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Special arrangements for greeting prospective students can also be Dean of Academic Programs made during vacation periods. Rooms for MIT cross-registration alumnae and for parents of students or pro- Exchange programs spective students are available on the cam- pus in the Wellesley College Club and may be Class Deans reserved by writing to the club manager. Individual students A prospective student who wishes to arrange Study abroad; students from abroad an interview with a member of the profes- sional staff of the Board of Admission should Director of Admission make an appointment well in advance. Admission of students Student guides provide tours for visitors with- Director of Financial Aid out previous appointment. Visitors to the Col- Financial aid; student employment; lege may call the Board of Admission prior to fellowships; student loans their visit to arrange a mutually convenient time for the tour. Coordinator of Student Services Residence; health services; counseling Bursar College fees Registrar Transcripts of records Director of Continuing Education Continuing Education Director of Career Services Graduate school; employment; general career counseling of undergraduates and alumnae Vice President for Financial and Business Affairs Business matters Vice President for Resources Gifts and bequests Vice President for College Relations Internal and external public affairs Executive Director, Alumnae Association Alumnae interests Address Wellesley College Wellesley, Massachusetts 02181 (617)235-0320 Board of Trustees 6 Board of Trustees Nelson J. Darling, Jr. LL B Carol G. Johnson Johns M D Chairman of the Board Baltimore, Maryland Swampscott, Massachusetts Howard Wesley Johnson MA Betty Freyhof Johnson MA Cambridge, Massachusetts Vice Chairman Cincinnati, Ohio Mary Gardiner Jones LL B Washington, D.C. Horace Nichols B S Treasurer Hilda Rosenbaum Kahne Ph D Weston, Massachusetts Lexington, Massachusetts William M. Boyd II Ph D Mildred Lane Kemper B A Concord, Massachusetts Kansas City, Missouri Mary Dooley Bragg B A George Howell Kidder LL B Wellesley Hills, Massachusetts Concord, Massachusetts Frances Clausen Chapman B A Robert A. Lawrence B A St. Louis, Missouri Westwood, Massachusetts Harriet Segal Cohn B A Suzanne Carreau Mueller B A Brookline, Massachusetts New York, New York Dorothy Dann Collins B A Samuel H. Proger M D Dallas, Texas Brookline, Massachusetts Alison Stacey Cowles B A George Putnam MBA Spokane, Washington Manchester, Massachusetts Phyllis Ann Douglass B A Mary Ann Dilley Staub B A Chicago, Illinois Winnetka, Illinois Camilla Chandler Frost B A David B. Stone LL D Pasadena, California Marlon, Massachusetts Luella Gross Goldberg B A Nancy Angell Streeter B A Minneapolis, Minnesota New York, New York Harvey H. Guthrie, Jr. Th D Leah Rose Werthan B A. Cambridge, Massachusetts Nashville, Tennessee William E. Hartmann B Arch Barbara W. Newell Ph D , ex officio Chicago, Illinois President of Wellesley College Wellesley, Massachusetts Barbara Barnes Hauptfuhrer B A Huntingdon Valley, Pennsylvania Nardi Reeder Campion B A , ex officio President of the Wellesley College Anne Cohen Heller M D Alumnae Association New York, New York Hanover, New Hampshire Walter Hunnewell MBA Wellesley, Massachusetts Clerk of the Board of Trustees Doris E. Drescher B S David O. Ives MBA Needham, Massachusetts Lincoln, Massachusetts Barbara Loomis Jackson Ed D Atlanta, Georgia Board of Trustees 7 Trustees Emeriti Eleanor Wallace Allen '25 Boston, Massachusetts O. Kelley Anderson Boston, Massachusetts Sirarpie Der Nersessian Pans, France Byron Kauffman Elliott Boston, Massachusetts Alexander Cochrane Forbes South Dartmouth. Massachusetts Mary Cooper Gaiser '23 Spokane, Washington Elisabeth Luce Moore '24 New York, New York John R. Quarles Wellesley, Massachusetts Robert Gregg Stone Dedham, Massachusetts Edward A. Weeks, Jr. Boston, Massachusetts Mary Sime West '26 Katonah, New York Henry Austin Wood Newport. Rhode Island Katharine Timberman Wright '18 Columbus, Ohio 8 Presidents i^^^^ m The College 4jPteC 10 The College A student's years at Wellesley College are undertake individual work with faculty on hon- the beginning — not the end— of an education. ors projects and research. An education at Wellesley is characterized by Weilesley's faculty— of which 60 percent are sensitivity and knowledge, and by the mas- women— bring to the College diverse aca- tery of intellectual skills and the growth of a demic and professional interests. Poets, discerning mind. Above all, Wellesley aims to novelists, artists, musicians, scientists, teach its students the wisdom to use knowl- political and economic analysts, the members edge to enhance their own lives and to par- of the faculty are scholars dedicated to ticipate more effectively in the larger com- teaching and to sharing their experience with munity. These are the goals and benefits of a students. A number live on or near the cam- liberal arts curriculum, which encourages stu- pus, and they take part in many aspects of dents to elect a wide variety of courses while College life. pursuing specialization within a major. Weilesley's outstanding resources and facili- Wellesley offers this education in an environ- ties are administered with the policy that all ment that takes women seriously as indi- students, whether majors or nonmajors, will viduals, as scholars, and as leaders. have access to the resources they need to Although education at Wellesley is more than pursue their interests in all departments. 100 years old, it continues to reflect the The Margaret Clapp Library has an extensive goals of its founder, Henry Fowie Durant. He general collection containing original source was an impassioned believer in equality for material from special collections. In addition women, who saw education as the way wom- to the facilities of the main library, many en could prepare themselves for "great con- departments have their own libraries. In the flicts" and "vast reforms in social life." sciences, the new Science Center brings to- Wellesley College reaffirmed these early gether all the science departments, including visions in 1971 when, after seriously consid- mathematics and computer science, in a con- ering coeducation, it elected to remain a temporary setting that fosters interdisciplin- college for women only. ary studies. Throughout the years, Wellesley has encour- Weilesley's strength in the sciences dates to aged women to make unconventional choic- the nineteenth century, when the College's es, and it continues to encourage students to physics laboratory was the second such lab- seek for themselves a range of options. As a oratory in the country (the first was at the result, many Wellesley women choose to Massachusetts Institute of Technology). Lab- major in such areas as economics, mathe- oratories in the new Science Center are com- matics, and the sciences. Many Wellesley pletely equipped for a wide variety of fields. graduates enter careers in business, law, and Other scientific resources at Wellesley in- medicine— all fields that have been long clude a central library, greenhouses, and an dominated by men. observatory. This conscious effort to prepare women for a Students in the arts find excellent facilities in full range of career and life choices is an the Jewett Arts Center which has a teaching integral part of Weilesley's rigorous and de- museum, libraries, practice rooms, studios, manding academic experience. and an auditorium. Each year the Museum High academic standards at Wellesley are has several exhibitions of students' work, and combined with considerable flexibility of Jewett is also used for students' concerts choice for the individual student. There are and recitals. opportunities for independent study, indi- The Wellesley curriculum is extended through vidually designed majors, and research. opportunities for cross-registration with the A primary concern in the Wellesley class- Massachusetts Institute of Technology, ex- room is the development of analytical skills change programs with other colleges, and and clarity of expression; to this end, most in- study abroad. structors emphasize writing papers and re- MIT-Wellesley cross-registration allows stu- ports. The average size of classes ranges dents to combine the strengths of these two from 22 to 25 students. Popular introductory very different institutions. MIT men and wom- courses that enroll more than 100 students en come to Wellesley for such courses as include small discussion or conference sec- psychology, economics, and art
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