, it has been made to appear to this Council that at a Cabinet Council held by Her Royal Eighness the th Princess Regent on the 19- day of July AD 1881, all the Cabinet concurred in the following resolution; 11 Resolved that the Minister of Interior be authorized to draw from the public Treasury whatever sum or sums of money may be necessary to defray the expenses incurred, Reign of Kalakaua, King. 13 incurred by the Hawaiian Government on account of the pestilence of small pox,- said amount not to exceed the sum of $50 .000. and that the 1:inister of Ji'inance be authortzed to pay such drafts from any monies in the . public Treasury not specially appropriated . 11 Now Therefore, Be it resolved by the Privy Council of State that we hereby concur in and adopt the foregoing resolution. Mr Kaai asked the Minister of Interior for items of expenditure. After considerable discussion, the Resolution passed by a vote of 22 to 2. Council adjourned. (signed} A. F. ,Tudd Acting Secretary 14 15 / 16 17 18 Reign of Kalakaua, King. 19 A meeting of the Privy Council of State was held to th • day, November 15-·- 1881. at Aliiolani Hale. His Majesty the King·, presiding. The following members present. Their F,xcellencies W L Green ?.:in . Forgn. Affrs. H. A. P. Carter Min. Interior J S. Walker }[in. Finance W. N. Armstrong. Att•y General Hon. Councilors. J. O. Dominis, AF. Judd; E O Hall, C . R Bishop. W. J. Smith, H. A. Widemann, R. Stirling, WC Par_ke, J.E. Bush, G. Rhodes, W :rr.. Gibson, S. K. Kaai, M. Kuaea, D. Kahanu, J. M. Kapena W. Buckle, p. Wood, & C H ,Tudd, Sec'y. Prayer was read by the Hon . E. O. Hall . d The minutes of the meeting of July 23- were read and approved. The ~inister of Interior after congratulating His Majesty on His safe return after His tour around the world, introduced the following resolution; Resolved that this Council extends to His Majesty our Sovereign a cordial welcome on His return to His Kingdom, and we ask Reign of Kalakaua, King. 20 ask Him to allow us to congratulate Him on the preserva­ ,J.; x tion of His health and on the successful accompliment of His tour of observation which we hope will be productive of great benefit to this Kingdom." Upon vote, it was passed unanimously . The report, of the Committee to whom certain applica- tions for pardon had been referred, was then read, recom- th mending that David (Keviki) pardoned on February 7 • 1873. be restored to his civil rights; that Kamakaokalani an escaped prisoner now in Australia be not pardoned; that the sentence of R.R. Lavender be commuted to two th years from the 9- of November, 1880. The Council by separate votes adopted the several recommendations in the report. The Attorney General then asked the advise of the Council upon the following recommendations to royal His :Jl.'lajesty clemency which it was thought A might well exercise in behalf of these prisoners now in Oahu jail, in view of His Birthday which occurs to-morrow, to wit; 1. That the sentence of !!I. Mendoza. for Reign of Kalakaua, King. 21 for imprisonment for life, for arson, be commuted to ten years. 2. That Kawahaokaale sentenced in 1876 to six years for manslaughter be pardoned. 3. That W J Noa sentenced in 18?9 to ten years for perjury be pardoned. 4. That ,John 1r Kaneakua sentenced in October 1881 to three months imprisonment for forgery be pardoned, and th 5. That J B Silloway sentenced August 9- 1881, ~· to pay a fine of $500. be pardoned. The Council be separate votes on each case, advised the exercise of the Royal clemency as above suggested. The Council was then adjourned. ( signed) C. H. Judd Secretary. 22 23 • 24 _ .... Reign of Kalakaua, King.
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